Love of My Life

By Lindsey S.

Published on Oct 29, 2017


Chapter 4: A women's touch

All remaining chapters will be in chronological order, and I will write a note when the story has caught back up to Chapter 1. Thank you to Véronique for her great feedback! I hope you are enjoying watching the development of Rebecca so far. Her personal development and growth is about to leap forward, and her relationship with Paul (and Susan) will continue to slowly evolve. Thanks for reading, XOXOXO.

School had not changed that much for Bobby, only really that he had to listen for another name, a quieter name, from time to time. Susan and Paul would both call her Rebecca when there was no chance of getting caught. It had been a week since Rebecca had received her letter and list.

Rebecca had started working out as Paul had told her to. She spent wrestling practice running on the treadmill when she wasn't needed. She was also using the light dumbbells to get some toning work in.

Paul had been trying not to be distracted by Rebecca while she worked out during practice, but the truth is that he kept finding his eyes drawn in that direction. Even though it looked like Bobby who was running and lifting, he knew it was Rebecca who was trying to look good for him. It was Rebecca's ass he wanted to grab onto, even if it was in boys' athletic shorts. It was Rebecca who was wearing panties under those tights, the panties he made her wear. And if the locker room was empty after practice, it was Rebecca who was going to be on her knees begging to suck his cock, who wanted to grind herself to orgasm in her tight wet panties.

That Friday was Susan and Rebecca's slumber party. They were meeting at the thrift store first, and would drive over to Susan's house together. Rebecca did not understand the plan, but was just happy to be invited. Susan had been so sweet and there hadn't really been a right time to ask questions.

"I can't invite a boy over for a slumber party, my parents would flip." Susan explained. So she helped Rebecca pick out a couple outfits for from the racks of gently used clothes. They decided on a sports bra, yoga leggings, and a tank top for working out in. Rebecca thought because this was close to the top of Paul's list, it was a high priority. They lucked into a pink and white dress that fit her flat chest perfectly even though it was more of a spring dress than a winter dress. It went to her mid-thigh and flared out a bit at the bottom. The outfit that Rebecca picked to meet Susan's parents in was a girls' graphic t-shirt, Express jeans, and a pair of black three-inch clunky heels. After purchasing everything, Susan helped Rebecca put on a little bit of make up in the car and braided her hair. Rebecca changed her clothes in the back of the car and when she got out to get in the front seat, Susan was proud of herself.

"You look great, Rebecca. I really like how that powder blends with your skin color. And that shirt is so cute for a casual little Friday afternoon." Susan's voice was cheerful and sincere as ever.

Feeling a little more confident with Susan's endorsement, she took a deep breath. "This is the first time..." she stops herself mid-sentence. She doesn't want to lie to Susan, she has been her best friend this last week. She had been dressed in front of somebody before, Paul, and to say otherwise... "I mean, I've never been out in public dressed before. This has always been a secret thing, I'm a little nervous."

"Don't be! We will just say hi to my parents, and then head to my room." Susan reassures Rebecca.

"OK, are you sure I look all right?"

Looking her in the eye, Susan replies "I told you last week, as soon as I found out, I knew we were going to have so much fun. I will make sure it is fine."

With that, they pulled away. Most of their conversation was about school, and how they hated a couple teachers and liked one or two. "And Mr. Jenkins is kind of cute for an older guy." Susan was testing the waters. She looked over at Rebecca to see her reaction. Rebecca was still.

"Yeah, I think so too." Rebecca's response was halfhearted.

"Are you attracted to guys? Or do you prefer girls still?"

Rebecca froze, she was so not prepared to answer this question. She was worried about whether or not she would blurt out something about how much she loved her and Paul's secret meetings. "Ummm, I like athletic guys, I guess. I also think there are some girls that are really pretty."

"Have you ever been with anybody?"

This is not where Rebecca wanted to be. She decided to be vague, "there is one guy who I messed around with, but that was a while ago." She would let herself deal with the moral gymnastics of calling yesterday `a while ago' later. "Never any girls though."

"Do I know him? Who was it?"

"I would rather not say, he told me to keep it a secret. I think he is worried his girlfriend would find out." There it was, that was very true.

"Please tell me. Haven't I earned your trust yet?" Susan puts out a little dramatic and sarcastic pouty face.

"I want to keep this promise. I am so thankful for everything, but I need to hold onto this. I made this promise before you found out."

"All right, I respect that, I guess." Susan smiles a little. "What does he like in bed?"

