Love of Family

By A B

Published on Feb 20, 2023


Levie & Brandon

Jaycen and Greg left after giving Levie and Brandon a kiss and hug. For a few minutes, the brothers sat in comfortable silence. They were processing the evening's events in their own ways. Levie's mind was coming to terms with his experiences. "I got shot today. I never expected something like that to happen. I mean, I know shootings happen. You see it on the news almost every day. I still can't believe I got shot."

Brandon looked at his red-haired brother and softly giggled. Levie's confused expression only made him chuckle even more.

"Okay, chucklehead, what's so funny?" Levie asked as he reached behind him, grabbed his pillow, and hit Brandon over the head with it. He laughed his ass off when he saw the pout on the blonde man's face.

"You, not believing you, were shot. Lev, the thought of that happening to you had to have crossed your mind at some point."

Brandon's statement made Levie stop and think. He meant to make the statement internally. Then, he realized how idiotic his thought was. Growing up on a ranch, and the fact almost everyone around them had a firearm, of course, there's a chance he might get shot one day. Levie's jovial laughter quickly blended with Brandon's, and he shook his head at himself. After the pair had a good round of laughs, Levie was ready to talk with his new brother about earlier that evening. His face suddenly donned an earnest expression, which Brandon picked up on. "Bran, I need to talk about what happened earlier." Tears welled in the redhead's eyes. He sat back against the bed's headboard, crossed his legs, and patted the spot beside him. Brandon nodded then, sat crosslegged and, faced Levie.

Brandon reached over and gently grasped Levie's hands. "Bro, you don't need to say anything to me. I'm just thankful you're okay and that we're safe."

Levie deeply inhaled and gazed into Brandon's light blue eyes. "Yes! I do have to say something and, you need to listen. I know you were blaming yourself in the waiting room. Stop! Brandon, you're not to blame. I am. I never should've messed with that guy's car, not unarmed, and certainly not while I've got someone else with me. My actions were reckless and improperly thought out. Worst of all, Bro, I put you in danger." Levie had to pause the tears and, emotions got the better of him.

"Lev, you didn't put me in danger. I'm the one who decided to come along with you. And, I decided to run toward that guy. Besides, you didn't even get shot until the clerk ran out there and missed the robber." Brandon smiled when Levie scooted backward, leaned against him and, wrapped his arms around him.

"Bran, you don't understand. I didn't think about the danger we might be facing. I was careless. I knew better." Levie sighed and smiled as Brandon slightly rocked them back and forth.

"Lev, you're human not, a robot. We all make mistakes every so often. Brandon leaned his head down and kissed Levie's forehead. "Umm, how'd you know I was blaming myself?"

Levie chuckled and leaned his head up to look at Brandon. "Mom told me. I'd asked her to stay and meet you and Greg, but she told me she'd already met you guys."

Brandon's eyes widened a bit and, he looked off into the distance. "Wow! That's kinda cool and kinda creepy." He chuckled.

"I know. Right? Try having your dead Mom threaten to knock your ass across a room."

The two men started laughing. Suddenly Levie jerked forward. Brandon looked at him with a concerned expression. "Lev, are you alright?"

"That's for saying it was creepy I'd met you." An invisible voice floated in the room.

Brandon looked around in surprise. "Umm, did you just hear that?"

"Mom, that's so not fair. Bran made the creepy remark." Levie whined.

"Hey, fuck you, don't sell me out to your Mom." Brandon and Levie started chuckling until Brandon got a smack on the back of his head.

"Watch your mouth, young man, don't make me tell your mother on you. And, I know who said what. It's just till Brandon cussed I couldn't smack another Mom's child. It's in the Good Mom's handbook. I love you, boys. Get some sleep."

"Are you serious? We're supposed to sleep after this?" Brandon was still looking around trying to find Levie's Mom.

"Yes, you are. Child, I'm not above smacking the shit outta you."

"Bran, would you shut the hell up. It's not a good idea to piss my Mama off. Especially when she can assault us without our knowing when or where it's coming from." Levie lightly smacked Brandon's shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Stillman. I'll be a good boy, and we'll go to sleep when we get tired enough." Brandon shook his head in disbelief that he was conversing with Levie's dead Mom. He was even more shocked that he felt her smack him.

"Brandon, I'm not Mrs. Stillman. If you'd like, you can call me Mama Stacy."

"Goodnight, Mom, we love you," Levie said, with Brandon nodding his head.

"Goodnight, my sweet boys. Stay safe."

