Love of Family

By A B

Published on May 12, 2023


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The Family

It took a while for everyone to get on the same page once everyone got to the ranch after Troy fielded the call from Levie, informing them he was fine and at the house. After hearing everything from how he got there to the decision to make Rhett a member of the ranch family, no one had a dry eye from all the laughter.

"You know, he gets that from you, right, Jay?" Troy smirked.

"Oh, sure, the kid gets kidnapped, then kidnaps the kidnapper, and suddenly, he's my kid, but when he's all sweet and innocent, he's your kid." Jaycen shook his head.

"See, was that so hard to admit?" Troy asked as he cracked up laughing.

"Just wait, Troy, you're soooo dead." Jaycen snickered as he leaned over and kissed his husband. "I love you."

"I love you too, my big soft teddy bear." Troy squealed and giggled as he was lifted over his husband's shoulder, tickled, and smacked on the ass before being set back down.

Jaycen and Troy walked over and wrapped their arms around Levie. The three young men cried on each other's shoulders as they filled one another with as much love as possible.

"Levie Michael! Only you could ever pull something like this off." Troy said as he gazed into his boy's eyes.

"Yeah, we're glad you're safe, but next time, can ya please, just get away?" Jaycen kissed Levie's forehead.

"At first, I was scared and sad cause I didn't know if I'd ever see my family again. Then, after hearing Rhett talking to himself and saying he wished he were dead well, I couldn't just leave him." Levie wiped his tears and kissed his Dad's cheeks.

"I think we taught you to be too loving." Troy snickered and ruffled Levie's hair.

"I'll let that slide, Troypop." The redhead grinned. "I'm glad you weren't hurt too badly." Levie cuddled closer to the brunet. "I don't know what I'd do without you." He paused. "You're my Mom/Dad/Brother rolled into one being."

Jaycen smiled and kissed his guys. "See, I told ya, babe."

Troy soaked up all the love and affection he received as the tears fell down his cheeks. "C'mon, guys, the rest of the family wants some time with Lev, and I know there's a certain horse out in the stables who's been going crazy."

Levie spent the rest of the day relaxing and showing off the livestock. He saved three horses for last. The redhead opened up the three stalls. "Greg."

Greg walked up beside his mate. He gasped when he saw the Blue Valentine Stallion.

"Tri, I want you to meet your Papa Greg." Levie kissed the proud horse's nose. "Go on, give him some love."

Greg smiled and giggled as Triton nodded his head, then walked over and hugged him. "Hey, boy. You're too cute." Greg hugged Triton and kissed him.

Levie giggled and looked at his blonde brother. "Brandon."

Brandon walked up and smiled.

"Tri, this is your Uncle Brandon."

Just like with Greg, Triton gave Brandon a hug.

"There's no doubt this is your horse, Lev. He's just as cute and loving as you." Brandon chuckled and kissed Triton's cheek.

"He's not just my horse anymore." Levie paused. "Are ya boy?"

Triton softly whinnied and shook his head no.

"Who's horse are ya?" The redhead asked.

Triton snorted and hugged Levie. Then he hugged Brandon and Greg. When he saw Jaycen and Troy watching from the entrance, he trotted over and hugged his Pap-Paws.

"We love ya too, baby boy." Jaycen and Troy hugged the adorable horse.

"Did that horse just hug you two?" Linda asked in disbelief as she and Tom entered the stables.

Everyone nodded and burst out laughing. Lev walked Triton over to the couple. "Tri, this is your Mam-Maw Linda and Pap-Paw Tom." Levie stepped back as Triton gave the astonished couple a hug.

"So, what does his giving us a hug mean?" Linda asked while stroking Triton's mane.

"It means that he considers you one of his parents... well, grandparents, just like he does Troy and Jayce, and that he'll let you ride him, even if I'm not around." Levie proudly stated.

Linda shook her head and looked at the Stillman men. "Even your livestock are loving and affectionate. I've never seen anything like it." She chuckled.

"Triton's one of the exceptions," Troy said, wiping his tears as he hugged his husband.

"Tri's the one Lev saved from being killed just after his birth, so they're bonded for life." Jaycen wrapped his arms around the emotional brunet.

Levie went to the other two stalls. He walked a brilliant reddish-brown Chestnut stallion towards Brandon. "Dusty, this is your Papa Brandon."

The horse whinnied and hugged Brandon.

The redhead retrieved a stunning golden Chesnut stallion. "Dawn's Light, this is your Papa Greg."

Greg was speechless when he was hugged by the gorgeous majestic steed.

Rhett stood back and watched the beauty of this loving family and wished he'd had that growing up.

