Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Apr 19, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 101 by Sam

When we woke up, Ty made love to me. We then got a shower and I put on my robe. When the others joined us we went to breakfast then they headed to work and Rick headed home. I wanted to take a walk so me and Officer Willie went to walk around the casino. When we got close to the front I spotted something new. Not unusual as casinos are always getting in new stuff to get more money out of you. I went over to see what it was. It was a huge Wheel of Fortune game. It had a large wheel like they have on the game show in the center surrounded by slot machines. I watched and the wheel started to spin. One of the slot machines had got a bonus and it was spinning the wheel. Everyone watched as it spun wondering what it would land on. It landed on 40X which meant the guy got 40 times whatever his original prize was. This was so fascinating. It was slots which is a solo game, but when you got the bonus, everyone watched to see what you got and was rooting for you. Plus it was the Wheel, and I watched a lot of that since I stopped working at the call center.

I wanted to play it. There were a couple of seats open, but I didn't have any money in my robe. I called Ty.

"Hey baby, what's up?"

"Ty, there is a huge Wheel of Fortune game in the casino."

"Yeah, I ordered that last week. It is a wide area progressive that is linked to many casinos, even ones in Vegas."

"That's great. I want to play it."

"Ok baby, I'll call the cages and tell them you will be withdrawing money from our account."

"Awesome, thank you honey."

"But baby, don't spend too much."

"I won't."

"Ok, have fun baby."

"Love you honey."

I went over to the cages and waited in line. When I got to the front I asked for $50 in quarters. The lady took 5 rolls of quarters and a slip of paper out of her drawer. She handed me the paper and a pen and I signed it and handed it back to her then she handed me the quarters. We then went back over to the game. I took one of the seats and opened the quarters and started putting them in. I played for a few minutes before someone else got the bonus and I watched the wheel go around. He only got 10X. I continued to play. After 10 minutes I got the bonus. I pressed the big spin button on my machine and the wheel started spinning. Some of the ladies on the machines around me watched too as it spun. It landed on 100X. That was great. I only got $1 on the reel but that means I have $100 now. If I can control myself and leave when I'm back down to $50 then it didn't cost Ty any money. Well, I did say if.

After a few minutes more of playing I heard some shouting behind me. God I hate being in public. Here I am playing this fun game and someone is bitching about something distracting me. I turn to see what is going on and some guy comes up to Officer Willie telling him that he needs to get his kid off the game as it is for adults only. I wonder if he means me? Ok yes, I am pretty sure it is me. Well, Officer Willie tries to explain to this old guy, and when I say old I mean it, gray hair and everything, that I am old enough but this guy is not taking it and keeps shouting. Well, I can't play the game with all this noise around me so I just turn in my chair to watch the show in front of me.

When I see a waitress walk by I flag her down and ask for an orange juice. A minute later she brings me my juice. Now normally when you are at the machines and order a drink you get it in these little glasses. The reason for that is that the casino makes no money off that drink. It is free to you. But they don't want you to get thirsty and leave the machine so they give you something to drink. But they also don't want you to drink too much and have to leave to pee so they only give you enough to keep the thirst away and keep you playing.

Well, this waitress obviously recognized me because she brought my juice in one of the big glasses from the bar. So I take my juice and start drinking it as I watch Officer Willie try to calm this nut down so he can explain that I'm an adult. A lot of the other slot players have started to watch too as it is free entertainment. I look over to the side and see a security officer walking our way. I guess all the shouting has attracted him. When he gets here the nut starts in on him saying that we need better security as we are allowing minors to play the slot machines. The security guy asks for an explanation and the nut looks at me to tell him I'm the minor that is playing the game. When he sees me drinking the orange juice he slaps it out of my mouth shouting "don't drink that." Well my mouth stings a little bit as my glass goes flying.

I look back and the nut is now on the ground with Officer Willie on top of him. I ask the other security officer to get me a mirror.

"Here sweetie." One of the ladies on the other machines gets a makeup compact out of her purse and hands it to me. I open it and look at my mouth in the mirror. My lip is bleeding. I check my teeth but they seem ok. I thank her and hand it back then tell the other security officer to get Ty. I then go over to the nut and get down on the floor on my knees so I'm closer to him.

