Love of Family

By A B

Published on Feb 21, 2023


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Greg's Townhouse

Linda gave the dispatcher Levie's room number then told them about the photo. The officer told her, one of the medical center's security guards would check on the young men.

"Son, who can we call to help with Jaycen?" Tom asked as he handed his phone to his wife.

"Who would do something like that?" Linda pushed the phone back to Greg. She couldn't look at her poor son in that condition anymore.

Greg thought a minute, then snapped his fingers. "I know who to call." The brunet opened the phone's contacts and looked for Lyle's number.

Linda looked at her husband and son. "Tom, I'm going to the hospital. One of us should be with our two other boys."

Hearing his Mom say "our two other boys" made Greg smile. Tom stood up and walked over to his wife. "Babe, are you sure you're okay to drive?" Tom's heart ached, having to choose between his two sons. Greg needed a parent with him to help in dealing with the authorities. However, he knew Linda was right, and one of them needed to be with Brandon and Levie.

"I'll be fine, hon. You take care of these two. I got the ones at the hospital." Linda kissed Greg and Tom, then gently ran her hand over Jaycen's cheek and whispered, "Tom and I will take care of our three boys. You rest, Jaycen." before getting into the Navigator and heading to the medical center.

As he was about to call Lyle, the phone started ringing. Troy's name was on the screen. Greg looked at his Dad and mouthed Troy.

"Answer the call, Greg. The man has a right to know what's happening with his family."

"Hello!" Greg wiped his forehead and closed his eyes.

"Jayce?" Ev'lynn's voice came blasting through the phone.

"No, Mam-Maw Ev, it's Greg." The brunet breathed a sigh of relief that he wasn't speaking to Troy yet.

"What's going on out there? Who's this boy, and who wrote the message."

"Mam-Maw, we're not sure who wrote the message yet. Brandon is the one in the pic, and it's in the bathroom of Levie's hospital room." Greg paused and wiped his tears. He looked down and smoothed his older brother's red locks, hoping he'd wake soon. "Mam-Maw, Jaycen's had an episode and hasn't woken up yet. He saw the picture and message, then went off. He passed out after his face turned red as his hair. Papa Tom's with me. We're at my townhouse waiting on the paramedics. Mama Linda went to the hospital to be with Bran and Levie."

Ev'lynn gasped. "Oh, shit! I completely forgot to ask about Lev when I called earlier."

Greg was having a hard time keeping it together, so was Tom as they listened to the family's matriarch's voice quivering and filled with the pain in her heart. "It's okay, Mam-Maw. Everyone's been thrown off their game today. I was about to call Pap-Paw Lyle when you called." As he was talking with Ev'lynn, Greg heard sirens approaching. "Mam-Maw, the police, and the paramedics are almost here."

"Okay, don't worry about calling Pap-Paw I'll call him. Greg, you and Tom, stay safe."

"I will Mam-Maw, you too. I love you." Greg wiped his tears. He could see the lights flashing in the darkness.

"I love you too. Thank you for looking after my second son. Jaycen's just as much my son as Troy. And, Greg you, and Brandon are our grandsons just like Lev."

The police and paramedics pulled into the lot a minute or two after Greg ended the call with Ev'lynn. Tom stood up behind his son and Jaycen while Greg kept his arms protectively wrapped around his older brother. Deputy Wallace opened the door of one of the cars and wiped the tears from his eyes as he ran over to his long-time friend and brother. When he got close enough to the fallen body, he gasped. Leon hadn't ever seen Jaycen looking so pale and so helpless. His friend had always been active and expressive. The muscular deputy was momentarily speechless. He just stood there, looking at the redhead's immobile body as he wiped his tears.

"Mmm, what happened?" Jaycen's soft raspy voice attracted everyone's attention. It only took a second before the redhead rapidly sat up, he gasped, and his eyes popped open. "Brandon, Levie, we've gotta....." Jaycen couldn't finish his statement, the world started spinning, and he fell back against Greg's chest. He closed his eyes and moaned from the pain that shot through his head from the sudden movement.

"Calm down, Jayce, it's okay. Bro, Rusty's heading to the hospital." Leon used his soft tone to try soothing his ailing friend's nerves. "By the way, we're pretty pissed at you for not calling us about Lev and Troy. We're both kickin' your ass as soon as you're strong enough to handle it.

"It'll take both of you and a few others to keep me from killing that bastard, Maddox." Jaycen tried sitting up again but much slower. He was successful this time.

