Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on May 16, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 114 by Sam

When we woke up Ty made love to me. We then got our shower and I put on my robe. I went over to Scott's room and he was getting out of the shower. I cleaned off his cock and balls with a washcloth. He was fully hard.

"Does that hurt?"

"No it isn't bothering my stitches."

"Good. We don't have time for me to deal with it right now but I'll take care of it later ok?"

"No problem babe."

He put on his uniform and we met up with the others to go to breakfast. After breakfast we headed back to get ready. I told Scott to do the laundry then the rest of us headed to our positions to start the line moving.

When we broke for lunch Scott already had the food on the table so we could sit down and eat. After I finished I jumped in the shower to get clean really quick. We then got back in position and got to work.

After closing we finished up the line then we all headed to dinner. After we ate I grabbed a shower to get all the cum off me so I was clean to start the group fun. We all headed into Todd and Danny's room. Me and Ty laid down on the bed beside each other and lifted our legs. Scott got down and started to rim me. Todd did the same to Ty. When they got tired Scott got up and came up to me and started kissing me. Todd got on top of Ty and pushed his cock into him. Danny did the same to me. They started thrusting in and out of us. I broke the kiss with Scott and told him to give me his cock. He got up and positioned himself by my head and I took him into my mouth. I sucked on him gently so there wouldn't be any strain on his stitches. After twenty minutes of light sucking he started shooting his load into my mouth. I swallowed it down until I had all of it then he pulled his cock out of my mouth.

"He wants to know what you want him to do now."

"Oh. Just kiss me until they finish."

Scott moved so he could lay down and kiss me. We made out while Todd and Danny fucked me and Ty. After the hour was up they thrust all the way into us and pumped their loads inside us. When we came down they pulled out and we got up and took a shower. Todd and Ty then laid on the bed and Danny cuddled up to Todd. Me and Scott cuddled up to Ty and went to sleep.

The next day I had Scott clean the apartment while the rest of us worked the fantasy rooms. After we were finished Ty made love to me then when Todd gave us the numbers I paid Ty and Danny and we had dinner. I sucked Scott off after dinner then turned in with Ty and he made love to me before I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

When we woke up Ty made love to me then we got a shower. I then put on clothes. Ty was shocked.

"Baby are you going somewhere today?"

"Yes. I'm running off with Scott and we are going to be married and live together."

"Baby. I want to believe you are joking but with the issues with your brain what you just said is really a possibility, so could you not joke like that?"

"Sorry Ty. Yeah I was joking. I'm going to have Scott take me to the mall so I can do my Christmas shopping."

"Oh, do you want to borrow my truck? You can't get much into that car of yours."

"That might be a good idea. Ok, we'll take your truck but don't expect extra presents because of it."

"Will you be back before lunch?"

"I hope so. But if not you will have to hold it. Or you can go to Todd's office."

"I'm not letting Todd fuck me at work. It would be nice but everyone would talk. Remember, I'm his supervisor."

"Ok honey. I'll try to be back in time."

I headed over and made sure Scott was ready. He was getting on his uniform.

"You're wearing clothes babe?"

"Yeah. After breakfast you are taking me to the mall to do some Christmas shopping."

"Ok. You aren't going to fit much in that car of yours though."

"It's ok, we are taking Ty's truck. But we need to try and be back before lunch."

"Ok babe."

We met up with the others and headed down to breakfast. After we ate they headed to work and me, Scott and Officer Willie headed to the parking garage so we could go to the mall. It being a weekday it wasn't too crowded. We looked around and I picked stuff up that I thought someone would want. When I was done me and Scott carried it all out to the truck. Officer Willie said his hands needed to be free. We then drove back to the casino and unloaded everything into Scott's room so we could wrap it later and nobody would peek. We then headed out to do our lunch runs. After I got my loads from them we went back to the apartment. I sucked off Scott before we started wrapping presents. We had them all wrapped up and under the tree before we headed to dinner. After dinner Scott headed for school.

