Love of Family

By A B

Published on Feb 16, 2023


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Thirty-one-year-old Maddox Barksley sat in his truck outside the grocery store and got lost in his thoughts. He'd spent over a decade in prison, and a few months ago, was released. However, Maddox wasn't his real name. A few weeks after being released, the ex-con accessed a savings account he opened before his imprisonment. Maddox withdrew some funds to change his name, get plastic surgery, and colored contact lenses. Now that he was back in town, the only thing on his mind was getting revenge on the men responsible for his imprisonment. Maddox worked on a plan to ravage and kill Jaycen and Troy Stillman. The deranged man was giddy and got turned on by the almost euphoric idea of making one watch as he fucked the other one.

Maddox Barksley was a dangerous man his time in jail taught him to be methodical, calculating, and worst of all, patient. So, he was in no hurry to reveal himself. Maddox lived for the thrill of the hunt. His mouth salivated over the psychological damage he could inflict, on the couple, by causing various problems, and creating dangerous, possibly life-threatening situations. His four-inch, minuscule, pencil-thin appendage got hard from thinking about having his way with the two men.

When he wasn't working Maddox, stalked his chosen targets and learned their habits. An evil sneer came across the man's face as his dark, hollow eyes zeroed in on the raven-haired kid, getting out of his blue/purple Toyota pickup. Although Maddox wasn't interested in the two younger boys, he wanted to know their habits and figure out if they'd be helpful in his conquest. He'd already concluded the young redhead Levie would be best as a last resort target. Barksley knew how fiercely protective the two older men were of him. It'd be suicide to go after Levie too soon. However, the dark-haired one, whose dating Levie, might be a better first target. He ran his fingers through his white blonde/blue two-toned hair, left his old, dusty, grey Ford F-150, and followed Greg into Kroger.

Greg & Maddox

Greg was so preoccupied with Levie moving in for the week that he was oblivious to his surroundings. The brunet quickly found the items on his list. He was waiting in line at the self-checkout when he locked eyes with a man behind him. A sudden, unsettling shiver ran through his body, and the brunet wasn't sure why. There wasn't anything particularly off or seemingly dangerous about this guy. He was a couple of inches shorter than Greg, maybe around Brandon's height, with blue streaks throughout his almost white-blonde hair. His outfit was not the cleanest looking, but it wasn't dirty either. His red shirt was wrinkled, and the man's blue jeans were a bit stained. The brunet shrugged his shoulders and chalked it up to the unexplained. He moved up to the checkout, paid the bill, got in his truck and, headed for the townhouse. The happy twenty-year-old was unaware of the dusty F-150 that followed, just a couple of car lengths behind.

Maddox watched his target pull into the parking lot of the townhouse complex. The man turned in, just enough, so he could turn around and get back on the road. He had forty-five minutes to get to his new job. The Ford sped down the highway and screeched tires as it barreled onto the exit ramp.

Maddox hardly stopped and almost sideswiped another car as he turned left at the stop sign. He turned right, then he turned left and followed the long gravel drive to the ranch's parking area. He skidded to stop, throwing gravel everywhere, and jumped out of the truck.

"Hey Maddox, slow down next time, huh?" The foreman extended his hand to shake Barksley's.

"Sorry, boss, I thought I was gonna be late and freaked." Maddox hid the disgust in his voice. He was playing the good boy until he was ready to strike.

"That's fine, just don't come barreling in next time it's too easy to lose control of your vehicle. You're working with Johnson today. The fences need mending."

"Sure thing Bill, just put me where ya need me." Maddox followed the ranch's foreman.


The Golden Eagle soared along the highway and, before he knew it, Levie was about five minutes away from his exit. The red-headed young man knew this was an area heavily patrolled by the state police, as well as the county Sheriff and his deputy. So, he made sure to watch his speed. Sheriff Rusty Jackson and Deputy Leon Wallace went to school with Troy and Jaycen. They were also Levie's honorary brothers. Rusty deputized the two older Stillmans and kept them on reserve. However, Jackson called them first when he needed extra men on hand. Levie, Troy, and Jaycen were also reserve firefighters. Every time he left the ranch Levie made sure his Glock seventeen 9 mm pistol was locked in his glove box. He kept his crossbow and arrows under his seat. Levie's backup weapon was a hunting knife strapped to his leg.

Levie was just a couple of exits away from his. The city, such as it's called, was just a populated town, situated in the middle of the large county. A person could walk from one end to the other in about four to five hours. However, it was expanding and getting more populated. The city had a medical center that's where Dr. Stuart Blankenship works. He is the Stillmans honorary uncle and delivered Levie Troy and, Jaycen. Stuart was one of Mark and Stacy's best friends. Another friend was Damian Montgomery, who owns a successful real estate office.