"Jaycepop, please tell me you're okay. I was scared when you passed out. You can't leave me, not yet." Greg was sniffling and wiping his eyes. He was glad to see the older man coming back to himself. The brunet smiled when he felt Jaycen's hand grasp his and squeeze.

"Thank you for holding me, baby bro. I'll be just fine just as soon as I can lay eyes on Lev and Bran. Jaycen blinked the tears from his eyes to clear his vision. The redhead slowly got to his feet and took a second to get his equilibrium stable. Thankfully, Tom's arm was there to hold steady him.

"Jaycen, please go to the medical center. You've been out almost fifteen minutes and are still slightly unstable." Tom was a little surprised at how quickly Jaycen was attaching himself to the older man's heart. Not just Jaycen, but the whole family. He hadn't met much of Levie, but the fatherly man, couldn't help wanting to hug and protect his son's boyfriend.

Jaycen was about to protest when he stopped and looked the two Wilmont men directly in the eyes. He saw their love and concern for him. Jaycen's tears began falling down his cheeks. In an instant, the redhead was in the middle of a father/son hug.

"Jayce, you're going to get yourself checked out. I'm not suggesting or asking. I'm telling you." Greg stated in his best stern tone.

Jaycen looked at Greg, then turned his head and looked at Tom. "Damn, it sucks when kids use your own words against you."

"Tell me about it." Tom and Jaycen cracked up laughing.

"Is he always this persistent?" Jaycen asked.

"Yeah, annoying, isn't it." Tom's statement earned him a very pronounced pout from his brunet son.

Jaycen slightly jumped and softly giggled when he felt Greg's fingers very lightly press against his side. "Okay, okay, baby bro, you win. You'd better hide when I'm feeling better." The redhead chuckled, then he wrapped the younger dark-haired man in his arms and kissed his forehead. "I love you, Greg."

"I love you too, Bropop." Greg smiled and looked up at Tom when he felt his Dad's arms wrap around both him and Jaycen. "I love you too, Dad."

After giving a brief statement to Leon and sending him a text with the photo from Brandon's phone, Jaycen hugged his friend. Then, he, Greg, and Tom got in the Eagle and headed to the medical center, with Greg at the wheel.

The Medical Center

The center was in a rare state of panic. As soon as the call came from the police that an attack occurred in their patient's room, the security guards went into action. However, by the time they'd gotten to the room, all they found was Brandon's shirtless body lying still on the floor. Immediately, a couple of nurses got the young man out of the bathroom and into the bed beside Levie. After making sure his vitals were okay, they started to clean the blonde's chest. One of the guards stopped them and said to wait till the police got there, that they might wash away evidence.

Linda parked her SUV in the first available spot she found. Using the FOB, she locked the vehicle, set the alarm, and purposefully walked into the center. Once inside, Linda looked around to see if there was anyone familiar, and after not seeing anyone, the sandy blonde headed for the nurse's desk. When she got to the station, Linda encountered Mavis Starks.

Mavis was a short spinster-like woman. Her grey hair resembled a poorly constructed bird nest, and a sour, uninterested expression was constantly on her face. Mavis worked at the center longer than anyone wanted to remember. "Here, fill these out and return them." Without looking up, Mavis pushed a clipboard and pen into Linda's fingers as they rested on the desk's surface.

The gravelly voice and uncaring robotic nature this dowdy woman exuded made Linda want to jump over the desk and beat the hell out of the being inhabiting the space behind the piece of furniture. The exasperated woman shook her head and took a deep breath before she spoke one syllable. "Mrs. Starks, My name is Linda Wilmont. I'm here because my son, Brandon Wilmont, was the young man attacked in Levie Stillman's room tonight."

The statement did not affect the Starks woman. Mavis continued to keep her eyes on her paperwork. "Lady, I have no idea what you're talking about there, was no attack in anyone's room tonight. I suggest you stop smoking or shooting up whatever drugs you're on and leave this E.R. A woman your age should know better than to be strung out on drugs anyway."

Linda's face was as red as Levie's hair. Never had anyone spoken to her like that. "Why you, nasty uneducated, old bitch. I know there was an attack here tonight because I saw my son's body on the floor with my own eyes. I want to speak with a supervisor this minute or else..." Linda's threat was cut short by a hand gently touching her shoulder. She turned and was face to face with Lyle Moore and Sheriff Jackson.

Mavis's face went from utter shock to smug in one second. "Sheriff, I'm glad you've arrived. You need to arrest this woman. I'm quite certain she's strung out on something or another. Add to that a charge of threatening my safety."

