Love of My Life

By Lindsey S.

Published on Oct 25, 2017


Chapter 2. A big mistake and a little secret

Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you genuinely enjoy it. This story is a fantasy that consists of multiple chapters outlining two characters and their relationship at different stages of their life. It has been fun writing this so far, it is mine, please ask before sharing. I can't wait to share these characters with you. Feel free to email me, I love feedback and to share ideas/fantasies.

It was no secret that Bobby was different. He had long brown hair that he kept up in a pony tail or bun. His frame was a little short for an eighteen year old at 5' 8" with a mostly normal build. He wasn't fat or skinny or muscular really. His skin was well taken care of and he made sure to be clean with great detail, like his finger nails. He was not very hairy to begin with, and there was a rumor he actually shaved his legs and arms. He liked to watch sports but he liked them because he liked to watch the players move, which he had never shared with anybody. He liked to watch how they could control their own body, respond to others, and make their opponent respond to theirs. His parents thought he should do something after school, so when he wasn't good enough to make the baseball team, he settled on being the manager. After an uneventful season of that he was asked to manage the wrestling team too, so he said yes.

There were several guys that did both, so he immediately felt a part of the teams, and by the time he was a Senior the coaches and players knew him to be dependable, quiet, and the butt of a couple jokes at practice. Bobby didn't mind, he liked being with the players and enjoyed helping them be the best they could be. Most of them said hi to him in the hallway, and he was friends with several of their girlfriends.

One day after wrestling practice the coach handed Bobby his keys. "I need to get home now, you need to lock up the locker room after the last guys leaves."

"No problem, I can do that." Bobby replied with a smile. "Everything OK?"

"Yeah, I just need to get home early today."

As the coach left Bobby noted that there were only three guys left in the locker room. Two were about ready to leave, packing up their final things with their hair wet from the showers. Paul had just gotten in and was heading to the shower. After about five minutes Bobby peaked in as he sometimes did when he thought nobody would notice.

Rounding the corner slowly he could make out the sound of the water running and the smell of this part of the locker room. Inching around a bit more he could see Paul was slowly lathering up his chest. His body was a wrestlers body, solid chest and arms, with a definition to his muscles that let you see the details. Even his legs were defined, you could discern his calves, quads and glutes. At six feet tall, it was no wonder he was probably the best pitcher in the school, and top in his weight class for wrestling. His hands moved down his stomach and to his cock. It stayed there and worked a slow but firm rhythm. Paul closed his eyes and started stroking longer pulls and his cock started to grow in his hand. Bobby couldn't believe what he was seeing. Here was one of the top athletes in school, one of his friends boyfriends, masturbating in the shower.

Paul's cock was growing and pointing a little more upward with each stroke, and Bobby couldn't believe how big it was. When he masterbated he did not grow like that, Paul's seemed like a monster. It looked heavy. Bobby never jerked like that, he mostly just grinded against his pillow or blanket or bed. His mind turned to what it would be like to hold it, and before he knew it his heart was racing and his own underwear was straining.

Suddenly the sound of the door to the locker room opening and slamming shut broke the white noise of the shower running. Paul's eyes shot open and fell on Bobby. Bobby froze for a second and then Looked at the door to see coach rushing in.

"My house key is on there." Coach blurted out as he quickly walked over to Bobby. "Somebody is still in the shower? Who is that?"

Bobby walked to meet the coach so he wouldn't see Paul. "It's Paul, he just told me he was late because he wanted to get another couple sets of push ups in after practice."

"OK, well hurry up. You guys have homework."

Paul shouts from the shower, "I will be quick."

Staring for a second coach says his goodbyes, another thank you, and hurries out with his house key.

Bobby waits for the door to close, and stares at the shower entrance waiting. The water turns off and he can hear the foot steps coming. Paul rounds the corner with a scowl on his face and a semi hard on bouncing up and down. With assertive force he shoves Bobby against the wall with his forearm.

"I fucking knew it! How long were you standing there?"

"I didn't see anything, I mean I wasn't, I wasn't there at all. I.."

"Don't lie to me, I see you poking around the showers watching us. You fucking liar. I should have known when I saw coach hand you the keys." Paul's face is flushed with anger, and Bobby can sense a little embarrassment in his tone. "A stupid fucking mistake, all that Susan says about you, I shouldn't have..."

"I won't tell anybody." Bobby blurts out, not out of fear, it felt like the right thing to say to calm the situation.

