Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Nov 16, 2020


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 12 by Sam

The next morning after our normal routine. I made breakfast and lunch and packed up our lunches then we ate. After I cleaned up we kissed and I headed to work as Todd said he was going to start on the housework. After work Todd handed me an envelope and said he didn't understand it. I looked at it then opened and read it. I recognized it. It was the results of his application for the federal grant. Under Pell Grant it had a Y meaning he was approved for that grant. Then under the amount it had a large number. I knew what the Pell Grant paid for so I asked Todd what he paid each semester for tuition and fees, but not books or housing and food. He told me and it was less than what the government would pay, so he was good on those fees. Now it didn't cover books or housing. Well I was providing housing anyway and he only had one meal during the day, so it wouldn't be too much to pay for those so that he could continue to use the dining hall. A hot meal was better than a cold sandwich. Books however are expensive, but it is only twice a year and you can sell them back at the end to get some money back so I figured I could easily budget for them. I asked Todd for his student number so I could accept the grant online and they would pay the school directly. I then went online and got that done before I made dinner. Todd's school for this coming year was covered.

After dinner Todd took me to the bedroom and fucked me super hard doggystyle as he was so happy he could keep going to school. I was super happy too for multiple reasons that just kept coming out of me as he fucked me. After he deposited his load inside me we got everything cleaned up then cuddled up together and I fell asleep fast.

A week before Todd's birthday I was getting everything ready. I had gone to the mall and got him a Nintendo Switch. It said it could be used as a handheld and put on the TV. That way he could take it to school and use it as a handheld when he had downtime to kill and also put it on the big TV in the living room so he could play it in 4K. I didn't know what games to get him so I just got him a $250 gift card to the Nintendo store so he could get what he wanted.

Todd had given me a list of names of coworkers he wanted invited and I went to the store and gave them all invites. I also sent an email invite to all the coworkers at my company that I was friends with that I thought would enjoy a night out.

On Tuesday during my lunch break I'm in the break room when some of those I've invited come up to ask questions.

"Hey Sam, got your party invite. So what is this for as your birthday is a couple of weeks away."

"Well Dale, it is a birthday party for my boyfriend."

"Oh, will there be alcohol?"

"No Dale, it is for my underage boyfriend, so if I see alcohol I will not be kind."

"How not kind?"

"Kevin three years ago not kind."

"Shit Dale, bring alcohol, I want to see Sam do that to someone again."

"Fuck no."

"So Sam, you said underage, how underage are we talking."

"Not as underage as you are hoping Stuart, he's 19 turning 20. I know you prefer them still in diapers."

"God, I make one mistake."

"Mistaking a girl of 11 for 18 is not really a mistake."

"Well, what about the other guests?"

"Everyone will be over 18 Stuart, so you can come and not have to worry about your parole officer. But remember to not try to go after my man."

"Don't worry Sam, he's too old for him." Everyone laughed.

"So the invite said there was a pool?"

"That's right Carol, so if you want to swim, just bring a suit and towel with you."

"So tell me about this young lad of yours so I know what to get him."

"Well, he loves to work and is going to university to be a hotel manager. He likes comedies in TV and movies. And I'm getting him a Switch so he will have something to play."

"Wow, big difference from David. My kids love their Switch, I'll see if they will recommend some games I can get."

"David doesn't measure up to Todd in many ways. Even though he is younger, he is way more man than David ever was."

"Alright, time to get back to work. I'll definitely be there Saturday Sam... with sodas."

On Saturday when we woke up, Todd made love to me. After he pumped his load inside me I told him Happy Birthday and gave him a kiss. After we took a shower I made breakfast. After we ate I cleaned up and asked Todd to check the pool as we would have at least a few people in it tonight. He went to the backyard. When he came back in an hour later he said he got it cleaned out and the chemicals were at the right levels. I asked him if he wanted to do anything special for his birthday. He took me by the hand and said "Yeah" and led me to the bedroom. He made love to me again, this time lasting a lot longer. After we took another shower and got dressed I made lunch.

After lunch there was a knock on the door. Todd went to answer it. It couldn't be a guest, I told everyone that it was at 7pm tonight.

"Mom, Dad, what are you doing here?"

"It's your birthday, son. We aren't going to miss it just because you are in a failing relationship."

"Derek! I told you if you started that crap again we would be heading back home."

"Sorry dear."

I went to the door.

"Derek, Laura, please come in."

"Thank you Sam. You have a lovely home."

"Why, thank you Laura. Can I get you anything?"

"Oh, no, we are fine."

We sat in the living room and chatted for a few hours. Todd told them about the grant and that he could go to school without needing a job, even though he would still like to have one. Close to dinnertime, Laura suggested we all go out to eat. I said that was fine, but we needed to be back in time for Todd's party at 7. It was a wonderful meal and when we got back they helped set up the tables and snacks for the party. Soon the guests started to arrive and everyone was mingling.

Derek talked to my coworkers about me and my past relationships. Not sure what that was about. When he talked to Dale I was close enough to overhear their conversation.

"So Sam has had a lot of boyfriends?"

"A few. It always breaks his heart when they leave him."

"Oh, why do they leave?"

"Well, David, the last one, went off with a younger guy. The one before that, well, that was a heck of a breakup. Sam caught him cheating and destroyed everyone involved."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, Chris, the boyfriend, had a job at a bank. He cheated on Sam with one of the tellers. Well, afterward neither one had a job and the teller had a boyfriend too and Sam destroyed that relationship. Seriously, do not let your son cheat on Sam, it will not end well for anyone."

"I'll keep that in mind."

