Love of My Life

By Lindsey S.

Published on Jan 2, 2018


Chapter 9: Forever

Thank you for reading! I have loved writing this over the last two months, and even though it was much more than I bargained for, I hope these characters have helped you explore yourself (and maybe some of your fantasies). My email is always open, and I'm looking to start writing a one or two chapter story soon. If you have any ideas, send them my way.

Give to Nifty, we all love this place... I know it brings me joy and has been a place for me to connect.

Making her way upstairs Rebecca could hear the water running. She was carrying the clothes Paul had told her to clean up, and walked into the bathroom just in time to see him step through the glass door.

"Do I have time to join you?" She asked sweetly, still standing in her bra and panties.

Smiling he answered in a tone that showed his mild amusement, "Yes, but we actually have to shower."

She quickly slipped off her sticky panties and unfastened her bra, letting both fall to the floor. She still had in her `diamond' plug from that morning. Stepping in the shower she realized she had gotten a little used to it. Maybe it was because of their romp in the kitchen, or maybe because she was getting a little more stretched, she didn't feel as on edge as she had before.

They took turns washing, taking a couple breaks to kiss and hold each other. It was more sensual than sexual, but being around Paul when he was naked always made Rebecca a little horny. Paul could not keep his hands off her, but his touches were softer and more smooth. He used the soap to glide his hands over her breasts and stomach. He made sure to clean up the mess she had made earlier in her panties by wrapping his big hands around her little cock and lathering it up softly.

Paul got out first, giving Rebecca a chance to watch him dry off. She eventually joined him, gave him one last soft kiss, and then watched him head to the closet. Just like anytime they got a little dressed up to go out, Paul was done quickly. He shaved, put on a dress shirt and suit pants, and knotted his tie all before Rebecca had even finished drying her hair. She decided she was going to pull it back tight in a bun for the evening because she wanted to be able to show off whatever necklace she chose. He came in and out of the bedroom as she continued to get ready.

He helped her pick out a little black cocktail dress. It had spaghetti straps and plunged down to a V in front, which meant she could only wear her black lace strapless shelf bra to push them up. She wrapped it around, fastened it, and then spun it forwards. It gave her just enough lift and still showed quite a bit of her small A cups. By no means was it modest, and if she moved wrong or bent down anybody would be able to see her nipples.

Walking to her dresser, she pulled out a pair of black stockings with garters and a pair of pink and black cheeky panties. She slid on the garter belt first, and then took her time making sure each smooth leg was placed perfectly inside each stocking before fastening the suspenders. Looking in the mirror she watched herself slide on the panties. They contained her package well, and she like the way the hugged the top of her cheeks. This pair also came narrow separating the bottom of her cheeks similar to how thong would, which she liked.

Paul walked in just as she was about to put her dress on, so she decided to have a little fun. Walking past Paul in her lingerie she went to her jewelry and picked out a pair of silver earrings that dangled down to her shoulders. She watched him in the mirror as she put them in, his eyes were glued to her ass. She reached down and got the choker he had given her just yesterday. Wrapping it around her throat, she fastened the small chain. Smiling, she turned around, "Can you grab my dress for me?" She asked. Paul obliged, presenting it to her. She opened it up, stepped in, and turned. She showed the side zipper to Paul. "Can you zip me please?"

She hadn't finished her question before Paul's hands were on the metal. He slowly pulled it up while Rebecca put her hand on his shoulder. Her eyes waited for him to meet her gaze. When he finally did, she subtly licked her lips, "I just need to finish my make up and I will be ready."

He slid his hand around her back. "You look great in this dress."

She faced the mirror and started finishing up her eye make up, "I'm glad you think so, I love dressing up for you."

He kissed her bare shoulder, "My girl." He said quietly, "There is so much more you do for me than dress up. If tonight goes as planned, are you ready to keep exploring that?"

She simply nodded, and reached up to touch the collar, "I'm your girl."

Together they walked to the car, Rebecca's black clutch in hand. She got a small reminder of her plug as she stepped up into Paul's truck and then sat down. The sudden twinge sent warmth throughout her body, and reminded her that she had no idea what the next challenge was going to be. She had learned to try not to expect anything, she was going to sit and wait to see. She held his hand like always, but was a little surprised he did not toy with her. Usually when she wore stockings he couldn't keep his hands off her legs.

After driving for twenty minutes she realized where they were headed. It was not to a restaurant. As they pulled onto the street she grew up on she felt several emotions start to build. Pulling up to her parents house, Paul reached over the center console and grasped her hand. "All you need to say is that you are my girl, I will take care of the rest."

Confused and a little scared, all she could say was, "OK." She was frozen in the car as he got out, walked around the car and opened her door. He helped her down, and they walked hand in hand up the front walkway.

He rang the doorbell and Rebecca's dad answered the looking confused. "Can I help you?" He asked. Rebecca realized he did not recognize her after eight years of no contact. Initially she felt both relieved and betrayed, but then remembered how much she had changed both physically and emotionally over those years.

