Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Apr 25, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 103 by Sam

When we woke up Ty made love to me then we got a shower. I put on my robe and we went out to wait for the others. We then went to breakfast. After we ate they headed to work. I decided to walk around. As we passed by the front desk I waved at Scott. When we got back to our elevator I told Officer Willie I'd see him at lunch and headed up. I started on the laundry. I washed the sheets from the room we used then when those were done I started on Ty's and mine. Those were put away when I went to lunch. After I had sex with Danny I got a table to eat lunch. After I ate I went upstairs and got Todd's load then headed over to Ty's office. After he fucked me on his desk we got cleaned up then I sat on his lap.

"Honey, my lip hasn't healed yet."

"I know baby. I haven't taken any appointments for Sunday."

"Maybe we can try the employees only thing this Sunday too."

"If you want. But how do we get them over the fear of getting fired?"

"We'll put out a memo from you saying it is ok. I'll come up with something good. Then we'll have the department heads explain it is ok and they will not get fired for it."

"Ok baby. You get me the memo and I'll get it sent out."

I gave Ty a kiss then headed back downstairs. I told Officer Willie I would see him for dinner then went to the apartment. I put Todd and Danny's clothes in to wash then got on the computer. It took some time for me to figure out how to word the memo. I wanted to convey the basics, when, where and how much, but also that nothing bad would happen if you took advantage of it. A lot of the employees here are still getting over the fact that a new owner has come in and they don't yet know what he may be up to. They lost a lot of income when the casino had to be closed all summer for the renovations and now they are being told they can fuck the boss' wife. But if it is a trap then they lose their jobs that they just got back. Calming those fears is not going to be easy.

Memo From: Ty Lennox To: All Male Employees Subject: Employees only time and discount for STT Escorts

This Sunday [date] between the hours of 9am and 7pm with a lunch break between noon and 12:30 pm, STT Escorts will be open for quick sex sessions for employees only for the employee only price of $20. If you wish to take advantage of this simply go to the STT Escorts stairwell during these times with your employee ID. No disciplinary action will be taken against any employee for taking advantage of this offer. Any manager that takes such action against an employee will be terminated. Attached to this memo are the rules for STT Escorts and they must be adhered to at all times during your session.

Yes I am offering for you to have sex with my wife for $20 this Sunday. If you want to say you had sex with the boss' wife, come and do it. Again, no disciplinary actions will be taken against any employee that takes advantage of this offer this Sunday.


Ty Lennox Casino Manager

After I got the memo made up I printed it out. I finished up Todd and Danny's laundry and got it put away and went to dinner. After dinner I showed the memo to Ty and he read it over. He said he liked it and would send it out in the morning. We waited for Danny to get off and when he got home we watched TV then turned in. Ty made love to me then I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

When we woke up Ty made love to me then we got our shower and I put on my robe. We went down with the others to breakfast then they went to work. I came back to the apartment to start on the housework. I had everything dusted and vacuumed when it was time for lunch. After Danny had sex with me I ate then went up to Todd's office. He gave me his load and I went to Ty's office. After he gave me his cum and we cleaned up I sat in his lap.

"I sent out that memo. I also have all the department heads meeting with their male employees to make sure they know it is ok to fuck you."

"Good. I know they are off on the weekend but can we have the managers outside the stairwell on Sunday to let their employees know it is ok?"

"If you want. Even Todd?"

"Well, no. Todd needs to be outside my door. Doesn't he have a second in command?"

"Yeah he does. We can have him do it. I'll make sure they all know."

"Thanks honey. Who knew it would be this hard to get people to have sex with me?"

"I know. I never have any problem wanting to have sex with you."

"That's just because you love me. As I get older I'm going to have more difficulty getting customers."

"I don't think you will baby. I think you will look just as beautiful as you do now."

"That's just because you think I'm permanently 13."

"Oh. I didn't think you heard us. You didn't react while we were talking."

"I heard you. I was just enjoying Todd's cock and didn't want to stop. My dad died when I was 6 so I don't remember much of him. But from pictures I've seen of him he was about your height. Mom is about the same height as Danny."

"So it really is possible?"

"Maybe. I don't remember anything like that while I was jacking off but I don't remember programming."

"So do you want us to fix it?"

"I'm fine with how I am. What about you?"

"I love you just how you are baby."

"Then why change it? Besides. It seems pedos are my customer base now so looking 13 works for my business. Maybe we could add a little boy's bedroom set and get some little boy pajamas."

"That would really bring in the pedos. I can get it ordered if you want."

"Ok, but no photos until my lip heals."

I gave Ty a kiss then went back to my housework. After I finished the apartment I worked on the rooms in the hallway until dinner. After dinner we waited on Danny then turned in. Ty made love to me then I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

The next day I took my walk after breakfast. Scott was behind the front desk again and I gave him a wave as I passed by. I had all the cleaning done so I watched TV until lunch. Then after I took the cum from my guys I went back and watched TV until dinner. After dinner we waited for Danny. He was later than normal. He said he had a meeting with all his male staff to inform them of Sunday and that nothing bad would happen to them if they took part but that it wasn't required for them to do so. I didn't think about this. I didn't want people thinking their jobs were on the line if they didn't fuck me. I told Ty to make sure all his department heads made that clear. He said he would. We turned in and Ty made love to me then I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

Thursday Todd had a meeting with his guys. On Friday, Ty told me all departments had their meetings and the managers would be here Sunday.

Saturday went by like normal. We had a line going before we even opened the doors. It took longer to clear the line after closing as there were more people in it but we got it done. We had a quick dinner then had our Saturday group fun. After our shower we cuddled up and went to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 104

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