Love of My Life

By Lindsey S.

Published on Dec 3, 2017


Chapter 7: A proposal and the first test

Thank you for still reading! Please let me know you are still out there. I am writing this to share and I am much more motivated to get this story out there if I know people are reading. Email me at lindseycd4rpATgmail, even if it's just to say hi. There are two or three chapters remaining and I might need some motivation to see it through, it is a busy time of year! Thanks Dilara for helping me through this one.

Just so we are clear on the timeline here, Paul and Rebecca are now in a committed relationship, live together, and are considering taking it to the next step.

Saturday mornings Rebecca usually gets to wake up slow, but this morning she has to go in to the restaurant. She promised one of the other waitresses she could cover the first half of her shift. As her eyes opened, she glanced at Paul who was still asleep. Scooting in a little closer to him, she turned her head to look at the clock and was sad to see she needed to be up in three minutes. She ran her hand across his stomach and up to his shoulder.

"How long till you have to be up?"

"A couple minutes." She said, and gave him a kiss on the shoulder. She moved her hand back down his stomach and fumbled around with the waist band of his shorts. He must have gotten up in the middle of the night and put them on, because she knew he didn't have them on when he fell asleep.

"Mmmmmmmm, careful." Paul moaned half asleep. "Make sure you don't start anything you can't finish."

"I won't." Rebecca slid her hand inside and started running her fingers up and down his trimmed pubic hair. She could feel the heat from his morning erection. "Any other Saturday..." she started, but was interrupted by her alarm. Rolling over she turned it off and got up.

Rebecca was still in her lingerie from the night before. Paul opened his eyes to watch her walk to the bathroom. He couldn't keep his eyes off her as she gathered her clothes to go take a shower. "Sure you can't be late?" He asked.

"No, I am never late." She responded. Walking back to the bed she leaned over him and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. "But you can come and shower with me if you want."

Letting the kiss sit for a second he waited, "Tomorrow. I want to go back to sleep, but I will watch you walk away again."

"Tease." Was her only response.

"You started it."

Rebecca made sure she walked with a little extra sway in her hips, reminding him about last night.

In the shower, Lindsey took her time. Letting the water run to warm up, she turned her attention to the mirror. Still in last nights lingerie, she posed before sliding garments off. Staring at her corset she is untied the bow between her breasts and let it fall to the floor. Next she started rolling down her stockings, letting her hands gently brush her legs with each stroke. Looking back to the mirror, her A cups were uncovered and her nipples were soft at the tips. She pushed them up with her hands, thinking how she always wanted them to be a cup size larger. Sliding her hands down her torso, she slipped her fingers through her panties. The lace trim was dried and crusted from the night before. Remembering how happy she made Paul last night brings a smile to her face.

Stepping into the shower she slicked her hair back, closed her eyes and ran her hands down through it. Turning around she put her face in, and let the water run down the front of her body. Rubbing her face first she moved her hands down her body. Feeling her muscles as she bent down, her mind flashed back to when she first started working out. Before that she did not enjoy touching herself like this. Her hands reached her waxed landing strip above her soft cock. There was a just a small sliver of trimmed hair. Her mind flashed back to how things were before she knew who she was.

The last five years had been a whirlwind. Paul had gone to college and come back. He was with Susan, who was still Rebecca's best friend. He had moved into the house Rebecca bought with her college fund. It wasn't much, but it was in much better shape now that Paul had picked projects to do to help fix it up. Her smile peaked out as she thought about the yard they had made together. The fence, the flowers, the swing, they lived to be in their backyard together.

Opening her eyes and found the body wash. After lathering up she ran her hands run up and down, lingering on her legs. Paul was right, running and working out had made her love the way she felt and looked. Especially her butt, she ran her hands around, the soap making them slide easily down her crack.

Having just gone to get waxed the other day, she cleaned her bald little hole. The water cascaded down between her cheeks. Nice and warm from the shower, she took a minute to tease herself. If Paul were here he would ask if she was showering or playing. She laughed to herself thinking about how he would tease her.

Finishing up she turned off the water, stepped out of the shower, and wrapped herself in her towel. Putting her hair up she started getting ready. Powder, mascara, eye liner... taking her hair down she ran the hair dryer. Putting it halfway up, she took a final glance in the mirror before going to get dressed. Once out of the bathroom she glanced at Paul who was asleep. She pulled out a pair pink French cut lace panties, and a matching bra. This never gets old, she loved this part of dressing, so she took her time. Moving to the closet she picked a sensible outfit for work, a black skirt and white button down blouse. It was warm enough out, so she didn't need stockings, but she thought about wearing them anyway.

