Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on May 26, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 119 by Sam

When we woke up Scott got up and went to take his shower as Ty made love to me. When we came we went and took our shower. I put on my robe and everyone else got dressed. After breakfast me and Scott went for a walk then headed upstairs to start our day of love making.

When lunchtime rolled around we put on our robes and headed downstairs. After Danny fucked me we got a table and ate. We then went upstairs to Todd's office. After he fucked me on his desk we went to Ty's office and Scott again came in with me. After Ty fucked me on his desk Scott asked if he could have time alone with Ty. I told him I'd wait outside. I then went out and stood with Officer Willie. I was going to talk to Officer Willie but he put a finger to his mouth to let me know not to talk. We stood there and I could just make out what they were talking about. Scott was asking Ty if Ty would program me to obey Scott's orders for a day as a Christmas present. Ty told Scott that could be dangerous but Scott told him he would be careful and Ty could put rules in place on it. Ty eventually agreed. I looked at Officer Willie, he looked concerned. I was concerned too. Full obedience programming can be abused fast and turn out really bad.

Scott came out and we headed back to the apartment. I didn't bring up the things we heard as I wanted to see where this was leading. Besides, with the new lockout, Ty can't program me if he is the one fucking me. At least I hoped so. We haven't tested it yet. Me and Scott made love until dinner time. After dinner we hung out until Danny got home. We then turned in. Ty had Scott come in with us.

"Baby. Scott wants a program as a present and he wants to be present when I do it."

"So Ty, you are going to fuck me and program me while Scott watches?"

"Yes baby. I'm going to fuck you and say a program." He emphasized the word 'I'm'. I understood it. He had no intention of this program happening.

I laid on the bed and Ty got on top of me. He started kissing me and I felt him enter me. He thrust in and out of me as he made love to me. After a few minutes he stopped kissing me and looked into my eyes.

"Sam. For the next 24 hours you will obey any orders Scott gives you without question. But with all the same rules as cock control. Do you understand?"

I felt no programming. This had no effect on me. Our safeguard worked. But I needed to put on a show for Scott as he was watching. So as mechanically as I could I said, "Yes Ty." Ty seemed concerned. Probably thinking the program had worked. On the opposite side of Scott so he couldn't see I winked at Ty to let him know I was acting. Ty smiled. We continued to make love until I was pushed over the edge and came on us. Ty thrust all the way into me as he pumped his load into me. When we came down he pulled out of me. I then cleaned us up. Scott walked over to the bed.

"What are the rules with cock control?"

Ty answered him. "Nothing illegal or that will harm Sam or anyone else. Nothing permanent and whatever is said cancels after 30 minutes."

"Ok, I can work with that. Thanks Ty. This is a great Christmas present. Babe, can you have Ty sleep in the other room? I want to sleep with you alone tonight."

"Yes Scott. Ty go to the other room."

"Ok baby. Goodnight."

Scott laid in the bed and I cuddled up to him and went to sleep. When we woke up Scott put on a condom and got on top of me and made love to me. After we came we got cleaned up then went to take our shower. I then put on a robe and Scott went to his room to get dressed. Ty came over here to get dressed.

"How is it going so far?"

"All we've done is sleep. I really want to see what he has planned."

"Ok. Keep that button on you and press it if you need to. I'll have Steve tell Officer Willie and Carl to stay by the elevator all day."

"Ok. What do you suspect?"

"I don't know. This is just an odd request and this program would have given him total power over you. I don't know what he has planned but I am uncomfortable with it."

"Ok. I'll keep alert."

We then headed to breakfast. The others went to work and Scott said he wanted us to go to the apartment so we did. He took us to me and Ty's room and he laid on the bed with his back against the headboard. He put on a condom and lubed it up then told me to ride him. I sat down on his dick and put my arms around his neck as I bounced up and down on his dick. I looked into his eyes and went in for a kiss. We kissed as I rode his cock. After a half hour I came on him. He grabbed my hips and thrust into me a few more times before pumping his load inside me. When we came down I looked him in the eyes to wait for a command. He told me to get off him. He then took us into his room as he grabbed a piece of paper from his backpack.

