Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Nov 14, 2020


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 11 by Sam

When we woke up the next morning, Todd made love to me then we took a shower. I made our breakfast and lunches and we ate before I had to leave for work. At lunch when I checked my phone I had an alert from Discover that my card had been used at the pool store and gave the amount. Dang that shit is expensive. Oh well, to give Todd something to do and then have a pool to use all summer I guess it is worth it.

When I got home after work, Todd was still working on the pool. I went out to check on him. He had gotten all the leaves and crap out of the pool and was using a big brush with a long handle on it to scrub the sides of the pool. I let him know I was home and going to start dinner. He said he would finish this wall and then come in. When he came in he went to take a quick shower as I finished dinner. We then sat down and ate and I cleaned up. We then cuddled up in the bedroom. He was tired from all the work he did on the pool so no sex, but that was ok, I like just being close to him too. He asked if he could have a company come out to check the pool filter and pump as that was more complicated than he felt he could do himself. I said if he thought it necessary then he could do whatever needed to be done, just use his Discover card to pay for it. At bedtime I fell asleep as he held me tight.

The next morning Todd made love to me then we took a shower. I made us breakfast and lunches for later, then we ate. After I cleaned up we kissed as I headed to work and he headed to the backyard.

At lunch when I checked my phone there was an alert from Discover. A Craig's pool service charged it for $195. I figured for a professional to check out that equipment that seemed a fair price.

When I got home Todd was still working on the pool. He had the walls clean and he did a really good job. He was working on the bottom. I let him know I was there and starting dinner. He said he would be there in a bit, he needed to put stuff away first. (See, responsible. Why did it take so long for me to find him. Well, he would have been illegal 2 years ago, but still.)

I started on dinner. When Todd came in he went to get a quick shower. At dinner, Todd told me the guy from the pool company looked at the pump and filter and serviced the pump to get it working and changed the sand in the filter so it is ready to go. He also showed Todd how everything worked, including how to fill and empty the pool and how to test the water and add chemicals. I thought, for that $195 we got a heck of a lot. We will definitely use Craig in the future. After dinner we just cuddled up together and watched TV. Todd was tired from all the outside work so no sex. I don't mind. Being close to him is wonderful too. At bedtime I fell asleep cuddled up to him.

The next morning, we ate breakfast after Todd made love to me and we took a shower. I then headed to work as Todd went to the backyard after our kiss. When I got home the dryer was running and Todd was in the backyard sitting on a chair by the pool. I grabbed another chair and set it next to him and sat with him. The pool was filling.

"Welcome home babe, how was work?"

"Busy, Friday's always are. So how was your day?"

"Good. I finished cleaning the pool and got it started filling then took my shower and decided to wash towels. Then I figured I'd sit and watch it fill up."

"When can we use it?"

"Once it is full. After I put the chemicals in we have to stay out for 12 hours, but it is clean water from the city now so it is safe for a day. We can swim then I'll add the chemicals so they can work overnight."

"This is going to raise my water bill isn't it?"

"Probably, the pool guy said this pool held 15,000 gallons. It's been filling for a few hours now and is only half full so we have a while to wait."

"Ok, I'll get started on dinner."

After we ate I cleaned up as Todd went back to the backyard. When I was finished I joined him and sat on his lap as we watched the pool fill. He held me tight to him. It was about 9pm when the pool was finally full. Todd warned me the water would probably be cold as it would be a few days before the sun heated it up. I was ok with that.

"I don't have a bathing suit but I can probably just use shorts."

"Why use anything babe? Let's go naked."

"Um, but someone might see."

"Babe, you have an 8 foot (243 cm) privacy fence. Nobody will see."

He was right. I had an 8 foot fence all the way around my backyard. I liked it as I didn't have to see my neighbors when I sat on my patio, but I guess that means they can't see me either. So I agreed. We stripped naked and got in. Wow, this water was cold. I knew it would be basically tap water temperature, as that is what it is, but when you get in it, it feels so much colder. We swam around a bit to warm up.

"Hey babe, wanna fuck in the pool?"

