Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Apr 21, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 102 by Sam

On Saturday I'm worried how the customers will react to the cut on my lip. Once we get started though I find out I didn't need to worry. Most take me doggystyle and never even look at my face. The ones that do take me on my back don't say anything about my lip. After we close up Officer Willie takes his turn before we head to dinner. We then have our group fun and go to sleep.

On Sunday Todd makes love to me and Danny fucks Ty before we get a shower then head to breakfast. After breakfast we get in position. I have a security officer with Danny at the bottom of the stairs so nobody can hassle him. This is employees only today but some people think they are entitled and may try to push in even though they are not employees. So the security officer can handle them when they do.

Ty mans his cameras and Todd takes his place by the door and money box and Officer Willie in his uniform is on the other side of the door. I take off my robe and get in the bed and check the lube before telling Ty I'm ready. They open the doors and I wait for the first customer. After a half hour I ask if the doors are open. Ty says they are but just no customers yet. I figure that is ok. It is a smaller pool to draw customers from. The casino has a lot of employees, but more customers. So restricting us to employees today will mean less people. But Ty is right and this may help employee morale so we can manage the smaller number of customers. I decided to lay in the bed. No sense waiting on all fours when nobody is here.

"Are you ok baby?" It was Ty over the speaker.

"Yeah. Just thought I would lay down until we got someone."


An hour later a guy comes in. He is either in his late teens or early twenties. He is about as tall as Ty and has blond hair.

"Um... Hi sir"

"Hi. Ok, how do you want me?"

"Um... I'm not going to get fired if I have sex with you am I?"


"It's just that my boss is outside the door with a security guard."

"Oh. I guess that means you work on the hotel side."

"Yes sir. I'm a front desk clerk."

"Ok. So how do you want me?"

"So I'm really not going to get fired?"

"No. You are not going to get fired for this. I don't know about any other issues with your employment that may cause you to be fired. But you will not be fired for having sex with me."

"Ok. I've never been with a prostitute before as they are very expensive. But we got a discount today so I thought I would try it. How does it normally work?"

"Well normally they want me on all fours and fuck me doggystyle. So let's do that."

I got up and got on all fours with my butt towards him. I handed him the bottle of lube so he could lube up. He took off his pants and lubed his cock. He was big. It looked to be 9 inches (22.8 cm) long and as thick as Danny. He got in bed and pushed into me. He held onto my hips and he thrust in and out of me. He felt good. I was moaning as he fucked me with his big cock. After 10 minutes he pushed all the way into me as he pumped his load inside me. When he calmed down he pulled out of me. I handed him the towel so he could clean off his cock then he put his pants back on.

"Thank you sir. I liked that."

"I'm glad you did as I liked it too."

I laid back down as he walked to the door. He went out it and I heard Todd say "See you Monday Scott."

"Oh... Uh... You will sir?"

I knew what he was thinking. I got up and went to the door.

"It's ok Scott. He just means you work on Monday, not he is going to fire you on Monday."

"What? Why would I fire him on Monday?"

"He's scared he will be fired for fucking the manager's wife."

"Oh shit. I didn't even think about that. No Scott. I'm not firing you for fucking Sam. It is ok, this is what he does. I just meant you work Monday and I'll see you at work."

"Ok. See you Monday Mr. Anderson."

"Damn Sam. Do you think that may be why we have had so few people?"

"Maybe. We'll just see how today goes."

I went back into the room and laid on the bed.

It was a couple of hours before the next person came in. I had fallen asleep lying on the bed. I woke up to him shaking me.

"I'm sorry to wake you sir."

"No, it's ok. So how do you want it?"

"Oh, um, whatever you prefer sir."

I got up on all fours. He took off his pants and I gave him the lube. He lubed up and got behind me. He pushed his cock into me and held onto my hips as he thrust in and out of me. He took 10 minutes before he pushed all the way in and pumped his load into me. When he came down he pulled out and cleaned off his cock then put his pants back on.

"Thank you sir."

"No problem."

I laid back down as he went out the door. The next time I woke up it was Todd telling me it was time for lunch. I got up and put on my robe then we headed over to the apartment as Danny brought up the food. After we ate I talked to Ty.

"I think everyone is scared this is some trick to fire people for fucking me."

"Yeah. You may be right."

"I mean, I've only had two today. One was scared Todd was going to fire him as he was right outside the door. The other seemed familiar but I couldn't place him."

"That was Bobby. He's a cook. I told him it was ok as he was going up the stairs."

"Well, this was a good idea Ty but we need to find a way to let people know it isn't a trick to get them fired."

"Yeah. I'll do more thinking on it."

"I will too. Maybe it will help me stay awake."

After lunch we went back to our positions and I laid down on the bed. I keep falling asleep. I'm not used to this inactivity. When I'm done with my chores I have the TV to watch, but there is no TV in this room. We didn't think we would need one as we always had a line at the store so we figured we would have one here too. I only had three more customers the entire day. They were all young and very polite. Well, I am the manager's wife so I guess that is a reason to be polite. After we closed up we had dinner then Todd counted the money and I had Ty make love to me. I then paid Ty and Danny and we watched some TV before bed. Ty made love to me then I cuddled up to him.

"Well, today was a bust."

"I know. I'm sorry baby. I guess everyone was scared it was a trap. It was a bad idea."

"No honey. It was a good idea. The five we got seemed very happy afterward. We will just have to figure out how to let people know it is ok to have sex with me. But for now, let's get some sleep."

I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 103

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