Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on May 5, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 109 by Sam

When we woke up Ty made love to me then we got a shower. We got dressed and then met up with the others and went to breakfast. After breakfast they had to go to work. I then went with Officer Willie to the hospital to see Scott. Officer Willie got me into Scott's bed and I cuddled with him until visiting hours were over. We then went back to the casino. After Danny fucked me in his office we had lunch. Then I went to Todd's office for his load then over to Ty's office. After he fucked me on his desk we got cleaned up.

"How is Scott doing?"

"He's good. They say he can come home tomorrow but he has to stay on his no-boner pills."

"Ok. I'll have housekeeping clean up the spare room."

"No, I'll do that tonight. They don't need to clean up after us."

"Ok baby, if that is what you want. I'll let you get back to the hospital."

I gave Ty a kiss then went downstairs and back over to the hospital with Officer Willie. I cuddled up to Scott until visiting hours were over again. We then came back for dinner. After dinner I changed the sheets on the bed in the spare room and dusted and vacuumed it. I had it all clean when Danny got home and we turned in. Ty made love to me then I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

When I woke up Ty made love to me then we got a shower and got dressed. We went to breakfast and they headed to work. Officer Willie took me to the hospital. He got me into bed with Scott and I cuddled up to him. Around 11 am they brought in his discharge papers and his prescription for his antibiotic, pain medicine and his don't get hard pills. We stopped at the front desk so I could pay his bill. It was a lot since he didn't have insurance but worth every penny if it saves his dick. I'm so having Ty sue Larry though. We got in my car. Officer Willie drove and me and Scott got in the back.

When we got back we headed to the restaurant. I told the guys no sex today as I would be with Scott. We had lunch then I called Ty to let him know we were here. We went to our elevator and a tech was waiting for us. Scott asked what was going on. I told him to give the tech his fingers and the tech got them programmed into the doors. I then told Officer Willie we shouldn't be down before dinner but I wasn't certain of that. He said no problem and to just press the button if we wanted to go out sooner. I took Scott up to the apartment. I took him to his room.

"Welcome home Scott."

"What babe?"

"This is your room now."

"But I have an apartment. You don't have to put me up."

"I'm not putting you up Scott. You live with us now because I want to be with you. This is your room. And I need you to be here. You are safe here as nobody but us can get up here. I'll talk to Ty about getting you a security officer for when you have to leave the apartment."

"You don't have to do all that babe, I'll be ok."

"Nobody is taking you from me again Scott. So you will be protected."

"Ok babe."

I had Scott lay on his bed and I cuddled up to him. After an hour Todd and Ty came into the room.

"What the fuck are you doing with my wife?"

Scott shot up scared. "Sir. I swear we didn't do anything."

"Ty! I swear to God you are sleeping alone tonight!"

"Sorry baby. I'm sorry Scott, I was just playing. You can do whatever you want with Sam as long as I get him at night. But are you guys ready?"

"Ready for what sir?"

"To go pack up your stuff so we can bring it here. Todd will take his truck and the rest of us will go in mine."

"You don't have to do that sir, I can do that all myself."

"Nonsense. We all help each other here. So get up so we can go."

We got out of bed and headed downstairs and met up with Officer Willie. We then drove over to Scott's apartment. Officer Willie insisted that he go in with Scott and make sure it was safe before the rest of us did. When they came back out we all went in to start to pack up his stuff. Todd was about to go over to his bed when Scott stopped him.

"It's ok Mr. Anderson, I can get this area over here myself."

"What is it Scott, got your porn over here?"

I jumped in, "No Todd, if he has porn then let Ty get over here. I don't want to be here all night."

"Hey, I'm getting better."

"Oh, so when you are in bed with Danny you don't take out your phone?"

"I said better, not cured. Plus Danny likes it too."

"Oh my God Todd, you corrupted little innocent Danny?"

"Um, Sam, can we not talk about this in front of my employee?"

"Ok, but me, you and Danny are going to sit down and discuss this later."

We finished getting all his stuff packed up and loaded into the trucks. He then returned his key to the office. Once we got back to the casino we started unloading his stuff and bringing it up in the elevator. We got it all put in his room and I let him start unpacking. When it was time for dinner we went down to eat then came back up so he could continue his unpacking. When Danny joined us we turned in. Ty made love to me then I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

When we woke up Ty made love to me then we got a shower. I then went over to wake up Scott. I got a plastic storage bag and took Scott into his shower. I put the plastic bag over his cock to keep his sutures dry then we got a shower. After we dried off he got dressed and I went to put on my robe. We then all went down to breakfast. After we ate we got ready for work. Scott asked what he should do. I told him he could do whatever he wanted as long as he stayed up here. He could finish his unpacking or hang out with Ty or just watch TV. I left him and went to the room and got ready. When I was ready I told Ty and the doors were open.

When we broke for lunch Danny brought up the food. After we ate I got a shower then we got set up again before we opened the doors. After we closed we worked for another hour and a half to clear the line. When we were done Officer Willie took his turn then we went to dinner. After dinner I told Scott we were going to have group fun. He could go ahead and turn in if he wanted to. The four of us went into Todd and Danny's room and had sex for an hour before getting a shower and cuddling up and going to sleep.

When we woke up Todd made love to me as Danny fucked Ty. After we came we took a shower then I went to get Scott up and gave him a shower. I then got on my robe as the others got dressed. After breakfast we got set up for the day. I put on the first outfit. Scott said he would hang out in my room while I worked so he could see me as I changed. That is fine as long as he takes his anti-boner pills. I don't want to excite him and have him pop his stitches.

He sat on the chair and after my showers and I got in the new clothes I would sit on his lap as I waited for Ty's signal to go to the next customer. When we were done for the day we had dinner then Ty took me to our room to make love. Afterward we went out to get our numbers from Todd. After he told us I paid Ty and Danny then I had Scott sit on the couch and I sat in his lap while we watched TV. He then said he needed to turn in as he had to get up early. I got off his lap and gave him a kiss as he went to bed. Then me and Ty turned in and he made love to me before I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 110

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