"Ok jackass listen up. Let me tell you why you are now on the ground. You touched me. That is not allowed. The guy on top of you is my personal security officer and he is an ex cop and former military. He can kill you right now with very little effort. I think he has shown massive restraint today. But you gave me a bloody lip. What the fuck was that about?"

"You were drinking alcohol."

"No. I was drinking orange juice that I ordered. They just brought it in a big glass because of who I am. But even if it was alcohol, there isn't anything wrong with that. I'm 28 years old. You would know this had you allowed Officer Willie to tell you. Anyway, you injured me so when my husband gets here he will determine what to do."

I got back up and sat at my machine. 5 minutes later Ty shows up. He sees my lip and comes over to look at it. He has them bring the first aid kit and he cleans up the blood. There is a small cut on my lip. It will heal. Ty goes over to the guy on the floor. He has two security officers pick him up when Officer Willie gets off him and take him to security. He tells them to have him charged with assault and to pull the footage and give it to the cops. They take him away.

"Baby, we may need to cancel the Sunday appointments."

"Is it that bad?"

"No, it will heal but you can't blow anyone with that cut."

"Oh. Well it has been mostly fucks lately. Maybe nobody will ask for a blow."

"We can't chance it baby. I'm going to have to cancel them."

"Ok. This sucks. That is a lot of money down the drain."

"Don't worry. We will sue the pants off this guy for it."

"He's old Ty. He probably doesn't have it."

"Yeah, you may be right. Nothing else we can do though. Do you want to go home?"

"No. I was having fun before that guy showed up. I like this game."

"Ok. I'm going to have another guy with you along with Officer Willie while you play."

"Ok, if you think it is necessary."

"Alright. I have to get back to work."


Ty left to go back upstairs. Officer Willie stood on my right and another officer stood on my left. I turned around and started playing the game again. It took a few minutes for me to get back into having fun. But when I got the bonus again I was enjoying it again. I played for a few hours before I ran out of money. Sorry Ty, I couldn't stop. I then got up and went upstairs until lunch.

At lunch I went downstairs. It was just Officer Willie. We went over to the restaurant and I went with Danny to his office.

"Sam, your lip has a cut on it."

"Yeah. A guy knocked a glass out of my mouth and it cut my lip."

"Can you work with that?"

"No. Ty says I have to cancel Sunday because I can't blow anyone."

"Oh, I'm sorry Sam. But it will heal and you can get back to work."

"I know. It just sucks I have to lose all that money just because this jerk doesn't want to listen to other people."


Danny took off his pants and I hung up my robe. He then took the lube from the shelf and lubed up as I bent over and took hold of the shelf in front of me. He pushed into me then held onto my hips as he thrust in and out of me. He fucked me for 10 minutes before he pumped his load into me. When we came down he pulled out of me and cleaned us up then he put his pants back on and I put on my robe. We then went out and he returned to the kitchen as I went to a table to eat lunch.

After we ate we went upstairs to Todd's office. I went in and over to his desk.

"Dang Sam, what happened to your lip?"

"Some asshat knocked a glass out of my mouth and cut my lip. It should heal but Sunday is canceled because I can't blow anyone."

"Oh man, I'm sorry Sam. But it will get better."

I took off my robe and laid on his desk and lifted my legs. He took the lube out of his desk and lubed up and pushed into me. He thrusted in and out of me for 20 minutes before giving me his load. After we cleaned up I put my robe back on as he put his pants on. I then headed to Ty's office. After he fucked me on his desk we got cleaned up and I put my robe back on.

"I got all the appointments canceled."

"Ok. I hate we are losing money, but you are probably right. If one asked for a blow and I couldn't do it then my reputation would be hurt."

"It's ok baby. I have an idea to maybe make up some of the money."

"What is it?"

"Well since dad's rules allow employees to have sex here I was thinking that Sunday we have the quick fucks but for employees of the casino."

"So only employees?"

"Yeah. They show their employee ID at the bottom of the stairwell before they are allowed in. And we give an employee discount, say only charge $20. We won't make as much, but we get something, and maybe it raises employee morale."

"Yeah I guess. Then all your employees can say they fucked the boss' wife."

"Exactly. Plus since it is quick fucks, they can't ask to get a blow, it is fuck only."

"Ok, we will do that then."

I gave Ty a kiss as I headed back down to the apartment. I watched TV, even the Wheel, until dinner. After dinner we waited for Danny then turned in. Ty made love to me then I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 102

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