Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on May 28, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 120 by Sam

I then followed Bobby into the building. We went to a courtroom and sat down. The court called our case and I got up with Bobby. I didn't see Ty anywhere. The judge asked my name and I told him. The judge then asked Bobby and he said he was Ty. So that was it. I looked around the courtroom but didn't see anyone I recognized. What is the point of divorcing me from Ty? Unless it is to marry me I don't get it.

The judge asked why my line wasn't signed. I told him because I didn't want a divorce. Bobby turned to me and told me to sign the papers and agree to the divorce. I told Bobby to hang tight then told the judge that Bobby was not my husband. My husband is taller and has red hair, I don't know this person. The judge asked the bailiff to check Bobby's ID. Bobby refused to show him. The judge said he had thirty seconds to show the bailiff his ID before he was put in jail. Bobby pulled out his ID and showed it to the bailiff and the bailiff showed it to the judge. The judge ruled Bobby as guilty of perjury (We took an oath as a group before the court started and he lied to the judge.) The bailiff cuffed him and asked me for my ID. I showed it and the bailiff told the judge I was who I said I was. The judge dismissed the divorce case because Ty wasn't here and I said I didn't want one. I left the courtroom and met back up with Scott and Officer Willie. We walked down to the front. When we got outside a man approached us.

"Hi Sam. Scott is it? I thought I told Bobby to stay with you after the divorce hearing but no matter. Scott tell Sam he has to go with me and do what I say."

"Who are you?"

"This is David. He was my boyfriend before Todd. And he is the biggest loser on the planet."

"I'll shut that mouth up on you in a minute. Scott, give the command or you will fail your classes."

"Sorry Sam. Go with this man and do what he says."

"Good. Come on Sam we need to get a marriage license but first I'm gonna fuck that disobedience out of you."

We started going back into the courthouse. This is where the marriage license office is here. I motioned behind my back for Scott and Officer Willie to follow in 5 minutes. We went upstairs and David pushed me into the bathroom. He took us into a stall and told me to pull down my pants. I did. He bent me over and pushed his cock into me. He started thrusting in and out of me. I felt nothing. I had no problem with this. I never want to feel good with David. While I can't hear voices when I'm being fucked, I can hear sounds so I let David fuck me while I listened for anyone coming into the bathroom. Three minutes went by before I heard the door open. I then heard footsteps so I started to yell.

"What are you doing mister. That hurts. Please let me go." There was a banging on the door. "Help, this man is doing stuff to me."

The door was kicked open and David was pulled off of me. My hearing returned.

"What do you think you are doing with that boy you sicko?"

A guy was beating the crap out of David. David kept saying I was an adult. I kept my hands over my cock, covering the only part of me that looked adult. I eventually turned around and pulled my pants back up. The guy asked if I was alright. I told him the man took me from my dad and big brother and forced me in here. The guy kicked David again then offered to help me find my dad. We went out and I spotted Scott and Officer Willie. I pointed at them and we went over.

"Dad, Scott, this man attacked me in the bathroom but his guy saved me."

Officer Willie got down in front of me. "Are you ok now son?"

"Yeah Dad, I'm fine now. Thanks to him."

Officer Willie thanked the guy for rescuing me. We then headed back out and got in the car.

"Scott if marrying David is how you pass your class, you are going to fail because that will never happen."

"It's ok Sam. I'm just sorry you got a divorce from Ty. Maybe you two can get remarried."

"I didn't get a divorce. The judge dismissed the case because I said no and Ty wasn't there."

"Oh good. But how could you say no if you had to do whatever Bobby said?"

"I never had to do whatever Bobby said."

"But I told you to and you are programmed to obey me right now."

"No I'm not."

"I don't understand. I saw Ty program you."

"You saw Ty say words to me and me say yes Ty."

"Yeah, isn't that how it works?"

"Nope. Well, not anymore. It used to be that way but not anymore."

"So you never had to follow any command I gave today?"

"None that I didn't want to. But I wanted to see where all this was going so I played along. I guess David was after my prostitution money and maybe even was going to have me sell myself more often and take the money for himself. Well it didn't work. Now as for you Scott. You did bad. You don't use my programming against me."

"I'm sorry Sam, but I didn't know what else to do."

"Well if someone is threatening you then you tell me. I will then take care of it. You don't program me and throw me to the wolves."

"I'm really sorry. I'll understand if you want to break up."

"That's not going to happen. Being stupid is not a reason for me to dump you. But you have to get smarter and learn to take your problems to me or Ty instead of dealing with them yourself. We can help you. We are your bottoms, after all."

"Ok babe, I will from now on."

When we got back to the casino we went to the apartment and filled Ty in on what happened. Ty was worried that David might try to get at me again. He called Steve and told him to stop him on sight. Scott looked down.