"Mavis, you've got the intellectual equivalency of a mushroom. And, I'm still debating whether the mushroom's smarter." Lyle said his statement had Rusty and Linda laughing like crazy.

"Don't you pay attention to anything around here besides your paperwork? There was an attack in room three-fifty-seven. Mrs. Wilmont is not imagining things or on any drugs." Jackson stated firmly, with his hand on Linda's shoulder.

"That may very well be, but I still want her arrested and have charges brought against her for threatening me with bodily harm." Mavis stood to her full height, an unimpressive five-foot-one.

"Mavis, no one is getting arrested, least of all Mrs. Wilmont."

"I have the proof that she..."

"Mavis, you don't have a leg to stand on. Mr. Moore and I saw the entire exchange between the two of you. Quite frankly, you were rude and dismissive of Linda's needs. Honestly, she didn't even become irate until you slandered her, saying she was on drugs. Besides, she's a mother, distraught over not knowing her son's condition. Now, I suggest you go back to your paperwork and leave everything alone."

The statement left the woman completely speechless. Rusty gently guided Linda and Lyle to Levie's room. On the way, he told them to prepare themselves for what condition the young men might be in his statement was as much for his benefit as Linda and Lyle's because he hadn't seen Levie or Brandon yet either. The trio paused outside the room to collect themselves and their thoughts. They took a collective deep breath, and after nodding their heads, the three of them entered Levie's room.

As soon as she laid eyes on Brandon's peaceful slumbering body, the Wilmont matriarch breathed a heavy sigh of relief. Acting on her natural motherly instinct, Linda walked over to her birth son, smoothed his unruly sandy blonde locks, leaned over, and softly kissed the young man's brow. She closed her eyes and wiped the tears from her cheeks. Looking heavenward, she said a silent thank you for the protection of her boy.

Linda stepped over to Levie's bed. The mother looked down at the sleeping angelic boy, which caused the waterfall of tears that cascaded down her cheeks. In her heart, Linda had very few true regrets. However, the sleeping young man her wet, lightly colored eyes beheld was one of them. Levie Stillman was, in all actuality, the biggest regret of Linda's life and her career. The slightly grey-haired woman smoothed the redhead's hair, then she leaned down and kissed his forehead. "I am sorry for my mistakes in the past, and Levie, I promise, no matter what, I'll make it up to you and your family. Sleep well, my third boy." Linda softly whispered. She righted herself and was about to walk back to the two men when a hand gently touching hers made Linda stop and turn around.

"I forgive you, Mama Linda. When my Mom came to visit me earlier, she had two messages. One was to chew me out for not putting more thought into my actions this evening. The other one was that I needed to forgive you and work on letting you be my Mom in her place." Levie closed his eyes and coughed. "You took Greg into your home when he was hurt and broken. I will always be grateful to you and Papa Tom for saving my soulmate." After another round of coughs, Levie smiled and kissed Linda's hand. Then he turned on his side and fell asleep. The young man's words had everyone in the room drying their eyes. Greg and Tom showed up about halfway through Linda's interaction with Levie.

"Are you okay, babe?" Tom asked as he wrapped his wife in his loving embrace.

"Tom, I'm more than okay. I'm better than I have been in a very long time." Linda wiped her eyes and turned to her raven-haired son. "Greg, you've chosen very well. I hope with every ounce of goodness in me that you and Levie enjoy a long and happy life while you get to know one another along your journeys. He's an exceptional young man." Then she turned to Lyle. "Lyle, you have to be very proud of Jaycen and Troy. Those two men have been incredible parents to that loving young man." Greg and Lyle each gave Linda a hug and kiss on the cheek for her beautiful words of love and encouragement.

"Guys, how is Jayce?" Rusty asked after everyone calmed down.

"He's getting checked out now," Greg answered. He looked over to Lyle and wrapped his arms around the older man. "I love you, Pap-Paw. Thank you for introducing me to my angel boy."

Lyle smiled and gently rubbed Greg's back as he returned the show of affection. "I had a feeling the two of you would be perfect for one another. You're both very similar but different enough to keep things interesting."

It turned out that Dr. Michaels was the one with Jaycen. The look of shock on the doctor's face made the redhead start chuckling. "I guess you weren't expecting me, huh? Don't feel bad I wasn't expecting me here either." Jaycen said, grinning like the Chesire Cat.