"I came to let you know I am going to marry your daughter." Paul's voice was confident. "I do not need your blessing, just your acknowledgement."

Her dad started to shut the door, but Paul grabbed it before he could.

"I don't have a daughter." Rebecca's dad made the connection mid sentence, and looked directly at her. "I don't have a daughter." He repeated, much louder and looking her directly in the eye.

"You do, and if you don't acknowledge it then take this check back. If you do that you may never contact or look for us." He held out a check for the same amount as her college savings. The same amount she had left with years before and used to put the down payment on their house. "You don't need to come to the wedding, but you don't get to feel like you helped her either."

Rebecca's dad looked at Paul, then back at Rebecca. "That is yours, we don't want it back."

She is not sure how she knew to, but she found the courage to speak, "I am his girl, and I will be his wife."

"Take the check, or we will donate the money. Or you can acknowledge your daughter and we will leave." Rebecca had known Paul long enough to see this was her dads last chance.

"Keep the check, and my daughter." He said is enough to hear, but it was the softest he had spoken.

Rebecca's eyes welled up with tears as her dad closed the door. The walk back to the car hand in hand with Paul felt like miles. Glancing back at the house she saw the silhouette of her mother in the front window. The shadow looked like it gave a very subtle wave before the blinds closed. Rebecca couldn't help but sob.

Paul put his hand on her thigh after he put the truck into gear. "I'm sorry that hurt you, but they needed to know Bobby wasn't coming back."

The name hung in the air. She had not heard him utter it in almost a decade. She sat for a second and collected herself. "I'm not sad." She said. "I am actually really happy." She put her hand on his. "I cried because that took a lot for you to do. To be willing to give up all that money....". She smiled and managed a little giggle through her tears, "that must be one huge diamond you bought me if you are willing to throw that kind of money away."

He turned to look at her. "Are you ready then?"

Immediately she felt a weight from her shoulders. She let out a chuckle, "Can you at least wait till I fix my make up?" She laughed and pulled down the sun visor to use the mirror. She was lucky, all she needed was a touch up, she actually hadn't cried as much as she thought.

"You still need to complete your third challenge."

"What?!" She asked exasperated, "that wasn't it?"

He grinned, "No, I knew you could do that..."

"Then what is it?" She asked.

"You need to come with me to my parents house and then we will head out to dinner, just the two of us."

"That's not a challenge..."

"You will see." With a squeeze of her knee he turned the car into his parents driveway. She had only been to his house once before, and in a way, it was a mystery to her. She had only seen the kitchen and Paul's room, and was pretty distracted by Paul's kinky game he had played with her. She knew he was an only child, and he had a great relationship with his parents, even though she had never met them.

His parents must have been expecting them, because they opened the door when they were halfway up the walk. Paul was slightly ahead of Rebecca, leading the way. She waited in his shadow as he hugged his mom and shook his dad's hand. She noticed they kept glancing at her with excited smiles.

"Oh, I'm not going to wait for you to introduce me." His mom stepped out of the house and hugged Rebecca sweetly. "You are obviously Rebecca, we are so happy to finally meet you." His mom's voice was a mix of laughter and nervousness.

Once his mom let go, is father was right there offering a hand shake. He was a carbon copy of Paul, just a little grey and a little chubbier. Anybody could tell that at one point he was an athlete, just by the confidence of his movements and how fluid he was. Rebecca smiled and shook his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet both of you."

Stepping inside the house, Paul's mom puttered around like a tug boat, trying to do everything at once to make the most out of what felt like it was supposed to be a short visit. She offered drinks, wanted them to sit down, started recalling memories of Paul from when he was young, but Paul insisted they had to go to make their reservation.

"I just need to run up to my room real quick. Dad, can you run up and..."

His father interrupted him before he could finish, "it's right here." Trying be discreet he handed Paul a small jewelry box. Rebecca's heart fluttered.

Paul took it and ran upstairs, leaving Rebecca alone with his parents. They did not wait a second to try to find out more about her. Each of their questions had a weight to it that felt strange considering the very short amount of time Paul was upstairs and how quickly they were rattling them off.

Paul came down with an envelope in his hand. All three of them watched him come down the stairs; His parents had pride and love in their eyes, Rebecca's had love and curiosity. They gave their hugs goodbye, and Paul's mom held on for an extra second to whisper, "I know how happy you make him, I hope he does the same for you."

She whispered back, "He does, more and more everyday." With one last squeeze, they let each other go.

Hand in hand Paul walked Rebecca back to the car and opened the door for her. "Ready for dinner?" He asked.

Rebecca smiled, pulled her dress up a bit cand stepped up to the seat. "Yes, and I'm glad we stopped. What did your dad hand you?" Her smile got wider.

"A gift for you, and if you are good you can have it tonight." He kissed her softly before closing the door.

"So what do I need to do to be a good girl tonight?" She asked as soon as he got back in the car.

He looked over at her with a bit of a wicked grin. "Just make me happy, that's all."