I've never thought of doing that. Of course I've never used my pool before either. But, the lube we have is water based so it would just dissolve in the pool. I told Todd we could if he found a lube that would work in the pool. He was way ahead of me. He got out and went inside and came out with a little bottle. He handed it to me. It was silicone lube. I handed it to him and he lubed himself up, then me and I held on to the side of the pool as he came up behind me and entered me. He pinned me to the side of the pool with his body as he thrust in and out of me. Feeling the water around me and him behind me and his cock inside me was overwhelming and I blew my load in the water. Todd kept going and when I pumped my second load in the pool, he thrust all the way in and I felt his cock pulsing inside me as he filled my insides. When we had come down he pulled out and I wiped his cock with my hand to get the lube off and he did the same to my crack. We swam some more.

When we got out I dried off as Todd, still naked, started up the pump and tested the water. He added the chemicals so they could start working then he dried off and we went inside. As there wasn't any chlorine in the water, we didn't need a shower. We basically just had a bath so no need. We went and cuddled up together and I fell asleep.

The next morning, Todd made love to me and we got a shower before breakfast. After we ate we headed to the grocery store. Todd helped me with the items I couldn't reach and he chatted with his former coworkers. When we got home we put everything away then Todd went to check the pool. He came back and said it was ready to use, but would still be cold. I said we could wait until after lunch to give it more time to get a little warmer.

I asked Todd when his birthday was as I wanted to know so I didn't miss it. He said June 23rd. That was really soon. And very close to mine, July 1st. I told him that was weird that our birthdays were so close together. He simply said it just meant we were really meant for each other. I had to figure out what to get him fast. I asked if he wanted a party, he said we could, but didn't know who to invite. He had some coworkers he liked, but his roommates from the dorm were back home and his dad definitely wasn't invited.

I asked if he had any friends back home. He said he didn't. The ones from high school all moved away and he lost touch with them. I told him not to worry as we'd invite his friends from work and have a little party. I figured I'd also invite a few of my coworkers that I liked as they always like a good party. Trust me, after being on a phone all day, getting out with real people face to face is great.

After we had lunch we sat and watched a show before heading out to swim. It was still quite cold. It was a shock to go from the air temp of 95 F (35 C) to that water. But we swam around to warm up. We splashed around and threw a ball around trying to catch it then having to swim to it when you missed. After about an hour Todd came up to me and started rubbing my butt. He then leaned in and kissed me. I kissed him back. It was great. He held me and moved us over to the side of the pool. He then picked up my legs and put them around him. I clamped them tight around him. He reached behind me but I was focused on kissing him so I didn't see what he did. I then felt his hand at my hole as he spread the lube on me. I then felt his huge cock at my entrance. He pushed into me and wrapped his arms around me as I sank down all the way on him. He then started thrusting in and out of me. After I came in the water, Todd broke our kiss and moved away from the side of the pool and angled my body more on my back. I reached over my head and grabbed the lip of the pool to hold my head out of the water. Todd then moved his hands more to my hips as he started pounding me harder. It was amazing, almost floating on my back as his big cock thrust in and out of my hole hitting my prostate. I closed my eyes and enjoyed all the feelings I was receiving. After a long time I was pushed over the edge again as I came in the water. Todd pushed hard into me and I felt him pump his load inside me. When we both came down he pulled me back up to him and held me tight as he pulled himself from inside me. I then used my hand to wash away the lube on his cock as he did the same to my butt. We then swam some more before getting out and getting a shower so I could make dinner. We just stayed naked as we ate then went in to cuddle up together and watch TV until it was time to sleep.

When I woke up. After our normal routine. LOL. I can't believe my normal routine now is to have an attractive 19 year old make amazing love to me for at least half an hour with the biggest cock I've ever seen, giving me at least 2 orgasms. How did my life get so good? Well, after our normal routine we ate breakfast/lunch. I guess it is brunch but I didn't make brunch type food. Anyway, after we ate we went to the movies to see a movie that was advertised on TV that Todd said he wanted to see. After the movie we stayed in the mall and walked around looking at the various things. I told Todd we should get bathing suits. Even though we don't wear them when we swim alone, we may invite others and will need them then. So we went to the clothing store and looked at their selection. Todd picked up a Speedo and was looking at it. I told him his cock would not fit in that. He said it wasn't for him. He said my ass would look super hot in it. I told him we were getting these for when other people were over, he could look at my ass naked when we swam alone. He said he wanted to look at my ass all the time. I relented. It is hard for me to resist him. We got me the Speedo and he got some long swimming trunks. After we bought those we continued to look around.

At dinnertime we stopped at a restaurant to eat before heading home. When we got home we undressed and went to the bedroom. Todd made love to me. After I cleaned us off we cuddled up together and went to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 12

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