Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on May 12, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 113 by Sam

On Thursday morning, Ty makes love to me then we get a shower. I then head over and get Scott a shower and clean his dick and balls with a washcloth. I put on my robe as the others get dressed. We then go to breakfast. After breakfast our guests start to arrive. Laura is first. I introduce her to Scott then we sit in the living room and chat with her. I ask that she not tell my mom that I was married to Todd before Ty. It isn't that I'm embarrassed that I married Todd. Todd is very attractive and a great guy, we loved each other very much and still do somewhat, and he is a wonderful lover. Danny is very lucky to have him. But I don't want my mom to be able to gloat that I couldn't keep a marriage together.

When Liz, Rick and my mom get off the elevator I introduce my mom to Laura. We pull chairs out of the dining room so we all can sit as we chat. When it is time for lunch we all head down to the restaurant. Danny and his staff have been working all morning making a mountain of turkey and dressing with all the sides. It isn't just for us. We are serving it to all the hotel and casino guests today. We put some tables together so we can all sit together. After we eat Scott says he wants to watch the football game. I did not know Scott was into sports. Rick says he wants to as well. So they head over to the sports betting lounge to watch the football game. Todd and Ty then say they will join them. Well now I'm alone with Liz, Laura, my Mom and Officer Willie. I tell Officer Willie to radio for Carl to meet up with Scott. He has three guys with him but I want Carl there since Officer Willie has to stay with me, and I am not going to watch football.

My mom starts in on me. "So Liz tells me that her son Ty is your second husband. You led me to believe he was your only one. Why are you hiding stuff Sammy?"

Well fuck. I covered all my bases but there was a wildcard on the plane. Liz had to go and spill the beans. Well too late now so I'll have to face the music.

"Well, I didn't say he was my only husband. I only said he was my husband. And he is."

"That may be true, but you should have told me."

"I guess. But I love Ty so I didn't see a reason to bring up my divorce from Todd."

"Todd? You mean your friend that is married to Danny?"

"Yeah. He married Danny after he divorced me."

"Then why are you still friends if he did that to you?"

"Oh. I didn't word that right. Me and Todd got divorced but it was my idea. I'm the one that wanted the divorce."

"Ok, so why are you still friends?"

"It wasn't a bad divorce. He didn't do anything to me to cause it. We just were not meant for each other, but we were meant to be together. You see if I wasn't with Todd, I would never have met Ty because Ty was Todd's best friend. If he wasn't with me he wouldn't have met Danny, because Danny was a customer of mine. So if we were not together we would not have met the perfect people for us. And we still like each other and are friends."

"Well I guess that makes sense. I just don't think I would like to see my ex husband every day."

"I don't have a problem with it."

Laura jumped in, "So are we going to decorate tomorrow?"

"Well we can do the inside but the outside is much bigger than it used to be."

We chatted for a while then the restaurant started to fill up. We decided to let them have their tables back and head upstairs. We went to the sports lounge and told the guys we were going upstairs and let them know we had a TV up there too. They said they would come up at halftime. We went up and I gave mom and Laura a tour of the fantasy rooms and then the outfits in my changing room. My mom was a little surprised we had so many young boy outfits and the little boy underwear. I told her my customers for fantasies are looking for young guys and I have the look so they come to me.

After we finished the tour we went back to the apartment to sit around and chat. The guys came in and joined us at halftime and immediately turned the TV on to the game. They watched it and I made up some popcorn and put it on the table for them. For dinner we went back down to the restaurant and ordered whatever we wanted. After we ate, mom, Laura, and Rick and Liz went to their hotel rooms and the rest of us went up to the apartment. We watched some TV, not football, then turned in. Ty made love to me then I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

In the morning, Ty made love to me then we got a shower. I put on my robe and went to Scott's room. I gave him a shower and cleaned his cock and balls then we sat on his bed.

"You took your last no-boner pill yesterday right?"


"Have you gotten hard yet?"


"Ok, let's make it hard but let me know if it starts hurting."