Brandon and Levie smiled when they felt a light kiss on their cheeks.

"Lev, your Mom's awesome and totally scary."

"Yeah, you should've seen her when she was alive. Death has mellowed her some." The brothers chuckled, kissed each other's cheeks and, Levie fell asleep with Brandon beside him in the chair, holding his hand.

The Ranch

Ev'lynn Moore sat at the kitchen table and sipped her glass of bourbon. The fifty-one years old matriarch closed her eyes and let her thoughts wander. One thought that constantly came to the forefront was why. Why was Troy assaulted? He was so loving and an amazing man. He and Jaycen were amazing dads to her and Lyle's grandson. It just didn't make sense.

Ev'lynn finished her drink, got up, went into the kitchen, washed out the glass, placed it in the small dish rack to dry, then wiped her hands on the towel tied to the drawer handle and turned the light out. Earlier, after Lyle went home, she checked and locked the windows and doors. Next, the lady went upstairs. Softly, she knocked on her son's bedroom door, just in case he'd woken up and wasn't decently dressed. Once she was sure there was no movement inside, Ev'lynn opened the door and went inside. She left the door open to have some light in the darkened room. Quietly, the family's mother stepped closer to Troy's slumbering form. Ev'lynn sighed and lightly stroked her grown son's cheek. "I love you, my sweet Troy. Sleep well, my son. A few stray tears made their way down the motherly woman's cheeks as she made her exit, as quiet as her entrance.

A few seconds after she sat on the dark red lounge chair, a dinging sound rang through the house. It was the security alert at the ranch's entrance that let those in the farmhouse know someone was driving up. Out of habit and instinct, the fifty-year-old matron walked to her purse. She retrieved her cell phone and Glock forty-three nine-millimeter pistol. The one thing Stacy Stillman drilled into her head was the importance of being armed. She smiled as she recalled the lessons that the woman gave her.

Ev'lynn made sure the firearm was loaded then, went to the front door, and waited a couple of minutes. She flipped a switch and, the entire area around the house lit up like a baseball field at night. Ev'lynn opened the door and locked the storm door. The light was so bright that it blinded Maddox and, he had to close his eyes.

"Who are you, and why are you skulking around?"

The strong voice and, once he could see, the outline of the pistol the woman held made Maddox shiver. For a minute, he was at a loss for what to say. Finally, something came to him that he hoped would get him out of this. "Umm, forgive me, but I worked here until today. I was just wondering how Troy was after his accident."

Ev'lynn couldn't place why, but something in this man felt somehow familiar to her. And, It wasn't a pleasant familiarity. "Thank you for coming to check on my son. I'll be sure to pass your inquiry about his wellbeing along to him. In the meantime, please come back another time, preferably earlier in the day. It's a bit late to be calling on anyone in this household. We go to bed early around here."

Maddox knew he wasn't getting anywhere with this insufferable woman. He'd have to wait for another time to have some more fun. He didn't say anything, just nodded then, turned to walk back to his truck. Ev'lynn closed and locked the door, turned the floodlights out, and waited till she heard the ding signaling the man's departure. A couple of minutes after hearing the alarm, she immediately got on the phone and called Jaycen.

Jaycen & Greg

The guys walked outside and got in Jaycen's truck. He started the old vehicle and, Jaycen used his mirrors to back out and, they exited the center's parking lot. The white Ford drove along Parks Ave. and turned left onto Bank St. At the stoplight, Jaycen looked at Greg and smiled as he gently rubbed the younger man's neck. "How are you feeling, little bro?" The light turned green, and Jaycen continued along Bank St. Greg was about to answer when Jaycen 's phone rang. He quickly glanced at the number, then handed the phone to Greg, asking him to answer Ev'lynn's call and put it on speaker.

"Hey, Mama Ev. Is everything okay there? How's my baby?"

"Hi, Mrs. Moore, it's Greg Wilmont."

"Hey, boys, Troy's fine and sleeping peacefully, Jayce. Greg, it's not Mr. and Mrs. Moore to you. It's Pap-Paw Lyle and Mam-Maw Ev. You only have to call Pap-Paw Mr. Moore at the bank unless he tells you differently. Ya got that youngin'?"

Jaycen shook his head and chuckled. "Welcome to the family, Greg."

"Don't worry, Greg, I'll be telling your brother the same thing."

Greg chuckled. He was having fun being accepted by Levie's family. "Yeah, Mam-Maw, I got it."

