Love of Family

By A B

Published on Aug 15, 2023


"NO!!! Don't hurt my Dad, or my Son. Please, kill me instead of them." Levie screamed.

The redhead's peaceful slumber was disrupted by the vivid nightmare. He was in the locker room, watching helplessly as Burt overpowered Troy, and made the brunet hold Tracey, while he started shooting.

"Lev, babe, calm down. It's okay, everyone's safe, including you." Greg pleaded.

The brunet was doing his best to get through to his mate. Levie's arms flailed side to side, while body rolled left and right, and his legs violently kicked against the mattress. Greg finally saw an opening in the frantic movements, and seized the opportunity. He wrapped his arms around Levie's chest, and pulled the younger man as close as humanly possible.

"Is Lev okay?" Jaycen asked as he, Troy, Brandon, and Rhett came rushing in.

Greg looked up at his brothers with tears streaming down his cheeks. "I think so. He's finally calming down," he looked down at his mate and kissed his forehead. "You're safe, my sweet prince. I love you so much, Lev."

Levie's eyes flew open and he looked around. "It was all so real," he said as tears welled in his eyes. The emotional redhead got to his feet, and in an instant was bear hugging Troy. "I...I dreamed..."

"Shh, I know, baby boy," Troy paused to comfort his sobbing boy. "We heard, and it's understandable, with everything we've been through." The brunet softly stroked Levie's hair and kissed the top of his head.

"I'm sorry, for waking everyone," Levie said.

"Don't apologize, bro," Brandon stated as he and Rhett embraced their brother.

"Why don't you try and get some more sleep, Lev. Troy and I will go check in on Trace," Jaycen said.

"Thanks for the offer, Dad, but I think I need to hold my kid," Levie said as he slipped on a tee-shirt, and a pair of boxers, then stepped into his slippers.

Troy and Jaycen went to Brandon and Rhett's room to get Tracey, while the others followed Levie down to the kitchen. Levie got a bottle of formula from the fridge, Greg turned on the Keurig, and made everyone a cup of coffee with the reusable K-cup. Brandon and Rhett got dessert plates, then retrieved the chocolate cherry cheesecake from the fridge.

"Damn, I'm almost expecting Dorothy, Rose, and Blanche to come walking through the door," Troy commented.

The brunet handed Tracey to his Papa Levie, then giggled, and dodged his husband's playful head slap. Everyone shared a good chuckle and settled down. Greg wiped his and Levie's tears as the redhead fed, then burped the youngest male in the room. The other two couples were enchanted by the loving parent/child bond they witnessed.

"Bran, Rhett, do you two want kids?" Troy asked.

"At some point," Brandon answered. He smiled, then kissed his boyfriend.

"It makes me happy to know, that when we do have kids, they're gonna be surrounded by an amazing, and loving family." Rhett had to stop and wipe his tears as Brandon embraced him. "You guys are the family I wish I had growing up."

Greg, Jaycen, and Troy were up, and out of their seats. The men had their arms around the emotional brunet before he knew they'd moved. Levie held Tracey, and laid his head on his newest brother's shoulder.

"The important thing is, you're here now, little bro." Troy firmly stated.

"Yeah, Rhett. You belong here, with your Aunt Sarah, Uncle Bill, and us," Jaycen said.

"Damn, I love this family," Brandon exclaimed joyfully.

"Love and support, are two things this family has an unending supply of," Levie said as he kissed Tracey, then handed him to Greg.

Jaycen smiled and then invited everyone to join hands. "Brandon, Rhett, and Greg, I know we haven't known each other all that long, but..."

"That doesn't mean we love you guys any less, that's why you three are now part owners of the ranch..." Troy continued.

Levie finished, "Jaycepop, Troypop, and I want this entire property to always be family owned, and something for future generations to be proud of. So, the ranch's ownership is now split six ways. We each have an equal say. From now on, any changes have to be agreed upon by all of us. Also, Bill, will be a tiebreaker, should one ever be needed."

Greg, Brandon, and Rhett were speechless.

"G-guys, I understand Bran, and Greg being made owners, but why..." Rhett started to ask.

Levie giggled, and wrapped his arms around the brunet's neck. "Because, you're Bill, and Sarah's nephew, and my Levienapping brother."