At that point Carol came up and asked if they could use the pool now. I said they could and made an announcement that anyone who wanted to swim could go inside and change. Several of my coworkers went in but none of Todd's did. When they came out I took Todd in and we changed as well. Then we all got in the pool. We splashed around for a bit. I checked on the guests out of the pool and everyone seemed happy just talking and snacking. While I was doing that, Todd had swam under me and I was now sitting on his shoulders as he stood in the pool. Stuart had got on Dale's shoulders and they wanted to wrestle. Ok.

Carol and Dan acted as referees and we started. Todd got close to Dale and I pushed on Stuart. He leaned back but recovered and came at me. He pushed on me and I grabbed his arms and pulled but he managed to get free and Dale pulled back. Todd kept moving towards him and I made contact with Stuart when I could. But Todd slipped (or so I thought) and we went down. When I came up Todd said he was sorry, but Dale had pulled his leg out from under him. I yelled "cheat!" but Dale said there was nothing in the rules against it. Well, maybe not, but it is still unfair.

By this time some of Todd's coworkers had changed and were getting in too. We started playing tag. I'm not the best swimmer so I was a little tired after all this. But everyone was having fun and that is all that mattered.

At 9pm I got out so I could get the cake. I brought out the cake and had Todd blow out his candles. Then we all had cake and ice cream before he opened presents. After that the party started to wind down and everyone started to leave. Derek and Laura headed to a hotel, but said they would come by to take us to breakfast before they headed back home. When everyone was gone Todd took me to the bedroom and made love to me

The next morning we had breakfast with Todd's parents before they made the long drive home. I asked Todd if he wanted to do something today, that wasn't in the bedroom. We headed over and played some minigolf before going to lunch and then to a movie. After dinner we headed home and we went to bed after making love.

On Monday during our lunch break, Dale and Stuart told me that since we just had a party at my house for Todd's birthday, and my birthday was this weekend, that they would throw me my party instead of me doing it. I thought that was nice, or I would if I didn't know they were probably up to something. But I didn't feel like doing all the work for another party anyway so I accepted. They said it would be on Saturday, even though my birthday is on Sunday. I told them to just tell me when and where. They said they would pick me and Todd up at 3pm.

When I got home I told Todd about the party this weekend. He wanted to know where it would be. He was worried it would be at a bar or something he couldn't get into. I told him that they knew he was underage and wouldn't do that, but I really wanted to know too. After I made dinner and we ate, I cleaned up then we cuddled up to watch TV until bedtime.

On Friday I was still trying to get someone to spill the beans about where the party was, but nobody was talking. I swear I have never had these guys keep a secret this good before, I was worried.

On Saturday, Dale and Stuart arrived at my house. I asked if there was a dress code and they said no. So we headed out. Stuart wanted me to wear a blindfold. I was wary of this. I told them I would, but Todd would not and if he sensed something was wrong he would tell me and I would take everyone out. They agreed, but told Todd not to spill the beans. As we were driving, Dale informed me that if I didn't like the choice of party location that it was Stuart's idea and to take it out on him.

When the car stopped, Todd started to giggle. I have a feeling I'm going to be hurting Stuart. They helped me out of the car and took me inside. I smelled pizza. After they had walked me a bit we came to a stop and they removed my blindfold. I looked around. We were in a Chuck E. Cheese. The banner on the wall said Happy 13th Birthday. I looked at Stuart.

"Come on Sam. It's funny. You look like you could be turning 13."

This may be true, but Stuart crossed a line, so I was crossing his.

"Well, if I'm 13 is it legal for you to be at my party?"

"Yeah, other adults are here."

Todd looked confused.

"Well ok then, but no hitting on me or my older boyfriend will beat you up."

We sat down. The other guests arrived and they brought out the pizzas and cake. We all had fun. The mouse even came out to say hello. Then after the cake they gave me a card and said I could play as many games as I wanted to for an hour. Todd got one too so we headed for the games. Todd is really good at these games. I'm not great but I held up... somewhat... well I lost every time, but I had fun.

When the party was over, Dale and Stuart gave us a ride home. Me and Todd then went inside and I put my gifts up. Todd asked what that stuff with Stuart was about. I told him to have a seat and keep an open mind.

"10 years ago Stuart was caught having sex with a 11 year old girl. He went to jail for it and has done his time. He is a registered sex offender so he has some restrictions. But he is a good guy and isn't after children anymore. We however sometimes joke around a bit about it."

"So he's a pedo?"

"He was. He isn't anymore. He has done his time and is a changed man. I don't judge people on their past that they have tried to fix, and neither should you."

"He's your friend babe. I trust your judgment. But if we have kids, he can't babysit."

"Oh? Are you going to knock me up?"

"Well why not? Let's give it a try."

Todd took me into the bedroom and fucked me hard doggystyle. After he came we got cleaned up and cuddled up together and watched TV until it was time to turn in.

In the morning, Todd made love to me then told me happy birthday. I wanted to stay in bed, and as it was my birthday, I got my wish. At lunchtime we got up and I made lunch then cleaned up after we ate. We then went back to bed. We did the same for dinner and Todd made love to me right before we went to sleep.

In the morning, you guessed it, Todd made love to me. I love this boy. After we showered and had breakfast, I went to work and Todd said he was going to do the housework. When I got home, Todd was on the couch playing his Switch on the TV. The house was clean and the hampers were empty. I'll say this, if he can't become a hotel manager, he can get a really good job cleaning houses. I made dinner and we sat and ate. I then cuddled up to him as he played his games. At bedtime he made love to me before we went to sleep.

After breakfast the next day, Todd asked if it was ok if he just played games all day as he finished all the housework yesterday. I told him this was his vacation and he can do whatever he wants. I then gave him a kiss and headed to work. After work there was a vase of flowers by the front door. I looked at the card and it read, "To Todd, Thanks for the great time yesterday. Love Greg."

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 13

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