"So, what's up, Mom?" Jaycen asked as he turned into the convenience store parking lot.

"Did one of your guys quit today?"

Ev'lynn's question made Jaycen stop the truck short and gasp. "Mom, what did this guy look like?" The men listened to the description and, their faces lost their color. At the same time, Jaycen and Greg reached out and held each other's hand.

"Boys?" Ev'lynn's concerned voice filled the truck's cab.

"Y...Yeah, we're here, Mam-Maw." Greg answered for himself and Jaycen.

"Okay, what's up? I've heard enough silences over the years to know something's wrong."

"Where's Maddox now?" Jaycen asked.

"He left, I know, 'cause I heard the ding. That's how I knew someone was here." Ev'lynn paused. "Oh, don't worry, I got 'ole Thelma with me, and Louise's in the car's glove box."

Jaycen looked over, saw Greg's expression and, cracked up laughing.

'What's so funny?" Ev'lynn asked confusion, was heavy in her voice.

"I think it's the names you used," Jaycen answered, and Greg agreed with a head nod. "Greg, Thelma is Mom's purse gun, a Glock 43. Louise is her Glock 9 that she keeps locked in the car's glove box when she's not at home."

"What the hell? It's like being in a countryfied mob family. Mam-Maw goes around packin' two guns, Jayce, you and Troy are packin', and Lev goes around with a knife, a Glock, crossbow, and arrows." Greg's statement brought some much-needed levity to the current situation.

"Greg dear, Pap-Paw's also carries a Glock 9." Ev'lynn giggled.

"Of course, he does. Why wouldn't he?" The raven-haired young man shook his head and chuckled.

"Thanks for callin' Mom. See ya soon. I love you, Mama."

"I love you too, Mam-Maw."

"Be safe boys, love y'all."

Jaycen ended the call, turned slightly to the right and, fixed Greg in his gaze. "I saw your expression. I know why I reacted the way I did. Why did you have a look of recognition? Did you have a run-in with Maddox Barksley?"

Greg closed his eyes. He couldn't take the intense stare from his new older brother. The young man didn't want to appear weak or afraid but didn't want to lie to Jaycen either. He sighed and slightly nodded.

Jaycen nodded and wrapped his arms around the younger man beside him. "It's okay. Greg, you're safe. As long as I'm breathing, I won't let anyone hurt you. What happened?"

Greg laid his head on the older man's shoulder. "Nothing physically happened between us." He shivered as he remembered the feeling he got from the man's eyes. Jaycen's heart was breaking. He was going crazy knowing this guy negatively affected two people he loved, and he couldn't do anything to stop him.

"Okay, what did happen?" Jaycen listened with purpose as Greg told him about the feeling he'd gotten from the man in line at Kroger. He didn't believe in coincidences. The redhead couldn't ignore the knot in the pit of his stomach that told him Maddox was stalking members of the family. Now he asked himself why. After a second or two of thought, Jaycen finally spoke. "Greg, I want you to drive the truck to your apartment. I'll follow you in the Eagle. Until we know Maddox's intentions, I don't want you that exposed and alone."


Jaycen gave Greg one of his sternest glares. The younger man gasped and shivered. "What did I tell Brandon? I'm telling you, not asking, and not suggesting. I'm not letting you be in danger. The jeep is too open and, I'm not comfortable with you driving it alone right now. I'd rather you not be alone at all, but there's no choice in this situation." Jaycen paused. Then, after Greg nodded, he continued. "Also, you're going to get a couple of pairs of clothes, and you're coming with me to the ranch tonight. We're gonna call your parents and let them know what's going on and where you'll be." Jaycen's expression and tone softened. He reached over and, with his thumb, dried Greg's tears. "I love you, Greg. You're my brother now. I'm gonna look after you, whether you like it or not. You're a part of the Stillman family and, we take care of one another."

Jaycen's level of caring made Greg feel loved and protected. He knew in his heart, Jaycen meant every word he spoke. He smiled and wrapped the older man in a bear hug. "Thank you, Jaycen. I love you."

The two men separated. Before Jaycen got out of the truck, Greg told him to park the Eagle next to his Toyota pickup. He walked over to the discarded lock bar, hopped in the jeep and, followed Greg to his townhouse. When they got there Greg, noticed his Mom's Navigator was in the lot. He parked Jaycen's truck beside the SUV.

Greg's Townhouse

Greg motioned Jaycen over to him after the redhead locked the steering wheel and exited the Eagle.

