Love of the Sea

By James Bernard

Published on May 5, 2011


I do not know 'Percy Jackson and the Olympians' how I wish I did. BUT no I don't I only own Travis Lane and whoever is added who's not in the series. Thanks for all the emails and feedback. I have to say...alot of Percy Jackson fans. But seriously how can you NOT be a fan. It's so awesome and the guy is too cute.

Love Of The Sea-Chapter 2

I awoken I was still on Percy's lap. He was asleep lightly snoring into my ear. Grover was asleep beside us, beighing like a goat; while Annabeth was driving. "You can drive?" I thought about how I wanted to get out of Percy's lap. In and instant I switched places with I was teleported in Grover's place and Grover had my place. "Whoa!" Annabeth yelped swerving the car. I grabbed the wheel in an attempt to save all of our lives. "Easy." I whispered, Percy and Grover were still sleeping through that. "My mom taught me a few things when she first got me when I was 12. Watch." I lifted my hand, an light white light with the hint of a rainbow glow...(You know when you see that pure white light is made of different colors...same thing.) Appeared, making Grover's hands wrap around Percy's neck. We both giggled it looked like they were carassing each other. I even made their faces really close up, putting their heads on eachothers shoulders. A smile appeared on each of their faces.

25 minutes later, the sun's faint glow in the horizon insuring the world that it was coming. We were in Dallas, Texas. "Wow...this brings back memories." Annabeth said. "It was in 2009 when Percy's mom was kidnapped by Hades. Aswell as Zeus's Master Bolt was taken...and we went too New Jersey, Nashville, and Las Vegas. Dallas just reminds me of Nashville because of it's history." She said smirking in her face was a showing of good times. "It was fun....Dangerous. BUT it was pretty fun when you think about it." I just giggled at that.

"Oh, Travis. You feel so." Percy was talking in his sleep while grinding is hips into Grover's butt. Grover was moaning and giggling. "Stop that tickles." he said trying to get whoever was tickling him to stop. In an instant they woke up. A red blush on both mine and Annabeth's faces. "OH SHIT!!!!" They yelled together looking at eachother. Causing Annabeth and and I to laugh, but also swerve. Luckly it was dark and there was no one on the roads.

Annabeth pulled to a stop in curb. We both got out and fell to the floor laughing. Percy and Grover followed suit, except that they were red in the face and seemingly angry. "What the hell?!?! Why was Grover in my lap." We laughed harder, their faces turned redder. "Why were you thinking of Travis?" Annabeth laughed even harder, I stopped and got red in the face. "I...what?" He was stuttering out excuses. "Nothing, why were you grinding into Grover...who was enjoying it." I laughed at what happened. Grover was so nervous he farted and Percy got grossed out. "Oh! Grover that was gnarly." He turned even a deeper shade of red...if that was even possible. "You know how I get gassy when I get like this." I laughed.

A loud roar was sounded, we looked to the side to see something coming at us. A few somethings..huge dog like monsters with sharp needle like teeth and claws that looked like they could cut through anything.

They lept at us, Percy pulled out a pen and clicked it. A sword appeared with a bronze glow and he swung into a monster dog. "What are these things?!" I yelled as one came for me. It stopped and barked like it was trying to tell me something. It stopped and swung it's tail, making me fall on it's back and holding on. It began to run away fast, the others withdrew and Percy, Annabeth, and Grover were yelling. The animals in the trees were staring, the sunlight from morning's glow coming through.

Ravens began to land on me, in a swift motion I was in the flock of Ravens. They lifted me in the air. Percy, Annabeth, and Grover ran into the hellhounds. "Travis! Hold on, were coming for you." Percy yelled, he swung at a hellhound. It tricked him and pinned him to the ground. He punched it in the face, and he sent his sword into it.

Grover used the 'Call of the wild.' Scaring all of the hellhounds away. "Travis, can you get down." I thought about teleporting to him and I landed in his arms. "There you are. I was so worried." We looked at the flocks of ravens they seemed to be wanting something.

Soon they got together and formed...Circe.

"If you don't mind I would like to take my brother...home." She said with venom in her voice...apparently they had history. "Like I'm gonna trust you with him. After what you did to us? I don't think so." Percy yelled. "Hey, either way, I'm gonna be taking my brother." She said pulling out a long staff. "Aren't you suppose to be guinni pig..." Grover asked, "Yeah...but if I wasn't a Goddess,then I would still be a rodent." She giggled. She began swinging her staff around sending blasts of different colors at us. I was flung to the side, by an invisible force. I was jumped back in the way when a blast was headed for Annabeth, she seemed frozen. A force field appeared around me and it absorbed the blast. The force field turned into water that washed over us. Percy took it in an instant...."Why does it feel so easy to beat a Goddess?" He asked stunned at how his master and control seemed to be going for him. In a swift movement of the sword, his blade swung with the water ball splashing her away. She appeared before him, sending her staff towards him as if it was a spear. I jumped in the way...I must be feeling subconsciously suicidal. I was too slow to project a force field...her staff plunged in me. With a gasp from my lungs, I was speared. Percy took out the staff and tried to get the water to heal only closed the wound slightlt, but with the blood overflow it pushed it open again, and it didn't seem to be going well.

Circe outstretched her hand and her staff came back to her. She waved it to the side and a vortex of light was created. "Get him to your precious camp, give him ambrosia and Nectar...if he dies..." A tear left her eye. "...I will kill all of you at that camp...then my mother will bring you all back and do it again." She disappeared, not before throwing us all telekinetically in the vortex........................

*That's the next chapter. I will start the next one RIGHT NOW. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Reach me at

Next: Chapter 3

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