Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Apr 17, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 100 by Sam

In the morning Ty made love to me then we got a shower and I got my robe on. When the others joined us we went to breakfast. After breakfast Ty told me to go to security and see Steve so he could give me my personal panic button. So me and Officer Willie headed to the security office. Steve apologized for it taking so long but they had to get it set up in their system and then put sensors all over the casino and hotel so they would always know where I was. It also has GPS so if I'm not in the casino they can still track me. He handed me a necklace with a small car key fob looking thing on it. It had one button on it. I put it on. He then gave Officer Willie a bracelet. He then radioed all the security people that we were doing a test and to ignore the alarm. When we were ready, he had me push the button. I did and sirens and flashing lights started going off all over the casino and Officer Willie's bracelet started flashing and beeping. They showed me on their screen that it had me pinpointed in their office. I thought it was neat. They shut off the alarms and Steve told me if I press that button every officer on duty will be headed in my direction so don't accidentally do it. I promised I wouldn't and we headed back to the apartment.

I started cleaning the fantasy rooms and my changing room. All six slots were full and I made sure those rooms were clean and the outfits were ready. At lunchtime I went down and had sex with Danny before eating. I then went up to Todd and Ty and got their loads then came back down and watched TV until dinner.

On Saturday Ty made love to me then we took a shower. I put on my button and robe and Ty put on his uniform. We then met up with the others to go to breakfast. After we ate we went up to get ready. Todd and Danny got their headsets and Ty checked the cameras. I put my panic button in my changing room as I had to be naked to work, but I was on camera and Ty had a button next to him so I would be ok. We locked the gate and I took off my robe and got on the bed. When I was ready I told Ty and Todd opened the stairwell door and Danny went to the bottom to open that door and direct the customers in. We had a line almost immediately. We closed the door when we broke for lunch. I retrieved my panic button and put it on as we went to the apartment. Danny brought up our lunch and we ate then I took a quick shower before getting in bed again. When I was ready the doors were opened. The line had a few more customers at closing time. Danny got at the end and when they were all done we locked up. I had Officer Willie take his turn then we had dinner that was brought up by Danny. After we ate, Officer Willie left and we turned in. After our group fun and shower I cuddled up to Ty and went to sleep.

In the morning Todd fucked Ty and Danny made love to me before we got a shower. I put on my robe and they put on their uniforms and we went to breakfast. We then got ready. I put on the outfit the customer requested as Danny waited for him on the main floor. When he was in and ready I went to start his fantasy. We had three that wanted the classroom and schoolboy outfit. Luckily we have multiples of each outfit. All three wanted my underwear. We will need to buy more at the store. One of the others took my underwear too. It was the outdoor set and he wanted a boy scout. I'm not sure what is bringing out the pervs but I don't care as long as they pay. The other two were the office set and honeymoon set. The honeymoon guy just said he wanted to do it in a bed. When they were all done and the last customer left, Ty told the others to go on as he wanted to talk to me for a minute.

"Did I do something wrong? I gave them all what was written in the box."

"No baby. Everyone seemed happy."

"Then what is it?"

"Um... I want a fantasy."

"Oh ok. What room?"

"Our bedroom. But I want you to wear an outfit."

"Ok, which one? I'm running low on the little boy one."

"I'll bring it with me. I just want you to put it on when we go to bed tonight."


I left Ty to go through my changing room closet as Danny had dinner on the table already. After we ate Officer Willie left and Todd counted the money. Ty had brought in an outfit in a black garment bag and took it to our room so I don't know what it is. When Todd gave us the numbers I paid Ty and Danny then we turned in.

When we got to our room I opened the hanging bag to get the outfit he wanted me to wear. When I saw which one it was I looked at Ty.


"Yeah. Will you do it?"

"I'll wear anything to please you Ty. But I'm not sure what you expect with this one. I'm not a girl."

"I know, but you looked hot in it in that picture. Please baby. Wear it for me tonight."

I took the outfit out of the bag and put it on. I didn't wear any underwear because we were going to have sex. I then went over to Ty who was laying on his back on the bed.

"I know you are bi, but does this really turn you on?"

"Yeah baby. It is turning me on like crazy. Please keep it on and ride me."

I got on the bed and lubed up Ty's cock. I then lifted the plaid skirt of the catholic schoolgirl outfit and sat on it. I put the skirt back down and started to move up and down on his cock. Ty put his hands on my hips as I moved up and down on him. He kept moving his eyes up and down me. After half an hour of moving up and down on him I was pushed over the edge as I came in the skirt. Ty thrust into me a few more times before pumping his load inside me. When we came down I got off of him. I then took off the outfit and cleaned us up before cuddling up to him.

"Thank you baby. That really made me happy."

"Anything for you Ty. I don't get it, but if it makes you happy then I want to do it."

"I love you baby."

"I love you too. Now get some sleep, you have a casino to run."

In the morning Ty made love to me then we got a shower and I put on my robe. When the others joined us we went to breakfast. After breakfast I returned to the apartment instead of going for my walk as I had a lot more laundry to do this time. After I got the sheets and outfits for the fantasy rooms put away I started on Ty's and my laundry. It was in the dryer as I went to lunch. After I took the three loads inside me and got my lunch I came back to continue my laundry. I got Todd and Danny's done and put away just as I headed to dinner. There was a surprise at dinner.

"Rick. Why are you here?"

"Well, I got a call about an HR matter I needed to attend to but also we've been open for three weeks so I wanted to check our numbers."

"Dad, I didn't call you about an HR matter. Can't I handle all those myself?"