Now fully dressed, she went down to the kitchen and started getting breakfast ready. Knowing Paul would wake up once he smelt the coffee, she made some eggs and pancakes for both of them. Sure enough, Paul was down in the kitchen as soon as she started pouring into his mug.

He had a box that looked like it would hold a necklace. Rebecca's heart was in her throat. Had she forgotten an anniversary or something?

"I have gift for you, if you are up for it." Paul's voice was confident and purposeful. It was a tone that she usually heard in the bedroom.

"Ok, should I be scared? Or wearing something different?" She asked with uncertainty in her voice.

"If you want to be mine forever, you should be happy." His eyes were fixed on hers. Her reaction made it clear that she didn't fully understand. He sat down and motioned for her to come sit on his lap.

She obliged, "Be yours?" She asked as she sat down.

He handed her the box. "Open it."

She smiled nervously as the hinges opened. Inside was a black lace collar with white and silver thread. Along the back was a white gold clasp with a very thin dainty chain. As she held the box, Paul took it out and started fastening it around her neck. It was tight enough around her throat that she could feel it with every movement she made.

"If you want to be my wife then you need to show we can grow together."

"Are you asking me to marry you?" She asked, her voice a little short of breathe from surprise.

"Not asking, challenging." His voice was calm but a little playful. The glint in his eye danced as he watched her face turn from surprised to understanding.

She knew he loved games, but was still uncertain of what he was asking her to do. "So What is the challenge?" She asked.

"Well, the first one is," he saw her raise her eyebrows as he said `first', "Well, the first of three challenges is..."

She interrupted, "THREE!" She was half smiling.

"Yes, and let me finish. The first is for you carry out whatever I say until tomorrow." His hand wrapped around her back. "No questions or hesitation, whatever I say."

"Well, what sort of things..."

Before she could finish her sentence he cut her off, "Whatever I feel like. And the first thing you are going to do is go change into a shorter skirt and put on some stockings.

They had played like this before, but never with the future of their relationship on the line. She knew she would likely have one question before he lost his patience, so she wanted to use it well. She wondered how long this would be for, if she was still going to work, why the change of clothes.... but she settled on, "and you know I want to do this?"

He just nodded. "Now hurry up and don't be late for work.. when you come home I want the house clean and dinner made. I might be out when you get home, but I will be home for dinner."

And with that he smacked her on her ass, and she walked up the stairs. When she came back down in her new skirt and stockings, she felt his eyes on her. "Good girl." His smooth voice made her feel sexy. He walked up and slid his hand up her thigh so the skirt uncovered the lace tops of her stockings. "God your legs look good." He leaned in and kissed her softly at first, but then parted his lips and stuck his tongue between hers. "Mmmmmmmm" she let out a soft moan and met his tongue with hers. She sweetly accepted his playful pushing, her hand grabbed his elbow and glided up his shoulder.

"I like kissing my fiancé." She said softly.

"Not yet, you need to earn it first." He smiled. "The house better be ready when I come home."

With that he sent her on her way to work. She spent the entire day thinking about being his bride, and making sure her ass was covered by her skirt. Of course she called Susan to tell her, and she agreed to come into the restaurant for a coffee to talk about it.

Susan smiled as soon as she saw Rebecca, and because she was working they did not have long stretches of time to talk to each other. Two things were clear though. That skirt was going to get Rebecca some tips, maybe even some phone numbers this morning and that both Susan and Rebecca were excited that Paul had proposed. They couldn't help but jump talk about the wedding. However, Rebecca had a quick reminder that this was not a traditional proposal. Every time she turned her head to check her tables she could feel the choker around her throat.

Before she left Susan couldn't help herself. "You know every time you take a step I can see the tops of your stockings." She teased. "I have been helping you get dressed for a couple years and I have seen you try on some short skirts, but what is up?"

Rebecca didn't say anything, she just smiled and gave a sarcastic and flirty wink. Susan finished her coffee and on her way out made sure to give a little wolf whistle toward her friend. Rebecca blushed as she waved goodbye.

There weren't many people coming in, so she got to go home early, which was good. She made the same as she would have if she had worked the whole shift because of three big tippers. She would need to remember that for next time. She was happy to leave early because she wanted to make sure she fulfilled Paul's requests.