"Sam, sign this."

I took it from him and looked at it. It was divorce papers. They had me and Ty's names on them. They split everything evenly and Ty's signature line was already signed. But that was not Ty's signature. Someone did an awful job forging his signature on these. But I didn't want to sign them. I love Ty and have no interest in divorcing him ever.

"Wait Sam. Don't sign those. Fuck!"

"What is going on Scott?"

"Babe. You have to follow all of my commands today. But I don't want you and Ty to get a divorce. You are a great couple and my friends. But I'm in trouble."

"Why do you have divorce papers?"

"Do you remember that final I wasn't sure if I passed on or not?"


"Well, I'm just on the edge. The TA said he would pass me if I programmed you during sex to do what I said then had you sign those papers. After you did he said to call him and he would tell me the rest. But I don't care if I fail if it means you and Ty aren't together anymore."

"Who is this TA?"

"Bobby Rose."

"That name isn't familiar. So you have to have me sign those papers then call him and he will give you the rest of the instructions?"


"And he knew about my programming?"

"Yeah. He told me to have sex with you then say to follow all of my commands for a day."

"That means he is working with an ex boyfriend. Not sure what the game is with the divorce. They couldn't get it legal. Ty wouldn't go for it even if you told me to agree to it in front of a judge. Hang on a second."

I went downstairs and Officer Willie and Carl were there.

"Carl, go to Ty's office and do not leave him alone. In fact, screw that. Bring Ty back here. Take extra men, he isn't safe right now."

"Right Sam."

Carl went off talking on his radio. Five minutes later he came back with Ty in tow.

"What is going on baby?"

"I don't know but your ass isn't leaving the apartment today. Carl, go get Todd and have him wait in Ty's office. You are to guard Todd with your life today."

"I'm on it Sam."

We then headed back upstairs to get with Scott.

"Ok Ty, Scott ordered me to sign these." I handed the divorce papers to Ty.

"What the fuck! Who fucking signed my line?"

"I know. Worst forgery ever. Anyway he got them from his TA. He is going to fail unless I sign them and then he gets more instructions. And they know about my programming so it has to be an ex boyfriend."

"I see. That is why I'm here. Even if you sign them we both have to go to court to make it legal."

"Right. So now Scott gets to make a call."

Scott called the TA and told him the papers were signed. The TA told Scott to take me and meet him at the courthouse at noon. So we had a timeframe. I guess they have a court date already for it. But how do they get Ty there?

"I don't get it baby. Even if they got me to the courthouse. How do they get me to say yes to the divorce? Even if Scott told you to say yes I would say no."

"I'm not sure. Blackmail maybe? It doesn't matter though as I would never say yes to it."

"But babe, if I ordered you to today you would have to."

"Cock control rules Scott. This causes me harm. Losing Ty is the most harmful thing that could ever happen to me."

"Ok baby, if you are going out at noon I'm getting all the security I can to be with you."

"Alright. But make them plain clothed. I want to find out who is behind this."

Right before we headed out I called Todd to make sure he was ok. He was fine and still in Ty's office. Me and Scott headed downstairs. I told Ty to not leave the apartment. We met up with Officer Willie and 10 other security officers in regular clothes. Officer Willie went with me and Scott and the others went ahead of us. They said to not leave our car until they were in position. We got to the courthouse and waited until Officer Willie got a radio call saying we were good to go. We then got out and Scott looked around and found Bobby. He was alone. We went over to him.

"Ok Bobby, now what?"

"Give me the papers and tell Sam to follow me and do what I say. Then you and this guy stays here."

"I'm not leaving Sam alone."

"If you want to pass you will. You and Sam end here, just give the order."

I looked at Officer Willie. He blinked once. That meant all was good. I looked around and saw many of our security. Scott looked at me and I winked.

"Sam, go with Bobby and do everything he says."

"Yes Scott."

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 120

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