Love of Family

By A B

Published on Feb 24, 2023


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Greg & Jaycen

After calling Mama Ev, Lyle, Jaycen, Greg, Tom, and Linda left the hospital and parted ways. Tom and Linda got in the Navigator and drove home. Jaycen and Greg climbed in the jeep, and Greg headed back to the townhouse, with Jaycen in the passenger seat. Physically, he felt fine, but Jaycen was still a bit shaken up from earlier. The redhead watched the scenery pass by. He had a feeling of loss, breeding inside of him. His heart felt like it had split in two. Tonight would be the first time he and Troy were apart since high school. They only separated if they had a game or swimming meet out of town. Teardrops trailed down his cheeks as his husband's face continuously popped into his head.

The brunet quickly glanced at the older man and placed his hand on Jaycen's. Greg felt the sadness that poured from his brother's body and thought it was over the two loved ones in the hospital. "Thinking about Lev, and Bran, Jaycepop?" He asked as Jaycen smiled and gently closed his fingers over the younger man's hand.

"Partly, I'm also thinking about my husband. We've hardly been away from each other since we met." Jaycen wiped his tears and tried to smile.

"Jaycepop, how long have the two of you been together?" Greg asked as he waited for the light to turn green.

"We've known each other for twenty-seven years. I'm not sure when we decided to become a couple, it just seems like we've always been together. Troy and I got married twelve years ago." The redhead paused and wiped his eyes. "I've never had a better friend or seen a more attractive man. There are some sexy guys out there." He paused and snickered. "My brothers included, but no one comes close to my Troy."

Greg chuckled hearing Jayce, calling him, Brandon, and Levie sexy. "You and Troy are sexy guys, but I feel the same about Lev, as you do about Troypop. When I saw him at Pap-Paw's birthday party, I thought I was looking at an angel or someone so gorgeous he shouldn't be human." The brunet signaled right, turned into the complex's parking lot, and parked the Eagle beside his Tacoma.

"Troy and I watched the two of you that night. We knew you boys would get together and bet against each other." Jaycen giggled when he saw Greg's expression.

"Well?" Greg asked as he sat facing the older redhead.

"Well, what?" Jaycen smirked.

"Who won?" The younger man had a tone of impatience that cracked Jaycen up.

"I'll tell you... when you're older." Jaycen cackled as he unbuckled his seat belt. He jumped out of the jeep and ran for the townhouse's front door with Greg in hot pursuit. The thirty-year-old got tackled on the grass just before reaching the steps.

Greg pinned Jaycen facedown, then straddled the slightly taller man's waist as he squirmed and kicked his legs in an attempt to buck his giggling attacker off of him. Because of the long strenuous day, the redhead wasn't at full strength and got overpowered by his younger assailant.

"Tell me who won or else," Geg said as he giggled.

"You're sooo totally gonna regret this, you brat." Jaycen knew he was going to pay for that one.

"Not as much as you, Jaycepop." The brunet made a point to lace his fingers together and crack his knuckles. With no warning, he kneaded his fingers between Jaycen's ribs and above his hips.

The second he felt the tickle assault, boisterous laughter escaped the redhead's lips. His body wriggled and thrashed under the weight of the younger man. Jaycen's legs kicked, and his fists pounded the ground. "You're gonna get it, kiddo," Jaycen managed to get out in between his wild tickle-induced laughter.

"You're really askin' for it, Bropop." Greg chuckled. "Where should I try next, huh? Your pits look fun to explore or maybe I'll tickle your feet. If your feet are as ticklish as Lev's, it'll be a blast tickling them." The brunet turned around, still keeping his laughing victim pinned down. He grabbed hold of Jaycen's left leg and started pulling at the shoelaces.

"Okay! Okay! We tied." Jayce yelled out in surrender. Instantly he felt his new brother's arms wrap around his neck and Greg kissing his sweaty forehead as he panted.

"Damn, I was hoping you'd make me go for your feet." The raven-haired man chuckled.

"If it hadn't have been such a long day, I would have put up a harder fight and probably won." Jaycen smiled and trapped Greg in a chokehold before he could react. Jaycen chuckled then gave him a noogie, followed by a good dose of side and rib tickles.

