Love of Family

By A B

Published on May 15, 2023


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The Ranch

Everyone gathered outside the ranch house for lunch. Ev'lynn, Linda, Troy, and Levie worked together, bringing the food to the four picnic tables that had been put together. On the other side of that sat three tables in a line for the food to sit on. For the moment, Greg was the one watching over Tracey while everyone else pitched in. Levie paused and smiled as he pulled his phone out to take the first picture of the new Dad and son bonding time. Tears fell from his eyes when Levie saw the look of love and pride shining in his soulmate's eyes as the brunet looked down and cooed at the tiny life they were now responsible for. The redhead slightly jumped when he felt a pair of arms wrap around his chest from behind and another pair around his waist.

"It's breathtaking, isn't it?" Jaycen softly asked as he kissed Troy's cheek and the top of Levie's head.

Levie let the tears fall as he pressed himself against the most loving and protective men he'd ever known, aside from his mate and brothers. He couldn't will himself to speak yet, so the redhead just nodded and sighed.

"We know exactly how you feel, baby boy." Troy smiled and laid his chin on the younger man's shoulder. "Jayce and I felt the same way about you." He had to pause and wipe his tears.

"Were you scared?" Levie finally asked as he cuddled as close as he could against the muscular bodies that provided his comforting and safe feeling.

"We didn't really think about that. We prayed to the Goddess that we didn't screw up." Troy stated.

"Yeah, we were hoping you didn't become a taxidermist or serial killer." Jaycen's comment had the three of them cracking up, laughing. "I mean, both occupations are kinda eeeewwwwww."

"I love you two more than I could ever tell you in words." Levie turned and wrapped his arms around both men's waists.

"We know, baby boy." Troy leaned his head down and kissed the emotional redhead.

"We couldn't be prouder of you and Greg than we are right now. You two worked together and decided to give this boy the best life he could ever hope for." Jaycen softly chuckled. "Just remember, Troy, and I will kick both yours and Greg's asses if you don't give that boy enough love."

Levie smirked. "Like that could ever happen." He paused. "On both parts of your statement. I can sooo kick your asses."

Jaycen growled and lifted his boy over his shoulder as Troy snickered and tickled Levie's sides and ribs. Everyone looked when the redhead's screeches and boisterous laughter pierced the air and enjoyed the playful antics.

Greg giggled and turned Tracey around so he could see his other Dad. "Pay attention, Trace. That's how you can win in a fight against your Papa.

"It works on your Daddy too, baby boy," Levie said between his giggles. As soon as he was back on the ground, the redhead was by his husband's side and had his son in his arms. "You're gonna be the most loved and protected kid in the state, Tracey." Levie's tears fell on the baby's head as he held the boy against his chest. He looked up and smiled as the family surrounded the new dads, snapping pictures.

"We're not too late, are we?" Bill asked as he, Sarah, and Stuart walked up to the gathered bunch. Bill stopped and whispered something to Jaycen and Troy, who smiled and nodded their heads.

"We didn't miss the food, did we?" Leon and Rusty asked as they joined the growing group.

"I hope not cause I'm starving," Maureen added as she followed behind the sheriff and deputy.

"Just in time. Not that we're not glad to see you, but who got you over here, Reenie?" Jaycen asked as he and Troy walked over to hug the new arrivals.

"Didn't Lev tell ya? I'm performing the wedding." Maureen giggled. The pastor held her hand up and gasped when she heard the blending of two voices. She looked toward the sound and saw Levie and Ev'lynn singing The Last Unicorn to Tracey as Greg recorded it. "I had no idea he could sing like that."

"He's definitely our angelic boy," Troy said as he wiped his eyes with Jaycen following suit. Suddenly, the brunet burst out in laughter.

"What's so funny, Troypop?" Brandon asked as he walked up to the trio and introduced himself to Maureen.

"I just remembered the first time Lev went to a swim meet."

"Oh, shit. I'd forgotten about that." Jaycen chuckled.

"What happened?" Brandon asked.