"Thats it, no specific instructions?"

"You either can or you can't." And that was it. Silence filled the car as she processed everything that just happened. Unconsciously she put her hand on the inside of his thigh as he drove.

"Good start." He joked, which made her smile and eased her mind. She squeezed his leg and adjusted herself in her seat feeling her jewel move with her, making her spread her legs. Paul's eyes darted over to catch a quick glimpse of the tips of her stockings. Rebecca caught his eyes and teased, "keep your attention on the road." She pulled up her dress showing off the suspenders. Raking her nails up and down the lace tops, she propped her other leg up a couple inches so he could see the inside of her thigh. Her panties got a little tighter every time he glanced over or she could tell he was fighting to keep his attention on the road.

Pulling into a parking spot at the restaurant she covered herself up, leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "This is going to be fun."

Paul slid his hand up her leg to feel the tips of her stockings, "Just wait."

They walked in the front door and were greeted by the host. Looking around, Rebecca noticed that everybody was dressed for a nice dinner out, and even in the dim light she could see it was mostly couples at tables for two. There was a dull background hum of conversation, but it was quiet enough that the music was not drown out.

"Oh, yes, we have your table ready. You asked to be in the back booth with Molly. Is that right?"

Paul nodded, "Yes, that is right."

"Then follow me." The host lead them to the back of the restaurant where Molly, Paul's friend from college, was pouring more wine for one of her tables. Rebecca stood up a little straighter, clenched her fists, and forced a smile.

Paul and Molly had a way together, they were so similar, that it made Rebecca a little jealous. Molly poked fun at her in front of Paul and even though it was mostly harmless, it was constant. She made him laugh in a way that Rebecca never could. And Paul would always stare at her boobs, which made Rebecca feel self conscious about hers. Molly was a bit thicker of a build, not fat or chubby, but wider hips and thighs that contrasted Rebecca's toned an slimmer physique.

Molly and Paul hugged before they sat down. She didn't waste anytime getting a jab in, "I thought you were going to come alone," she joked, giving Paul a kiss on the cheek. She made sure to glance up at Rebecca as she did, a wicked grin crept up from the corners of her mouth as she pursed her lips.

Rebecca stood still for a second, not sure what to say, but then found some courage, "Oh, sorry we are late, we stopped by Paul's parent's house, he had to pick something up before dinner."

"Oh really?" Molly looked a little surprised, "what might that be?"

"You want to show her?" Rebecca was gaining more confidence. She got a little excited about seeing the ring, but was certain Paul wouldn't do it right then.

"Are you sure?" Paul asked. "You don't even know what it is."

A seed of doubt entered Rebecca's mind, and then she remembered the envelope. "Ummm, I..."

"I was going to burn it." Paul was looking at Rebecca as he pulled out the envelope. He handed it to Molly.

"What's this?" She asked as she opened it. She pulled out a couple pictures and a piece of paper. She gasped and giggled as she looked at the pictures, feverishly reading through the note, failing to hold back some astonishment. Rebecca's heart sank, if Molly liked it that much, this was not good for her.

Molly stared at Rebecca before handing the envelope back to Paul. "I can't even..." she started. "I have to get to a table, but a sweet little thing like you. This kind of makes sense now." With that she walked away.

Paul smiled and handed the envelope over to Rebecca. He put an hand on her knee and slid the hem of her dress up to the top of her stockings. "I'm not sure why you wanted her to see that."

Rebecca immediately recognized the pictures, she had sent them to Paul years ago. She barely recognized her High School self, when she spent more time as Bobby than Rebecca. The pictures from that fateful sleepover at Susan's brought crispness to a faded memory. She read through the letter, which explained their first several encounters, and was written in a way that would humiliate Bobby.

She glanced up, but Paul beat her to the punch. "I wrote it after you came over that day because I was scared. I didn't mean to hold onto it all these years, I had forgotten about it. I figured tonight would be the night we let that go forever." His sincerity was obvious, but his hand on her thigh teased her. "I guess we need to find a way to keep her quiet, or not, it's up to you."

"I just, I mean...". Rebecca was struggling to figure out where to start. "She didn't know about Bobby?"

"I never told anybody." Paul's eyes were looking right into Rebecca's.

Believing him, she searched for more answers. "You knew what I meant, we both know your dad gave you a ring. Why wouldn't you show her that?"

He chuckled, "Well, you haven't earned it yet. And you weren't suppose see to see that. You pressed it, trying to show her up, but I'm here with you and want to have a good time."

Rebecca pondered that for a second. She knew he was right and deep down she just wanted him to be happy. The more she checked her feelings, all the baggage in the situation felt shallow. It was not worth getting mad about. She knew she was going to get him forever, so she moved on to the problem at hand. "I don't like that she knows about Bobby."

"She has always been a little jealous of you, so..."

"She has always been jealous I'm with you." Rebecca interrupted.

