Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on May 18, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 115 by Sam

Fuck. Ty went and drunk programmed me. I whispered so he couldn't hear. "Cancel that program." Ty continued to make love to me until we came. When we came down he pulled out of me and I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

When I woke up Ty was still asleep. I remembered the program so I decided to have some fun today. I got up and went over to Todd and Danny's room. Danny was still cuddled up to Todd. I pushed him off and woke up Todd.

I whispered to him so Danny wouldn't wake up. "Todd, Ty drunk programmed me last night to have sex with his friends all the time and always feel it. So I'm going to have sex with you."

"Oh, ok Sam. Do you need me to fix it?"

"No, I canceled it myself when he did it before I came but I'm going to teach him a lesson about when he should and should not program me."

"Ok then."

Todd grabbed the lube and lubed himself up and put me on my back and started fucking me hard. My moaning woke up Danny and he just laid there watching us. Eventually my hung-over husband wandered into the room.

"Baby, why is Todd fucking you?"

"I don't know honey. When I woke up I had this urge to have your friends fuck me and only Todd and Danny were here so I came in here."

"How big an urge?"

"I can't stop my body from letting him fuck me."

"Oh fuck. Did I program you last night?"

"I'm not sure. Did you?"

Ty looked like he was concentrating hard. "I don't know. I can't remember anything but the party. Think back to your programs baby and see if you can remember one."

"Well let me see. Yes there was one." Todd grunted and pushed all the way in me as he gave me his load. When he came down he pulled out. "It says let my friends fuck you all the time and always feel it. Come on Danny I need you." Danny got on top of me and pushed his cock into me and started to thrust in and out of me hard.

"Don't worry baby we can fix this."

Todd's phone rang. He answered it. "Ok, I'll bring them up." Todd left the room.

"Ok let me get some pills for this headache and then I can figure out how to fix this baby."

As Ty went to get the headache pills Todd came out of the elevator.

"What's going on?"

"Security tried calling you but you didn't answer so they called me. These guys say you called them last night to come here today to fuck Sam."

"Oh fuck. What time did I call you?... That was after the party... fuck."

"Come on guys, Sam is in here."

"Wait Todd, you can't let them in there."

"You called them Ty and you set it up with Sam so why can't I?"

Todd showed about 10 guys into the room. I recognized them from the party last night. I motioned for Todd to come over. I whispered to him. "Get Ty's phone and put in an appointment." He nodded his head and left the room while Ty tried to get his friends to leave. When Danny finished inside me I motioned one of the other guys over and he got on top of me and pushed his cock into me. I didn't feel anything at first but then it started to feel good. He fucked me hard and fast while the other guys started to take off their clothes. When the next one was naked I motioned him over and took him into my mouth. I sucked on him as the guy in my ass continued to pound me hard. When he came he pulled out of me and another one got on top of me. When the guy in my mouth gave me his load I swallowed it and the next guy pushed his cock into my mouth.

It went on with the guys switching out as they came. At one point Scott put his cock in my mouth and I sucked on him gently until I got his load. When all his friends had cum, Ty convinced them to leave. I was covered in cum so I went to take a shower. Ty came into the shower with me.

"Baby, I'm so sorry. Don't worry, I will come up with a fix for this."

"A fix for what?"

"For the program I gave you. I don't know what I was thinking."

"You were drunk."

"I know. I'm never drinking again. Who knows what I could have done."

"So have you learned your lesson?"


"I'm not programmed Ty. I canceled it before I came. But you have a lot of power to make it so I couldn't do that. I need you to know not to use that power when you aren't thinking properly. Really bad shit could have happened last night had your mind been in the wrong place."

"Fuck baby, I know. I'm really sorry. I promise to never drink again. I'll even take my voice off of being able to program you."

"No Ty, that would be a bad idea. Yes you almost fucked me up last night but if we remove your voice that just leaves mine and Todd's. And if my brain gets screwed up by a bad program then I might not be willing or able to fix it myself and Todd might not be around. You are my husband Ty so you need to have the power over me. But maybe we could put in a safeguard or something."

"Like what?"

"Well, maybe make it so your voice can program me only if someone else is having sex with me. That way you and the other person have to agree that it is a good program. Otherwise they wouldn't fuck me to allow you to say the program."

"Like anyone else?"

"Yeah, but they have to be able to be felt, otherwise I won't cum. So someone like Todd, Danny or Scott. We can put it in on Sunday when we make love. But don't tell anyone. I still want everyone to think that my husband has full control over me even if I have to put in a safety."

"Ok baby. But I will not drink again so I won't lose control like that again. I promise."

"Ok then. Hurry and clean me out as we are already late due to this."

Ty cleaned his friends' cum out of me and when we were clean I put on my robe and he got dressed and we met the others and went to breakfast. After a quick meal we went back up. I told Scott to start on laundry then we got in position and we opened the doors, two hours late.

After closing time Danny got in line and we finished out the line. Our late start this morning really fucked us over tonight. We got a quick dinner and I took a shower to get off all this cum then we headed to Todd and Danny's room. I got on the bed but Ty didn't.

"Baby, I really screwed up last night so I don't think I should play tonight. You guys go on without me."

"Ty, that is stupid. Ok, you drunk programmed me, so what? It didn't go through and you promised to not drink again. Plus, without you we only have one bottom."

"Danny can bottom."

"Danny topping is the reason we do these. He can bottom all week with Todd. Now stop being so noble. You are making everyone upset. And I'm not doing this without you so either you get in this bed next to me so Todd can fuck you or I'm getting out of it."

"But baby, I did wrong. I shouldn't be allowed to have fun."

"Fine, then Saturday is canceled tonight. Sorry guys."

"No, wait. I don't want to ruin it for everyone."

"Ty, get in bed next to me."

"But baby..."

"Now Ty!"

Ty got in bed next to me. I laid on my back and lifted my legs so Danny could get on top of me. Todd went over and got on top of Ty.

"Todd. Ty is being punished. Make it super hard."

Todd started thrusting in and out of Ty harder than I've ever seen him do it. Ty was grunting on every thrust into him. Scott got in bed next to my head so I could suck him off. I motioned for him to go over to Ty instead. Scott put his cock into Ty's mouth and Ty started to suck on him. We were going for a few minutes when Danny leaned down and whispered in my ear.

"Scott has a dirty mouth on him."

"What do you mean?"

"He is calling Ty all kinds of names."

"Scott, why are you saying that stuff to Ty?"

"He said he was helping you to punish Ty by calling him names while he sucked him off and got fucked."

"Ty are you ok with that?"

Ty took Scott out of his mouth. "If you are baby. I'll take any punishment you give me."

"I can't hear him Ty so I don't know if he has gone too far or not."

"Well it has been pretty bad baby."

"Oh. Scott, don't call Ty names. Yes he is being punished but he is still my husband and I love him."

"He said ok and he's sorry."

"Ok then. Ty keep sucking on my assistant."

"Yes baby."

Ty took Scott back into his mouth and sucked on him until Scott filled his mouth with his load. Scott then pulled out and came over to me. He laid down and started making out with me while Todd and Danny fucked me and Ty. When they came inside us we got up to take a shower. I was gentle when I washed Scott's cock but we didn't need the bag because the stitches were out. We then got out and I told Scott to lay on the bed. He and Todd did and Danny cuddled up to Todd. I cuddled up to Scott and told Ty to do the same. He got on the other side of Scott and Scott put his arms around us. I then went to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 116

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