"Jayce, that's my Mama Linda's Navigator. I'm sure Papa Tom's with her." Greg paused and looked up at the slightly taller and older man. The more he looked at Jaycen, the more he realized how similar in physical appearance the two Stillman brothers were. Except for the height difference, Greg got a glimpse of what older Levie would look like and, he liked what he saw.

Jaycen slightly bent his head and smiled. "You just realized how much Lev looks like me, didn't you?" Seeing Greg's facial expression and bright blush on his cheeks caused Jaycen's boisterous laughter. "I'm guessing you liked what Lev's most likely gonna look like in ten years." Jaycen continued to laugh as he shook his head and wrapped Greg in a hug that lifted him off the ground.

Greg wasn't used to being lifted off the ground. The brunet yelped then giggled because of his reaction. "Yes to, both question and comment about liking what I saw." He blushed again. "I'm also not used to someone being able to lift me off the ground in a hug." Greg chuckled and hugged the older man. He tried to lift Jaycen but wasn't quite strong enough.

Jaycen chuckled and playfully ruffled Greg's hair. "Nice try, kiddo. Maybe if you work part-time on the ranch, you'll get strong enough to lift me." The guys turned to go inside and were surprised to see Linda and Tom watching them from the doorstep.


It was quiet at the medical center exactly, how Maddox hoped it'd be. After having his plans at the ranch fall through, he decided to go for a different approach. In the poorly lit area towards the corner of the hospital, the two-tone-haired man waited patiently for an employee to come outside. Someone that he could grab, knock out, and strip them of their uniform. Finally, he got lucky when a janitor came to change the trash bag.

"What luck, he's about my size too." Maddox thought to himself. As soon as the man was close enough, he raised the pipe he'd found lying around and brought it down, hard on the janitor's head. The man's body fell, making a soft thumping sound. Maddox giggled then quickly dragged the man and his cart around the corner into the darkness. Then, he stripped the janitor of his clothes and put them on.

Completely disguised, Maddox walked into the center. He made his way to the nurses' station and used the cover of changing the trash to find Levie Stillman's room. The janitor found the room number and headed there. An evil sneer was plastered on his face as he got closer to the young man's room. Quietly, he opened the door. Maddox had to stifle his chuckling when he saw Levie and the blonde guy sleeping peacefully, holding hands. He grabbed a trash bag, wrapped it around his hands a couple of times and, made it taut. Silently, the devious man crept closer to the blonde and got behind him. Acting quickly, Maddox wrapped the bag around Brandon's neck and pulled hard. With the bag pressed so tightly against his windpipe, the blonde captive couldn't do anything except make gasps. Levie took a sedative before going to sleep and didn't wake up through any of this. Finally, Brandon's struggling ceased, and he fell unconscious.

Maddox laughed as he dragged the twenty-year-old male's body into the bathroom, then stripped off Brandon's shirt and found his phone. The janitor got a black sharpie marker and wrote a message on the bare skin. He took a picture of the young man with Brandon's phone and then sent it to Jaycen and Troy's phone, then left as quietly as he entered.

Greg's Townhouse

Jaycen and Greg smiled at Linda and Tom then headed for the couple. Jaycen was about to shake Tom's hand when his cell phone alerted him to a new message. Thinking it might be something about Levie, the redhead excused himself and walked back down the steps. Greg, Linda and, Tom were softly talking to give Jaycen some privacy. Jaycen pulled his phone out of his pocket and opened the message. The second he saw the picture with its message, his face got almost as red as his hair. "THAT GODDAMNED BASTARD." Jaycen's voice roared and made the three Wilmont's jump out of their skin. Before he could do anything else, Jaycen's blood pressure rose drastically, and he became short of breath. The redhead dropped his phone. Luckily it didn't break. Jaycen's body fell to the ground after he clutched his chest. Greg screamed Jaycen's name and ran to the older man, cradling him in his arms, just as Brandon did with Levie.

Linda called nine-one-one, Tom went to help his son and Jaycen. Greg's frightened tears fell on his brother's shoulder as he softly pleaded with Jaycen telling him he couldn't leave the family and how much he was needed and loved. Greg saw the phone and picked it up to see what caused Jaycen's episode. The picture made him gasp, and the phone again hit the ground. Tom picked up the phone, looked at the picture, and was speechless. Brandon was lying on a bathroom floor, unconscious and shirtless, with the words, "I can get to anyone, anywhere, and anytime I want. You and your husband will DIE!!!"

Next: Chapter 8

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