Rebecca thinks for a second, "well it's never been in bed... on bench..." They both giggle. "He really likes dirty talk, and that thong you gave me."

"Ha, Paul does too. Guys are so easy. They are all the same."

Rebecca smiles, much relieved, "Yeah, I guess so."

"What have you done with him? Paul keeps trying to get me to have anal and I really don't want to. He's been really pushy over the last couple weeks."

Rebecca is not used to such candor, she has never talked to anybody like this. "Are all slumber parties like this?", she asks as they pull up to Susan's house.

Susan looks at Rebecca, "We haven't even started yet." Smiling, she gets out of the car and puts her arm in Rebecca's as they walk inside. "Just wait till we get into my bedroom."

With that Susan introduces Rebecca to her parents. They are very sweet, and have already set up an air mattress in Susan's room. After a little bit of an uncomfortable conversation where Rebecca had to make up some things about herself, they finally head upstairs.

Once inside Susan closes the door and flops on the bed. She puts on some music just loud enough so anybody snooping wouldn't be able to hear. "So, you never answered my question."

"Oh, yeah... well, I've only gone down on him, that's all."

"Has he gone down on you?" Susan's twirling her hair.

Rebecca is still standing and looking around the room. She is immediately jealous of the half-open panty drawer and the closet filled with pinks, purples, yellows... "No, I don't think he wants to."

"So he doesn't help you, you just do him?" Susan looks disappointed, but the she smiles mischeviously. "If he did help you, how would you want him to do it?"

Rebecca feels her skin start to flush as she remembers rubbing herself while Paul was showering. She licks her lips because she is starting to salivate. "I don't know... whatever he wanted to do I guess." Her mind is fixated on her being on top of Paul and grinding hard against his stomach. His hands all over her, and the image of his fully erect cock.

"Would you want him to go down on you?"

"Not unless he wanted to, but I don't know..."

"What about anal? Would you do that?"

"I guess, yeah." Rebecca is now fully flushed. She knows she likes to tease herself like that, and if Paul wanted it, he could have it. "If you say Paul wants it...". And she cuts herself off. She almost said too much. "All guys are the same, like you said right?" She holds on desperately for the next couple seconds, as she can't tell if Susan is suspicious about her slip up.

Susan can tell Rebecca is getting flustered, so she stops the line of questioning. The silence is a little awkward, so she breaks it. "Do you want to practice putting on make up? I would love to teach you."

Out of relief, Rebecca breathes deeply, "Yes, I would love that."

For the next hour and a half they took turns applying eyeliner, mascara, powder... and Rebecca's new favorite, lip stick. After a couple of attempts, she was getting more and more comfortable doing her own makeup. By no means was she great at it, but it was at least passable. Rebecca really liked how patient Susan was being. It made her feel at home. It made her feel like she could be herself.

Abruptly, Susan's phone rang. It was Paul saying good night. He knew Rebecca was over, and he said he didn't want to take up girl time, so he made it quick. A twinge of jealousy struck Rebecca. As she listened to them chat for three minutes, she walked around Susan's room, trying not to listen. Hearing how Paul made Susan laugh made her even more jealous. All Rebecca got out of him was commands. That was fine, she liked it, sometimes felt like she needed it, but she wanted the jokes too.

Once Susan hung up, they decided to watch a movie in her room. Susan joked that they should watch some porn like guys, which made Rebecca feel a little better. This is what it must feel like to be one of the girls. After settling on a movie, they laid on Susan's bed together, side by side. There were a couple sex scenes, and just like so many things over the last week, it reminded Rebecca of Paul. She could feel herself getting horny and she noticed Susan was squirming a little herself.

"Do you mind?" Susan asked as her hand unbuttoned her jeans.

"No, not at all." Rebecca's eyes were glued to her hips as Susan slid her jeans down off her legs. She was wearing a pink thong that looked exactly the same as Rebecca's red one.

Susan could tell Rebecca was staring. "These are my favorite pair."

"They are just like the pair you gave me, I love them too."

"Can I ask you something else about that guy?" Susan's voice was curious, and Rebecca was distracted by her growing urge.

"Sure." She replied.

"Have you kissed him?"

"No, I don't think he wants to."

"Maybe now that you can wear make up."

"Yeah, maybe..."

Rebecca's eyes were fixed on Susans lips. She knew they had been on Paul's. Her panties grew tight thinking about that kiss.

"You want to kiss him?"

"Yes." Rebecca is almost back into the same trance she was in her first time with Paul. Not in control and not sure where her courage and direct honesty were coming from.

