Love of My Life

By Lindsey S.

Published on Nov 13, 2017


Chapter 6 - Big Changes

This chapter takes place between the start of Rebecca and Paul's relationship and when they start to accept their relationship. I hope you continue enjoying following these two as they grow together.

Spring had come, which meant Bobby's afternoons were no longer to be spent in the wrestling room, but outside with the baseball team. Every other year of High School that had been the pattern, but this year, the last two months, things had changed.

Paul's texts had continued on the weekends, and they took advantage of every opportunity after wrestling practice that they could. However, toward the end of the wrestling season, Coach had made a comment about how much time Paul and Bobby had spent together after practice, and that made Paul uncomfortable. Rebecca did what she knew would make Paul happy, she told Coach that Bobby was done managing after the wrestling season, she would not work with the baseball team.

That decision snowballed, and Rebecca needed Susan now more than she realized. She had kept her secret with Paul safe despite Susan bringing up her boyfriend almost every opportunity they had to really talk. Rebecca's strategies were simple; listen, say as little as possible, when something needs to be said, be honest but general. That had worked for the last two months, but this time Susan really needed her. On this particular shopping trip, Rebecca wasn't prepared for what was coming.

"Like I've been saying, it's just not the same. We have been together for over a year. I guess we were bound to grow and change, but the last two months, it's just a lot different." Susan looked at Rebecca. "I guess it's because High School is basically over."

Rebecca met Susan's gaze and tried to convey her empathy. She understood that feeling, wanting a relationship to stay the same as it was, or at least wanting it to be the way it used to be. She was having a similar problem with her parents.

"Yeah, I know, but we are all getting ready for what happens next." At first that seemed like a safe statement. It was honest and general.

"What is next Rebecca?" Susan's voice had a little giggle in it, but was also sincerely a question.

Trying to change the subject off of Paul, Rebecca told the truth, but about something else. "I am pretty sure I need to move out of my parent's soon, I think they know I've been dressing up."

"WHAT??? How are you just telling me this now?"

"Well, you have your own stuff going on, and you have been so great to me. I just didn't see a reason...". Rebecca trailed off without ending her thought.

"What are you going to do?" Susan's full attention was on Rebecca. There was no sign she was thinking about Paul anymore.

"Get a job I guess. I have some money saved, but not a lot. Hope my parents give me my college fund, I really don't know. I don't think I want to go to school. Maybe I need a year off." Everything out of her mouth was a pure unfiltered stream of conscious. Obviously she had thought about this before, but nothing sounded or felt right. This was the beauty of her relationship with Susan, she could think aloud and not feel stupid or judged.

"Well, If you are not managing the baseball team anymore, you can get a job at my uncle's restaurant. He hires all the time, I'm sure I could get you something."

"I don't know, I do know that I want to keep exploring this. I like being your friend, I love doing all our girly things, I just don't know. Maybe I should just stop...". Rebecca's mind was turning in circles as they walked to a rack of summer dresses. She had gotten off the topic she couldn't talk about, but now felt selfish for highjacking the conversation to be about her. And on top of all that, she had just talked herself into doubting whether she should keep being Rebecca.

Susan grabbed her arm to stop her. She wanted the weight of what she was going to say to land. "We both know what would make you happy. You are allowed to be a that happy person."

"I know, I just..."

"Let me talk to my uncle. I think he needs a waitress."

"A waitress?" Rebecca's eyes lit up. She liked the sound of that.

The reality of what was happening sunk in. Bobby would need to apply, Rebecca didn't have a drivers license or social security number. But Susan saw Rebecca go from excited to confused. As Rebecca worked through the logistics in her head Susan read her mind just in time. "I will take care of it, I am my Uncles favorite. Besides he is a softy. He will pay Bobby for Rebecca to work. Just be a good waitress and he won't care."

As they slid dresses along the rack and moved on to the bathing suit section Rebecca tried not to get her hopes up, and the sting of guilt started growing. She had not done anything to help Susan.

Walking past the prom dresses, Rebecca noticed that Susan kept glancing over at them. "Want to go and try some on?" She asked even though she knew it probably meant Paul would come back up in the conversation.

"Sure, that could be fun. Do you think you are going to go?"

"I don't think I am ready. Besides, going alone sounds horribly depressing."

"What about that guy? Don't you think he would go?"

