Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on May 10, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 112 by Sam

When we wake up, Ty makes love to me then we get a shower. I put on my robe and Ty put on his uniform. I went in to make sure Scott was up. He was up and just getting out of the shower with the bag on his cock. I went over and used a washcloth to clean his cock and balls. He then asked what he should wear. I told him to wear normal clothes as he would be cleaning today. He put on pants and an old shirt. We then joined up with the others and went down to breakfast. After we ate we came back up. I told Scott to clean the apartment. Dust, vacuum and clean the bathrooms. I then went with the others to our hallway. Ty went to his room and I went with the others through the gate and Todd locked it behind us. I got set up in the bed and told Ty I was ready. He told Todd and Danny to open the doors and we started.

When it was time to close for lunch Todd closed the stairwell door and I put on my robe and we headed to the apartment. When we got there Liz and Rick were already there with Scott and Scott had all the food on the table. We all joined them.

"Sam sweetie, that was such a long line coming out of the stairwell. How do you handle them all in one day?"

"One at a time. We've been having to stay way past closing time to finish out the line."

"Well you are very dedicated to your work."

"I guess it is just I feel if they want to pay me their money then I should do my best to give them the best experience possible. Maybe that is what keeps them coming back?"

"I bet it is. You are also very attractive."

"That's what brought me back babe."

"I thought it was the employee discount."

"Well that is what made me able to afford it. But your looks made me want to come back."

"Well whatever it was, I'm glad it did."

We finished eating and said goodbye to Rick and Liz. I told Scott to continue to clean as we all went back to work. After we closed Danny got in the line and it was a couple of hours before it was cleared. Officer Willie then took his turn after we locked up then we went to dinner. After dinner we headed up after giving Officer Willie the rest of the night off. I took a quick shower then I dragged Scott into Todd and Danny's room with us.

"Babe, I still can't have sex."

"I know. You took your no-boner pill right?"

"Yeah. So I can't even get hard. So why did you bring me in here."

"I love you Scott and this is our group time with everyone that lives here. You live here now so it includes you."

"But I can't do anything."

"Yes you can, so come on."

Me and Ty laid side by side on the bed. I lifted my legs and told Scott to rim me. He got down and started to run his tongue around my hole. It felt so good. Todd got down and did the same to Ty. Danny got behind Scott and unbuttoned his pants and took them down. He then started working his tongue in Scott's hole. When Scott got tired he moved up and took my cock into his mouth. He sucked on me until the others got tired as well. I told Scott to move up the bed and kiss me. He did and Todd got on top of Ty and Danny got on top of me and they entered us. They fucked us for an hour while Scott made out with me. After they pumped their loads into us they pulled out. We all got up and went to the shower. I put a plastic bag on Scott's cock and we all got clean. Todd and Ty laid on the bed and I cuddled up to Ty and Danny cuddled up to Todd. Scott got in with us and cuddled up on the other side of Ty. Ty put his arms around both of us and I went to sleep.

When we woke up I looked at Scott's face across Ty's chest from me. He was looking at me too.

"Morning Scott."

"Morning babe."

I leaned over and gave him a kiss. I then looked down and his cock was looking a little chunky.

"Scott you need to take your pills."

Scott looked down and got up and went to his room. Scott moving woke Ty up.

"Morning baby, what's going on?"

"Scott was starting to harden up so I had him go take his pills."

"Oh. The other two still asleep?"

"Yeah, dead to the world. Do you want to wake them up?"

"Yeah. Which one do you want to wake up?"

"You prefer Todd's so I'll take Danny."

We got up and I slowly pulled Danny off of Todd and got him on his back. We then lubed them up and got on them and sat down. When we were both seated we started to bounce up and down on them. Scott came back in the room and just sat on the bed next to Danny and me as I rode Danny's cock. After a half hour they gave up their loads. Scott helped me off of Danny and I helped Ty off of Todd. We then all went and took a shower. I used a washcloth on Scott's dick and balls afterward and Ty trimmed my pubes. I put on my robe and Scott asked what he should wear. I told him he could wear anything he wants as he is doing laundry today. We then all went to breakfast. After we ate we came back up to the apartment. I told Scott to wash the bedding from the Saturday room then do all the rest of our clothing and bedding. I then went to my changing room and put on the first outfit.

When I came out of the first appointment and went into my changing room Scott was laying on the bed watching TV.

"What are you doing in here?"

"Sorry. I have a load in the dryer and in the washer so I thought I would hang out here while they got done so I could see you more. If that isn't ok I'll go back into the apartment."

"No, it's fine. I just didn't expect it. I have to shower though."

I went and got a shower then got into the next outfit.

"Shit babe. That thing makes you look 12."

"Yeah, I know. You are going to have to get used to it as most of my customers want me to look this young. Also we have 4 classroom customers today so could you help Ty clean that room if he asks. It can be hard to do it in the little time we have between customers."

