Love of My Life

By Lindsey S.

Published on Oct 22, 2017


Thank you so much for reading, and genuinely hope you enjoying. This story is a fantasy that consists of multiple chapters outlining two characters and their relationship at different stages of their life. It has been fun writing this so far, it is mine, please ask before sharing. I can't wait to share these characters with you. Feel free to email me, I love feedback and to share ideas/fantasies.

The sun in this part of the summer always hits the Hydrangeas just right, and Rebecca found herself contently drying the last of the dishes as she stares out the window. Paul was finishing wiping down the the table and couldn't help but notice his wifes mind drifting and how she always got her Apron tied around her waist to make her hips stick out. Walking up behind her he puts the washcloth in the sink and gently wraps her up.

"You love those roses."

"Mmmmmhmmmm" she hums back to him acknowledging his attention, then grabs his hands. Holding her gently they watch for a minute as they feel each other slowly caressing. With a kiss on her neck, Paul starts to pull away, but Rebecca grabs his hand and squeezes it, "not so fast" as she spins around, holds him close, closes her eyes, and waits for her kiss.

Paul leans in, opening his lips, their tongues meeting in the middle. As they gently slide their tongues against each other Rebecca slides her hands up around his shoulders. She feels her skin heat up and she lets out a soft sigh. Paul smiles to himself as he hears her, grabbing her hips, "You need to finish up." Smiling he walks to the living room and turns on the TV.

Rebecca can hear the baseball game. Without seeing she knows Paul is sitting in his chair with the paper open. Still in his work shirt and pants, most likely reading the Sports section. Putting the rest of the dishes away and making the list for the grocery store, Rebecca finally unties her apron. The blue flower print dress uncovered from its white lace trimmed protector. Glancing down she brushes the cotton softly to smooth it out, and quickly checks her bra isn't showing because this dress has a tendency to fall off her shoulders a bit. She walks past Paul on his chair to check the mirror. Brown shoulder length hair shapes her face and she takes a minute to re apply her light red lip stick. Paul loves it, he can't resist these red lips. Puckering them up she can feel how slippery they are.

Rebecca returns to the living room and starts picking up the few things that need to be cleaned. She takes Paul's Scotch glass and yesterday's paper and brings them to the kitchen. She can feel Paul's eyes on her the entire time, and she can't help but smile as she turns her back to him. She can hear the announcer say, "and that's a wrap, this game is over." Walking up behind Paul in the chair she runs her hands down his chest and puts her cheek against his. "Did they win?"

"Yeah, the pitcher only allowed three hit. He is going to be good all season. We should go catch a game next week."

"I would love to. That's a great idea. I'm getting ready for bed, want to meet me in fifteen minutes?" She gently kisses his cheek and then nibbles his ear. Paul's skin flushes as he feels himself lose attention on the paper, his pants becoming a bit tight. "Why wait fifteen minutes?" He asks as he turns and meets his lips with hers. Pulling her round the chair to his lap, Rebecca let's out a small yelp I surprise and then feels herself sitting up, his hand working up the neckline of her dress. His tongue pushing aggressively against hers.

She pulls away, "I want to put on more than lipstick for you."

"What did you have in mind?"

His hands working around her shoulder and sliding her dress off of it.

Closing her eyes, "Something Red, with lace." She can feel his breathe on her clavicle and his lips and tongue getting it wet.

"I will see you in fifteen minutes."

As Rebecca gets up she feels his hand slide up her high. "Keep those stockings on." With a knowing smile she walks away.

Fifteen minutes later Paul walks in the bedroom to find Rebecca leaning against the bed in a pair of red lace panties and a matching mighty that flows down past her thighs but is wide open in the front. Her tiny A cups are pushed up, showing a tiny little cleavage. Paul's heart races as his mouth gets wet in anticipation. Walking over slowly he slides his hand around d her waist, pulling her tight and close. "Good girl."

"Your girl. Thought you would like it." Rebecca is rubbing her lips together in anticipation. Her mind flips to the first time she had his cock in his mouth. How she wish she knew about lip stick then, or how fun it was to be a girl.

She is brought back to the moment by his question, "what's on your mind?"

"Ask me later, cause I want this all over my body." Reaching down she starts rubbing his cock through his pants. Sliding his hands up her back, he reaches around grabbing her tits through the fabric. Paul's cock growing with all the attention, he can't control himself. He pushes her on the bed pinning her down with his weight on her shoulders. They used to do this more when they were younger, before they knew how far and deep this would go.