"I can guarantee you that won't happen. So far he doesn't seem to care about going anywhere together."

"If you tell me who it is I can help you." Susan's voice was mostly teasing, but a little hopeful.

Smiling, Rebecca just shook her head `no'. Her mind went to Paul taking her to Prom, wearing one of these dresses, and her reason for smiling changed. Her eyes caught a glimpse of a dress she thought Paul would like. It was Red with an open back. The front came down into a V, it hugged around the hips and then subtly flowed out all the way to the floor. It was tight in all the right places, and she knew how much he loved her back. She held it up.

"You should try this one on. I think you will turn some heads."

After a back and forth, they agreed they would both try on two. Of course Susan looked fabulous in both of hers. The one Rebecca chose made Susan's chest pop, even without a bra for the open back. The other looked fine, But was a bit safer. It almost left too much to the imagination.

Rebecca had trouble because her breasts were smaller. Both dresses flattered her hips, and even made her shoulders and arms look elegant. But neither of those positives stood out, because of how loose the fabric was in the front.

"Maybe with the right bra." Susan encouraged her.

"Yeah, but I'm not going, so why bother. Do you think you will get the red one?" Rebecca asked hopefully. She had to say it, even though she knew it would hurt. "Paul will love it."

"You think so?" Susan was smiling wide. "He still hasn't asked me."

"He will." Is all Rebecca could get out of her throat. Susan was so happy, Rebecca had to put her jealousy aside. After a minute, she grabbed Susan's hand and went back to her strategy. She changed the subject. "I'm so excited to go bra shopping!"


In some ways not managing the baseball team was better, because she got to watch the games for fun, and could focus on just watching Paul play. It did feel strange to sit on the opposing teams side, but that way she knew she wouldn't be seen.

She did her best to create opportunities for their secret afternoon romps, but that only worked some of the time. It was getting harder with all of the end of year activities, none of which really meant anything to Rebecca. She had never gone to this school.

One day Rebecca remembered a spot that would work for her and Paul to get together during lunch. Just like always, this was much harder for her than Paul. All he had to do was show up, she had to get ready.

She had remembered one of her teachers from freshman year would leave everyday for lunch, so they could use his classroom. Because there were no classes during that period, nobody would be there, her an Paul could have it all to themselves. To date, this had been her boldest plan.

She sent a text to Paul, letting him know she would be there waiting for him, but the truck was leaving herself enough time to get ready. She hid her sundress in her backpack, along with her make up and a bow for her hair. She had gotten good at making herself up quickly and without having to do too much. As long as her eyes and lips were done, that's what mattered.

Slipping off her boy clothes, she stripped down to her thong and tank top which had built in elastic that worked like a bra. With this dress she wouldn't need it. She admired herself in the mirror. Still barely any tits, this was probably as big as they were going to get. She put her hands over them, but they were bigger than before, and her nipples were much more sensitive. Even just covering her breasts with her hands made her nipples perk up.

She giggled at herself, because when she slipped the dress on she could see her nipples poking through. "Well, that will get his attention she thought." With one last glance and touch up, she sat in the chair at the desk and waited with her legs crossed.

Her mind wandered as she waited, thinking about how her body felt different. Since she started working out her clothes started to fit better, and she felt more confident when she moved. She liked the way her dress tightened when she would take a deep breathe, or how her jeans felt tighter in the legs, she could feel her hamstrings flexing against them as she walked. Today her sundress felt soft but secure against her stomach, and when she stretched or reached she could feel the hem against her thighs.

Her phone buzzed. "Ditching the last two periods. Meet me at my car if you want to see me." The text from Paul made her shiver. She was already made up, and in school. She knew she was not going to meet Paul as Bobby. Her only option was to walk out like this. She took a deep breathe, of course she was going to go meet him. Of course she was going to play his game, pass this test, if that is what this was.

With that, she grabbed her bag and briskly walked out. After three steps she realized she was not going to make a clean get away. Halfway between her and the exit, there was a group of five kids sitting on the floor of the hallway, eating their lunch. She instantly recognized all of them. Two months ago she would have considered one of them a close friend.

A lot had changed since they had played video games in the basement. Trying not to make eye contact, she slowed down so she didn't look suspicious, and swung her bag around to look like she was rummaging to get something out. Glancing sideways she caught all of them following her with their eyes. Grabbing her phone she put it to her ear and pretended to talk to somebody. She was certain they recognized her, but what could she do? So she just kept walking all the way out the door to Paul's car.

