Love of the Sea

By James Bernard

Published on Apr 9, 2012


If you aren't atleast 18 don't read this or don't get caught. This contains no information on the lives or sexuality of the actors mentioned. It does however contain male/male relationships if this bothers you then you're looking in the wrong section. Enjoy.

Love Of The Sea-6

Waiting....waiting...and waiting....still nothing but the feeling of air. The coolness of moisture in the air. The smell of salt. Then the thunderous orchestra of noise...water rushing around as if it was all working together like a waterfall.

I opened my eyes to see Percy floating on a pillar of water. Riptide extended with it's celestial glow, pointed at the Minotaur. A look of fierce anger and determination on Percy's face, red in his rage, sweaty in his exertion. Then it began, with a swing of the club. A fierce swoosh sound was heard and a thunderous crack was sounded, the ground trembling at the might the Minotaur put in the blow. Warped tendrils emerged from the pillar creating a fog. So thick the flames were put out, the fog and smoke mixed to an unbearable degree. I was choking and gagging on the smog. Causing me to become unconscious.

The Minotaur huffed in anger, blowing some of it away. The smog continued to envelope the beast as a glow emerged from the screen of blindness and skitted along. A clinging and a clanging was all one could hear, yet the metallic song fell on deaf ears. As the smog dissipated, the sight was one that could never be described.

A young man of beauty, standing in place huffing in as much air as possible. A sword with the glow to that of a celestial star. Looking around at the scene the forest slightly charred. Boys of the Are's cabin...the ones Percy knew all too well. He had "spent time" with them, mainly they blew him and he anally milked them with his powers over water. Lost in his thoughts he forgot all about Travis.

Switching to hero mode, from the water in the air, he created sheets of water and wrapped each of them into a fold holding the three in the air. He created another sheeted and wrapped himself in it, pushing the water to stay wrapped on them as he forced the water to provide a torret push. Off they went to the camp, leaving Travis alone unconscious outside of the barrier. A squaking could be heard and a rush of feathers as like lighting Travis was being picked up and taken to the heavens.

At Camp

"Okay someone speak now." Mr. D demanded, "We went to the woods to train with our powers and we overestimated our power and momentarily set the forest on fire." One of the boys said, thinking himself clever. Yet he is no son of Hermes, so any chance of a God actually falling for the ploy was not even existent. "The truth?" Chiron pressed, seeing as they had no chance of actually lying they gave up. "We were jealous of someone. They got to have a relationship with someone we each like..." One turning his head to Percy. "What makes him so special? Why do you choose him over me?" The son of Ares questioned, but was interrupted by Mr. D, "What has this to do with the fire? I warn you dragging this out longer will on suit to convince me to grow fruit vines in your veins and then use the rest as mulch for my garden."

The fear was evident on their faces. "We followed Travis to the woods, we don't know for what reason he would go in there. It gave us the perfect opportunity to dispatch the competition for Percy's affections." One said red in the face, "There isn't a competition for my affections. I love Tristan and have vowed my life and love for and to him." Percy said in disbelief to his own statement, "Really? So then how long is it going to take for you to realize that He isn't here...or even on camp grounds?" A voice said, the smell of ash and sulfur wafting in the air. Nico's body coming into full view. "You said you loved me. Yet here we are. You're an awesome friend, but a horrible boyfriend." With a sigh Nico's face calmed. "Let's go get your man." He offered a weak smile.

With the Sons of Ares getting off with garden tending duty for Mr. D; Percy, Chiron, and Nico were traveling to the forest.

Finally reaching the spot where the battle attended.

"He's not here." Chiron said, looking everywhere he could. Nico sensed around, "Well he isn't here and definitely not in the underworld." Nico let out rather exhausted as they have looked for hours. "He has to be here somewhere." Percy urged them both, growing impatient and worried of Travis's safety and condition. "Something familiar about this whole thing...I just can't put my finger on it." Chiron said. "Come let us gather our bearings, The Oracle should be able to help." He convinced them both. So back to camp they went seeking The Oracle's help

(Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry it took so long. I'm lazy and working on college applications and work applications and all that good stufff . Check out a new story called "Personal Piece of Heave" it's a "Supernatural" fanfic on Sam and a oc who happens to be a half demon half angel abomination....or is he? Find out. Lol Reach me at XOXO)

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