Everyone broke up with laughter as Rhett pulled Levie into his lap, and with Brandon holding him down, tickled the redhead into hysterics.

Jaycen, and Troy nodded at one another, and Troy went upstairs. He returned a couple of minutes later, with two envelopes. The oldest redhead wolf whistled, and got everyone's attention. "We've got one more thing to give out."

Troy smiled and walked over to Levie and Greg. He lovingly picked up Tracey, and handed him to Brandon, and Rhett.

"Greg, Lev..." Jaycen paused, wiping tears from his eyes. "You two are an amazing pair, and are gonna do unimaginable things together."

Troy continued for his husband. "We love you boys, more than you'll ever know." He handed one of the envelopes to Lev. Then he looked at Brandon and Rhett. "We also have something for you two." The brunet smiled and handed the other envelope to Rhett, since Brandon was holding his nephew.

The recipients shared a shocked look with one another before looking at what they were handed. The four men gasped when they saw the contents.

"Dads, how?" Lev starred to ask.

"Bropops, we can't accept..." Brandon began.

"You can, and will." Jaycen said. He and Troy couldn't contain their laughter.

"Lev, and Greg your week long cruise, and the week long hotel and spa stay for Brandon and Rhett are a combined gift. Mama Ev, and Papa Lyle put in for half on both. We provided the rest." Troy said.

Jaycen and Troy were bombarded with hugs and kisses from the emotional younger men, while Tracey was passed around to someone who wasn't being shown affection at the moment.

Everyone looked as the darkness of early morning brightened. Greg started another pot of coffee, while everyone else worked on breakfast. They knew it wouldn't be long before Oakridge and the ranch would be bustling with activity. The men were fixing their plates when the kitchen door opened.

"Good morning Reenie," Troy greeted. He placed his plate on the counter, then walked over and hugged the new arrival, with the others doing the same.

Everyone's expressions changed from smiles to looks of concern when they saw the bubbly woman's smile was absent.

"What's wrong, Reenie?" Lev asked as he handed her a cup of coffee, and plate of food.

The pastor thanked her guys, then looked into Jaycen and Troy's eyes. "Jayce, Troy, I've got some distressing news."

The couple nodded as they sat down on either side of their honorary sister. Moving in sync, Jaycen, and Troy each clasped one of Maureen's hands.

Jaycen looked into the woman's teary eyes. "Whatever it is, Reenie, we'll deal with it as a family."

"I don't know how to say this, other than to come right out with it," Maureen said. She took a deep breath, and wiped her eyes. "There was a miscarriage last night. The twins died."

The men stood in complete silence as tears fell. Requests of comfort were asked for the families affected by the loss.

"You may need some time to process the loss, but I've talked things over with my wife, and we'd like to make an offer."

Jaycen and Troy wiped their tears and held each other.

"What's the offer, Sis?" Troy asked.

"If you two are still interested in being parents again, Pat and I would be honored to be surrogates for you," Maureen paused. "This offer expires after we're no longer able to conceive."

It took a second for the married couple to stare into each other's eyes and silently come to a decision. They smiled, nodded, and then faced Maureen.

"We're more than grateful, Reenie, and have no desire of turning you and Pat down. We'll start making arrangements and plans after the holidays," Troy said.

"However, there's one condition," Jayce added with a boyish mischievous grin.

"What's the condition, Jayce?" Maureen asked.

"That you, and Pat are involved with our children's lives," The couple said in unison.

"It's a deal, however, I'm adding my condition." Maureen's grin was equal to Jaycen's

"Which is?" The couple asked.

"That you two are the ones making the decisions, and are responsible for the raising of the children. Pat and I have no desire to be anything more than Aunts to any kids we carry for you guys," she paused. "It's not that we don't want to love the kids, but we're not meant to be physical parents. We love kids, as long as we can have them visit, then return to their homes."

"It's a deal," Jaycen, and Troy stated in unison.

The kitchen erupted in a boisterous celebration. The rest of breakfast was spent with everyone talking about the next day's wedding, Christmas, and future plans.

Halfway through the day, Greg took a break and went in search of his mate. The brunet started getting nervous when he couldn't find Levie anywhere.