"You can. But this HR person insisted that I be involved."

"Ok. Do I get to be there?"

"Yes. We all get to be there. You, Todd, Danny and Sam. By the way Sam, I love that robe."

"Thanks. Todd found them. They are very comfortable. So what is the matter and why are we all invited?"

"I don't know but I'll find out tomorrow. I'll check the books with Ty in the morning then the meeting with HR is in the afternoon."

"What time in the afternoon?"

"2 pm."

"Good so it won't interfere with lunch."

"Baby, really, with my dad here?"

"Just schedule an appointment for lunch Ty. Rick, are you staying with us?"

"Sam, this is a hotel. I can have any open room I want."

"So that is a yes then. Ok, let's go up and wait for Danny to get off."

We all went up and when Danny got off we told him about the meeting at 2 pm tomorrow and turned in. Rick took the spare room. Ty made love to me and I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

In the morning, Ty made love to me then we got up and took a shower. After our shower I put on my robe and we went out to wait on the others. When they came in we went to breakfast. After breakfast they headed to work and I went to start on my housework. I had all the dusting and vacuuming of the apartment done by lunchtime. I went to lunch and had sex with Danny then ate lunch with Officer Willie. We then went to Todd's office and he fucked me on his desk until he pumped his load inside me. After we cleaned up I went to Ty's office. Rick was with him.

"Sam. What brings you by?"

"I'm here to have sex with Ty like I always do."

"You have sex with Ty every lunch?"

"Yeah. Is that a problem."

"No but it explains these numbers. I've never seen a casino do so much better right after closing for so long yet the numbers are better than they were with the previous owners. Having some afternoon fun must keep you relaxed and able to focus."

"Yeah I think so. I'm never too stressed after lunch."

"Well if it works then it works. I've given you free reign to see what you can do and you have impressed me. So I have no problem leaving this casino in your hands."

"Does that include this HR issue?"

"Yes it does but I won't know what it is until 2. I have to be there as they requested me, but I'll let you deal with it whatever it is."

"Ok, so Rick, do you want to go first? I prefer to have Ty's cock last."

"Of course. Liz was the same way. She said having sex with me washed all the customers away and made it just us again."

Ty cleaned off his desk and I took off my robe. When it was clear I laid on my back on his desk and lifted my legs. Ty took the lube out of his drawer and Rick lubed up and pushed into me. He then grabbed my hips and started thrusting in and out of me. He was going for about 10 minutes before I was pushed over the edge and came and that made Rick cum inside me. When we came down he pulled out and Ty pushed his cock in. He grabbed my hips and fucked me hard until we both came and he pumped his load inside me. We then cleaned up and I got off his desk and put my robe back on as he put on his pants.

"Ok, I got to go as I want a shower before this meeting. Where is it being held?"

"This office."

"Ok, I'll be here."

I gave Ty a kiss then went back down to the apartment so I could shower. When I was clean I put on a clean robe then just before 2 pm I went downstairs. I went and got Danny then we went to Ty's office together. Todd, Ty and Rick were already there and we sat and waited for HR.

When HR arrived it was Ms. Tucker and Sandy. Sandy just sat as Ms. Tucker started in.

"Mr. Lennox I feel it is my duty to bring to your attention that several staff members have been engaging in sexual acts with a prostitute while on duty. And this goes against the code of conduct."

"Well that is interesting. What steps have you taken in this matter?"

"I attempted to terminate one of them but Mr. Lennox stopped me."

"He did? Well then tell me all about it."

Ms. Tucker started explaining how she got the complaint on Danny and had him come for the meeting and how I was there too. She told him I admitted to everything but that Ty refused to impose any disciplinary measures on Danny. She then told him how she had me followed one day as I went to Danny's office then to Todd's and finally to Ty's office. I was pissed that I was being followed. I don't mind Officer Willie following me around as I know he is there and why, but I don't like the idea of someone following me in secret.

"So what you are saying is that my son-in-law goes around during lunch and has sex with his friend Danny and his ex husband Todd and his husband Ty?"

"Yes sir. From what I've gathered it looks that way."

"Do you go and have sex with anyone else during lunch Sam?"

"No Rick. Ty won't let me work during the week so I can only have sex with the three of them."

"Ty, why won't you let him have sex with more people during the week?"

"Because we all have to work. I don't feel comfortable having him work unless we can be there with him."

"But he has his personal security officer."

"I know, but I would feel better if we were all there with him. So I don't want him to work during the week."

"And you agree with this Sam?"

"Yeah. I could make more money, but Ty wouldn't be happy. So I will just stick to the weekend when they can be there. I don't want Ty at work stressing out worrying about me working without him."

"Well ok then. It is your business to run as you see fit. So what rule have they broken exactly?"

"Sex in the workplace. It is here in the code of conduct."

She pulls out a huge book.

"Wow that looks old. How old is it?"

"It was revised three years ago."

"But Rick bought the casino this year. How is that book valid?"

"Sam's right, those rules are from the previous owners. I'll send you my rules as those are what we will be using. And sex in the workplace is not against them as long as you are on a break."

Rick then turned to me and whispered, "Liz wrote them and made sure she could have fun in the afternoon with me."

"So Dad, I guess this ends this meeting then, unless there are other HR issues?"

"No Mr. Lennox, thank you for your time."

Sandy and Ms. Tucker left. It was close to dinnertime so Danny had to leave to handle the rush but I stayed with Ty and Rick until we all went down to dinner together. After we ate we went up and waited for Danny then turned in. Ty made love to me and I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 101

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