Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on May 24, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 118 by Sam

When we woke up we were cuddled up to Scott. Scott got up and put Ty on his back. He took a condom and lubed up then pushed his cock into Ty. He started thrusting in and out of him hard. Ty started moaning. I'm sure Scott was hitting his prostate.

"You like my cock don't you Ty?"

"Oh Yes."

"Yeah, I fuck your wife all day with this cock. He loves it and can't get enough of it. I love fucking him too. His ass is magical. I like fucking you too Ty. Do you like the thought of the guy fucking your wife all day fucking you too?"


"I know you do. You can't get enough of my cock either, can you?"

"No, it's so good."

"Yeah it is. I'll tell you what Ty. You are going to be my bottom too, just like your wife. I'm going to have both of you whenever I want. You're going to love it Ty. Taking my big cock whenever I'm in the mood for your ass. Would you like that Ty? Do you want to take my big cock?"

"Oh God yes."

"You know Ty. You told me when I started with your wife that your only requirement was that you got to be with him at night. So here is what we will do. I'll fuck your wife all day. Then at night, you can make love to him. After you do that I will fuck you so you can feel the real man's cock that fucked your wife and kept him moaning all day."

Scott was really going at Ty. He was being so forceful and dominant. I looked in Ty's eyes, but I didn't see anger, or fear, or disgust. No, I saw lust. Everything Scott was saying was turning Ty on more. This really confused me. When we started going out he wanted a space of our own, just him and me, because he didn't want to share me with Todd. Now Todd was my husband at the time so he had no choice, but he wanted a space that felt like he wasn't sharing. Now here he is being turned on by Scott dominating him and telling him he fucks me all day and he is going to fuck Ty too and we will both belong to him. It didn't add up. Maybe I've screwed him up by making him watch every weekend as guys fuck me. Maybe it has warped his mind to enjoy the thought of someone fucking me. He did want to have all his friends fuck me all the time. Well if it is my fault that Ty has changed what excites him and what he wants in bed I'll have to run with it. Besides, I can't have him not watch. It is my only safety when I'm in the rooms. So if Ty agrees to what Scott just said I'll have to go along with it. It isn't too much of a sacrifice as I do like Scott's cock. But Ty's cock is better because he is my husband. I do not want to lose it. If I have to I will put my foot down in order to keep Ty making love to me.

After 10 minutes Ty grunted as he started firing his cum all over himself. Scott grunted loud as he pushed all the way into Ty and filled the condom. When they came down he pulled out and threw away the condom.

"Scott go to your room and get your shower. Then put on a uniform shirt."

"Ok babe." Scott left.

"Honey, are you ok?"

"Um... I'm sorry baby. You really think less of me now don't you?"

"I don't. I wasn't aware you were turned on by being dominated though."

"I don't understand it baby. But when he does that it gets my blood pumping and excites me."

"What about what he said? Him fucking you after you make love to me at night. Are you ok with that? I can make him not do it."

"I don't know baby. When he said it I got really turned on. But now that I've cum I wonder about it. I like making love to you alone, just us."

"What about sleeping?"

"It feels really good to sleep cuddled up to him. I feel more rested today than I usually do."

"So do you want us to sleep with him every night?"

"Maybe. But if we do that I want to be allowed to say I want you alone. And I want to make love to you alone without him watching. And not just at night. Morning too."

"I can work something out with him. Do you want to make love now?"

"Yeah. I can get it up again."

Ty got on top of me and started kissing me as I felt him enter me. He made love to me gently until he pushed me over the edge and I came on us. He pushed all the way into me as he pumped his load inside me. When we came down he pulled out of me and we got up and took a shower.

After our shower I put on my robe and we all headed to breakfast. The others then went to work and me and Scott went to take a walk around the casino. When we got back to the apartment I told Scott to sit on the couch as I wanted to talk to him.

"Did I go too far this morning?"

"No Scott, it all turned Ty on so it was fine. What I want to talk about is what you said you were going to do at night."

"Oh. It was just sex talk babe. I know at night it is just for you and him."

"That's the thing Scott. He wants to do it but not how you said."

"Oh, ok. What do you guys want then?"

"He wants to have you sleep with us because cuddling up to you feels good to him and he says he is more rested."

"That's not a problem babe. I like feeling you both against me."

"However. If he wants us to be alone then he will tell you and you will need to let us be alone that night."

"Ok, not an issue. I still have my own room."

"Also he wants to make love to me alone both in the morning and at night. But at night after he does you can fuck him before we sleep."

"Ok, I guess I'll just sit in the living room and wait for you to tell me I can come in. Then in the morning I'll leave you alone to take my shower."

"That should work. But nothing is set in stone and I can change anything."

"Of course babe. Always."

"Great, now that that is out of the way let's go to your room."

We went to his room and he got undressed and I took off my robe. I laid in the bed and he put on a condom then got on top of me. He started kissing me and I felt him enter me and start thrusting in and out of me slowly. After 30 minutes I was finally pushed over the edge and came on us. He pushed all the way into me as he filled the condom. When we came down he pulled out of me and threw away the condom. I cuddled up to him to wait for him to recharge.

