Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on May 3, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 108 by Sam

When we woke up we got a shower then I put on clothes. Yeah, I wore clothes. We then went down to breakfast and waited for my mom. When she joined us we all ate then headed over to the hospital. When we got there we asked for Scott's room. They asked how we were related to him. Here we go again.

"I'm his little brother and this is our mom. These three are our cousins and that is Uncle Willie and Uncle Rick."

They then took us to his room. They had an IV in his arm and a clip thing on his finger hooked up to a machine. But that was all that he was connected to.

"Sam what was all that about?"

"Hospitals don't let you in unless you are family. So I made us all family. I look like his younger brother and you look like his mom so it works."

"Ok, well if it works."

We all went over to look at Scott.

"He is very handsome Sam. How did you meet him?"

"He works the front desk of the hotel." Well he does. I didn't say that is how we met though.

"Oh, I thought it was through your escort service."

"What? How do you know about that?"

"My hotel room has a pamphlet for it. I wondered why the hotel would advertise an escort service so I went to the website. And there was my little boy's face."

"Oh. Well, ok. Yes, Scott was a customer. But he also works the front desk. Are you upset I'm a prostitute?"

"No Sam. You've always been a horny boy. Getting paid for sex is one way to deal with that."

"Mrs. Richards, I'm confused. Sam says you disapproved of him being gay and that is why you hate each other, but now you say you are ok with men paying him for sex?"

"I don't hate Sam. Well, ok, I guess it could be seen that way. You see I raised Sam by myself and he is a lot like me. Very opinionated and stubborn and willing to say anything to anyone no matter what. Some of our opinions don't line up and neither one of us is willing to say we are wrong so we do fight. But I don't hate Sam, I love him. He is my son. And I don't have a problem with him being gay, that is my friends. You see when his father died I had to lean on my friends a lot. His dad's friends came and helped out too. When Sam came out, his dad's friends were all for it. My friends however are massively anti- gay. As far as I'm concerned, as long as he finds a nice boy I'm fine with it. As for being paid for sex, well I think that is legal here so it is just like working at the drive-thru."

"So you are still friends with them?"

"I need them Sam. But I'm not letting them get between us again. I really missed seeing you last Christmas. Can you come home for the holidays again? I would like to see my little boy."

"No. I'm never going back to Wisconsin again. I live here now with my family. But you can come here."

"Me and my wife Liz could pick you up in the plane on the way here. We plan on spending Thanksgiving and Christmas here with the boys."

"Well thank you Rick. I think I'll take you up on that. I really would like to spend time with my son."

"And this way your friends in the cult don't have to know you are with your faggot son."

"Sammy! That is enough."

"Sorry mom. But I have heard them call me that."

"I know baby, and I'm sorry. But you are not that. You are my wonderful son that has a handsome husband and a handsome boyfriend."

A doctor came in.

"Mrs. Inman?"

I whispered to my mom. "That's you."

"Oh, Yes?"

"The surgery was a success. There will be some discoloration of the tissue due to it being without blood flow for so long, but that should clear up. We have him on medication that keeps him from getting an erection and he will need to stay on it for two weeks. However, when he goes off the medication it is possible he will still not be able to achieve an erection. Also it is possible that he will not regain feeling in his penis. There is no way to know at this time. He should not have sex for at least a month. After that he will need to come in so we can remove the sutures and once the wound is healed then he can return to having sex if he is able to."

"Thank you doctor."

I overheard what the doctor said to my mom. This really upset me. He had his penis back, but he still might not be able to have sex with me. He may never be able to get hard and may not be able to feel pleasure from his dick. If Larry got away from the cops he was going to be dead. I wanted to be close to Scott and tried to climb into the bed with him on the side opposite his IV.

"Hey little fella, you want to be with your big brother?"

"Yes, Sammy loves his big brother."

"Well, let me give you a hand. Just watch his IV."

The doctor put me in the bed next to Scott. I cuddled up to him. He is still unconscious.

"Doctor. Do you know when my son will wake up?"

"The drugs should be out of his system by now so within the hour. You can stay however long you want."

The doctor left us and I cuddled up to Scott. It was a half hour before Scott opened his eyes. He looked around at all of us then to me cuddled up to him. He moved his arm and put it around me.

"Babe, I don't know how to tell you this. But Larry, he..."

"I know Scott. He cut off your dick."

"Yeah. I'll understand if you don't want to be with me now."

"Scott. I hope you don't think that is all I care about."

"I didn't mean that babe. But I know you enjoyed it and now we can't do that anymore."

"Maybe. But they did put it back on."

"What?" He moved his sheet and looked at it. I looked at it too. Where it was sewed back on didn't look good but it looked like it was all there. He reached down and touched it. "I can't feel it."

"It's ok Scott. It may take time as the blood starts to work its way through it again. But the doctor did say you might not be able to get hard or feel it again. I'll be with you even if that is the case. I like the sex, but I love you Scott. If we can't have sex that is ok too."

"I love you too babe and I'll make sure I can get hard and make you feel good again."

"Oh, let me introduce you. This is my mom and that is Rick, Ty's dad."

"Nice to meet you Sam's mom, and I recognized Mr. Lennox from the staff meeting."

"Please call me Betty dear."

"And call me Rick."

"But I'm your employee sir."

"Right now you are Sam's boyfriend so call me Rick. I'm not your boss, I'm Sam's father-in-law."

"Um... am I fired sir?"

"Don't worry Scott. Nobody can fire you but me."

"Well it is my casino Sam."

"Don't make me call Liz, Rick. You still have a job Scott, but call Rick, Rick as he is family now."

"Ok, nice to actually meet you Rick."

"If anyone in here asks, you are my brother and mom is your mom."

"You are my brother babe?"

"We had to be family to get in."

"Ok then. So we can't fuck here I guess?"

"No. But also they have you on pills to keep you soft and you can't have sex for a month."

"Don't worry babe, I'll keep you happy somehow."

"Just be here for me is all you need to do."

After more cuddle time we were told visiting hours were over. I asked Scott if he wanted me to bring anything when I came back later today. He said he would be fine. We all left and went back to the casino to eat lunch.

"Sam, Rick is going to be heading home and I'll go home with him."

"Rick, that's my mom!"

"No, I mean he is going to fly me home then he will go to his home."

"Oh, ok. You will be back for Thanksgiving though right?"

"Yes Sam, I'll be here."

Mom and Rick left. When it was time for visiting hours again we went back to the hospital. Ty and Todd helped me back into Scott's bed and I cuddled up to him again. After visiting hours were over again I told Scott I'd be back tomorrow. We headed back and had dinner then we went up to the apartment. After some TV we turned in. Ty made love to me then I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 109

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