Greg writhed side to side, and his laughter filled the night air as he tried to escape, but Jaycen's hold was too strong after he tired himself out from the tickling he gave earlier. "I give, I give, Uncle." He shouted after a minute or two of the tickle treatment.

Jaycen giggled, got to his feet, and extended his arm to help Greg to his feet. Once the brunet stood up, Jaycen got wrapped in a bear hug. "I love you too, Greg." He said as he kissed the younger man's head and smoothed his dark hair.

"I didn't go too far, did I, Jayce?" Greg asked sheepishly with his head buried in the muscular chest.

"Of course, you didn't, baby bro. That was what I needed.

The two men brushed themselves off and walked up to the townhouse. Greg slipped his shoes off at the door, with Jaycen following his example. The redhead sat on the sofa and accepted the beer the brunet brung him. They spent the next few minutes in comfortable silence with their thoughts.

Greg looked at Jaycen and was the first to say something. "Bropop, don't feel you have to answer me. You can always tell me it's none of my business. What did you and Mama Linda talk about?"

Jaycen took a sip of his beer and sighed. "Well, Linda told me about Levie forgiving her and telling her about Mom's visit. Then we talked about the mutual desire to be parental figures for you, Brandon, and Levie. She apologized for the past and her views. In return, I told her Troy and, I never held anything against her. Linda and I are looking forward to blending our two families." Jaycen gasped when Greg launched himself into his lap and hugged the hell out of him.

"You and Troy are amazing men. I hope Lev, Bran, and I can become half the men you two are." Greg smiled and laid his head on Jaycen's shoulder. He giggled when the redhead tapped his shoulder and told him he needed to breathe.

"Greg, you three are more than half the men Troy and I are. You and Bran got there without us. We loved, raised, and hopefully guided Lev in the right direction as best we could. Linda and Tom have done an exceptional job raising and guiding you and your brother." Jaycen smiled and rubbed Greg's back.

"Mama Linda and Papa Tom were the best parents I could've hoped to have. My parents didn't love or want me, even before they knew I was gay." Tears started falling down Greg's cheeks. "Jaycepop, why didn't they want me?"

Jaycen's heart broke. He pulled the younger man into a fatherly embrace and held Greg as the emotions poured from him. "Your past doesn't define you, Greg. All it does is provide lessons to learn." He paused and lifted the brunet's chin. "Open your eyes and look at me, Greg." Jaycen continued as soon as he saw his brother's glittery eyes. "Baby boy, I don't know why your bio parents didn't want or love you. I do know that you'll never be alone or without family support."

Greg smiled, wiped his eyes, and kissed Jaycen's cheek. "Thanks, Bropop. Now I see why Lev's as loving and strong as he is. You and Troypop are awesome role models."

Jaycen smiled. "Now, let's see if I can get you to smile and feel better." He chuckled and gently kneaded above Greg's hips.

"No fair, Jaycepop." The brunet squealed just before the living space filled with the sound of his laughter. His body squirmed and bucked as the older man held him in place.

Jaycen giggled when he heard Greg yell out he felt better after a minute or two of tickling. "That's all I needed to hear, baby bro. C'mon, let's get some sleep, it's eleven o'clock, and I'm not used to being up this late."

Greg chuckled and hugged Jaycen. "I guess that's what happens when you get old." He cackled and ran up to his room before Jaycen could catch him. He cracked the door and called out. "By the way, the guest room's across the hall." Greg smiled angelically and came out to hug his older brother. "Thank you, Jaycepop. You did make me feel better. I love you. Good night."

Jaycen returned the hug and kissed Greg's cheek. "I love ya too, kiddo. Sleep well."

Jaycen's sleep was anything but peaceful. His mind wouldn't shut down, and he missed feeling Troy's warm body beside him. Even though the bed was comfortable, the redhead tossed and turned all night. When he finally did calm down enough to drift off to sleep, a nagging feeling kept bringing him back to consciousness. Every time he closed his eyes, Jaycen saw Barksley's, but it wasn't the eyes themselves that haunted him. It was the emotion or lack of in them. When he looked into Maddox's eyes, they were cold, loveless, and when he gazed at Troy, the man's eyes burned with the look of lust, sexual desire, and pure depravity. Jaycen swore if Barksley's eyes could rape Troy, they would. The memory made his body shiver with fear. He'd seen that look once before.