At lunchtime we put on our robes and headed downstairs. Scott waited with Officer Willie while Danny fucked me in his office. After we came he pulled out of me and we got cleaned up.


"Yeah Danny?"

"I heard Scott fucking Ty this morning."


"I know he belongs to you and I guess Ty too. But I was wondering if maybe I could try out his cock. It looks really nice."

"It is nice. I love it. Yeah you can try it. I have Todd teaching him cum control this weekend. Maybe you can be who he tries the techniques out on."

"Great. Thanks Sam. I'll tell Todd."

We then headed out and Danny went back to work as the rest of us got a table. After we ate I was going to take Scott back to the apartment, but he said he wanted to go with me to the offices. So we headed up to Todd's office. Scott waited with Officer Willie while Todd fucked me on his desk. After we came we got cleaned up.

"Danny asked if Scott could fuck him. I told him he could be the person Scott tries out your techniques with this weekend."

"Oh... ok I guess."

"Is that a problem? I can tell Danny no."

"No. It's just Scott has a big and thick cock like mine and..."

"You are worried Danny might like it more than yours?"


"Todd. You have nothing to worry about. Danny isn't like that. He is not going to jump ship for a cock. He loves you. Scott is just a new cock that he wants to feel. He will always come back to yours."

"I guess you are right. Ok, he can try Scott."

"Great. You can try Scott too if you want."

"No Sam, I am a total top. The two times you've fucked me I hated. I'll stick to making love to my wife."

"Ok Todd."

I then headed over to Ty's office. When we got there Scott came in with me.

"Um... is it ok if Scott is here for this honey or do you want me to have him wait outside?"

"No, it is fine baby. This isn't making love."

I took off my robe and laid on Ty's desk. Ty took off his pants and lubed up then pushed into me. He grabbed my hips and started fucking me hard. It felt so good. Ty pounded me for 20 minutes before I was pushed over the edge and he pushed into me and pumped his load inside me. When we came down he pulled out of me and I got up. Scott was there and pushed Ty back onto his desk. He lifted Ty's legs and opened his robe and put on a condom. He lubed up then pushed his cock into Ty. When he was all the way in he grabbed Ty's hips and started thrusting in and out of him hard. Ty was moaning. Scott continued to pound Ty's ass for 15 minutes before Ty moaned loud and started shooting his load onto his shirt. Scott thrust all the way into him and grunted as he pumped his load into the condom. When they came down Scott pulled out of Ty. He helped Ty get off his desk and cleaned off his shirt.

"Sorry about the shirt. We can bring you a new one."

"No, it's ok. I keep a spare in my desk. What was all that about anyway?"

"I told you. You are my bottom now too so I'm gonna take you whenever I want you."

"Oh, ok I guess. I just figured we would keep that stuff at home."

"Oh. I'm sorry. It's just Sam comes around at lunch for fun so I thought I could too. But we can keep it at home if you want."

"No, it's ok Scott. But not every day. Being dominated at work doesn't work for me as I'm the boss. At home is ok because we are all equals. But I liked the fuck so every now and then will be fine. But definitely none of that dirty talk."

"Ok. I'm gonna go fuck your wife then."

"Scott. Don't upset my husband at work or you are the one getting fucked."

"Sorry babe. I'm sorry Ty."

"Ok Scott, get out of here before Sam makes good on his threat. And believe me, once he starts fucking, he doesn't stop."

I gave Ty a kiss then me and Scott went out to meet up with Officer Willie and go back to the apartment. I then sat Scott down.

"Scott that was totally wrong. You can't do that stuff to Ty when he is at work. He is trying to run this entire casino. He can't have your 'fucking your wife' talk in his head when he is making important decisions."

"I'm sorry babe. You're right. I just wasn't thinking."

"Ok, just don't do that crap again. So are you good to go?"

"Yeah I'm good for another."

We headed into his room and he got on top of me after he put on his condom. After we made love I cuddled up to him to wait for him to recharge again. While we were waiting, Scott's phone rang. He answered it and talked to someone. When he hung up he looked confused.

"Babe, I have to head up to the university. Something about one of my finals."

"Oh. Do you want me to go with you?"

"No. Whatever it is will be my problem to fix so no need to worry you about it."

"Ok. Make sure you take Carl though."

"Yeah babe, I will."

Scott put on clothes and pushed the button. When it was green he headed downstairs. He was gone for a couple of hours. He returned right before dinner. He didn't look happy at all but we headed to dinner to meet up with the others. After we ate we went upstairs and watched TV until Danny got home. Then we turned in. We had Scott wait in the living room while me and Ty went to make love. After Ty made love to me he went to get Scott while I waited in bed. Scott came in and Ty got on the bed on his back and lifted his legs. Scott got between them and put on a condom. He then pushed his cock into Ty and fucked him. After they came they got cleaned up and Scott laid on the bed and me and Ty cuddled up to him. He put his arms around us and we went to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 119

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