Paul slid his finger along the skin of her thigh, right against the top of the stocking. He traced up the garter to her panties. "I think she and I have a lot in common, and she would love somebody who pleased her the way you do me." His face was close to hers, and she couldn't think about anything but him. She squirmed a little, getting a quick little zap from her jewel which sent a wave of heat to her lingerie. From the look on her face, Paul knew he had hit on something, and Rebecca was certain he had felt the tension in her panties.

Molly came back with two menus and a bottle of Merlot. She kept glancing at Rebecca more than usual as her and Paul chatted about what to order. After Paul decided on steak for both Rebecca and him, Molly turned her attention to Rebecca. "So Bobby, how do you want yours prepared."

Rebecca sat up straight and involuntarily closed her legs. Paul's hand pried them back open and he continued to tease her under the table. He had been giving her attention, and he made sure she did not forget he was there. "Rebecca, would like it medium rare." She tried to sound confident, but her voice broke a little as Paul ran his finger just inside her panties. She tried to clear the conflicted message by adding, "and you will never call me that again or tell anybody about it....". She was not sure how to finish the sentence.

Molly smirked, "Were you going to add an ultimatum?" She ran her hand confidently through her pixie cut, separating the black strands of her hair through her fingers and letting it fall back into place. "I'm not scared of you little boy."

Rebecca's face flushed with frustration, and Paul's finger kept up its mission. "Just never speak of this again, please. I'm not asking you, I'm telling." She could not focus between Paul's attention and her desire to shut Molly up. She closed and spread her thighs twice, made eye contact with Molly, and then leaned back in the booth, letting Paul tease her. Her mind was in a fog, "If I were a guy, why would Paul have given me a diamond today?" She had no idea why she said it.

"You don't have a ring on your finger." Molly's aggressive tone was accompanied by a subtle lean toward the table.

Paul's laugh let her know how big of a mistake she had made. "Well, I guess you better show her." He said.

She knew what Paul wanted, but she waited for Molly to say it. "Show me." Molly commanded, but to anybody watching from another table would not have noticed, Molly's body language was cool and calm.

Rebecca, in a second of clarity, got an idea on how she could get some control back. It was going to take some time and might not work, but she had to find some way to flip the tables on Molly. Molly needed to want something that Rebecca had to give her. "OK," she replied, using the same tone she would if it were Paul telling her to do something. It was equally sweet, and compliant.

The sudden change in demeanor caught Molly off guard.

"Can you escort me to the employee bathroom then?" When she spoke like this to Paul it was genuine, but this was an act to get Molly where she wanted her. From the looks of it, Molly was cautious and confused. She couldn't figure out why Rebecca was doing what she had asked all the sudden, or how she had broken so suddenly.

"Meet me by the bathroom in two minutes." The confidence was back in Molly's voice.

Paul smiled, "Be careful back there." He could tell she was trying to play it cool, but that didn't keep him from teasing her under the table for the last two minutes.

"I will make sure you are proud of me." She gave him a sweet kiss in the cheek before leaving. As soon as she stood up her thoughts came clearly without Paul distracting her. She turned back to the table to look at Paul, "Don't worry, I won't lose it." She lifted up the back of her skirt to show him the lace of the back of her panties and gave him a wink. Even though she was sure he didn't see the jewel, she was certain she got her point across. Walking away she let her dress fall back into place and she kept waiving her hips. She started to feel like she was going to pull this off.

Molly was waiting for her by the door to the women's room, "Well, show me." Her voice was urgent.

"You would lose your job...". Rebecca started.

"What the fuck?"

"If you want to see it, I will show you, but we will need some privacy. I want to give you what you want." Rebecca made sure she came off as innocent.

"You will do what I say little boy." Molly grabbed her by the elbow and lead her toward the kitchen. Rebecca made sure not to fight it. Molly pushed open a door that read `employees only' and quickly shut it behind her. "Be quick."

"I will do whatever you say or want me to do, but please keep my secret." Rebecca was standing next to the sink and mirror with her back against the wall. The room was barely big enough for both of them.

"I knew he wasn't proposing, you wasted my time, I have to get to my tables." Molly turned to open the door, but Rebecca interrupted her.

"He is," Rebecca was not faking the sense of resentment in her voice, but she had not lost control. "We are playing a game, I've had to wear this all day." She pulled up the hem of her dress, turned in the tight space, and popped out her butt. She slid her panties down just enough so Molly could see. She stood there for what felt like a full minute, waiting for a response, but she didn't hear or see anything. Positive she had stunned Molly, she pulled her panties back up and turned back around.

Molly had a blank expression, she just stood there silently.

Rebecca held her hand up to her collar, "and he made me wear this yesterday. I did everything he said. He toyed with me in front of his friends..."

"And I bet you loved every second of it." Molly's tone was harsh.

"I did, like his girl should." Rebecca could see Molly getting frustrated and confused.

"If you were a girl he would fuck your pussy, not your ass. You are just dressed like a woman. Paul found somebody he could boss around and suck his cock whenever he wants."

"No he loves me...". Rebecca failed to hide that Molly had touched on her deepest fear.