Jaycen closed his eyes and wandered thirteen years in the past back to the day of the State Championship Swim Meet, and Troy led their high school to a record-breaking win. Not only did he break the state's record for fastest swimmer, but he was the school's first openly gay team captain and the first engaged to be married. Their parents left right after the meet to set up the celebration dinner at the ranch. Jaycen was proud as hell of his soon-to-be husband.

He waited for Troy at the school's pool area, outside the locker room. The redhead remembered the excitement and how electrifying it was. The swim team was flying on a well-deserved high. Jaycen played football and soccer, so he knew the feeling of winning a tough match. Troy and Jaycen were friends with the team members, except for one. He smiled, hugged, and congratulated the guys as they exited the steamy room. Ten minutes passed since the last guy left, nervousness filled the pit of his gut. Jaycen couldn't pinpoint any specific feeling, but he knew something was wrong. There were two people he hadn't seen leaving the locker room, Burt Macklin and Troy. Never one to ignore his instincts, Jaycen ran fast as he could to the coach's office. Once there, he quickly explained the time frame and his feeling. While talking, Jaycen suddenly wrapped his arms around himself and doubled over. In seconds the coach was on his feet, tending to the fallen student. He explained the bond he and Troy had because of the longevity of their relationship. He told the older man he knew Troy was in distress and hurting.

Like lightning, the two ran to the locker room. When Jaycen and the coach got there, they saw Burt had Troy pinned facedown on the floor, trying to force himself into the smaller brunet's unconscious body. Blood was oozing from the side of Troy's head and a few other spots. Before the coach could compose himself, Jaycen launched himself onto Burt. His fists flew as he punched the offender's face and anywhere else he could. Jaycen's body shook in the bed as he recalled the intense rage and hatred for the guy who attacked the man he loved more than life itself. The coach heard some of the guys who were waiting for rides outside. He ran to get their help in pulling the hulk-like redhead off Burt. It took two of the football team's biggest guys, who happened to be Rusty Jackson and Leon Wallace, and two of the swim team's more powerful guys to pull Jaycen's raging body off his fiancee's assailant.

Jaycen's mind brought him back to the present. Tears streamed down his cheeks as Jaycen saw Troy's unmoving body looking the same back then as it did earlier at the ranch. Then his mind showed images of Maddox's and Burt's eyes side by side. Although the color was different, the feeling reflected was the same. The correlation between the sets of eyes made Jaycen sit up and scream Burt's name. A couple of seconds later, the bedroom door flew open, and Greg's heaving body filled the doorway.

"Jaycen, Bropop, are you okay?" Greg ran over to the bed, pulled the covers back, and got in beside the older man. He wrapped his arms around Jaycen and pulled him into a loving embrace. "Whatever, it was bro, it's okay, just a bad dream." Greg lightly smoothed the sweat-soaked red locks of hair. He gasped as Jaycen's arms tightened around him and his head pressed into his chest.

"No, Greg, it's not okay, and it wasn't just a bad dream. I'm pretty sure I know who attacked Troy and Bran. I need to get some info to make sure I'm right." Jaycen looked into Greg's eyes and slightly smiled. "Thanks for running to check up on me. I love you, baby bro." He kissed Greg's cheek, sat up, and reached for his phone. He didn't even notice that it was three in the morning.

"Umm, Jayce, do you know what time it is?" Greg yawned and pointed to the darkness outside the window.

"Can't be helped, bro. Lives might be at stake, especially if I'm right." Jaycen pressed and held down the number two button on his phone.

"Who the fuck, is calling me at three in the morning, on a Saturday? You'd better be lying in a ditch or bleeding to death. If you're not, you better hope I don't find out who...."

"Papa Lyle, it's Jayce." Jaycen was trying hard not to crack up laughing at his in-law's greeting.

Greg was also trying not to laugh Jaycen had the call on speaker. "I'm here too, Pap-Paw."

Immediately, Lyle's voice got a concerned and worried tone. "What's wrong? Is it Lev or Troy?"

"No, neither of them, at least not that we've heard. Dad, I need you to wake up some and think about my question."

It took a minute or two, but Lyle's voice came back on, sounding more alert. "I'll do my best, Son. What's up? Oh, good, sort of morning, Greg."

