Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Oct 28, 2020


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 1 by Sam

*** Author's note: Hello everyone, Sam here. Before we begin I want to mention something about the universe this story takes place in. While it is similar to ours, it is not our universe. For one, this universe does not have STDs. The laws, rules, and procedures of this universe, while are similar to ours, do differ in some ways. So, if you find yourself saying, "that isn't legal" or "that isn't how it works" you have found a difference in this universe from ours. Pat yourself on the back but continue on as that is just how it is in this universe.

That all being said, our universe has STDs so please use a condom if you have sex unless you are in a committed relationship with someone you know the STD status of.

Thank you. Now let's start the story. ***

Grocery shopping for me has always been difficult. Well, that is until a few weeks ago. Let me explain. My name is Sam. I have blond hair and blue eyes and a nice big bubble butt. But the main problem is I'm only 5 foot 4 inches (162 cm) tall. So, all the items on the top two shelves are pretty much out of my reach.

So, I'm in the grocery store doing my normal Friday, after work, shopping trip and am in the cereal aisle. The cereal I need is on the top shelf because they think I want the over sugared cereal with cartoon characters on them. Well, that is, those are the ones they put at my eye level. But the one I want is way up there.

So I start climbing my cart to get high enough to reach my cereal when I hear, "Can I help you sir?" It is an employee. I climb off of my cart and look at him. He is tall, maybe 6 foot (182 cm) or a little more. He's taller than me anyway. He has brown hair and green eyes. He looks maybe 18 or 19 years old. I think he is really attractive. Hey, I'm no old perv. I'm only 25 years old myself.

I tell him I need the raisin bran. He easily reaches up and gets it for me and hands it to me. I thank him and go about my shopping. When I come to the bread aisle I run into problems again. The bread I want is on the top shelf. I start my climb and the employee is right there asking if I need help. He grabs the bread I want and I continue on after thanking him.

When I get to the chip aisle, the baked ones I like are on the top shelf. Maybe I should change to eating the Funyuns that they keep at eye level? Nope. Before I can start to climb he is there and asking which one I need. I point and he gets them for me. Now I don't know, but this seems like really good customer service to me.

My shopping is done so I head to the check out, then go home. That night I kept thinking about that nice young employee as I jerked off.

The next week I'm doing my shopping and am in the coffee aisle. I'm trying to get the coffee pods for my Keurig. The ones I want are way the fuck up there. The ones at my eye level are Caramel this and that and hot chocolate, but I just want my french roast. Before I can do anything the employee comes up and asks which one I want. I tell him and he gets it and hands it to me. The employee asks if he can just shop with me to help me get the stuff I need. I agree.

As we walk up and down the aisles, him getting the things I tell him to, we chat. He tells me his name is Todd and he works there as he goes to the college. I ask what he is going to college for, he says hospitality. He says he wants to be a hotel manager. I ask him if that is his goal, why he doesn't work for a hotel. He says that a hotel will only let him be a night auditor due to his class schedule, and he doesn't want to work all night, but the store lets him come in right after classes and work to close even though it is usually only a 5 or 6 hour shift.

He asks me about myself and I tell him about working at the call center and living alone now. When we've finished my shopping I head to the checkout and head home. I jerked off thinking about him again.

The next Wednesday I had a splitting headache. Problem was, I was out of Excedrin. I went to the store and luckily they were still open, but just barely. I got the bottle and went to the check out and there was a line. Wow, they close in 10 minutes and there are this many people trying to check out. Well, they were nice about it but I didn't get checked out until 5 minutes after closing. As I'm walking out I hear my name. I look around and see Todd walking toward me. I go toward him.

Todd asks what I'm doing here so late. I tell him about my headache and needing the pills. He asks if I'm ok to drive. Well, normally I would just say yes, but on the drive here a car next to me had his stereo all the way up and it hurt so much I couldn't think. So I probably shouldn't be driving. He says he would give me a lift but all he has is his bike. I ask if he has a driver's license and he says yes, so I tell him to throw his bike in the back of my truck and drive it.

Todd asks if it is ok for him to drive my truck. It is. I don't give a shit about this truck. It belonged to my ex. Well, it always belonged to me. When he bought it, he had such poor credit we had to put it in my name. And he had such poor credit because he was always broke, so I had to pay the payments on his truck. So when he decided to dump me so he could go off with an 18 year old twink, I took his truck. So really, Todd could destroy this truck and I wouldn't care.

I set the navigation system to go to home as I wasn't really able to give directions. When we got to my street I pointed at my house as the navigation system wasn't that accurate. Todd parked in my driveway and helped me out. We went in and he told me to sit on the couch and he went to my kitchen and got me a glass of water to take the pills with. After I downed the pills, Todd asked if I wanted to watch something to get my mind off the pain while the pills took effect.