"Levie was about six or seven, I think. He managed to get away from Mom and Dad, and they were about to start the competition. The little bugger somehow got onto the block to my right, and he jumped into the pool when the pistol went off and raced with us." Troy's recollection had everyone in stitches.

"He was so used to swimming laps with me that he thought that's what you were supposed to do.

The funniest thing was, if they hadn't stopped the race and pulled Lev out of the water, he'd have won third place."

Greg was cackling his head off as everyone listened to the memory. "Babe, you sure do find a way to make sure you're in the spotlight."

Levie giggled. "Yeah, I guess now I'll have to share it with this little guy." He smiled and kissed Tracey's cheek.

Everyone stopped reminiscing and turned to the sound of the clinking glass and Lyle's voice. "May I have everyone's attention, please? I'd like all the gathered friends and family to get closer." He paused for the family to do as asked. "I'd like to say something before we enjoy this incredibly delicious meal." Lyle paused. Ev'lynn and I are proud and happy to see the smiling faces gathered here today. First, I'd like to acknowledge two exceptional young men that I've enjoyed having as my shared sons. Jaycen and Troy, it's been a pleasure watching the two of you grow and mature into the amazing men you are today. You've both been the source of love and inspiration for your family and countless others. Then, you extended that love and shared it with the boy who you've always seen as a combination of your brother and son. The selfless act of pure love and devotion you showed at ten years old was only overshadowed eight years later when you became full parents to Levie. Under your guidance and teaching, Levie has grown to be just as loving as his Dads, proving time and time again that he took your lessons of love and family to heart."

Jaycen and Troy were speechless and couldn't keep up with the tears streaming down their cheeks.

"Mark and Stacy are not physically present here today, but their love, sense of civic duty, and family pride are alive and continuing to be passed on. I know they're proud and resting peacefully, knowing their torch continues to be passed on and is burning as bright as when they lit it." Lyle paused and wiped his tears. "Levie, Greg, Ev, and I wish you nothing but a life filled with joy and pride in your current and future accomplishments. We know you're gonna be just as good at parenting as Troy and Jayce, Linda and Tom, Ev'lynn and I, and Mark and Stacy were. Always know that this family was born from love and strength. Everyone assembled here is considered family to each other." Lyle smiled. "Let's raise our glasses and toast the individuals who've been tasked with carrying on this beloved family tradition of acceptance, inclusion, and most importantly, love. To Levie, Greg, Brandon, Rhett, and the first of our next generation, Tracey Thomas Moore Stillmont."

There wasn't a dry eye after Lyle concluded. The patriarch was hugged and kissed by everyone he'd mentioned in his speech. He turned to Maureen. "Reenie, we don't usually say grace before eating. However, this is a special occasion, and I think it calls for one to be said." Lyle's statement was backed up by everyone's head nods.

"I'd be honored, Papa Lyle." Maureen stood and had everyone join hands.

After everyone finished eating. The family worked together, cleaning up and putting food away. Jaycen and Troy smiled at each other and managed to get everyone's attention.

"Guys, we've got a surprise for our five youngest family members. If everyone would meet up next door at Oakridge, we'll continue celebrating." Troy said as he and Jaycen drove Bill and Sarah over to house.

Levie, Brandon, Greg, and Rhett were not allowed to set foot on the Oakridge property. So, today was the first time they'd be seeing their new home after the work was done to upgrade it. The young men jumped into the Eagle, and Levie drove them over. He took the dirt road that connected the two properties and drove across the field. The young men gasped when they saw the security cameras and the new paint job on the exterior of the barn and house. They parked the Eagle beside Troy's Sonata.

"Dads, what the..." Levie started to ask but had to stop. He was too overcome with his emotions. The only thing he could do was launch himself into the older men's arms and hug the stuffing out of them.

Jaycen and Troy smiled as they were given the same treatment by the other young men. "This was not just us, baby boys. The entire ranch family got together and worked on this project." Jaycen stated.

"You four are very loved and deserving of the respect and devotion you receive," Troy added.