"You are never going to get a ring from him, you little cock sucking faggot."

Rebecca's hand wound up on its own and slapped Molly. Rebecca didn't mean to, it happened so fast, there was no stopping it. She knew she did not stand a chance in this physical fight. Even though she had gotten the first hit in, it was only a matter of seconds before Molly had a fist full of Rebecca's hair and gotten her to her knees. "You fucking bitch." Molly's eyes were dark as she slapped Rebecca across the face. Rebecca immediately recognized the look of lust fueled by control as the stinging ranged from where Molly's hand hit to her ears, and through her jaw.

She held back the pain, refusing to give Molly anymore psychological advantage. "You can call me a bitch, that's fine." The small fight had brought up her temperature, and she felt her muscles tense. Her cheek burned red from the slap. She looked up at Molly and could barely see her eyes because her breasts were large. They heaved with every breathe. "Just not a boy."

Molly put one foot up on the toilet, exposing her plain pink cotton panties. Rebecca immediately smelled her, and could make out a small dark spot forming. "You need one of these to be a woman." She used her fist full of hair to pull Rebecca in closer.

She wanted Molly to feel like she was in control. She closed her eyes, "Oh but my panties do get wet like that." She took a chance and opened her eyes and held eye contact with Molly. She gave her he most innocent look she could, then reached up and put one hand gently on Molly's thigh.

"You are a dirty little slut, that's all that Paul wants."

"Yes, I am Paul's dirty little slut." She replied. She could see the satisfaction in Molly's eyes. If she could keep that up her plan might work. "A dirty little slut that will do whatever Paul says."

"Anything?" Molly almost laughed.

Rebecca replied with a touch of humor in her voice. "Should I call him now and ask him what he wants? Here I am on the floor of the bathroom with a wet pair of panties in my face. Should I ask him what to do?"

Molly loosened her grip for a second. As soon as she did, Rebecca slid her hand up Molly's thigh to her panty line. "I know what he would want me to do." Rebecca looked up and smiled as she said it. "I've never tasted pussy before." At this point she was half playing her role, but half turned on knowing Paul would like this.

Molly tightened her grip again, and Rebecca knew to let her take over. She kept her hand on the elastic ready to slide inside. Molly pushed her hips a little closer to Rebecca's mouth. Instinctively she parted her lips and stayed salivating. Realizing this would be different than taking care of Paul, she improvised and started to kiss Molly through her panties. Pretending the entrance to her pussy were Paul's lips, she pried then open through the fabric with her tongue. Molly let out a quiet moan.

"Pull my panties back you little boy."

Rebecca stopped for a second, then softly used just her lips to tease her. "Not a boy," She whispered, "call me what I am, and I'll do whatever you say." She could feel the heat pouring out of her panties.

"You are a fucking tease that's what you are." Grinding her crotch against Rebecca's lips and tongue, her arms pressing the back of Rebecca's head so her tongue was forced to lick her clit. "Now do it you little fucking slut."

That was enough for Rebecca. Even though she hadn't done it before she followed her instincts and tried to remember whatever she could from the magazines she had read. Within seconds she had Molly leaning against the wall with a smile on her face. Every other breathe she would say a curse word or moan a little louder.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and the handle rattled. Rebecca froze for a second, but Molly spoke in a loud whisper, "You don't fucking stop you little bitch."

There was another knock and a rattle, but this time it was accompanied by a voice, "You have two tables that want their checks."

Molly snapped back, "Then get them their checks." The look in her eye got even darker. "Pull down my panties and use your fingers you little cunt." This time she did not whisper, she closed her eyes and tilted her head back. As Rebecca slid down her panties and glided her two fingers inside Molly, she felt the walls of her pussy tightening with each breathe. Molly's pussy lips were totally bald, and she had a small trimmed triangle of Pubic hair that was as black as the hair on her head. With each stroke it rubbed against Rebecca's nose. Molly's hands started rubbing up and down her torso, with her right hand spending most of its time on her breasts. Rebecca started to notice the familiar signs of a big orgasm coming from Molly so she took her chance. She slowed down a bit and started teasing again. She even used one finger to circle Molly's asshole.

"What's my name? She asked sweetly.

"I told you not to fucking stop." Molly grabbed Rebecca by the hair and rubbed her Pussy against her lips, but Rebecca subtly resisted by teasing her, kissing sweetly by running her tongue along Molly's smooth lips. She barely moved her fingers for the small circles she was making around her asshole.

"Just say it, and you can even call me a cunt licking dyke if you want."

"Lick my fucking pussy you cunt licking slut. I don't give a shit who's girl you think you are, I'm going to cum all over your lips you little bitch, and if I had a strap on I'd fuck that little ass of yours Rebecca...". And the tirade went on. But as soon as Rebecca heard her name she went back to work. Molly's body to took over. As she became more and more focused on the coming climax, Rebecca started becoming aroused. She felt Molly moving with her, and as Molly used her hands to grind Rebecca's face against her, Rebecca found the rhythm and embraced the lust of the moment. She wanted Molly to leave satiated.

