Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Nov 13, 2020


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 10 by Sam

"School's out so I'm here to take you home."

"I'm not going home. I live here with Sam now, I told you this."

"Look, you know a relationship with such a large age gap can't last. Why not give up now and we'll get your stuff and go home. I already got you a spot on my crew, you start on Monday."


"What do you mean no?"

"I mean, I'm not going home with you and I'm not working with you. I live here with Sam and will be going to school."

"You lost your job so you can't afford school. Get your stuff and let's go."

"Sam's trying to get me a grant for school. But even if that fails I'll wait and go to school when I get another job. Either way, I'm staying here."

"Look young man, don't make me put my foot down. You are going to get your things and get in the car now."

"I'm an adult dad, I don't have to do what you say."

"While you live under my roof you will do what I say."

"Ok, but I don't live under your roof. I live under Sam's roof."

I was getting tired of hearing this argument. I went up to Todd and put my arms around him from the back and hugged him tightly to calm him down. Once he had calmed down a bit I came around him so I could see Derek.

"How did you get my address?"

"My wife gave it to me."

"Oh?" I pulled out my phone and called Todd's mom. "Laura, it's Sam, did you give my address to Derek? ... "No? Well he is standing on my porch and says you did... Ok, bye."

Derek's phone rang. "Hello... I'm picking up Todd, school is out... I looked in your address book... He is supposed to start Monday so I have to get him home... He'll find someone better at home... Yes... Ok... Bye."

Derek put his phone away. "You can come home anytime, son." He looked at me. "Alone."

"That will never happen Dad. Give my love to Mom."

Derek turned and went to his car. I closed the door and went back to working on lunch.

"I'm sorry my dad is such an ass, babe. You don't deserve what he keeps throwing at you."

"I can take it Todd, as long as I have you."

"You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I just wish he could see that."

"Same here. Now let's forget about him and enjoy our day together. You are off for the summer, but I'm not, so I want to get as much time with you as I can."

"Ok babe, what do you want to do?"

We ate lunch then after it was cleaned up we headed over to the bowling alley. We bowled a few games just to have fun. Bowling is a great sport as I'm not at a disadvantage because of my height. At dinnertime we just headed to the snack bar to get something to eat. Todd is definitely 19, as I couldn't order chili cheese fries and a jalapeno burger anymore, but he wolfed it right down. I have Tums at home so we will be ok when that hits him tonight. After we ate we headed over to the arcade and Todd played some games. He is really good. Maybe I should get a game system for the house.

When we got back home Todd took me into the bedroom and we undressed. I got on the bed on my back and Todd lubed himself up and got on top of me. He started to kiss me down my body then lifted my legs and began to rim me. After twirling his tongue around my hole for 10 minutes making me squirm from how good it felt, he got back up on top of me and I felt him enter me. After he was all the way inside me, he bent down and kissed me as he began to thrust in and out of me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and made out with him as I enjoyed the feelings his cock was giving me. After 15 minutes I moaned loud as I blew my load between us. I felt Todd smile as he continued to kiss me and thrust in and out of my hole. 20 minutes later and my orgasm was building again. When I was pushed over the edge I shot my load on us again. This pushed Todd over the edge and he thrust hard into me as I felt his cock pumping his huge load inside me. When we had come down, Todd slowly pulled his cock out of me and I cleaned us off then cuddled up to him with my head on his chest as I fell asleep, content in my man's embrace.

When we woke up the next morning I stayed cuddled up to Todd and just enjoyed being with him. He held me tight to him as we laid together. Before lunchtime, Todd put me on my back and made love to me. After we came down, we went in and took a shower. I was going to get dressed, but Todd stopped me.

"Babe, let's just stay naked today. I don't feel like going anywhere."

"Ok, we can stay home, but I was going to do housework and I wear clothes for that."

"Don't worry about that today, I'll do that while you are at work. Let's just enjoy being together today."

"Are you sure you want to do the housework?"

"I don't want to, but you work and I'm off for the summer. I live here and should pull my weight, so I will do it."

"You pull your weight with this heavy thing." I moved my hand over his large cock. "You don't have to do anything else."

"Ok, but I will do the housework anyway. I just want to be with you today."

"If that is what you want."

