Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Apr 28, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 105 by Sam

When I woke up Ty made love to me. We then got a shower and I put on a robe. After breakfast they headed to work and I went to start on laundry. I washed the bedding from the room we used this weekend and put fresh sheets on it. Then I did Ty's and my clothes and bedding. At 11 am I headed down and over to the front desk. There was a lady manning it and I asked where Scott was. She said he just went on break and was in the back. I went back there and found him. I asked him to take us to Larry's office as I didn't know where it was. When we got there the room had been cleared out and there was a bed in it. It had sheets but no pillows. I asked Scott if they had pillows here and they did and he went to get them. I took the towels and lube out of my bag and found a place for them. When Scott got back with the pillows I had Officer Willie stay outside as me and Scott went in. I took off my robe and had Scott get undressed.

I laid on my back on the bed and Scott lubed up then got on top of me. I pulled him to me and started kissing him. I felt him enter me and start thrusting in and out of me. His cock feels really good inside me. We made love for 20 minutes before I was pushed over the edge and came on us. Scott thrust all the way into me and pumped his load inside me. When we came down he pulled out of me. I had him lay down and I cuddled up to him. He wrapped his arm around me.

"So how has everything been running without Larry here?"

"Ok. Dave has taken over the stuff Larry did."

"Do you like Dave?"

"Yeah, he is really nice."


I played with Scott's cock until it got hard again then had him make love to me again. This time we lasted half an hour before I came on us and he gave me his load inside me. When he pulled out of me I cleaned us up and put on my robe and he got dressed. When he was ready I took him with me to the restaurant. I told him to get a table and order some drinks and we would be right back. Officer Willie and I went to Danny's office. After Danny fucked me and gave me his load we went back to the table. We ordered our food and after we ate I took Scott back to the front desk so he could get back to work. I then got in the elevator to go to Todd's office. After he fucked me on his desk I cleaned us up and got my robe on.

"How did it go with Scott today?"

"Great. The bed was already in the office, it just didn't have pillows but Scott fixed that. I got two loads out of him before we went to lunch."

"Really? Two?"

"Yeah, he is young. You remember fucking me multiple times in a row when you were young right?"

"Hey, I'm still young."

"Ok Todd. You are still young. Anyway, can you have housekeeping change the bedding on that bed every day?"

"Yeah, I'll put in for it."

"Great. I have to get with Ty now."

I went over to Ty's office and he fucked me on his desk. After he pulled out of me I got us cleaned up then sat on his lap.

"So how did it go with Scott?"

"It was wonderful."

"Good. I'm glad you are happy."

"I am. He makes me feel so good... but not as good as you honey."

"It's ok baby. You know I'm not the jealous type. He can make you feel as good as possible, as long as you come home to me I don't mind."

"Of course I will. I love you more than anyone Ty."

I gave Ty a kiss as I went back downstairs to finish up the laundry. After I had all of Todd and Danny's stuff put away I went to dinner. After dinner we waited for Danny to get home then we turned in. Ty made love to me then I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

In the morning when we woke up Ty made love to me then we got our shower and I put on my robe. After breakfast they headed to work and I went on my walk. As I passed the front desk I waved to Scott and headed to my elevator. I then started on the housework. At 11 I went down and over to the front desk. Scott wasn't there so I went in back and found him at Larry's office waiting for me. Officer Willie took his spot outside the door as we went in. Scott undressed and I took off my robe. I laid in the bed and Scott got on top of me. He started kissing me as I felt him enter me. He thrust his big cock in and out of me as he made love to me. After 20 minutes I was pushed over the edge and came on us and Scott pushed all the way into me as he pumped his load inside me. When we came down he pulled out of me and laid down. I cuddled up to him.

"Did I do a good job sir?"

"You were wonderful Scott, but stop calling me sir. I know I'm your boss' boss' wife, but you are my boyfriend now so you shouldn't call me sir."

"Oh, I'm sorry. What should I call you then?"

"You can call me Sam or a boyfriendy name. But not sir. I'm not your boss when we make love. And I mean that. Your job is not on the line if you don't make love to me."

"No Sam, I know that. I want to make love to you."

"Good. Because I love it when you do... Can you go again?"


Scott rolled over and was on top of me again. He made love to me for half an hour before we came. After we came down he pulled out of me and we got cleaned up and dressed. We then headed to the restaurant. He got a table and I went to Danny's office. After Danny gave me his load I joined Scott at the table. After we ate I took him back to the front desk and got in the elevator to go up to Todd's office. After Todd and Ty gave me their loads I went back to the apartment to continue my housework. I had the apartment done when it was time for dinner. After dinner we waited for Danny then turned in. Ty made love to me then I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

The rest of the week went the same way. Scott feels so good inside me and always manages to give me two loads before lunch. I cleaned the fantasy rooms as my cut was almost healed and I was hoping we could take some appointments for Sunday.