The town maintained a perfect balance between the major stores and restaurants and the local Mom and Pop establishments. A small police station sits beside a modest courthouse. The station fell under the Sheriff's jurisdiction. The officers mainly focused on what was happening in town. The Sheriff, his deputy, and the reserves patrolled the outlying area.

Levie reduced his speed and put on his turn signal. He made sure no one was in his blind spot or too close behind him, then merged onto the off-ramp. At the stoplight, Levie turned left onto Winchester Blvd. A couple of minutes later, he pulled into the parking lot of the bank where Greg and his Pap-Paw works. Before going inside, he got his bank card and ID from his wallet. Levie finished his transaction and wished the teller a great day. Then, after finding out his Pap-Paw was with a client, Levie headed to his jeep. Before starting the jeep, he sent Lyle a text, saying he was sorry they missed each other, and he loved him and Mam-Maw. Levie tossed his phone in the passenger seat, carefully backed out, and left the parking lot. He turned left onto Barksdale Ave. Levie followed the two-lane road for about one mile, then turned right and entered the complex's parking lot.

Levie pulled in beside Greg's pickup and shut the jeep down. The next few days were supposed to be dry and mild. So, Levie left the Golden Eagle's doors unattached and the top off. He pulled out the lock bar and attached it to the steering wheel column. Levie reached under the passenger seat got his holster and lockbox. He opened the glove box and pulled out his Glock. Levie made sure the safety was on and removed the ammo. He placed the holster, gun, and ammo in the box and locked it. He jumped out of the jeep, retrieved his crossbow and arrows, then walked up to the door of the townhouse. Levie set his things on the step, rang the doorbell, and waited with a big smile.

Greg, Levie, & Brandon

"Bran, was that the doorbell? I'm just drying off." Greg hollered from the bedroom.

"Yeah, a cute redhead is standing at the door. He's got an adorable smile and, since he's got a suitcase, I'm guessing it's Levie." Brandon giggled as he passed his brother's bedroom. He'd seen their visitor from the monitor in the kitchen. Greg had security cameras installed outside the front door. That way, he could see who was there without opening the door.

"Umm, are ya gonna let my angel in or continue stating the obvious?" Greg cackled as he dodged Brandon's head slap by closing the door.

"You're lucky I love you, Ya big dope." Brandon snickered. He walked over to the door. "C'mon in." The blonde opened the door and stood behind it.

Levie opened the storm door and set his things inside. He was about to close the wooden door when someone grabbed him from behind and wrapped him in a chokehold. The guy holding him pulled Levie backward against a warm, bare chest.

"Don't move. At least, not until I make sure you're good enough for my brother." Brandon chuckled.

Levie grinned. He grasped the attacker's arm with his fingers just above the hand and squeezed Brandon yelped and loosened his grip on his victim. Levie slightly changed his footing, then used the slightly taller man's leverage against him and flipped the blonde over his shoulder. The redhead worked quickly and pinned his captor to the floor, with one arm behind his back, and said, "say, uncle." Levie giggled and tightened his hold on the would-be attacker.

Brandon hollered for his brother's help and tried bucking his attacker off him. However, he was unsuccessful. Greg came running out of the bedroom and doubled over with laughter when he saw what the commotion was. The brunet shook his head and decided to get in on the fun. With a devious smirk, he used one hand to tickle Levie's open armpit and, his other hand tickled, Brandon's exposed side. The young men squealed and giggled. Levie rolled off the blonde and pulled his arm against his side to protect his tickle spot. Brandon curled in the fetal position and giggled. "Uncle, Uncle!" Brandon and Levie surrendered in unison. Once the tickling ceased, the new brothers worked together. They pulled Greg to the floor, pinned him down, and gave him a tickle treatment.

As soon as he was on his feet, Levie wrapped Brandon in his signature Levie hug and kissed his cheek. "The hug means you're now, and forever, my family." Levie paused and blinked to clear his vision. "So, How'd I do? Am I good enough for Greg?"

"You've passed..." Brandon paused. He laid his head on Levie's shoulder and melted into the embrace. He couldn't believe the love and sincerity he felt coming from Levie. "You've passed, for now." He paused again, and the three men shared a chuckle. "Greg was right. You do give amazing hugs. I'm happy to meet you." The blonde broke the embrace, just long enough, to give Levie a signature Brandon hug.

Levie gasped as tears of joy fell on Brandon's chest. He felt calm and at peace in his new brother's arms. "Your hugs are just as awesome, Bran. You've got a very comforting feel. I've only felt this protected in my Bropops and Greg's arms." He paused and laid his head against his brother's chest. "I'm glad to meet Ya too... I love you, Brandon. Thank you for accepting me as your brother. I'll do my best not to let you or your family down. I can call you Bran, right?"