I went in and made lunch. After we ate I cleaned up the dishes then we went to the bedroom and cuddled up together as we watched TV. At dinnertime I put on an apron to cook dinner then we ate. After I cleaned up we went back to bed and Todd made love to me, twice. After he came down from his second orgasm and I recovered from my 5th he pulled out of me and I cleaned us up then cuddled up to Todd and he put his arm around me to hold me to him. I fell asleep very happy.

When we woke up on Monday, Todd made love to me then we took a shower. We got dressed and I made us breakfast. After breakfast I got my lunch and gave him a kiss.

"Wait babe. Where is your lawn mower? The yard is looking a bit long so I'll take care of that this afternoon."

"It is in the tool shed in the backyard. Just be careful and stay hydrated as it is getting really hot in the afternoons now."

"Don't worry babe, I'll be ok. Have a good day at work."

We kissed again and I headed out. When I got home from work the yard had been mowed. I went in and everything looked clean. Todd welcomed me home with a kiss. I went in and started making dinner. After we ate we went to the bedroom and Todd made love to me. After he pulled out of me and I got us cleaned up I cuddled up to him.

"Hey babe, why didn't you tell me you had a pool?"

"It never came up. I wasn't hiding it, it has been in the backyard this entire time. It was here when I bought the house but I've never used it as it is too much trouble to maintain them and I work too much to enjoy it."

"Can I use it?"

"If you want. You'll have to do a lot of cleaning on it first as it hasn't been used in years and you'll have to maintain it as that is too much work for me to do."

"Thanks babe. I'll get it cleaned up and we can go swimming together on the weekends."

"OK, I'll leave it in your hands. Remember Todd, you live here now and can do whatever you want. You don't have to always ask my permission."

"Whatever I want, babe?" He got a broad smile on his face.

I smiled too. "Whatever you want."

He pushed me over and got on top of me and I felt him enter me. He fucked me hard and fast. After he came he pulled out and I cleaned us up. I then cuddled up to him again and fell asleep.

When I woke up the next morning I was cuddled up to Todd. He was still sleeping. I just laid against him thinking. Todd is the youngest guy I've ever been with. Well, at least since I was his age myself. He is also by far the biggest I've ever been with. He is much more responsible than David was. David was a loser that I basically had to support as he never wanted to have a normal job. Chris was responsible and worked hard, but was always in a bad mood. He didn't hurt me or anything. I would never have put up with that from no man. But he was always pissed about something. Todd is always upbeat and fun to be around. Plus he wants to work, he just can't right now. Heck, none of my boyfriends ever offered to do the housework. I can't believe I had to go through so many horrible guys to have the perfect man just land in my lap. I love Todd. I don't just love his cock, I love all of him. He is the greatest guy I've ever been with. If I can, I'm going to keep him forever. The only hurdle is his complete ass of a dad, but his mom is on my side, so there is that.

"Good morning babe. What are you thinking about?"

"Oh, sorry, did I wake you? I was just thinking of how lucky I am."

"I'm the lucky one. And always wake me up, you know I need to make love to you every morning before you have to leave."

With that he moved me on to my back and got on top of me and made love to me. After he came inside me we got up and took a shower. I then made breakfast and lunch. I packed my lunch and put his in the fridge for him to have later. We then ate and he gave me a kiss as I headed for work.

When I got home, Todd greeted me with a kiss. He then followed me into the kitchen as I started on dinner.

"Babe, I checked out the pool really good and watched some YouTube videos on how to get it back in shape. But I couldn't find the tools they were using in your shed. Also there were no chemicals in there either. So we will need to get those so I can get started on it."

"No problem. Make a list of what you need then you can get them tomorrow at the pool store on Madison. And there are no chemicals as I've never used the pool, so you'll need to get those too."

"I can go tomorrow, but without a job I don't... have money." He looked depressed at this realization.

I took out my wallet and got a card and handed it to him.

"Wait... babe, this has my name on it."

"Yeah, I had Discover add you as an authorized user and they sent me a card for you. This still goes to my account and it isn't for a spending spree, but if you need something you can use it to get it."

"Don't worry babe, I'll never use this without your permission. I'll get the stuff tomorrow and get started on the pool."

After we ate dinner and I got everything cleaned up, Todd took me to the bedroom and made love to me. When we were cleaned up I cuddled up to him and we watched TV until it was time to go to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 11

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