On Saturday we had the line. It was busy as always. It took almost two more hours to clear the line after closing time. This really put a crunch on us. We had a quick dinner then turned in and had our group fun for an hour before showering and going to sleep.

When we woke up Sunday, Todd fucked me while Danny fucked Ty. After a half hour we all came and then got a shower. Ty trimmed my pubes then I put on my robe and we headed to breakfast. After breakfast I went to change into the outfit my first appointment selected. When they were in and ready I went over. When I finished my second appointment I found Scott sitting in the chair in my changing room. I said hi to him as I went to the shower. When I was clean I went to talk to him. I had him get in bed so I could cuddle up to him. He was dressed but I was fine with that.

"I missed you yesterday. I know you are off and it is ok, but I did miss you."

"Sorry babe. I just figured you would be really busy and I didn't want to bother you."

"You're never a bother Scott. But it is ok, you are here now." I cuddled up to him more but he seemed to be tense. "What's wrong? Is something the matter?"

"Sorry babe, but when I came in they took me to Mr. Lennox's room and he was uh..."

"Watching that guy fuck me? Yeah, he has to so he can keep me safe."

"No, I understand that. It is just I saw that guy fucking you too and, I don't know, it made me feel..."

"Jealous, upset, horny, what?"

"I can't explain it. I just didn't like the idea of him having sex with you. I know you are a prostitute and that is how you make money, but I didn't like it when I saw it."

"It's ok to feel that way Scott. But that is how I make money. All that you saw on the screen was a business transaction as far as I was concerned."

"Is that all sex is to you?"

"Not all sex, but that sex. Let me try to explain how I see sex. There are three types of sex to me. There is the sex people pay for. When they pay me money I give them my body to have sex with and it is a business transaction, nothing more. I have no feelings for them at all. Then there is fun sex. Sex I have with those I care about for enjoyment. That is the sex I have with those three during lunch and on Saturday nights. It is fun and we all get some relief. Then there is sex for love. That is sex I have where I want to express the love I have for my partner and feel the love they have for me. That is the sex I have with Ty every night before bed and every morning when we wake up. And it is the sex I have with you. So do you understand how I look at sex now?"

"So the sex you have with me is love sex?"

"Yeah. Well, we have had fun sex too. But when you make love to me on the bed, that is for love."

"I guess I understand. I don't think I could divide sex like that though. It is always about love to me."

"And that is how you see sex. It is ok to only have sex for love. But that is not for me."

"Oh, I don't want to take up too much of your time. I know you are busy."

"Not today. I finished all my appointments."

"Really? It is so early though."

"Yeah. Ty didn't want to schedule any appointments until my lip was fully healed and that was Friday. All he managed to get was two. But hopefully we will be fully booked next week."

"Oh, then what are you going to do now?"

"Have lunch then usually Ty makes love to me while Todd counts the money."

"Oh, then I'll leave you all alone."

"No you won't. Did you order another meal for Scott, Ty?"

"Of course I did baby." Ty came into the room.

"Oh, but I don't want to intrude."

"Come on Scott, lunch is probably on the table by now."

I got up and put on my robe and dragged Scott out and into the apartment. Danny had all the food on the table. After we ate I took Scott into the spare room so we could make love. I laid down in the bed and he got on top of me. He started kissing me then I felt his big cock enter me. He started thrusting in and out of me slowly. It was amazing. After a half hour I'm pushed over the edge and I cum on us then he pumps his load inside me. When we calm down he pulls out of me and I clean us off. We then get dressed and go to the living room. Todd gives me the number and I pay Ty and Danny.

"That is what you made today?"

"No that is what we made this weekend total."

"Wow, that is a lot."

"Yeah, it is. Ty get the sling set up, I want to have fun."

Ty got me into the sling and Danny put the mop bucket under me. Ty then lubed up and pushed into me and grabbed my hips and started fucking. The other two got undressed. Scott seemed a bit hesitant.

"Scott, what's wrong? Don't you want to have fun too?"

Scott's mouth moved but I couldn't hear him as Ty was fucking me.

"What did he say Danny?"

"He said he wasn't sure he should have sex with his boss watching."

"That is silly Scott. You are about to watch your boss have sex with me."

When I was pushed over the edge Ty pumped his load into me then pulled out and Todd pushed his big heavy cock into me. He then took a hold of my hips and started thrusting in and out of me.

"Scott it is really ok, but if you are uncomfortable you don't have to do it."

Scott said something to Todd then started removing his clothes. When he was naked he stood next to Danny to wait his turn. Danny looked down at Scott's cock and smiled. After they all had their turn Scott said he needed to get home. Ty got me out of the sling so I could give Scott a hug and kiss. I then took him down in the elevator then came back up. After dinner we watched a movie then turned in.

"Did it bother you that you couldn't hear Scott while I was fucking you?"

"No, we got around it. I don't want to hear him right now until I know I can trust him."

"Ok baby, it is your decision."

Ty made love to me then I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 106

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