The tears, hugs, and astonished reactions continued as the family was given a tour of the renovated home. Levie and Greg were speechless over the upgrades, and fully stocked fridge, freezer, pantry, and the extra freezer in the basement. After more partying and enjoyment of family time, finally, the four homeowners were alone and relaxing with their new baby. Levie, Greg, Brandon, and Rhett took a page from the Bropop's playbook and used baby monitors to take turns getting up with little Tracey for the midnight feedings and changes. They were taking the occupations of being Dads and Uncles very seriously.


Everything was going smoothly. The wedding was a week away, and Levie found himself sharing a day alone with his son. Greg was at a seminar with Lyle. Brandon was helping Linda and Tom with something in Tennessee. Rhett was helping Troy repair some fencing close to the mountain at the back of the property. Jaycen was a few hours away, looking at a prospective horse for a friend.

"So, what ya wanna do now, little man?" Levie asked as he picked up Tracey from his nap. The redhead was still in awe of the life he held. He chuckled as he thought about how his parents and Bropops must have felt when they held him for the first time. "You're the only thing that freakin' scares me to death." He softly said. "It scares me to think I might make a detrimental mistake and ruin your life." Levie cradled his son and smiled when the boy opened his eyes and talked to him in his baby language. "Despite being scared, Tracer, I love you. Your Papa loves you more than life. I promise, baby boy, I'll die to protect you." The redhead sniffled and started singing softly to the hypnotized child.

Levie got up, put Tracey in his bassinet, then went to the kitchen and fixed him some formula. He heated the food, tested it like he'd been shown, then retrieved his son. He sat in the rocking chair and fed Tracey. After the boy finished, Levie burped him and placed him back in his bassinet. He'd just sat down when his phone rang. "Hello!"

"Is this Mr. Stillmont?"

"Yes, it is. What can I do for you?"

"Sir, your suits are ready to be picked up."

"Thank you for calling. I'll be there in a few hours or so. I've just put my son down for his nap."

"Very well, sir. I'll look forward to seeing you."

Levie ended the call and threw a load of laundry in the washer. He started cleaning the house and getting things done while Tracey slept peacefully. After an hour, the redhead grabbed his travel essentials, placed Tracey in his car seat, and headed to the Cherokee. He checked the glove box, made sure his Glock was loaded, then put it in the shoulder holster under his jacket. He wasn't expecting any trouble, but he wasn't taking any chances, especially not with Tracey. Levie started the SUV and buckled his seatbelt. "Well, baby boy, let's go for an adventure." He smiled as he watched his boy in the rearview mirror, then backed up and headed down the long driveway.

Father and son made it to the alterations shop without incident. Levie smiled with fatherly pride as the staff gazed at the infant and congratulated him. He laid the clothes on the car's roof as he put Tracey in and buckled his seat. Then Levie put the clothes on the door hanger and headed back home. They were driving along a forest-lined part of the two-lane road when the Cherokee suffered a blowout.

"Hang on, baby boy," Levie said as he did his best not to lose control of the vehicle. He aimed the SUV for a space that didn't have any trees. The Jeep ran into the ditch, and the impact caused Levie to hit his head on the steering wheel. Levie shook his head, and the first thing he did was get out and check on his son. "Well, we're both fine, I think. At least you are. That was scary, huh." Levie leaned down and kissed Tracey's forehead. When he straightened back up, he felt slightly dizzy but choked it up to moving too quickly. The redhead closed the door, pulled out his phone, and carefully inspected the vehicle's tires. He was about to call Troy when Levie noticed he didn't have a blowout. The tire had a bullet hole in it.

The redhead suddenly cried out and doubled over in pain when he felt a sharp kick to his side. Before he could recover, someone grabbed his hair and rammed his head into the side of the Cherokee. "Don't touch my kid." Levie croaked out before blacking out. His unknown assailant pocketed his victim's phone and grabbed Tracey. The attacker placed Levie and his son in a pickup truck and sped down the road. "Don't worry, kid. Unless I miss my guess, this will all be over soon." The driver said as he chuckled and smoothed Levie's hair.

Next: Chapter 16

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