When she got home there was a note on the counter with a list of chores, and she got right to work. She made sure the living room, dining room and kitchen were spotless. She went out to the yard and cleaned up so that they could eat or sit outside if they wanted. By the time dinner was prepared for cooking and everything was done, Rebecca had an hour to get ready. She got an idea while she was showering. Laughing to herself out loud, she decided to do it, Paul would find it amusing, and she was pretty sure he would not be mad.

She went into her closet and found a Halloween costume she had worn to visit Paul when he was in college. He and his housemates had hosted a big party several years ago, and Rebecca went as a French maid. "If he wants to see stockings, he will love this." She thought as she slid the garters up her leg. The skirt did not cover her lace trimmed boy shorts, it just looted out from her hips. She made sure to wear her thong underneath her boy shorts, Paul loved this look, and she loved being unwrapped like a present, and layers added an element of surprise. It came with some cuffs, that just went around her wrists, which she decided not to wear for practicality. Putting on the corse last, she squeezed it tight before fastening the clasps. She made sure to fasten her choker around her neck, and it matched really well. Checking the mirror one last time she touched up her bun before heading downstairs to start cooking.

From the kitchen she heard Paul's pick up truck pull into the driveway. She stopped what she was doing to greet him at the door, she was excited to see him smile it laugh at her little joke. Looking out the window she was shocked to see him with three of his friends walking up the driveway. Her jaw dropped and she froze. Before the door opened she could hear them talking about watching the game on TV. She was rigid as the door opened and immediatley made eye contact with Paul. Rebecca felt all three of his friends eyes lock on her. Blood rushed to her cheeks and her stomach flopped.

Paul just started laughing. "Hey hun, just another Saturday night huh?" His eyes traced her up and down. The rest of the guys finished coming into the house and politely looked away and tried to hide their smiles.

Rebecca did not know what to do or say.

Paul broke the silence. "The guys came over to watch some baseball. Could you go out and get us some beers?"

"Uhhh, sure?" Rebecca tried to channel her embarrassment into a smile. Her choker felt just a little tighter as her heart pumped harder.

"Here you can take my Truck." Paul tossed her the keys. "No need to go upstairs and change." That was it, the guys all started laughing out loud.

As she walked out the door, she heard one of them joke, "... were we interrupted something."

Looking at the ground all she could do was smile. "Well, he did laugh." She thought to herself. Turning around to look back at the house, she saw every pair of eyes on her. Shaking her head again, she walked to the truck.

The store was not crowded but nobody was hiding their stares. As soon as she opened the beer cooler's door, her nipples hardened against He corset. Her nipples we poking out of her top when she remembered she did not have her wallet.

She walked up to the counter to explain her situation to the cashier. Halfway there she remembered the big tips from earlier that day. So she went with a half hatched plan, to flirt with the cashier and see if she could then just walk out. She put on her best flirty smile, laughed at his joke about her outfit, put her hand on his as he reached to ring up the beer, and managed to get him to hold off. She pulled out every trick she could think of, and after about 15 minutes, and three or four other people lining up behind her, she managed to get somebody else to pay for it. All she had to do was bend over the counter a little, showing her lace covered cheeks to the man behind her. Even the woman in line looked like she was enjoying the show.

When she got home, it was obvious that Paul had something up his sleeve. She had known his friends for a couple years, and they were always great. She enjoyed having them over or hanging out. She was even friends with two of their wives. But before they had even been drinking they had started to stare a little longer and they seemed to have lost control of their grip, because they kept dropping things and asking her to pick it up.

As the game progressed, they started getting more intoxicated, and things escalated. Rebecca was bringing out a couple more beers when she felt Paul grab her leg and slide his hands over her stockings. Normally Paul was reserved when company was over, but tonight was different.

"You are doing a great job." He said loud enough for everybody to hear. "Can you do us a favor though. Can you get TV remote so I can put a video up?" The rest of the guys started smiling like they knew what was about to happen.

"Ummmm, sure." She said and went to get the remote. After changing the settings on the TV, Paul took over using his phone. His home screen popped up on the TV, and then he opened up a web browser and started typing in his favorite porn site.

Rebecca started blushing. She knew what he wanted though, so she stayed there. She was no prude but this was a first, to watch with this many people.

"What do you feel like watching sweetheart?" There was a sarcasm in his voice that was equally playful and condescending.

"Ummmm, Whatever you, I mean it doesn't matter to me." She stammered.