Greg chuckled. "Back at ya, Pap-Paw Lyle."

"Dad, do you remember the Macklin's? More specifically, do you remember what happened to their estate?"

"Give me a second to boot up my laptop. I'll connect to the bank's account directory."

"Do you want some coffee, Jaycepop?" Greg asked. He giggled when his brother smiled, then got this adorably happy sparkle in his eyes and eagerly nodded. "You do the same thing Lev does when I ask if he needs something he wants at the time. I'm not sure yet, who's is cuter."

"Lev's is cuter, Greg. Jaycen's has lost a little bit of the cute factor as he's gotten older." Lyle's statement made Greg laugh as Jaycen pouted. "Stop pouting, Jayce. I was kidding." Lyle chuckled. "Before either of you ask, I know my redheaded child. He tries to look cute and innocent by pouting. It works most of the time with Ev and me. It always works with Troy. He melts like ice cream on a hot afternoon when Jayce pouts. However, Jayce is the same when Troy pouts."

"Lev must've learned the pouting thing from the Bropops. I'm completely defenseless when he pouts." Greg's comment earned him laughter from the older men.

"Greg, none of us are immune to that boy's pouts." Jaycen got another round of laughter with his statement.

"Okay, I'm in the archives. Jayce, the account got transferred to another financial institution."

"Does it say when the transfer was, Papa?"

"A few months ago." Lyle paused. "What's this got to do with anything, Son?"

"I'll have to get back to you on that one, Dad. I've got one more call to make. Hopefully, afterward, I can answer some questions. I'm sorry for waking you so early, Pop. I love you."

"Jayce, make sure you and all my kids are safe. I love you all."

Jaycen ended the call and pressed the fourth number.

"Jayce, what's wrong, bro?" Rusty's concern was evident in his tone.

"Rus, I've got a question." Jayce blew out a gust of air as his fingers ran through his hair.


"Do you happen to remember seeing anything about Burt Macklin getting released?"

"Burt Macklin? Jayce, you're reaching back into the old days. I haven't heard that name in forever. I don't think I got anything. Why do you ask?"

"Before I tell you, promise to hear me out." Jaycen smiled as Greg handed him a mug of coffee.

"Of course, I'll hear you out, bro."

The next few minutes, Jaycen laid out his dream and the side by sides of Maddox's and Burt's eyes. As Greg listened, he had to admit it was very feasible.

"Jayce, it's a long shot, but I think you might be onto something. In the retelling, you've made me remember how creepy and obsessed Burt was with Troy." Rusty paused. "Holy fuckin' shit. I don't believe this."'

"What's up?" Jaycen moved to the edge of the bed, with his complete attention on the phone in his hand.

"I have to apologize for this. I completely overlooked the message from the prison. Burt was released a few months ago."

Jaycen and Greg gasped and looked at one another. "Rusty, before I called you, I called Dad to have him check into what happened to the Macklin estate. He told me a few months ago the account moved to a different financial institution. If he was the sole beneficiary, he could've moved it, withdrawn funds, changed his looks, and created a whole new identity."

"Jayce, it may take me till Tuesday to get some answers, but I'll ask around. Maddox Barksley and Burt Macklin may be the same person. I agree faces, eye color, noses, and hair color can all be changed." Rusty tried and failed to stifle a yawn.

"Go back to bed, Rust thanks for indulging me."

"I'm always looking out for you, Troy, Lev, or any of the family. That includes you and your family, Greg."

Greg smiled. "Thanks, Sheriff. I appreciate it."

"Rusty, Greg. It's Rusty to you and Brandon. Good night guys, and let me know if anything else comes up."

"Thanks, Rus. Love ya, Bro."

"Love, y'all too."

Jaycen ended the call, then turned and looked at Greg. "Do you think I'm crazy with this theory?" He asked as he wiped the tears that trailed down his cheeks.

"Far from it, I think it's most likely on point. Jayce, you laid out a compelling argument, and your thought process is sound." Greg paused and hugged his brother. Then, he pulled the covers back and laid down. "C'mon, bro, let's try to get a few hours of sleep."

Jaycen leaned over and kissed Greg's forehead. "Good night, baby bro. I love ya."

Next: Chapter 10

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