Molly's knees started to weaken and her hips bucked wildly. Rebecca's two fingers could not get any deeper, and Molly's thrusting was causing a wet slippery sound as she pounded herself. Molly pulled back Rebbecca's head, her eyes were closed, and within seconds the stream of profanity coming from Molly ceased. Her breathe was too heavy, her chest too tight. Gushes of fluid shout out of her. The first burst caught Rebecca right in the face making her flinch and move to the side, the second got just her shoulder, and the third dribbled down Rebecca's fingers. Molly's body slowly relaxed as Rebecca kissed the insides of her thighs. She looked up and watched for Molly to open her eyes. After what felt like a half an hour Molly took her foot off the toilet and stood straight up.

Rebecca got off her knees slowly, and moved toward the sink. Grabbing her hand bag she started to fix her make up. She was also going to have to bring her hair down, Molly had yanked out the tight bun. Molly silently pulled up her panties and stood up, she awkwardly close to Rebecca in the small space. She turned her attention to her own appearance and started re-adjusting her clothes. "I don't normally..." she started, "I've never l, I mean a girl..."

Rebecca interrupted her with a soft kiss on her cheek, "Me either, just a secret between girls." And with that she turned around and walked out. Rebecca became aware again of how horny she was. The plug came back as a constant reminder with every step and every movement.

Two waiters were waiting as they exited the bathroom and gave a sarcastic silent applause. One even made a comment, "cute girlfriend," to Molly.

Rebecca walked back to the table and found Paul sitting by himself. Once he saw her he smiled and stood up to greet her. "That took awhile. I don't suspect it took you that long just to change your hair." His grin made Rebecca giggle.

"You would be proud of me" She said. She reached out and touched his stomach and ran her hand up his shoulder. "Our secret is safe."

"Oh yeah, what happened." His eyes were hungry for answers as he helped her sit down.

Rebecca leaned in, and whispered what had happened in the bathroom. She felt his hands start to move up and down her thigh under the table as she continued.

Telling the story sent a rush to her head, she could not get out of the restaurant soon enough. Seeing Paul's reaction to little details like the dirty talk turned her on more than being in the bathroom with Molly did. She kept close to Paul, practically on his lap. Molly came by a couple more times, but was subdued. She could have been any other waitress other than the fact that she would call to Rebecca and Paul by their names. Paul kept overtly checking her out, and Rebecca would lean forward and make sure her nipples were visible. Molly would look down her dress every time Rebecca wanted her to. Paul wrote "Thanks for a great evening, I heard the bathrooms are nice." on the check after paying as a bit of a joke.

As she got into his truck after dinner, the mood changed. It went from lust filled hunger to softer and sensual. They both knew what was coming and there was no rush. He even drove home a little slower than usual, letting the moment last.

Inside the house Paul took off his shoes and put his wallet on the table. Rebecca began taking off her heels, but Paul had other ideas. She put her foot up on the bench and started unfastening the clasp, but Paul came up behind her. He held back her hair with in hand and ran the fingers of his other hand along the collar. "I have two things for you." His voice was soft and serious.

Rebecca stood up and tilted her neck, Paul was standing behind her and started to give it some gentle kisses along the lace of her collar. "Well

I want this first." She reached behind her and grabbed his cock through his pants. "I want you to take this little toy out and fill me up till I beg you to stop." Her heart skipped a beat as she heard the truth leave her lips.

"What If I call Molly with that strap on." He teased, his cock growing in her hand.

Rebecca shook her head, "I want you for the rest of my life. I don't mind sharing if you want that, but I need this from you." She turned around and kissed him. At first it was only her lips, but then her tongue felt trapped in her own mouth, so she let it explore. First she licked his bottom lip, then kissed it sweetly before feeling his mouth open. She closed her eyes and let out a sigh as they both reached their tongues out to meet. His hand reached up and pulled down the zipper on the side of her dress as he forced his tongue into her mouth. Her dress fell quickly leaving her in just her lingerie. The cool air of the house made her nipples perk up and goose bumps cover her skin. A wave of warmth followed as she felt his hands reach down and pull her by the ass close to him.

She reached her arms up and put them around his shoulders letting his hands roam all over her back. She broke the kiss "We have come a long way. How many times I wanted you to do this in the locker room or the hallway of High School."

Silently he groped her, watching her eyes. One hand came up to her face and caressed it. The other reached for her hand. "Get on your knees." He said, but not as a lust filled demand, as a gentle suggestion that she took. Her hand still in his, she realized he had the small jewelry box in the other. "God you are beautiful." He said as he let go of her hand to open the box. "And you want this too?" He asked. He pulled out a ring with three diamonds and on an elegant white gold band. The band was thin and intricate with some old fashioned detail.

She kept her hand up and spread her fingers. Nodding she started to smile, "Yes, I do." In her lingerie and in her knees she almost pleaded with him, "Please marry me and let me be yours forever."