"I think I know what you would like." He clicked on a video labeled, `my beautiful wife'. The picture was of a woman in all white on her knees with a cock inches from her lips. Her eyes looked focused on what was in front of her. The video started with her in her wedding dress and walking through a hotel room. Rebecca stood in the middle of the room and watched as she judged everything about the woman. Her dress, her make up, her lingerie, how she reacted to her husbands touch. As she felt herself getting aroused thinking about his her wedding night would go, she swallowed, the collar still tight around her throat. Her panties started getting tight and wet.

She tried to distract herself, "anybody need anything?" She grabbed some empty cans and started to walk to the kitchen.

They all looked at her as she got up. Paul smiled, "Just you back in my lap once you are done with your chores."

Rebecca went to the kitchen and came back. She obediently sat on Paul's lap. As the video continued Paul's hands worked up her thighs separating them so she was totally exposed. The guys kept their attention on the screen, and she could see their arousal, each of them had very obvious erections. Paul whispered in her ear, "Plah with yourself."

Rebecca turned her head to kiss him softly as she reached down between her legs. Paul turned away. "Not in front of the guys." His grin was ear to ear and positively mischevious.

"But I want to kiss you." She whispered back, grinding her palm against her panties.

They kept glancing over at her as she played with herself. Each of them made eye contact at some point but then immediately looked away. Paul put his hand over hers and started feeling her tits softly, leaving one of them fully exposed, the nipple hard and pointing out as she continued to tease herself. One by one they left, but they all made sure to get a good look at her before they headed for the door.

As soon as the last guest was gone Rebecca hungrily turned around and fought to kiss Paul with all of her pent up lust. She wanted to feel every inch of him at once, and assaulted his mouth with her tongue. Letting her kiss him for a minute, he grabbed her hair and pulled her back. She moved with such force that her bun of hair cake halfway out. "Hungry girl?"

"Yes." She said. Her head tilted slightly to the side.

"What do you want to eat?" His face was inches from hers, his fingers wrapped in her hair.

"Your cock. Your big hard fucking cock." Her head tilted back as he adjusted his grip and her eyes were locked on his. Her breasts were both exposed and she was frozen there, her hands locked around his shoulders, unwilling to let go. Her chest heaved up and down with deep breathes.

"I want you to see something first. Turn back around and watch." Paul let go of Rebecca's hair and ran his fingers over her collar. "And you will continue to do exactly as I say."

She reluctantly complied, turning around and facing the screen.

He ran his hands down her stomach and across her protruding hip bones. Reaching down inside her panties he teased her by gently kissing her neck. "You can play with yourself all you want but you do not get to touch me." His words held heavy between them as he put on the next video.

Rebecca's heart stopped, it was her on the screen. She was wearing an old set of workout clothes, and her body was not the same as it was now. Her video self looked directly in the camera and she suddenly remembered this. She flashed back several years to this encounter. She knew exactly what was going to happen and as the video continued she got a new point of view on that afternoon. Paul's hands played with her breasts, sometimes pulling the lacey bra over them and teasing her nipples. She saw her past self reacting to his touch much the same way as she was now. Her voice sounded just as hungry for him in the video as it had a minute ago. She would have let him do anything to her then, and the same was true right now.

"Tell me what you were thinking as you watch yourself." He was clearly amused by her focus on the screen.

Rebecca thought back, and tried to re-live each second. "I thought the girl on the screen was gorgeous but I wanted you to fantasize about me like you did her."

"I felt like such a dirty little slut because all I wanted was you."

"I wanted you to reach down my panties and rub them."

After watching Paul cum on the video, he abruptly broke up her monologue.

"Now are you ready for the real surprise?" He asked. Her mind had been swimming between the last and the present and her panties were straining.

"Ummm, I guess." She replied softly. She had no idea what to expect at this point.

Rewinding the video she saw the entire event bjt backwards. He rewound all the way through their little romp, and the secret slowly revealed itself. Susan walked backward fully dressed, and still in rewind undressed herself, and then she was under Paul with her legs spread in the air. This was followed by her being on her knees and between his legs, and finally leaving the room again, all in rewind.

That day in High School, Susan had been there before her.

Once at the beginning, Paul took over as the video played itself. "You are going to cum in your panties watching this." He reached down inside her panties and started rubbing her softly. He teased the head that was soaked in percum, and pulled her thong up against her hole, reminding her about that other layer under her shorts. They both watched as Susan suck him, her pony tail bobbing up and down. The video was eerily silent, Rebecca knew how much Paul loved dirty talk. It was a sharp contrast to their romp they had just watched. She could barely make out the noise of Susan's mouth, or of Paul's breathing. She moved her focus to Paul in the video and found herself losing control right away. His thighs, his hands, his arms... as he got on top of her she got to see his ass flex and relax as he pumped in and out of her. That was all she could take. She reached down and grabbed his wrists and clasped as tight as she could, thrusting her pelvis back and forth, erupting in her panties as his larger hands played with her small cock.