I pulled him to me and started to kiss him. He kissed back and we made out. It was so passionate I got hard. After 5 minutes I broke the kiss and looked down. He was chunky but not hard.

"Sorry babe. I guess I'll never be able to make love to you again."

"Don't say that Scott. Maybe the medicine hasn't gotten out of your system yet. We will try again later."

Scott got dressed and we joined the others to go down for breakfast. When the others joined us we ate and then headed back upstairs. Todd went to the room in the hallway that we put all the boxes from the storage shed in. He pulled out a box and carried it to the living room. It was the tree. He put it down and went to get more boxes as Ty and Scott put the tree together. Liz helped me locate a good spot for it. When it was assembled we got it in position then Todd had the box of ornaments. We all started to decorate the tree. Scott being the tallest, but not by much as Ty is almost as tall, put the angel on the top. After an hour of decorating, the tree was done. Liz had worked on the village scene and it was done too. We then headed to lunch. After lunch the parents left to go home and I went with Scott to his room. I had him undress and we made out again.

This time after 5 minutes I broke the kiss and Scott was firm. Not rock hard but usable. I started to run my finger around the head of his cock.

"Can you feel this?"

"Yeah babe. Keep doing it."

Scott was breathing hard. I realized that it has been a couple of weeks since he last got off. He must be ready to pop. But we aren't supposed to have sex. I guess that is so there is no stress on the area they sewed up. But his cock is so big I can blow him and be nowhere near that area. I just can't use my hands like I normally do on a big cock like this. But the way Scott is reacting right now he won't need the extra stimulation. I bend down and take the head of his cock into my mouth. I then start to suck on it as I lick around the head. It doesn't take long at all before he is filling my mouth with his load. I swallow it all down and make sure I get everything out of his cock. I then pull off of him.

"Are you ok? Did that hurt?"

"I'm fine babe. And that was the best blowjob I've ever had."


He got dressed again and we went back to the living room. I sat on the couch with Ty.

"So was he able to get hard?"

"Not hard, hard but if that is the best he can do it will work. But I think we are still getting the medication out of his system."

"Well, at least he has feeling in it."

"How do you know?"

"Oh. I guess you were blowing him then because he was moaning so loud and he screamed out at the end when he came. The only way you didn't hear all of that is if you couldn't hear him at all."

"Oh, yeah I blew him and he felt it."

"Good. So he just needs to heal up so he can fuck you again."

"Yeah. But that is half a month away at least."

"Don't worry baby. I'll keep you satisfied until then."

"You better keep me satisfied after that too. Don't dump all your responsibility as my husband off on Scott."

"I will baby. I know you need lots of cocks and mine is going to always be one of them."

"It better be because it is the best one."

"I'm shorter and skinnier than Scott."

"But you are my husband. His feels good but yours has more love behind it so it always will be the best feeling one."

Ty started kissing me. I kissed back and pushed myself on top of him. I could feel he was hard. I reached down and unbuttoned his pants and pulled out his cock. I opened the end table next to the couch and found some lube and lubed him up. I then got up and sat on his cock. I started bouncing up and down on it. Ty's cock is always the best. After twenty minutes I came on his shirt and he thrust all the way into me as he pumped his load inside me. When we came down I got off of him. Scott handed me a towel and I cleaned us off then Ty put his cock away and we sat back down.

Todd then came over. "Sam, I was going to tell you this earlier but you got busy. The uniforms you ordered just came in."

"Thanks Todd."

"You are going to wear a uniform babe?"

"I do wear a uniform, Scott. This robe is my uniform. But the ones Todd got are for you, not me."

"Oh. So I'm going to wear a uniform?"

"Yes. Don't worry it is just like the ones the guys wear on the weekend. But I want you to look professional while you are working as my assistant so you will wear one unless you are at school or it is a holiday."

"Even at night babe?"

"At night you will be naked, or wear one of the robes we also got you."

"Oh wow, ok babe. I'll wash these so they are ready for tomorrow."

After dinner we all sat and watched a movie then turned in. I gave Scott a kiss as he went to his room then Ty and I went to our room and he made love to me. After we cleaned up I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 114

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