Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on May 30, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Epilogue by Sam

It's been ten years now. Todd showed Scott his techniques and Scott managed to get up to an hour and a half before cumming that weekend. That helped him when he had to go through his punishment with me.

Todd and Danny are still together and going strong. They still live with me, Ty and Scott and we still have our big Saturday group sex. With Scott being able to fuck it changes from week to week. Todd and Danny still top me and Ty. Scott either has me suck him off or Ty suck him off. Sometimes he gets behind Danny and fucks him while Danny fucks me. Whichever way we do it we all have a good time.

Todd's dad Derek finished serving his prison time. When he got out he moved in with Laura. He found a construction job around here so Laura could continue working for the call center and they could stay near Todd and Danny. Ty's lawyer managed to get the restriction on Derek being around me lifted so he and Laura could come to the casino during the holidays. Derek says he is happy Todd is with Danny, even though Danny is 3 years younger than Todd. I guess his ageism only goes one way.

After a few years, Ty's dad Rick gave Ty the casino. He said Ty had proven himself and he turned it over to him. Ty was shocked but I wasn't. Liz had told me it was going to happen but to not spill the beans to Ty. So now there is nobody that can fire Ty but me. Ok, maybe I can't, but I still threaten him with it when he pisses me off.

Danny's parents have never tried to reconnect with him after throwing him out. Danny has also never reached out to them. I'm not pushing him to do it either as he is very happy without them. He has a loving husband and us friends and that seems to be all he wants. Scott has reached out to his. Well, his mom. Every Christmas he tells her she is welcome to come alone to the casino or with his dad if his dad is sober. So far, I have never met his parents.

I'm still a prostitute. I love getting fucked by strangers so I have no interest in ever stopping. We don't need the money with Ty getting what he earns from the casino, but I enjoy it too much. Even though I'm in my late 30s now, I still look 12. I guess Ty's theory is right and I always will. Really, it isn't a problem for me to always have the body of a 12 or 13 year old. I guess I'll never go gray or get wrinkles. Also, pedos are my main customers. But I look like I'm Ty's son right now and when he is old I'll look like his grandson. This has only been a problem though when I decide to gamble. Not that I gamble a lot, but sometimes a machine catches my eye and I want to have some fun. I don't get attacked anymore though as Ty put in an order that if I start to gamble, two uniformed security officers have to stand with me along with Officer Willie while I play.

We did get the set made up to look like a child's room. But the first time we used it I regretted ever putting it in. We always start the sessions with the customer on the bed, but when I got in there he had me get in the bed and under the covers as if I was sleeping, then he went to the door to pretend to come in. When he did he called me Robbie and rubbed me down before removing the covers and my PJ bottoms. He then rimmed me before getting on top of me and fucking me looking at my face and running his hand up and down my cheek. He was mouthing something, but I couldn't hear him, and I'm sure I didn't want to. When it was over and I took a hot shower, I went to Ty and told him to raise the price on that room to $1,000.

Mom continues to come down for the holidays with Rick and Liz. It is good to see her. Ever since we reconnected I no longer get the sadness spells. I brought this up to Ty and he thinks Danny getting kicked out by his parents made me miss my mom. Maybe he is right. They did start when Danny joined us. And my mom never kicked me out of the house after I came out. Though I think her friends might have told her to, but she never did. We have a good relationship now seeing that her friends stay in Wisconsin when she is with me so we never have to clash anymore.

Mom did notice that when I was 32 I still looked 12. This lead to some revelations.

"Sammy, I don't want to pry but why do you still look 12?"

"I'm your little boy, aren't I?"

"Yes Sammy, and you always will be, but you shouldn't still look like a little boy. So what is going on?"

"Ok, so I have this little, well not problem so much, but thing. When I have sex I'm able to be programmed and Ty has a theory that when I was around 12 or 13 I was accidentally programmed to stop aging."

"So the sex programming would been when you were still that young?" Mom looked to be thinking of something. She then stood up quickly and slammed her fist on the table. "Those son's of bitches!"

I was surprised at this outburst. "What?!"

"Sammy do you remember when you were 11 and I took you to the church?"