"God damn right you won't. Who would believe you anyway? There are so many rumors about you." Still wet from the shower, water from his body are dripping onto the floor and all over Bobby's clothes. "If you told people I would tell everybody those rumors are true."

Noticing that Paul's cock is getting harder, Bobby squirms a little, making Paul push him harder against the wall and moving an inch closer. Close enough that his erection is poking Bobby's stomach. "What if they are true?" Unsure of where this courage is coming from, Bobby holds his ground, the thought of that heavy cock in his hand is weighing on his mind. It is so close.

"I don't fucking care... I will make up more."

"Don't... please." Bobby's voice is calm. His eyes look down at Paul's cock which is definitely getting harder. Then back up to his eyes. "They are all true. I shave my legs, I..."

"You want to be a girl, you wear panties, I bet you even dream of sucking cocks. Susan told me she was certain, is that fucking true, all those things?"

Bobby's breathe is getting heavy, his mind is clouded. "Maybe."

"Look me in the eye and tell me the truth."

"Yes, I guess." Bobby's eyes look down again, he can feel the heat off of Paul's body. His eyes lock on to Paul's erection.

"What are you looking at? You like what you see, you like watching me shower?"


Paul pushes Bobby to the floor, so now his cock is right in his face. "This has all been a huge fucking mistake." Paul stands over him.

"I won't tell, I promise. Nothing will change, I won't say anything."

"How do I know that?"

"If I do, you can tell everybody I begged to suck your cock." It just came out. One of those truths that just needs to be let out.

"Oh yeah, then do it. Beg."

Faintly and quietly, "now? Right now?"

Paul grabs Bobby's pony tail.

"You want to, don't you?"

"Yes," looking up at Paul.

"Yes what?"

"Yes, I want to suck your cock."

"Beg for it."

At this point Paul is so hard and his cock is so close that Bobby can see some Pre cum on the tip, he starts to salivate. "Please can I suck it?"

"Look away from me, close your eyes." Paul pulls the pony tail taught.

Obediently Bobby closes his eyes and feels Paul directing him. "Eager little girl." Paul slips it just up to Bobby's lips. Bobby reaches up with his hands and they are smacked away. Paul pulls his cock away. "Want to use your hands?"

"Yes, I want to feel it."

"Then ask."

"Can I touch it?"

Eyes still closed, Bobby waits. "Please Paul." His voice still soft but earnest.

"Tell me you want to be a real girl. One that begs to suck my dick."

"I want to be a real girl so I could suck your dick."

"You can suck it but only if you are a girl." Paul let's go and puts his hands against the wall. "Show me how bad you want to be a girl."

Opening his eyes Bobby looks up, he can't believe this is happening. Paul's eyes are shut and his cock is right there, begging to be kissed. Reaching up he grabs it softly and puts it to his lips. It's hard as a rock. Getting up higher so he can slide it into his mouth, Bobby hesitates. He has dreamed of a moment where he would get to do this. Be servicing a man. He opens his mouth and slides his tongue along the bottom as he jerks it inside his mouth. The pre cum hits his lips so it slides in smooth. Salivating, he hears Paul moan, and thrust forward. With two more jerks, Bobby slides his tongue around and swallows. Breathing through his nose, he notices Paul's cock is being thrust back and forth slowly in his mouth as Paul tilts his hips back and forth. Suddenly Paul's knees buckle a little and Bobby has to work to keep it in his mouth. As he re adjusts his hand and tongue he feels a warm sensation flood his mouth and Paul's cock jumping. A second jump with a burst of salty creamy cum fills his mouth all the way, and Bobby swallows just in time to get the third and fourth. Looking up as he swallows he sees Paul's face is flush and his mouth is wide open. Still jerking he keeps his eyes up. After a couple seconds, Paul opens his, and immediately looks away.

Bobby is suddenly aware of what just happened, and how tight and wet his underwear felt. His mind raced with ways he wanted to get off, all of them including Paul.

Paul walks to his bag, and starts toweling off. His body is in plain sight, and at first Bobby subtly starts rubbing the front of his pants. Paul notices at first and looks away to continue to getting dressed and packed up. By the time Paul has his shirt on Bobby is more noticeably grinding rubbing his crotch, staring at Paul.

"Wait till I'm gone."

Bobby stops immediately but keeps staring.

Once Paul's bag is packed, he walks past Bobby. "What a huge mistake. You will tell nobody."


As Paul walks away, Bobby couldn't help but notice that Paul looks back before he walked out the door. He waits till the lockeroom is empty and silent before he takes a long breath.

Next: Chapter 3

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