"Mr. Stillman, I looked at your vitals and have read what brought you back in tonight. I'm pretty sure the fainting episode happened because of the excessive amount of stress you've endured in a relatively short period. I'm pretty sure you're going to be fine, and I would like to see you back here in a few weeks."

"Thank you, Dr. Michaels, but I won't be back unless I have to come in. No offense to you, but I'll have Uncle Stu check me out. He's my PCP."

"Uncle Stu?" Dr. Michaels asked with a raised eyebrow.

Jaycen chuckled. "Yes, my Uncle Stu is Dr. Stuart Blankenship. He delivered me, my husband, and Levie."

Dr. Michaels closed his eyes, shook his head, and laughed. "I swear that man's delivered half the county, and you're the first one I've heard call him Uncle Stu."

"That's because he was a real good friend to my and Levie's parents." Jaycen smiled, stood up, and shook Dr. Michael's hand. "Thank you, and thank you for taking care of my Levie. You have no idea how special that boy is to not just me and my husband but to a lot of people around here."

"Oh, I've heard about everything not, just Levie, but your family and the ranch has done for the community." Dr. Michaels patted Jaycen's shoulder and went to check on his other patients.

Jaycen finished getting dressed then headed for Levie's room, and when he got there, he saw the growing family gathered around Levie and Brandon. Tears welled in the redhead's eyes as he watched everyone interacting with one another and felt the love energy flowing around the room.

Greg turned toward the door. He smiled, walked over to Jaycen, and gave the older man a love-filled embrace and hug. "What did the Dr. say, Jaycepop?"

Linda looked over at the new arrival and smiled as she approached the younger man. "Jaycepop? That's cute." Linda said as she gave Jaycen a hug and kiss on the cheek.

"How are you, Jaycen? We've all been worried about you and our boys." Tom added as he also hugged his new family member.

"I'll be okay. Dr. Michaels was pretty sure I fainted because my body was essentially over-stressed. How's my new kid brother?" Jaycen asked as he walked over to Brandon's bed. He leaned over and gently kissed the sleeping blonde.

"He wasn't physically hurt, and he doesn't know what happened yet. They gave him a sedative to help him sleep the rest of the night. Whoever attacked him just knocked Brandon out." Lyle responded after he gave Jaycen his hug and kiss.

"Jaycen, may I speak with you for a minute?" Linda asked with her hand gently on the taller man's arm.

"Of course, you may, and please call me Jayce unless I piss you off." Jaycen giggled and clasped Linda's hand.

"Jayce, it is, and I'm Linda, and he's Tom," Linda said, pointing to her husband. She smiled and walked with Jaycen outside the room. The pair sat down on a bench close to Levie's room.

"What's on your mind, Linda?" Jaycen asked and looked directly into Linda's eyes.

"I have to apologize to you and Troy when I see him next." Linda paused and took a deep breath. "Tonight, after I kissed Brandon, I went over to Levie's bed and did the same with him. I was about to walk back to Rusty and Lyle when Lev stopped me by holding my hand. He told me his Mom visited him and told him he needed to forgive me and let me be his Mom in her place. Then he kissed my hand and called me Mama Linda, and Tom, Papa Tom. I don't want to step on your or Troy's toes, but if he'd let me, I'd love to call Levie son, as would Tom."

Jaycen wiped his eyes and hugged Linda. "I know I speak for my husband and myself. Linda, we'd love that. This evening I told Greg if he and Bran were comfortable, they could call us any of the names Lev's, created for us. So, we'd like to share Greg and Brandon, if you and Tom are okay with that."

"Tom, and I would like that. Before everything went south today, I told Brandon I hoped Levie's parents accepted him and Greg like we prepared to accept Lev." Linda smiled and embraced Jaycen.

"Linda, you and Tom are welcome editions to our family. It brought tears to my eyes as I watched the family gathered around Lev and Bran. I don't know what happened or why Lev blew up earlier. I want you to know Troy and I never negatively talked about you to Lev. I was shocked when Greg and Bran told me about his leaving the way he did. I didn't even know he'd even remembered you."

"I guess if someone recommends you to be taking from a loving environment and not have contact with the people you've known and loved all your life, it kind of sticks with you. For the record, Levie did forgive me tonight."

"I'm glad to hear that. We've never been a family who holds grudges. How about we gather everyone and go home for the night? I'll call Mama Ev and tell her I'm staying with Greg tonight. I miss my husband, but I don't think I'd make it back to the ranch alive. It's been a long day, and I'm exhausted." Linda nodded her head in agreement and shared another hug before going back into the room.

Next: Chapter 9

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