Brandon's tears fell on Levie's hair as the desire to love and protect Levie flowed through the blonde's veins. He lovingly stroked the red locks and looked up at Greg. His brother smiled and wiped his tears. Brandon could see the love his brother felt for him and Levie shining in his eyes. The two brothers shared a quick nod and smile. "Of course, you won't let me down and, I love you, just as much or more. And, Bran's perfect, as long as I can call you Lev."

Greg wrapped his arms around both his brother and boyfriend. The love pouring from the two men created an incredible experience for the brunet. "I love both of you, more than I could ever express." Brandon, and Levie, melted into Greg's protective embrace and voiced their love for him.

The trio finished expressing their feelings for one another for the moment. Greg got everyone a beer from the kitchen and sat beside Levie on the sofa, with Brandon on the chair. The three of them fell into a relaxed conversation and spent the rest of the afternoon with Brandon and Levie getting to know each other. At one point, Brandon's curiosity got the best of him. "Lev, I don't mean to pry, but what's in the box, and why do you have a crossbow and arrows?"

Levie cracked up laughing. He got up, picked up the box, and sat back down. He got a serious look on his face and slightly turned to face the two brothers. "Greg, Bran, I need to ask you two something before I show you what's in the box and strapped to my leg."

The statement brought a solemn look and demeanor to the young men. After they shared a glance, the brothers gave Levie their undivided attention.

Levie sighed. "Are you guys comfortable around weaponry and firearms?"

"Mama Linda, and Papa Tom, have guns around the house, and they carry them on their person."

"Good." Levie smiled and lifted the leg of his jeans, unstrapped his knife and, set it on the coffee table. Then opening the box, he pulled out the Glock and ammo. He looked over at the brothers and burst out laughing at their expressions. "Guys, I'm a skilled marksman in archery and firearms. I'm not bragging, just stating the facts. My bropops and I are gay and own a ranch and had to make sure we're armed. I've got a permit to carry, both open and concealed. Jaycen and Troy are reserve deputies and, the three of us are reserve firefighters.

"Holy fuckin' crap, I'm dating baby Rambo." Greg looked at the gun knife and then over at the crossbow.

"You were armed this whole time, and you still let me grab you in a chokehold? Bro, you're a freakin' badass." Brandon reached over and picked up the knife.

"Be careful with that knife. It's razor-sharp."

"Would you teach us to use the bow and guns?" Brandon asked. He was looking at Levie, with a different type of respect, than before.

"As long as Mama Linda and Papa Tom don't mind. Is that what you want, baby?" The redhead leaned over and kissed his boyfriend.

"They'd be fine with that. I think Bran and I could have fun."

After putting the weapons in the lockbox, Levie got up and placed the box in the closet. The three young men continued to chat and have a great afternoon.

At The Ranch

The two men made quick work of fixing the damaged fencing. When they finished, Johnson headed back to the ranch. Maddox walked further in the woods. He was curious about the property since he hadn't been there in a long time.

The deranged man was giggly because of the visions dancing in his head. They were visions of what he'd do to Jaycen and Troy. Maddox was so happy with the dark intentions that he began skipping and clapping his hands like he was a child again. The happiness he felt was interrupted by the sound of an approaching horse. His eyes narrowed, he crept in the bushes and stayed out of sight. A couple of minutes later, Barksley saw Troy riding on a mare. He smiled and slowly licked his chapped lips. Maddox knew this horse was one that the couple was trying to calm down. The high-strung mare was easily spooked. The more he watched, the more he giggled. Barksley found it amusing seeing the brunet struggle to keep the steed from bolting.

"I think I'll help him out a bit." The man reached in his jacket and pulled out a revolver. Maddox made sure it was loaded and crept a little closer. He could hear Troy softly talking to the mare. Raising the gun, Barksley aimed for the branch, just above the brunet's head. He waited for a second, and when they were right where he wanted them. Maddox took his shot. Troy didn't have time to think. The second the shot was heard, the mare reared up on her hind legs, threw her rider to the ground, and ran back towards the ranch.

Troy was too dazed to move. He shook his head just before the branch crashed down on top of him. It barely missed his head and neck. The blow, combined with the fall, knocked the wind out of Troy, and he fell facedown in the dirt. The brunet tried getting to his feet but, was knocked unconscious by a hard blow to the back of his head. Maddox replaced the gun in its holster and walked over to the fallen man. He sneered as his boot connected with Troy's body. Despite the desire to kick the life out of him, Barksley held himself back. He reached down and removed the keys, clipped to the brunet's belt.

Next: Chapter 4

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