He slipped the ring onto her finger and she could not stop staring at it. She pressed her hand up against his as he smiled down on her. He pulled her up by her hand and lifted her into his arms.

He carried her up the stairs, the entire time she could not take her eyes off her ring. Placing her on the bed, she turned to him. "I want to be yours for the rest of our lives." She said kissing his neck and unbuttoning his shirt. He held her hair back as she made her way down his chest, her lips and tongue tasting each piece of newly exposed flesh. He undid the cuffs of his shirt as she unbuckled his belt. Sliding the shirt off his shoulders he waited bare chested as she pushed his pants and underwear down.

His semi hard cock popped out. He watched her bend over on the bed with her ass hanging above her head. His brown pubic hair framed its thick base. He reached out and toyed with her jewel by pressing it. She let out a coo, and looked up at him, her hands on the mattress. "I like your little toy. It makes me feel so pretty."

"You are my toy," he said, guiding her up so they were face to face, "and I want to play." Forcefully he spun her around so her back was against his chest. "Hands behind your back and grab your elbows."

Slowly she slid her hands between them and touched her right hand to her left elbow. Holding tight she naturally had to stick her chest out and rested her head on his shoulder. His hands snaked from under her and gently pinched each nipple. She had to fight the urge to use her hands as she squirmed. She felt her panties growing tight and wet as he played with her. She tried kissing him while his hands worked from her belly to the the front of her panties, but he would not return her tongues affections. He just let her suck on his neck.

"Kiss me, please." She begged.

"Not till my toy is all would up." He said.

"I'm pretty wound." Her breathe was heavy as she pumped her hips forward and back.

"Oh yeah?" he asked.

"God l just want this plug out so you can be inside me." She was loosing the grip on her elbows, so she pressed her weight back harder against his chest. She could feel his semi hard cock against her back.

He reached under her and pressed the plug again. "You not satisfied by this?"

"It's just a tease compared to your huge dick." She purred.

"You can use your hands." His words let her loose.

Rebecca reached down quickly and felt her mouth water as she jerked him. She felt him harden in her hand. She looked down her body; her chest heaving with hard nipples, her flat muscular stomach tight all the way to the top of her panties, past the garter, and then all the way down her stocking to her high heels. Paul's hand reached inside her panties and toyed with the head of her penis. Her stockings and heels were the last thing she saw before she closed her eyes.

Paul's finger gathered some of her pre-cum, and she let out a disappointed whimper when he removed it. She opened her eyes just in time to see his finger right at her lips. She opened her mouth and sucked it softly and gently.

"I want you in my mouth." She whispered between licks.

"Lay on your back." He smirked as he said it.

Letting go of his cock she first went on all fours, sticking her ass in his face and putting her head down. She knew her pretty jewel was flashing him from under her panties, and she felt him run his hands up her thighs and across her ass. "I like this view, but if you really want to suck my cock, you need to roll over."

She lingered there for a second, letting his hands play a little longer before rolling onto her back. She felt him crawl over her and instinctively she felt up his thighs to his stomach. He dangled his mostly erect cock right in front of her, but just out of her mouth. She lifted her head to kiss it, straining her neck. She moved her hands around his back to hold herself up, giving her a decent angle to kiss and suck the underside.

She could feel the muscle in his back holding her weight, and with each of his movements she had to make small adjustments to hang on and keep her lips attached. Grabbing her hands, he moved himself so his sack was right over her mouth. She laid her head on the mattress and closed her eyes. Taking in his smell she knew to suckle each one. She grasped his hands, intertwining their fingers and reached down to her panties to play with herself. She sucked each ball slowly, breathing through her nose, and felt him move over her. She let him guide her hands and feel the lace she had picked out earlier that day.

"You look hot with your hands down your panties." All she could is respond with a soft hum. "Do that while you suck my cock."

He shifted his weight so he laid on his side, giving her full access. She rolled over too and looked up, her hands still in her panties. She took the head of his cock into her mouth. He took a sharp breathe and then warned her, "You do not cum till I tell you to, I know how much you love sucking me, and how that plug is teasing you. You wish you had two cocks right now."

She popped her head off for a second, "You are all the man I can handle." She brought her attention back to him, this time using both hands to jerk him into her mouth. She used her tongue to do circles around the head before feeding herself with full slow strokes. She took the monster as deep as she could get it.

Paul pushed on the back of her head to keep her there. He let out loud breathe as she squeezed her lips around the base and sucked a little harder. Letting up a little pressure, Paul let her come up for a breathe. Her lips made a loud slurping sound right before she inhaled deeply through her nose, her chest heaving. "You are so hard, I can't wait till you replace that small little toy and fill me up with this." She looked up at him. Her eyes caught a glimpse of her ring on her left finger. She smiled and crawled up to kiss him, "I'm shiny all over." She said putting the ring up between them.