Susans hand reached out to Rebecca's and held it. "You will get to, one day."

"I want him to take me anytime he wants, and I would do anything for him." Her hand grasping Susans tight.

Susans touch is soft, "Anything?"

Rebecca's response was to remain silent, and look Susan in the eye.

"If he were here what would you want him to do?"

Rebecca closed her eyes. "I would want him to tell me how hot I look, and tell me to get on my knees so he could tease me with his cock on my lips."

"You are one horny girl." Susan teases. "When you masterbate do you think about him?"

"Yes, ever since our first time."

"Show me how you do it. It should be like a girl does."

Obediently, Rebecca removed her jeans and was only wearing her red thong and t-shirt. Rubbing herself through her panties she ran her other hand up to her nipples.

"Where do you want his cock?"

"All over me, in my mouth, between my thighs, on my chest..."

"Up your tight little ass?"


"He would love if you told him that."

Rebecca opened her eyes. "I am so sorry, I lost control. I don't want you to be uncomfortable and..."

With a smile, Susan responded "don't be sorry, keep going. You can even use this." Reaching in her nightstand she pulled out a six inch dildo. "I'm going to go call Paul and give you some privacy. If your guy is free call him and have phone sex, it's fun."

And with that Susan got up, and left the room.

Perplexed, Rebecca laid there. Still horny, she kept teasing herself through her panties. She can't call Paul, he was on the phone with Susan. She could hear them in the next room. Suddenly, Rebecca got an idea.

She pulled out her phone and took a picture with the dildo about to enter her lips, which were a sharp shade of red. Within seconds, Paul responded to her. "That looks like a cock hungry little slut."

She rolled to her stomach, "like my make up?"

Again, within seconds he responded. "I do, you look very nice, especially with your lipstick around that cock."

Rebecca could still hear Susan talking to Paul in the other room. It sounded like small talk, typical boyfeiend/girlfriend flirting.

Thinking about what to do next, Paul broke the silence. "Bend over on all fours and show me that ass."

Obediently, Rebecca snapped a picture using the mirror. "Yes, sir." She made sure he could see her face in the picture, and the reflection of her thong clad cheeks.

She had an idea of what was coming next, she knew what he wanted, "Can I please fuck myself?" She asked.

The wait felt like eternity. "Yes, and I want you to cum inside those cute little panties."

Taking the dildo, she put it against her asshole. Slowly sliding it in, centimeter by centimeter, Rebecca felt her skin start to tingle. Just the head at first, there was a little relief as she got it up to the top of the shaft so she started to slowly rock back and forth, twirling her hips.

A picture came through as she held the Doell still and rocked her hips back. It was Paul's cock and she could can see his pre-cum on the tip. Salivating she worked to get it even deeper. "Ahhhhh, ohhhh." She let out a grown as she slowly fucked herself.

Susan had gone silent in the other room as Rebecca pretended to be fucking her boyfriend. The thought of his cock in her mouth made her lose all control. Grinding into the bed, she could feel her entire body ignite. She started sweating and biting her lower lip as she desperately moved, pushing the dildo a little deeper with each movement.

"God that feels so fucking good." She whispered to herself. Immediatley she heard Susan giggle on the other side of the door. Cum erupted inside her panties as her cock jumped and twinged up and down.

After coming down, she slid the dildo out of her ass with a pop. "Thank you." She texted Paul.

"I want to see you cleaning up your own mess with you tongue." He responded.

Rebecca took her finger and slid it inside her panties. Holding the cum to her lips she took a picture with her tongue sticking out.

"Good girl."

After another five minutes, Susan knocked and stuck her head in. "Sounded like you had fun."

A little embarrassed, Rebecca replied, "I think I really like toys."

"No replacement for the real thing, but yeah they can be fun."

Rebecca noticed a small wet dark spot on Susan's panties. "No, just some texts." Rebecca could not stop staring.

"Can I see what he texted you?"

"No, it's a secret, remember?"

"Ughhh, just tell me."

"My lips are sealed."

"All right, but I will find out."

Rebecca looked Susan in the eye. With the craziness of the last couple hours, she knew what she needed to say, "Thank you for inviting me, I felt like myself tonight."

"You're welcome. I hope we can do it again sometime." Susan's smile was big. "I had fun listening to you."

"I knew it! You tricked me!" Rebecca was teasingly upset.

"Well, I wanted to make sure you were all right."

"I was more than all right." Rebecca's smile was bright."

Next: Chapter 5

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