"Scott, you forgot to change your shirt."

"Why babe?"

"Well your shirt has my logo on it. Everyone will know you work for a hooker."

"You aren't a hooker babe. Guys come to you. You are more of a call boy. But I don't care if everyone knows I work for you. I love my job and you."

"Well, ok then."

The rest of us went up to watch TV while we waited for Danny. When he got home we all turned in and Ty made love to me then I cuddled up to him. When I heard Scott come home I went to sleep.

A couple of weeks go by. It is Friday, the day of Ty's birthday party. Ty has rented the casino ballroom for it but has told me to let the employees handle everything and stay out of it until the party. This is odd as I always set up the stuff for parties. But I guess he is dragging me into his rich guy world now that he is a successful casino manager. This is ok with me though as today I have to take Scott to get the stitches removed from his cock. This doesn't mean we can fuck now. But it is the last step. Scott drives us over to the hospital and we go in. They take us to a normal room. When the doctor comes in he looks over Scott's dick and says it is healing nicely. He then takes a pair of small scissors and some long tweezer looking thing and cuts the stitches and pulls them out. When he has it done he tells Scott to not have sex until the wound is completely healed and to wear a condom for a couple of weeks afterward to keep it clean. We then head out after paying the bill. We stopped at the store to buy a large box of condoms before returning to the casino.

When lunch came around Scott waited with Officer Willie while the three guys had their way with me and we ate lunch. We then returned to the apartment and I got on my knees in front of Scott and pulled out his cock and took it into my mouth. I sucked on him gently until he gave me his load and I swallowed it down. I then went to check the fantasy rooms and outfits to make sure what we needed for Sunday was ready. When that was done I sat and cuddled up to Scott as we watched TV.

When it was time to head to dinner I reminded Scott of Ty's party. He said he remembered but still had to go to class. Finals were next week and he didn't want to miss anything. After Scott ate he headed out with Carl while the rest of us finished our meals. We then headed upstairs so they could change out of their suits. When Danny joined us he got changed too and we headed for the ballroom.

When we got there I was in for a surprise. There in the middle of the room was a large bed. I looked over to Ty.

"Yeah baby. You are going to work my party this year too."

"Ok, but no programming or cock control. I'll do it because I love you."

"I love you too baby."

I checked out the refreshments. It was the normal stuff I usually put out, soda, water and various chips. But there was also beer. I guess that is alright as Ty is now 21 so he can drink and so can most of his friends. I will not be drinking of course and I told Danny to stay away from it. Because I'll be working in the bed, Officer Willie will be next to the bed instead of by the door. He said these may be Ty's friends but he doesn't trust them like he trusts Todd and Danny.

When the guests started to arrive Ty had me take off my robe and get in the bed and we got started. As one cock finished giving me his load another took his place. I had them in my ass and mouth. Todd and Danny also took a turn. I was surprised when Scott stuck his cock in my mouth but I guess it was getting late and he came over when he got home. Once the party was over Scott helped Danny clean me off and I put my robe back on. I looked around for Ty and found him by Todd. I went over and his breath stunk.

"He's been drinking all night Sam."

I looked him over. He was definitely drunk. I couldn't tell but I think Todd was holding him up.

"Can he walk?"

"Not by himself."

"Ok, take him up and put him to bed. I'll be in when I get a shower."

Todd supported Ty as they walked through the casino to our elevator and on up to the apartment. After I got a shower I got in bed with Ty. He rolled over on top of me and put his cock into me. He started thrusting in and out of me as he made love to me. At least he can still do this drunk.

"Baby, that was so much fun tonight." His speech was slurring.

"I'm glad you liked it."

"I loved it. I want to do it again."

"We can do that next year too."

"No, like all the time. Baby, I want you to let my friends fuck you all the time and always feel it."

"Yes Ty."

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 115

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