We sat down and I put on a movie I really liked. It worked to distract me from my pain. Having Todd here beside me was nice too. When the movie was over, I was feeling much better. Todd said he needed to get back to his dorm as he had classes in the morning. I had to work too, but I offered to give him a lift. I didn't want him riding his bike so late at night. We got in my truck and I drove to the university and he directed me to his dorm building. When he got out I said I would see him Friday for my normal shopping trip and he got his bike and went to his dorm. When I got home I was horny so I jacked off thinking of him.

On Friday I went shopping and there was Todd. He walked with me and grabbed the items I needed as we chatted. When I had gotten everything on my list, Todd asked if we could hang out after he got off work. There isn't much to do after 9pm but I agreed. I went to check out and head home.

At 9pm I drove back to the store to pick up Todd. When he saw me pull up he put his bike in the back then got in. We headed over to the bowling alley as it is open until 11pm. We bowled a few games then headed over to the 24 hour Jack in the box as Todd was hungry as he didn't get a dinner break. We both had a munchie meal and when we were done we headed to my house to watch a movie.

When the movie was over it was after 1 am. I suggested Todd stay over so he didn't disturb his roommates getting home this late. He said that would be fine and could crash on my couch. I told him my bed was plenty big enough for both of us and took him to the bedroom. I started to undress and told him I sleep naked and asked if that would be ok. He said it was fine and he also did. When he was naked I got a good look at him.

He has brown hair and green eyes. He has no facial hair. He has an average body. Not fat but not muscular, just average. He has a little bit of chest hair, but not much. Where he isn't average is down below. It looked to be 8 inches (20.32 cm) soft and hung down like it weighed a ton.

After I finished getting undressed I got in bed on my side and Todd got on his side. I said goodnight and turned off the light. When I woke up the next morning I was cuddled up to Todd with my head on his chest. I don't remember getting here, but it was probably just body instinct as this is how I always slept with David. Todd's arm was wrapped around my back holding me to him. He was still asleep.

I wanted to get a feel of his cock and see if my estimate last night was right. I reached down to pick it up and it was heavy. How does he carry all this weight around in his cock? As I'm feeling his cock it starts to harden. I look and he is still asleep. I wonder how big it is hard, so I start to stoke it up and down. When it is fully hard I look and it is about 11 inches (28 cm) long and really thick. I wonder how much blood is left in the rest of his body when he is hard. Because a crap ton of it goes to this monster dick.

Thing is, I like the feel of his cock in my hands. It feels nice. I stroke him up and down slowly, just enjoying the feel of him. After about 5 minutes he is breathing a little harder but I keep going. It really feels good moving around in my hand. 20 minutes later and Todd says, "Faster Sam, I'm close." I didn't know he was awake, but I want him to get off if he is close, otherwise he'll get blue balls, so I speed up and his body stiffens and he grunts as he pumps shot after shot of cum into the sheets. That's ok, I was going to do laundry today anyway.

When he comes back down from his orgasm, I apologize.

"What for?"

"I jerked you off without your permission."

"Oh Sam, that was amazing. I've never cum so much. You can jerk me off any time you want."

He then offered to jerk me off. I told him he could, but it wasn't necessary. He took my little cock in his hand and stroked me up and down. I think he is too used to his monster, as he was trying to stoke me in bigger strokes than possible, but he eventually got the hang of my much smaller appendage. After a few minutes I was cumming into the sheets as well.

I told him we should probably take a shower as we were both covered in cum. After our shower, where I enjoyed my time soaping up the biggest and heaviest cock I've ever seen, we got dressed and I gave him a lift to his dorm. After that I came home to start on my chores, beginning with the bedding.

The next Friday I go for my shopping trip. Todd spots me and comes and helps me get the items I need. You know, clothed, you wouldn't suspect he was packing what he had in his pants. After we finish the shopping he asks if I'd like to hang out again tonight. I tell him I would, and will pick him up after closing. When I get here he puts his bike in the back of my truck and hops in. He says there is a late showing at the movie theater and he wants to see that movie. So we head over there and see the movie. It's one of those superhero movies that frankly I think they are making too many of, but Todd liked it.

After the movie we headed back to my place. We sat on the couch.

"Sam... um... I have a question to ask you... and it's ok if you say no... but I wondered if you would let me... um... you see, I like you and... well... I want to be with you... and want to... um... fuck you."

"Oh." I think, with that monster?

To be continued...

If you liked this story, check out my other stories on Nifty: Young Again (series) (gay/scifi) Don't Shit Where You Eat (gay/Adult Friends)

All of my stories are also posted on my website: There is also a link to my twitter on the homepage. Follow to be notified when new chapters are posted.

Next: Chapter 2

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