Greg had the idea to check the stable. He walked inside, noticed Tri's stall was open, and his mate's steed was gone. He retrieved Dawn's Light from his stall. "C'mon boy, let's go find your Papa Lev, and Tri," Greg whispered into the horse's ear. The brunet held on tight as Dawn's Light whinnied, reared up on his hind legs, and took off into the woods.

Levie, and Triton stopped outside the Stillman cemetery, where his parents were buried, and, where he'd be buried alongside his family. He dismounted the proud steed, and after opening the gate, they entered the sacred ground. The pair stopped in front of the giant pink marble heart shaped headstone with his parents names, birth, and death dates etched in the top of the heart.

Troy, and Jaycen were halfway to the cemetery, the couple were on Samson, Jaycen's white stallion. They stopped, Jaycen turned his steed towards Greg, and Dawn's Light. "We wondered how long it'd take for you to catch up," Jaycen said.

"How...?" Greg started to ask.

The older men giggled.

"We can feel the bond strengthening between you, and Lev. It won't be long before you guys are as bonded as Jayce, and me," Troy said. The trio continued their trek up the ridge to the cemetery.

"When did you two know you were the ones for each other?"

Jaycen quickly turned his head and smiled at his mate, sitting behind him. The redhead squirmed a bit, and softly giggled when Troy's fingers slightly wiggled and pressed into his sides. "Careful babe."

Troy chuckled and kissed his husband's shoulder. He looked over at Greg, and winked. "Honestly, I'm not sure how to answer that," The brunet said.

Jaycen nodded in agreement. "It's like we've always said. Somehow we've always known we'd be there for each other, and that nothing would ever sever our connection." He looked at the younger man. "Are your feet a little cold, baby bro?"

Greg blushed and squirmed atop his steed, and nodded. Jaycen brought Samson to a halt, causing Greg to do the same with Dawn's Light. They all dismounted, and Greg found himself in the middle of a double bear hug. He let his tears fall on the older men's shoulders as the love flowed between their hearts. "I...I don't want Lev to know I'm nervous."

Jaycen gently lifted Greg's chin. "Bro, that's exactly what he needs to know. Chances are, he's feeling the same things."

Jaycen placed his hands on Greg's shoulders as Troy wrapped his arms around the brunet from behind, and laid his head on the taller man's back.

"It's okay, and expected to be nervous, Greg. Honestly, we'd be worried if you two weren't," Troy said. "That's where the trust, and love between you boys needs to be relied upon. It'll only bring you closer, and strengthen your bond."

Greg smiled and kissed his brothers "It's no wonder, my prince is so amazing. He's been raised by two of the best men I've ever met."

"Linda, and Tom were just as amazing, you, and Bran are proof of that," Jaycen said as he and Troy wiped their tears.

The trio continued talking as they walked the rest of the way to the cemetery gates. They stopped, and softened the sound of their approach, so they didn't disturb Levie's time with Mark, and Stacey.

Thanks for listening, Mom and Dad. I love you both." He turned and opened his arms. "You guys didn't have to stay away, I could feel your presence," Levie said as he was embraced.

"We wanted to give you your time with Mom, and Dad, baby boy," Jaycen said. He and Troy walked up to the headstone, and placed their hands on the marble, and their hearts. "We love you, Mom, and Dad," they said in unison.

Greg slowly approached the stone, and bowed his head. Tears formed in his eyes as he felt a strong loving presence surround him, and enter his soul. "Thank you, for always watching over our blended family. I wish I could've met you, physically, but I'm more than happy knowing you two through Lev, the Bropops, Mam-Maw Ev, and Pap=Paw Lyle." He paused and wiped his eyes. "I love you both, and can feel your acceptance and love."

Greg started to head back to his family, but stopped when he heard the sound of something scratching the marble. The brunet turned and gasped. "Umm, g-guys, you might wanna look at this," he said in astonishment.

Levie, Troy, and Jaycen slowly approached their parent's graves, held Greg's hands as they watched a glowing message being etched into the heart's blank space.

Once the writing finished, the men took their time to silently read the message from Mark, and Stacey. "Love is always present in our hearts. It's the most precious, and eternal gift we can pass on to our growing family."

The four guys had tear stained cheeks as they shared a loving embrace, and processed the amazing gift of love they just received. "We love you too, Mom and Dad," they said in unison.

Next: Chapter 20

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