She straddled him, putting her hands on his shoulders. Watching her he laid all the way onto his back. She started grinding slowly against him. She admired her ring with her hands on his chest. Reaching up he grabbed her nipple and pinched it gently. She let out a small hiss through her teeth and closed her eyes. She reached for his hand and helped him grab at her breasts. His fingers were much bigger and stronger, but he let her help guide him as she ground her panties against his stomach and they kneaded her flesh. The whole time the plug was teasing her while she rubbed it against his stomach. "I could cum right now." She whispered.

"You better not." He warned.

"Or what?" She teased.

He sat up quickly, "Or I will call Molly and tell her to come over."

She kissed him hungrily, but he did not return it. He let her feverishly attack his lips. She took the cue and complied, presenting her jewel, on all fours, with her ass inches from his face. He started kissing one of her cheeks as he slid her panties down. She felt herself fall out of her panties, and the fresh air on her small wet penis made her shiver. She felt a quick smack that made her lurch forward. It left a dull sting as she leaned back to her original position. She waited, unsure if another one was coming. She turned to look behind her and found Paul waiting with his hand raised. As soon as she made eye contact he gave her another firm spank. The sound of this one was louder, but the sensation and the sting were the same. She kept her eyes forward, but found their reflection in the mirror.

She watched intently as Paul ran his hands up her back, then back down her thighs. He rested his cock against her ass and played with the toy, pushing it in deep and pulling it just far enough so she thought it might come out. She let out a soft moan and rocked back and forth as repeated that motion randomly. It kept her guessing, not really sure to pull or push. Using his other hand he grabbed her panties and wrapped them around her cock, milking her slowly. The sensation of the lace and the teasing would never make her cum, but she could feel herself leaking. "God that feels good." She moaned.

Paul started to pry the plug out, still using one hand to milk Rebecca with her panties. After a tug and a soft pop, he slid it slowly. Rebecca felt the release of pressure and initially pushed her hips back to try to get it back in. She moved with his hand trying to avoid the vacuum she felt inside her. Paul laughed, "Want something?" He asked.

"Please..." She begged, reaching back to grab his cock. She couldn't find it because he kept pulling it just out of reach, so she pulled her cheek out to the side, exposing her swollen hole. "Just slide it in, please." She tried again.

Paul continued to tease her by sticking just the head of his cock against the opening. She pushed back, but he only let a half inch in before grabbing her hips and holding it there. She still tried to press to get him deeper, so he smacked her ass, making her lurch forward and pop him out. She reached back again, and this time she got her hand in his cock. This time he let her quickly guide his rigid pole into her entrance but he grabbed her by the hips again, trying to tease. "Please deeper." He smacked her ass again, but this time she did not flinch. She did let out a soft whimper as the sting radiated down her leg. Hearing the whimper Paul slid himself deeper.

With each moan or gasp Paul rewarded her with a little more, until he had worked up a smooth rythym dictated by her sounds. She began pushing back against him, till she felt his hips smack against her ass. A slow warmth started to grow in her belly. She closed her eyes and fought the urge to let herself go. Placing her head on the mattress, she reached back with both hands and pulled her cheeks apart, trying to get him a little deeper.

Sensing her body stiffening, Paul slowed down, and pulled out. She turned her head to look back as he pushed her over onto her side. Grabbing her by the knee, he bent it and pushed it up to her chest. She reached down and spread her ass for him as he angled himself. She watched his eyes fixate on her body, then work their way up to meet hers. With her other hand she reached up and held his face. "Don't ever stop." She sighed, "I want you to do this forever. Give it to me, make me your girl every night." She moaned. Paul closed his eyes, leaned in and kissed her. "Cum with me." He whispered to her as he pumped as hard as he could. With each thrust he would hold himself deep, and Rebecca would circle her hips till he hit just the right spot. Sweat covered both of them as the pace quickened. He barely pulled any shallower before slamming back into her again as hard as he could. Their bodies were slapping against each other as she felt herself tingling. The warmth from her stomach rushed all over her body. "I'm fucking cumming, don't stop baby, don't stop. I want all of it..." She screamed. She felt every muscle tighten as she erupted all over her stomach, leaving hot sticky cum on her abs.

He put all his weight into her as the first burst came like a shot. Deep inside her his balls reloaded, spasmed and unleashed again. Grunting he kept pushing, moving both of them a full foot across the bed before he just held himself inside her.

She let go of her ass as she came back down. She could still feel the heat from the orgasm in her face when Paul slid out of her. The emptiness made her want to feel every part of him, but she settled for a couple sweet soft kisses.

He rolled onto his back, still breathing heavy. She rolled over and put her head in his chest. Reaching down she tickled his stomach with her nails, drawing circles, descending to his pubic hair. She played with that, running her fingers through it. She felt him start to stir. "You are wonderful." She looked down his body at her ring.

"You make me wonderful." She replied. Closing her eyes she felt his hand on her belly, then his fingers at her lips. Instinctively she took his finger in her mouth, the taste of her own cum coating her toungue.

"I'm glad you helped the wrestling team." He said.

She smiled, "I'm glad you jerked off in the shower..."

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