Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on May 7, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 110 by Sam

When my alarm went off at 5:30 I got up. It woke Ty up too.

"Sorry honey, but I want to make sure Scott gets a good breakfast before work."

"That's ok baby. I'll give you a hand."

I went and made sure Scott was up then took him and gave him a shower with a bag on his junk. After the shower I took a washcloth and cleaned his dick and balls with it but kept away from the sutures. He then put on his uniform and we went out to the dining room. Ty was there.

"How are you feeling Scott?"

"Fine sir. I took my medicine so I shouldn't have any problems at work."

"Well if you do just come back here. We don't want you overtaxing your body and getting put in the hospital again."

"Yes sir, but I should be fine."

I made some eggs and bacon with toast and gave them to Scott. After he ate I went over and pushed the button on the elevator. When it turned green we went down. Officer Willie introduced Scott to his bodyguard, Carl. Carl and Scott headed to the front desk and I went back up to bed with Ty. Ty made love to me then we got up and took a shower. I put on my robe and we met up with the others and went down to breakfast. After breakfast they went to work and I walked around for an hour with Officer Willie. I waved at Scott and Carl as we passed the front desk then I headed up to start on laundry. Scott had some dirty clothing in his apartment when we moved him so I did those first before moving on to the stuff we used this weekend and then Ty's and my clothes.

At 11 am I went down to the front desk. I found Scott in the back with Carl.

"Babe, what are you doing here?"

"It is your break so I'm here to be with you."

"But I can't have sex for at least a month."

"I don't care."

We went to the bed office and Carl and Officer Willie stood outside the door as we went in. I took off my robe and he undressed. We then laid in bed and I cuddled up to him.

"Did you take your anti-boner pills?"

"That is not what they are called, but yes, I took them."

"Well it is what they do. But that is good as I don't want you getting one because I'm here."

"I think you might give me one even with the pills."

"That is sweet of you to say, but I hope it doesn't happen."

"Babe, I can't fuck you. But now that you are here I want to make sure you cum."

"It's ok Scott. The other three will fuck me at lunch. You don't need to do anything but be with me."

"They can fuck you, but I'm going to give you pleasure too."

Scott laid me on my back and started kissing me. He then slowly kissed down my neck and chest. Then kept going lower until he got to my cock. He took me into his mouth and sucked on me for a few minutes then took me out of his mouth and licked my balls as he lifted my legs. He worked his tongue around my hole making me squirm in pleasure. I was moaning as he rimmed me. He didn't let up and soon was pushing his tongue into my hole. When he got tired he put my legs back down and took my cock back into his mouth and sucked me until I shot my load into his mouth. He swallowed my cum and continued to suck on me until I was too sensitive and pushed him off. He then laid back down and I cuddled up to him to enjoy some after sex closeness with him.

"Did you enjoy that babe?"

"Yeah Scott, it was wonderful."

"Good. I always want to give you pleasure."

I stayed cuddled up to him until it was time for us to go to lunch. Scott and Carl got a table as me and Officer Willie went to Danny's office. Officer Willie stayed outside the door as me and Danny went in. He took off his pants and I hung up my robe. He took the lube and lubed himself up as I bent over and grabbed onto the shelf. He pushed his cock into me then when he was all the way in he held onto my hips as he started to thrust in and out of me. After 10 minutes I cum onto the floor and he pushes all the way into me as I feel his cock pump his load inside me. When we come down he pulls out and cleans us off then he puts on his pants as I get my robe on. When we are ready we head back out and he locks his door as I head to the table with Officer Willie. After we all eat I take Scott and Carl back to the front desk then head up to Todd's office.

When I get there I take off my robe and lay on his desk and lift my legs. He takes off his pants and takes the lube out of his drawer and lubes up. He then pushes his big heavy cock into my hole. When he is all the way in he holds my hips and starts thrusting in and out of me. He looks into my eyes as he pistons his cock in and out of my hole. After 20 minutes he pushes all the way into me and gives me his load. When we come down he pulls out of me and cleans us off then puts on his pants as I put my robe back on.

"So you had your break time with Scott today even though he can't fuck yet?"

"Yeah, but how do you know?"

"It is in this write up on him for an excessive break."

"That's fast. I just took him back to the front desk right before getting on the elevator to come up here."

"Email Sam, it is the way it is done in the computer age. I got it right before you walked in."

"Well your guy needs to calm down. He can't take an excessive break when the amount of time for his break is determined by me. If I want his break to end at 3 pm I can."

"I know but that doesn't stop Dave from writing him up. I already deleted it."

"Well ok, but I don't like it."

I went over to Ty's office. When I got there I took off my robe and laid on his desk. He took off his pants and pulled the lube out of his drawer. He lubed up his cock and pushed it into me. When he got all the way in he held onto my hips and thrust in and out of me. His cock isn't as thick as the others, but he knows how to work my hole and he is the best at it. His cock always gives me the best feelings of anyone. After twenty minutes he pumped his load into me. When we came down he pulled out of me and cleaned us up. I put on my robe as he put his pants back on.

"So you had time with Scott even though he can't fuck?"

"How do you know that?"

"If I told you I think it would piss you off. But you did have time with him today?"

"I did. We cuddled and he sucked me off after rimming me. Now, how do you know that I did?"

"Because Dave copied me in on the write up he sent Todd about it."

"Why did he copy you in?"

"Maybe he is annoyed that Todd is always deleting Scott's write-ups and thinks I will do something about it. I am Todd's supervisor, after all."

"Oh this Dave is a piece of work. Did you know Scott likes him? He says he is nice. But here he is writing him up for stuff that isn't even wrong. I control his breaks so they can be as long as I want. Therefore they can never be excessive. Who else did he copy in?"

"Hang on, let me look." Ty went to his computer and looked through his emails. "Looks like just us and HR's paperwork address. That is normal as everything has to go there."

"Well ok, but don't you sign none of that shit."

"Of course not baby. Scott's job is safe."

I went back down and continued to do laundry. At 3 pm Scott came home. I was still washing clothes but the machine does all the work so I was watching TV too. Scott sat down on the couch and watched TV and I cuddled into his side and watched with him as he put his arm around me. When the machine was done I put Todd and Danny's clothes away then sat back down with Scott.

When it was time for dinner we headed over to the restaurant. Scott ordered so he could eat and get out in time to go to class. I waited for the others to join us before ordering mine. At 5:30 Scott left with Carl to go to school and the rest of us continued our meal. When we were done we went upstairs to watch TV and wait for Danny to get off work. When he got home we turned in. Ty made love to me then I cuddled up to him. I waited up until I heard Scott come home then I went to sleep.

The rest of the week went the same. I would wake up at 5:30 (and so would Ty) and give Scott a shower and use a washcloth on his cock and balls before he got dressed in his uniform. I would then get him a good breakfast before he headed down to work. Then me and Ty would make love and get our shower. At 11 am I would go to the front desk to cuddle with Scott and he would make me feel good with his mouth then we would get lunch. Then I would return him to work and go to get the rest of the loads from the guys. He would get home at 3 pm and we would watch TV until dinner. He would go to school and after Ty made love to me I would stay awake until I heard Scott get home then go to sleep.

On Friday, Scott got home later than normal. I had just finished dusting and cleaning the fantasy rooms and making sure the outfits for Sunday were ready. He came off the elevator with a box and he looked really down. I went over to him and gave him a hug then asked what was wrong.

"I got fired."

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 111

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