Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on May 9, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 111 by Sam

"What do you mean? Only I can fire you."

"Here, see for yourself."

He handed me a copy of his termination form. It had his name and reason for termination and was signed by... Rick. To say I was pissed would be the understatement of the year. Rick was a dead man.

"Ok, just put your stuff away and watch some TV or play on the Switch. I have to go upstairs for a bit but I'll be back before we need to go to dinner."

"I'm sorry babe. If you want me to leave I will."

"Scott, this isn't your fault and I never want you to leave. I will handle this. You just put your stuff away and relax until I get back."

"Ok babe."

I pushed the button and when it was green me and Officer Willie went up to Ty's office.

"Hey baby."

"Ty, your father fired Scott."

"He did? Why would he do that?"

"That is exactly what I want to know. Get his ass here so I can ask him."

"Baby, you aren't going to kill my dad are you?"

"I will make that decision in time. Just get his ass up here now."

Ty took out his phone and called his dad.

"Dad, Sam is pissed off at you and wants you up here right now... He said right now and you may want to bring some protection... ok, bye dad." He put down his phone. "Dad says he will fly in tonight."


I turned and went back downstairs. At 5 pm we headed to dinner. Scott ordered his food so he could eat before he had to leave for class. I ordered when the others arrived and Scott left for school at 5:30. When we finished eating we went upstairs. We watched TV.

When Rick and Liz stepped off the elevator Ty and Todd got up.

"Mom, Dad, it is wonderful to see you. Me and Todd are going to go now."

Ty and Todd headed to their rooms.

"Liz it is wonderful to see you." I then turned to Rick and much more sternly. "Rick, we need to talk."

"Now Sweetie, Rick says you are upset with him about something. Let's sit down and try and calmly discuss it."

I pulled out the copy of Scott's termination and handed it to Rick.

"Did you sign this termination?"

Rick looked it over.

"Yes. This person was constantly taking extra long breaks and has many unexcused absences. Signing it was a no brainer. I was surprised that Ty didn't sign it first."

"Did you look at the name on it?"

"No, the name isn't important, it is what they did that I look at."

"Look at it now."

Rick looked at the name and I could see the wheels spinning in his head.

"Um... is this... um... your Scott?"

"Yes it is Rick. You fired my Scott."

"Rick! You fired Sam's boyfriend? You know better than that."

"I swear, I didn't look at the name. Don't worry Sam, I'll fix this Monday."

"You will not. You will go fix this now or I'm leaving you alone with Sam. And if you make it out alive you can fly home alone too."

"Ok, I'll go find someone in HR and get this fixed."

Rick left through the elevator. Liz and I sat and chatted. When Danny got home, Todd pulled him right into their room. About 45 minutes later Rick came back in.

"Sam... I, um, can't fix this."

"What do you mean Rick?"

"Well his termination was already processed and the box for no rehire was checked. HR's computers won't allow him to be put back in. No matter what he can't work for the casino again."

I was really upset to hear this. Scott needs his job to pay for his school. If he can't work here then he will have to find another job somewhere else. I didn't want him to work somewhere else because then I couldn't have my together time with him during the day. Liz took over for me.

"You better do something Rick. Sam's boyfriend needs a job and you should never have signed that termination to begin with."

"I don't know what to do Liz. The HR person tried for half an hour to put him back in, but the computer wouldn't allow it. Sam, is there anything I can do to make this up to you?"

I thought about it. What I needed was Scott to have a job. But he can't work for the casino. I got an idea. And it may solve a lot of my issues I've been having.

"I want an assistant."

"An assistant?"

"Yes, I want an assistant. Paid for by you, not the casino, in an amount I determine with full benefits and I have full control over his hours and duties and nobody can fire him but me."

"So I'm going to pay your boyfriend to be your boyfriend?"

"Yes you are Rick."

"Ok Sam. Anything else? You want me to pay Ty to be your husband too?"

"No, Ty likes his job and as far as I know you didn't fire him today."

"Ok, ok, so are we good now?"

"Yes Rick, we are. I'd offer you the spare room but that is Scott's room now."

"Don't worry Sam, we'll just get one of the hotel rooms."

"Ok, Scott gets home in about a half hour if you want to wait up for him. I usually stay up until I hear him get in."

"Of course sweetie, I'd like to meet him."

When Scott came home we all sat down.

"Scott this is Liz, Ty's mom."

"Pleasure to meet you Liz."

"You too sweetie. He is cute Sam. Rick, your turn."

"Yes, Scott, I want to apologize for firing you."

"It's ok sir. I'll find another job."

"No son it isn't ok. I should have noticed it was your name and talked to Sam first. But I want to make it up to you. Sam has asked for an assistant, so I'm going to pay for him to have one and I want to know if you would like that job?"

"Oh, I would be Sam's assistant? What would I have to do?"

"Your duties would be determined by him. Whatever he asked you to do is what you would do."

"How much does it pay sir?"

"That is up to Sam. So Sam, how much is it going to pay?"

"Well, I don't want you to make less than you did, so how much did you make at the front desk?"

"I was making $11 per hour."

"Alright. This is going to be a salary position, not hourly, as you will need to be available at any time I might need you. So how does $100,000 a year sound?"

"$100,000 a year!?"

"Is that not enough?"

"No babe, I mean sir, that is more than enough."

"Don't call me sir. I told you that."

"But you are my boss now."

"Fine, but as your boss my title is babe. So that is what you need to call me."

Scott smiled, "Yes babe."

"Great. It is late so go to bed, you start in the morning."

"Ok babe, goodnight. Goodnight Rick and Liz."

"Goodnight Scott."

"Ok, I have to work tomorrow. But if you like you can have lunch with us before you fly back to Vegas."

"That would be wonderful sweetie. We'll see you for lunch tomorrow."

Liz and Rick left to go to their hotel room. I went to bed and Ty made love to me then I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 112

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