Paul laughed. "That's my girl. I thought you would like that."

Rebecca's breathe came back to her as she felt her soggy panties become loose, hed cock started to soften. The familiar feeling of relaxation mixed with the safety of Paul's arms sunk in, and the smell of her cum filled her nostrils. A chuckle started deep inside of her and built to a smile that made her eyes water. "Did everything go as you planned today?" She asked.

"The costume was a welcome surprise," he could not hide his chuckle, "but yes, so far everything has been satisfactory. You have been great."

"Just so far?" She turned around in his lap, careful not to touch him, she hovered over his lap and brought her face within inches of his. "What else did he have in mind?" She thought to herself. Her imagination wandered as she felt his hands run up her breasts and down her stomach. She moved her hands onto the top of the couch behind him and waved her hips around. She thought about why he had texted her years ago after he had met with susan, she thought about how he liked when she told him what she wanted, and didn't hide her lust for him. His hands ran down to her ass and pulled down her Lacey shorts and exposing her thong. She reached down, got some of her own cum onto her fingers and brought them up to her lips to taste it. She watched his eyes fixate on her lips. She licked her fingers clean, and then reached behind her to spread her cheeks. "God I want your cum all over me." She whispered as she closed her eyes.

That was it, Paul turned into an animal. "Get down on all fours." He commanded.

She glanced down as she went to the floor and presented herself. She caught a glimpse of his cock fully erect. She had to fight the urge to reach out for it or beg for it to be in her mouth first. She took a second to think before she let her desire be heard. "God I want you inside me."

She felt him pull her thong down to her knees, line himself up behind her, and tease her with the tip. It had been a long time since he did this all those years before, and she knew it wouldn't be quick. She knew this time he would go slow, letting the tip tease her and stretch her out. She reacted to his every move, and remembered how differently Susan reacted. The room was filled with their sounds; heavy breathing, some dirty talk, occasional smacking of thighs, balls, or butt cheeks, and sudden gasps. Paul's occasional command or compliment would draw a verbal whimper from Rebecca.

"God I love your tight little ass." Their rhythm picking up.

It suddenly dawned on her, he had chosen her, and he wanted her forever. "It feels so good with you inside it. God I want this forever."

He held himself deep inside her and she could feel he was close. He always did this when he was holding back. She whispered softly. "Please baby." She begged, her skin starting to crawl as slow orgasm built.

Pulling out of her, she laid on her side and put her leg up in the air. She felt so empty, the urge to cum still at the tips of her fingers and toes.

He re entered her, but from this angle could not get as deep. She pulled her leg closer, and reached to spread her self, begging him, "deeper, faster." Her toes started to curl as he leaned down and assaulted her tongue with his. The beer on his breathe did not bother her, she just wanted him, and to feel his heat run through her.

His muscles tensed and he made sharper, shallower, and quicker strokes. Grunting loudly she felt him unload and hold inside her as deep as he could. She felt her body rush and his weight pressed on her.

They laid there together for several minutes in silence, catching their breath.

"I get it." She said breaking the silence. "I am yours, that is what the collar is for."

He laughed. "You might be reading a bit much into this. Maybe I'm just a kinky dude, and I liked the look of it."

She smiled back, "Well, I like being yours. If you liked today I would explore that with you." Her sentence ended with a tone of honesty and seriousness.

"Hmmm." Is all he responded at first. "Thank you." He kissed her softly. "We can see what happens, but I am happy to know that if we get married you are open to this. And that you are OK with our past."

Rebecca felt her eyes tearing up, "I would like to be married to you, and I'm happy you chose me." She did not want to bring up Susan, but her best friends face appeared in her head. "Could it have been her?" she asked.

Paul stopped for a second and re-positioned himself. His cock was soft again, and she could feel his cum dripping out of her. He looked into Rebecca's eyes. "I showed you the video to remind you that I still wanted you, no matter who came before."

Rebecca instantly smiled. "And because you like porn." She laughed.

He smiled back, "I like that you like watching me."

"Do you watch the video of us sometimes?"

"You have a much better body now." He joked as he playfully smacked her on the butt. She squirmed away a little, and he grabbed her tight, kissing her again.

"You want your diamond?"

Her heart raced, she nodded.

"I will give it to you tomorrow."

Next: Chapter 8

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