Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Apr 30, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 106 by Sam

In the morning Ty made love to me then we got a shower and I put on my robe. We then headed to breakfast and they went to work. I went for my walk. When I passed by the front desk Scott was not on it. I was confused as he should be on it right now as this is his shift. I went over and talked to the girl behind the counter. She said Scott called in with car trouble and wouldn't be in today. Well this sucks. But stuff happens. I went up to the apartment and started on laundry. After I washed all the sheets and outfits I used Saturday and Sunday I started on Ty's and my laundry. I had that done before I headed to lunch. Since Scott was not here today I went to Danny's office. After he pumped his load into me we got cleaned up and I went and ate lunch with Officer Willie. We then headed up to Todd's office. After he fucked me he said he was notified that Scott was out with car issues. I said the front desk girl told me, but I asked why he would be told of something so low level.

"Well, it was all in this write up Dave sent over on him."

"Dave wrote up Scott? For what?"

"Excessively long breaks and now an absence with short notice."

"His breaks are under my control. And how was he to know his car wouldn't start before he tried to start it to come to work?"

"I know Sam, I tore up the write up. Scott is safe, don't worry."

I was a little pissed when I went over to Ty's office.

"Baby, you seem upset."

"Sorry, but Scott's supervisor wrote him up for stuff that isn't his fault."

"That's ok baby, Todd can cancel any of those."

"I know, it just pisses me off. I'm sorry. You need relief and I'm complaining."

"Don't get me wrong baby, but I will fuck you when you are mad, I just prefer to make you happy first if I can."

"Maybe I'm mad enough that I will do the fucking?"

"Oh. Now baby, I love it when you fuck me, but you sometimes get carried away and I do have work to do and can't be on my back all day."

"Ok then."

I got on my back on his desk and he fucked me until he gave me his load. We then cleaned up and I headed back downstairs to finish the laundry. After dinner we waited for Danny then turned in. Ty made love to me then I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

When we woke up the next morning Ty made love to me then we took a shower and I put on my robe then we headed to breakfast. I took my walk and Scott was at the front desk. I waved to him then went upstairs to start on my housework. At 11 I went to the front desk and went in the back. I met Scott at our bed office. Officer Willie stood at the door and we went in.

I laid on the bed and Scott got on top of me. He started to kiss me passionately and I felt him enter me. When he was all the way in he started rocking his hips thrusting his big thick cock in and out of me. He was hitting my prostate and I was moaning in his mouth as he continued to kiss me. I was lost in the sensations Scott was giving my body as his mouth and cock worked their magic on me. After 20 minutes I couldn't hold it back anymore and I screamed in his mouth as I shot my cum all over us. This took Scott over the edge and he thrust his cock all the way in me and pumped his load inside me. It took awhile for us to come down from that intense orgasm. Scott then pulled out of me and I cuddled up to him.

"I'm sorry about not being here yesterday babe but my car had issues."

"It's ok, nothing you can control. So what was the problem?"

"Well my car wouldn't start so I had to have it towed to a mechanic. He said the fuel line had broke under the hood. He said it was a good thing I brought it in as it might have caused a fire. I had him fix it."

Scott seemed to be hiding something from me.

"Scott is something else going on?"

"No babe, it's ok."

"Scott, tell me."

"I don't want to burden you with my problems babe. You come to me for happy times not to hear about my issues."

"I come to you because I love you. You are my boyfriend and your problems are my problems. So out with it."

"Well, to pay for the tow truck and repairs I had to spend all of my grocery money for the month. But I'll be ok as we have lunch together."

"That is not good Scott. You have to eat. If you eat dinner at 5 can you be on time for school?"

"Yeah if I leave here at 5:30."

"Ok, good. Meet me in the restaurant at 5 then. I'm not going to let my boyfriend go hungry."

"Ok babe, I will."

Scott then made love to me again then we cleaned up and got dressed again and went to lunch. After Danny gave me his load in his office I sat at the table with Scott and we ate. After we ate I took him back to the front desk and started for the elevator to Todd's office.


"Yes Officer Willie."

"Before we go upstairs can we talk in your apartment?"

"If you want."

We went to our elevator and went up. We sat on the couch.

"Sam, I don't want you to think I spy on you but I want you to know that when I'm guarding you I sometimes overhear stuff. When I do I take it as private and keep it secret."


"I just wanted you to know that. Well I overheard you and Scott talking in the office and my cop senses kicked in. A fuel line usually does not just break in the engine. I have no proof but I feel it was not wear and tear that broke the fuel line but someone cutting it. A fuel line break there can cause a huge fire that can take over the car fast. So fast the driver might not get out in time."

"What are you saying? Someone cut his fuel line on purpose? Why? Scott is the nicest guy, nobody would want to hurt him."

"Well, there is Larry."

"Larry? But if Larry wants to do something about being fired he would come after me. I'm the one that fired him."

"Thing is Sam, you are hard to get to. You never leave the casino and when you aren't up here you have me by you. You are too difficult a target. But everyone knows that you and Scott are an item now. And Scott is an easy target. He has the same schedule every day and leaves to go home and to school. If I wanted to get at you, I would go after him because hurting him, hurts you."

"Are you saying that Scott is in danger right now?"

"If all my instincts are correct, yes he is."

I picked up my phone.

"Hey baby, what's up?"

"Ty, get security to the front desk now."

"Is there a problem?"

"No time, just do it."

I hung up. I then got up and went to the elevator and we took it down. We went to the front desk. A security guard was there talking to the lady behind the desk. I went over to her.

"Where is Scott?"

"He went out to his car. Someone said it was leaking something."

"Where does he park?"

"Parking garage, level 3 or 4 depending on spaces available."

"Come on Officer Willie."

I started toward the parking garage.

"Sam, you aren't wearing shoes."

"No time. How the fuck does someone know it is his car?"

"Crap!" Officer Willie picked me up and started running to the parking garage. When we got to the 3rd level we looked around. We didn't see him. I didn't know what his car looked like. As we were going up to level 4 we heard tires screeching. We looked and a car was speeding toward us. Larry was driving it. Officer Willie ran between two parked cars so we wouldn't get run over. I knew Scott was in the back or the trunk. I pressed my panic button. Alarms started to go off. Officer Willie radioed to close the exit to the garage.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 107

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