"It was just after you came out. The people at the church asked me to bring you by so they could talk some sense into you."

"I don't remember this."

"Well when we got there they asked to talk with you alone so they took you to the back and you were there for a couple of hours. You really don't remember?"

"No. But I used to forget my programming."

"Oh... well I think they did something to cause this then wanted to have the Granger girl have sex with you then she could use that to change you to what they wanted."

"Amy Granger? I mean she did keep asking me out but I always told her I was gay and not interested. What were they going to do? Have her tell me to be straight and in love with her?"

"Maybe. "

"Didn't work."

"Well I'm going to have some harsh words with them when I get back to Wisconsin. You don't mess with Betty Richards' little boy."

"You get 'em mom."

"I will baby. I'll also see how to fix it."

"No it is ok mom. It isn't a big deal anymore. We have a lot of safeties in place now. It actually helps sometimes."

"Well ok then Sammy. But I'm still going to kick someone's ass."

"Thanks Mom."

Scott never found another major that he was interested in going for at the university. He decided to just stay as my assistant. Though a few months in he got a little nervous that I might get upset or something and fire him and he would be out on the streets with no education to get another job with. I tried to reassure him that it wasn't going to happen, but it didn't stop him from worrying. Ty understood his uneasiness. He was fired by Rick out of the blue so it was natural to be worried about it. So, all three of us went into the bedroom. Ty told Scott to lube up and fuck me. He got on top of me and entered me and started making love to me. Scott's cock always feels good. Ty laid on the bed next to me.

"Sam, you and me belong to Scott and we can't go against his wishes if he wants us. I am still allowed to make love to you in the morning and at night as I'm your husband, but other than that Scott owns us and we have to do whatever he says to please him. You will not fire Scott as your assistant as long as he treats us right. Scott is our man and we belong to him but he must treat us right. If he is ever mean to us or treats us badly, this program is canceled and you will fire him on the spot. Do you understand?"

"Yes Ty."

Ty then clamped his mouth over mine and made out with me as Scott continued to fuck me. When I came a few minutes later it was done and Scott's job was safe. But also I belonged to him now and so did Ty. When Scott pumped his load into me he pulled out and we got cleaned up. Then he laid down and me and Ty cuddled up to our man.

Scott has not abused this program. He leaves us both alone when I'm working because I'm with the customers and Ty has to watch me for me to be safe. During that time he cleans the apartment and does the laundry. But during the week I work hard to keep Scott happy during the day. Most times he wants to fuck me throughout the day or have me ride him, but sometimes he wants to watch TV and has me on my knees in front of him sucking him off as he does. He always praises me and tells me how good a job I do at pleasing him. This makes me happy to know I'm pleasing him. Ty makes him happy at night after Ty makes love to me. After Ty pleases Scott with his ass at night we get to cuddle up to him to sleep. On Sunday nights me and Ty work together to give our man as much pleasure as we can to thank him for allowing us to work the weekend.

Now it isn't just sex with Scott. We also hang out and do other things together. Scott goes with me when I walk around the casino. Also me, Ty and Scott will watch TV and movies together and go out to eat. Other than when Ty is at work, it is always the three of us doing stuff together. The only time it isn't is on me and Ty's anniversary. Then Ty wants it to just be me and him going out. This is also the only time Ty has asked Scott to allow us to be alone at night. Scott agrees to it every time.

Ty makes love to me when we wake up and just before Scott fucks him when we go to bed. I'm happy about this because Ty's cock is the best. I also continue to give the three working guys their lunch fucks. Scott sometimes comes with me to fuck Ty too but he makes sure not to say anything demeaning during it. We may belong to him and he has a right to take us whenever he wants, but he knows to treat us right. And he does. He is always praising us for how we please him and calls us his wonderful bottoms.

It has been a long journey from that day in the grocery store where a young employee helped me with the items on the top shelf. Now I'm the wife of a casino owner, we are the bottoms to a very dominant younger stud, and I have sex with multiple guys on the weekend. I love my job, my husband, and our man. And I wouldn't change a thing about my life now.

Thank you for reading.


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