"Sure babe. I'm your assistant so I'll do whatever you need me to."

"Great, thanks."

When Ty gave me the signal I gave Scott a kiss then headed to the classroom. When we were done I gave the guy my underwear then went back to my changing room to get a shower. When I got out of the shower Scott wasn't there. I went to Ty's room to check the cameras and Scott was in the classroom wiping it down with Ty. It was time for lunch so I headed to the apartment. Danny and Todd were already there putting the food on the table. I sat down and we waited for the other two. When they came in we ate.

"Babe, when I picked up your clothes from the classroom I couldn't find your underwear but I remember you putting some on."

"Yeah, that customer bought them."

"He bought your underwear?"

"I know. I don't get it either but if they want to pay for it then why not."

"Ok. I guess that is rare because I've never heard of it."

"Rare? 5 people today have selected to buy my underwear. We buy a new package every week it seems."

"Oh. I guess I still need to do some work to understand this prostitution thing."

"Don't worry Scott. I'm always learning something new about it and I'm the prostitute."

When we were done eating I went and put on the next outfit and waited for Ty's signal. At the end of the day as I was coming out of my final appointment I told Todd to meet me in my room after he showed the customer out. I then went to my room to take a shower. When I was clean I put on my robe and Todd came into my room.

"So what's up Sam?"

"With Scott being my assistant now I want to get him some uniforms."

"No problem. Casino or STT?"

"He can't work for the casino so I guess it is STT."

"Ok, for every day or just the weekend like us?"

"Every day. I want him to look professional all the time."

"Ok, I'll get him 8 polos then."

"And robes too. He can't do it right now but when he can have sex again I want less obstacles to it."

Todd chuckled. "Ok so 8 polos for right now and 7 robes for when he can fuck again. Are you planning on him taking you all over the apartment?"

"Oh yes. It will be like our first spring break together. You remember how much cum you took out of me."

"I may need to order some plastic to put over everything to keep it clean."

"Ok Todd, just get the uniforms for him."

"Alright. I'll get his size and order them after I handle the money."

We went to the apartment and Todd went to count the money and I took Ty to our room so he could make love to me. After he gave me an intense orgasm we got cleaned up and went back out to get the numbers from Todd. I then paid Ty and Danny and we all headed to the restaurant for dinner. After we ate we came back and watched some TV before turning in. Ty made love to me then I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

On Monday when I got up Ty made love to me. We then got a shower and he got dressed. I went over to check on Scott. I got him up and took him to get a shower. I then cleaned his cock and balls with a washcloth and told him to put on something good. I then went to get on my robe. We then all went to breakfast. After breakfast the others headed to work. Me and Scott, and Officer Willie went for a walk. We don't need Carl right now as Officer Willie can watch us both if we stay together but Carl is on call if Scott has to go somewhere by himself and when he goes to school. After our walk I tell Scott we have some more cleaning to do. Thanksgiving is this Thursday and we have a lot of guests coming so I want the apartment as clean as possible.

I have him start in the fantasy rooms and make sure they are all clean. I start in the bedrooms. As I'm doing Scott's bedroom I check out his clothes. He will wear our polo uniforms when he is working with me but he needs his own pants for them. He only had two good pairs of pants. We will need to get him more. When I'm done in the bedrooms I start on the rest of the house. Scott finishes the fantasy rooms and comes to help me. At lunch we go down and he waits with Officer Willie outside Danny's office while Danny fucks me hard. We then go to get a table and eat lunch. After lunch we head up and he waits with Officer Willie while Todd fucks me on his desk and Ty does the same. Then we head back down to the apartment. I tell Officer Willie we will only be a minute so I can put on clothing then we will be coming back down. I get on clothes and we head to my car.

Because I'm not supposed to drive I have Scott drive and Officer Willie takes the passenger seat and I sit in the back. We head to the mall and I take Scott to the clothing store and get him 7 more pairs of pants and also a good outfit to wear on Thanksgiving. We then head back to the casino and up to the apartment. I have Scott wash his new clothes as I start cleaning the bathrooms. After he has them in to wash he joins me in the bathroom.

We have everything clean and his clothes put away when it is time to go down to dinner. After we eat Scott heads to school with Carl and we go up to wait for Danny to get off. When he joins us we go to bed. Ty makes love to me and I cuddle up to him and wait for Scott to get home. When I hear him get home I go to sleep.

With the cleaning done the next two days are uneventful. Ty makes love to me when we get up then I help Scott shower. After breakfast we take a walk around the casino then we head to the apartment and watch TV until lunch. He waits with Officer Willie as Danny, Todd and Ty fuck me and we then watch TV until dinner. After dinner Scott goes to school and we wait for Danny then Ty makes love to me and I go to sleep when I hear Scott come home.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 113

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