Once outside, she felt relieved. Nobody said anything to her, and even if they knew what was happening, what would it matter. There was a month left of school. In that moment Rebecca felt like she had nothing left to lose. She had graduated. With a perk in her step she walked to the parking lot, and looked for Paul's car.

He was standing and leaning on the hood. He smiled at her as she walked up, "I wasn't sure if you wanted it bad enough to meet me." He was clearly amused with himself.

"Maybe this is just better than sitting through my last two classes and has nothing to do with how much I want to be around you." She teased back.

"Well, I know I am going to have fun." He said as he opened her door for her.

Putting her backpack down on the floor she slid in, holding her blue dress against the back of her thighs as she sat down. Paul closed the door close behind her. She watched him as he walked around the car in his shorts and T-Shirt. His shoulders and chest filled it out well, and she could just picture his thighs under those shorts.

He got in and started the car. "See anybody in the hall?"

"A couple people." She looked at him as they drove around the school, off toward the main road. She took a chance and reached over to his thigh. "Where did you have in mind? The office too risky for you?"

He spread his legs a couple inches, "I just needed to get out. I feel couped up, and I'm pitching today...". His voice trailed off.

She knew that he got a little nervous when he was going to be on the mound. "Need to get your mind off it?" She asked.

"Hmmmm, Yeah, I guess." He glanced over as he pulled behind a strip mall. There were a couple empty parked cars, but it was mostly dumpsters.

She took another chance, watching for a reaction on his face, she moved her hand slowly up his thigh. "Is that helping?" She asked with a smile.

"I think you can do more than that." He bluntly responded.

"Any rules this time?" She wanted to help him relax, not get him angry or frustrated.

"Ha, I will let you know if I think of any."

Reaching up his thigh she felt him start to stiffen in his jeans. "Well, I will just enjoy myself then." Her excitement barely contained by her smile. She crawled over the center console, reached down and tilted his seat back as she kneeled, straddling his thighs. Her dress was dangling down over his lap and she lowered her hips so a little weight was on his lap as she reached down to his cock again.

She was happy to feel that he was getting more rigid, and that she could feel he was pleased with her. She reached up his shirt to feel his taught muscles under his skin, and put her other hand on his shoulder as she watched him close his eyes.

Both of his hands reached under her dress to grab her ass. "I've been working out." She teased working her hips around in a circle. His fingers traced the strap of her thong. Anybody walking past would have seen her underwear because her dress was up over her hips. She leaned over to kiss his neck. He pushed her back up and opened his eyes.

He forcefully grabbed her by the hips, and pulled her up so all her weight was on his stomach. She reached back and started rubbing his crotch over his jeans as his hands grabbed at her ass and stomach underneath he fabric of her dress.

"What are you waiting for?"

Knowing what they both wanted, she unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. His half erect cock was growing in her hand as she jerked him in time with her hips rocking back and forth. She felt her panties getting tight as she arched her back, her hands behind her and stroking. Every time she thought about moments like these by herself she could feel a tingle that ran from her belly down through her thighs, but in these moments it ran through her entire body. Her hands full she met his gaze and bit her lower lip.

With his hands firmly holding her, she could feel every breathe they both took. It suddenly got very heavy, and something changed. One second she was teasing him and playing. The next she couldn't control herself. He quickly sat up, making her slide down to his lap, and she felt his stiff cock slide right up next to her panties.

"Ahhhhhhh...." she let out a purr. She wasn't sure if he noticed his cock was right up against hers, but she didn't care. She started grinding her panties against him. She reached down and rubbed them together as she kissed his neck. His arms reached up and grabbed her chest, pinching her nipples. She felt the now familiar fever starting to rise. "Oh fuck, I'm going to cum in my panties." She moaned into his neck. "Don't stop, please don't stop." She pleaded.

"You love my cock so much don't you? Is that what makes your panties wet?" His voice was rushed, and she could feel his breathing on her ear. "You texted me because you couldn't wait for it."

"Yes, god yes." She lost it. She felt her legs shake as she came, seeping cum into her panties. As she felt herself calm down she focused on how hard Paul was, and that somehow his cock had slid into her panties next to hers, that he didn't seem to care.