Rebecca's constrained by the weight and squirms a bit to try and kiss him. He teases her by staying just too far away. She strains a bit more till he lets up a little and let's her mouth ravage his. "That is my girl" as he pushes her back down.

Rolling over Rebecca unzips his pants as she rolls on top, leaning back on her heals and watching him. She can tell he is staring at her lips which makes her smile and rewarding bite down on her lower. With a quick and subtle sore of her tongue she turns it into a smile and starts rubbing Pauls cock gently, feeling it get warm and heavy as he watches her.

The mighty is open, exposing her flat stomach and Paul's eyes make their way down her body as he sits up, kissing her again. This time sweetly he rubs his tongue against hers and matches it with a soft touch around her back. `Mmmm' she moans as she feels his hands firmly rubbing her around to her stomach and then up to grab her breasts, cupping the Lacey edges and making the soft silk cacoon each mound. Rebecca's nipple immediately come to attention and with urgency she starts grinding up and down on Paul's lap. She presses her chest against his and rocks up, her nipple poking through the thin material. He takes the left one on his mouth, licking over the silk and lace until it's releassed and settles in his mouth. Teasing it sweetly Rebecca let's out a gasp, takes her hands and runs them through his hair before pushing him down by the shoulders.

Reaching down she can feel he is almost fully erect. "Mmmmmm, use those lips" Paul whispers as he pushes her down.

Smiling Rebecca looks up as she moves lower. "These lips?" She asks teasingly, blowing him a kiss. "Yeah, and don't stop till I cum." Obediently Rebecca takes his cock into her mouth, first wrapping her fingers around it and feeling it heat. Then licking the tip gently, listening to Paul's breathe get heavier. Innocently she jerks gently as she opens her lips, closes her eyes and starts playing with the head. She can smell him as she breathes through her nose. The sound of his breathing mixed with the pressure hat he rubs her shoulders with is making it hard for her to work slowly. She wants to feel him all over her body all at once. Pulling out his cock from her mouth to take a breathe, she looks up at him and feels his muscles tighten. Looking down at her he raises his hips, "don't stop" he mutters as he takes it against her lips. He is so hard that it pushes her lips open.

Rebecca closes her mouth around it again and feels Paul take over. Pumping his cock in and out frantically and pulling her hair back, grunting softly as he watches her. "That's my girl" he says softly, making her open her eyes, cock still in her mouth and look up. As soon as she opens her eyes she can feel him loose control. He closes his eyes and holds her tight as he starts to buck his hips. His cock pulses as the first shot goes right into Rebaccas mouth, hitting the roof of her mouth. It's salt drips down to her tongue as soon as the second shot fills up the rest of her mouth. The third burst she ties tries to take it out of her mouth but Paul holds her there so cum drips out of her mouth before she can swallow. After two more spurts Paul let's go,

Allowing her to sweetly kiss it, cleaning it up. "Mmmmmmmm, what a reward" Smiling down at her, "I know what did I do to deserve that?" "Take me to that baseball game?" "Ha, sure, I would love to" he says as she slides up, kissing his stomach.

"You need something else right now?" He reaches for her panties which are soaked and taught. "Yes" "Then play with yourself and tell

How much you love sucking me." He reaches into her panties to help her. "Not as much as I love you getting me on all fours" her eyes on his as he moves to tease her asshole with his finger, "ohhhhh, or when you rub me with soap in the shower." He kisses her neck as he slides his finger in, "Don't lie to me. You loved your dessert." "Hehehe, I did, I always do." Her body tensing. "Now cum in your pretty little panties." Paul leans in, kissing her passionately as she jerks herself in her panties. Her hand and hips shaking. He reaches up grabbing her tits roughly and squeezing. Taking her hand out of her panties she reaches for his and starts humping him, grinding wildly against his stomach as she tangles her fingers with his. Breaking their kiss she opens her mouth letting out a gasp, `fuck I'm Cumming' as she lets herself go. Tending and the. Falling limp on top of him. He gently plays with her hair as they let the moment linger. As he lays there he starts to fall asleep, weary remembering, "what we're you thinking about before.?" "High School, and how we started this." Sleepily he holds her tight, "best mistake I ever made." He smiles sweetly and gives her a soft kiss. "Best secret I ever kept." She whispers back.

Next: Chapter 2

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