"What's wrong Scott?"

"Well, I definitely failed now. And if I take the class again Bobby will make it so I fail again. I'm screwed."

"Don't worry Scott. I'll sleep with your professor so you can get an A."

"No babe. I'll just have to pick a different major."

"As long as you are here with me whatever you decide is fine. And I'll ride all of your teachers if you need me to."

"Thanks babe, but really I do not want you to ride my teachers. That ass is mine and mine alone."

"Well yours, yes, but alone, no. It will always be Ty's no matter what."

"Of course babe. I meant that I don't want anyone in there that I don't like. Of course there is Ty, Todd and Danny, plus your customers. I just meant other than us and those paying I want nobody inside you. My teachers included."

"Ok then. Ty we have a couple of hours before dinner so come make love to me."

"Ok baby. Do you want to join in Scott?"

"No Ty. Making love to Sam is for you to be alone with him. When he wants a fuck I'll join in."

"Well don't go far. After Ty makes love to me I want you to fuck me too."

"Are you sure babe? Don't I need to be punished for trying to get you and Ty divorced?"

"Well, maybe you do. But we will hold it until after Christmas. When you work with Todd ask him how I punished him when he messed with my head and you will get an idea of what awaits you."

Me and Ty went to our room and I undressed and got in bed. Ty undressed and got on top of me. He started kissing me as I felt him enter me. He began thrusting in and out of me gently. He was showing his love today. I was moaning as he worked his magic in my hole. Our souls touched as Ty made passionate love to me. This is why his cock is the best. It may not be the longest or thickest, but the man it is attached to is the love of my life and always makes sure I feel the most pleasure possible. After a half hour of intense love making I screamed out Ty's name as I came on us. Ty thrust a few more times then pumped his load into me. After we came down he pulled out of me and called Scott in. Scott came in and got undressed and put on a condom. He then got on top of me and pushed his cock into me. He started to thrust in and out of me. Ty laid down on the bed next to me and kissed me while Scott fucked me. After 10 minutes Ty started to breathe heavy. I broke the kiss and looked and he was hard again and jacking off. Scott fucking me was turning him on.

"Ty. You can get turned on by Scott fucking me, but don't you dare blow that load with your hand. It goes in me."

"Ok baby, I'll try to hold it."

Scott fucked me for 10 more minutes before he pushed me over the edge and I came on us and he pumped his load into the condom. When we came down he pulled out and Ty picked me up and put me on all fours and pushed his cock into me. He grabbed my hips and started fucking me hard doggystyle. It felt good to have Ty owning my hole. After I was pushed over the edge Ty thrust deep into me as he gave me his load. When we came down Ty pulled out of me and Scott got behind me. He put on a condom and pushed into me. He grabbed onto my hips and started thrusting hard into me. Ty laid on the bed below me and I kissed him while Scott tried to claim my hole from Ty. Soon I was putting another load on our bed and Scott pumped his load inside the condom. When we came down Scott pulled out and a very large cock was pushed into me. I looked back and it was Todd. Todd grabbed onto my hips and started fucking me hard.

"I went to dinner and nobody was there so I came here. You didn't tell me we were having fun tonight."

"Sorry Todd. Spur of the moment. I got horny and Ty and Scott have been switching out."

"Don't worry. I've already texted Danny and he will be over as soon as he can get the customers down enough. Shouldn't be long as it is Christmas Eve and there aren't very many guests."

"Ok. Use your control to keep it up until he gets here then. I think these two might be spent for a bit."

"Yeah baby, sorry."

"It's ok. Don't worry Scott. Todd will show you his tricks this weekend so you cum less but fuck more."

"He says ok baby."

Todd continued to fuck me hard. My first cum with him came about 15 minutes into his fuck. Todd kept going and after another 20 minutes I was cumming again. Scott was laying next to me opposite of Ty and marveled at how Todd kept going even with me shooting my loads all over the bed. Danny came into the room as I was firing my 4th load onto the bed. Todd thrust all the way into me and deposited his load into me. He then pulled out and Danny pushed his cock into me. He grabbed my hips and started to thrust in and out of me. Todd just sat on the edge of the bed next to where Danny was fucking me and chatted with him. Danny used his control and gave me cum after cum until he couldn't keep it back anymore and pushed into me and gave me his load inside me. When he came down he pulled out. Ty asked if I was satisfied now. Well, I wasn't horny anymore as I've cum a lot. I asked if everyone wanted to stop. They said they would because we can do it again over the weekend. So I put on my robe and everyone got dressed so we could go eat. After we ate we returned to the apartment and it was time to turn in as it was late. Scott got on the bed and me and Ty cuddled up to him. He put his arms around us and held us tight to him as we went to sleep.

To be concluded...

Next: Chapter 121

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