With her control back, she initially felt embarrassed at how quickly she came, but then focused on what she wanted to do. She wanted to please Paul.

"I do want your cock, can I please suck it?" Pretty sure but still hoping this is what he wanted the whole time.

Grabbing her hair softly and gently, he pulled it back. "Mmmmhmmmmm." Is all he said as he laid back in his seat. Rebecca moved back to hers, leaned over the center console, and went to work. Her own cum had coated his rod, as soon as she moved over, she could smell it. She loved how he had started trimming his pubic hair, and the sight of his monster made her mouth water.

With one hand he held her hair, making her tug on her own scalp as she tried to reach it with her lips. He smiled as she strained to get the head between her lips. "Use your tongue." The other hand was reaching down the front of her dress, and pulled out one of her A cups. Running the nipple around in his fingertips, he made Rebecca let out a soft moan, as she twirled her tongue around just the head. She could taste herself, and was getting some of her own thick goo off of his cock and onto her tongue. After what felt like an eternity to her, he finally let go of her hair.

Now free Rebecca took the whole head in her mouth and started to suck. She used one hand to forcefully tug on it as she worked. The other hand went down to his balls and started gently rolling them back and forth. Then she did it, she tried to take as much into her mouth as she could, sliding the tip against her cheek at first, then as far down her throat as she could. As she started to gag, she instinctively pulled her head back, leaving a string of spit and her own cum between her lips and the head of his cock.

"You dirty cum slut, you like eating my cock don't you? You would take it any way you could get it." It wasn't a question but she looked up and answered anyway.

"Yes...." His hands were running up and down from her exposed breast to her hips. "Please keep touching me." She added as she looked up at him.

Their eyes met, and she kept her eyes fixed on his as she brought her mouth back onto the head. He used one hand to push her hair behind her ear and the other to hold the base of his cock. He gently pumped his hips up and down feeding her as he watched her.

She could feel it building. His eyes pierced her. His grip got tighter. His movements were stronger and more purposeful. He started to hold it in her mouth a little longer and try to push in a little deeper with each stroke. Wrapping her hand around his she helped him jerk. "God, Fuck." It was almost a whisper that came out of his mouth.

Without hesitation, she took over. Ravenously using her tongue and every muscle in her upper body to catch every last bit of cum that shot out of his cock. She swallowed every dril, and then slowly and gently milked whatever else she could get out as he started to soften ever so slightly in her hand.

"God, You were born to do that." He said with a laugh.

She smiled. She wanted to kiss him so bad, but knew better. Instead she moved her head up toward his chest. His cock was still semi hard in her hand, "I'm glad you met me today. Is your head a little clearer?"

"Ha, sort of. I'm not thinking about baseball that's for sure."

"Well, if you get nervous you can just think about buying me a pair of lace panties to get your mind off things."

"I need to talk to Susan." It just came out of his mouth without warning. Rebecca froze.

"Ok..." she started.

He cut her off. "No, it's not about you." This was a first for them. They never discussed things like this. Sex, teasing, and power plays. That was it before this moment.

"Yeah, You should talk to her. But you still need to take her to prom."

"I know." His hand playing with her hair. "I know." He repeated himself to try to make it sound how he really felt.

"You have been great to her, and you need to do what makes you happy." She was fighting back her emotions. She was just as attached to Susan as she was him, and being in the middle felt like there were no good possible outcomes. When it was an unspoken secret it was so compartmentalized. To keep her feelings from bubbling over, she used a reliable trick. She changed the subject.

"I start waitressing on Saturday."


Rebecca came down the stairs, it was time.

Dressed for her first shift at the restaurant in a white blouse, black skirt and stockings, she adjusted her top button, which was modestly fastened just above her sternum. With a deep breathe she walked right past her dad and mother who were sitting at the table.

Her dad immediately got up and walked upstairs. Her mom did not waste words.

"You can stay here till graduation, but then you need to move out. If your father is home do not come around dressed, well, like that."

Rebecca held her hands together in front of her. She rubbed her palms together slowly. "This has nothing to do with you two." She said quietly and honestly.

"We disagree. We love you, but we can't do this."

"Do what?"

"You know. That's why you hid it."

"I was embarrassed, but now...."

"We are embarrassed."

And with that her mother followed in her fathers path, and headed upstairs.

Next: Chapter 7

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