"Rhett? I... I don't believe it. Is that really you?"

The young man turned around when he saw the man calling him the tears fell from his eyes. "Uncle Bill?" Rhett cried.

The brunet ran towards the older man. They wrapped their arms around one another. Rhett giggled and squealed as he was lifted off the ground and twirled in a circle. Bill set his nephew back on his feet and pulled him into a loving embrace as he kissed his forehead.

"Your Aunt and I have missed you, kid," Bill said.

"I've missed you guys too. Mom and Dad didn't keep me. I've been shuffled through foster homes, and no one wanted to keep me." Rhett broke down and sobbed on his Uncle's shoulder.

"I'm gonna kill my brother and sister-in-law if I ever lay eyes on them again. We told them to turn custody over to us if they didn't want you." Bill embraced and comforted the emotional young man in his arms.

The Stillmans and Wilmonts watched the touching scene and embraced each other. The pride Jaycen and Troy felt for Levie's amazingly loving spirit shone in their eyes, brighter than the late morning sun.

"Bill, you've got the next week off with pay," Jaycen said as he placed his hand on the older man's shoulder.

"Jayce, are you crazy? I can't do that. Not to mention, my nephew needs training."

"We didn't say you couldn't be here. We just said you're off duty, with pay. You can still train Rhett. It'll be considered bonding time that you both get paid for. Besides, you and Sarah need to reconnect with your long-lost nephew." Troy stated as he kissed his husband and Levie.

"You guys are the most amazing and big-hearted family I've ever known." Bill paused and wiped his eyes as he hugged Rhett. "Boys, your folks are looking down with immense pride."

"Lev, I can't..." Rhett started to say but stopped short when the smiling redhead giggled and wrapped him up in his signature Levie bear hug.

"You're family, Rhett. We take care of our family and friends." Levie paused and kissed the brunet's cheek. "I'm just thankful you've got an Uncle and Aunt who've wanted you." Levie smiled. "Go on, enjoy your reconnection with Uncle Bill and Aunt Sarah."

Rhett giggled. "Sir! Yes, Sir! Levie, Sir."

"Hey, ya little runt, I gave you and Bill the time off. I've got seniority over the Brokid." Jaycen protested. His statement and the accompanying pout had everyone laughing their asses off.

"Sorry, Jayce. I've already seen enough to know this red-haired boy can probably kick everyone's ass on this ranch. Then make them feel sorry for him with his giggles and hugs," Rhett said. The brunet squealed and jumped behind Bill when Jaycen playfully growled at him.

Over the next month, Levie continued getting his strength and energy back as he healed. The redhead was slowly working back up to his usual duties around the ranch. He worked with Jayce and Troy, teaching Brandon, Greg, and Rhett gun safety and ownership. Linda and Tom decided to refresh themselves and sat in on sessions when they weren't involved with their new project.

Brandon decided to work on the ranch full time and trained alongside Rhett. Everyone was proud of the ranch family's newest members. Working together wasn't the only relationship Brandon and Rhett shared. A couple of weeks after meeting one another, the pair announced they were officially boyfriends.

Greg was gaining more respect at the bank. Lyle noticed how sharp his brunet grandson was and decided to test his skills with investing. The older man took Greg aside, taught him the basic parameters to work between, and gave him some imaginary funds to invest, then let him go at it. Greg found the new task enjoyable and challenging as he navigated the market and learned what to look for in a successful investment. He was eager and asked questions when needed. After a month, Lyle was more than happy with his choice of a protege. He set Greg up with the classes he'd need to obtain his license and made sure he was available when Greg had concerns and things to ask.

An interesting development occurred a couple of weeks after the Thanksgiving Day parade. Greg and Levie were hanging around the apartment. The couple was packing up Greg's things in preparation for the move to Oakridge. Over the holiday, Greg, Levie, Brandon, and Rhett had a "Brohuddle," as Levie called it. They decided to live together at Oakridge, and Levie had their names added to the deed.

Greg was nervous. The brunet kept looking over at Levie, and he continuously fingered the ring box in his pocket. Tonight was the couple's six-month anniversary. Finally, he took a deep breath and worked up his nerve. The brunet walked over to his mate. He gently took hold of the redhead's hand and led him over to the sofa. Greg sat and motioned for Levie to sit beside him. "Lev, I..." He paused and gulped. "I've never done anything like this, and I'm nervous as fuck."

Levie gazed into his soulmate's eyes. Instantly, he realized what was about to happen and was of two mindsets. One part wanted to let Greg know what he suspected, and the other part wanted to let his mate work through his nerves and do what he started. "Take your time, Greg. I"m not going anywhere." He said and kissed the brunet's lips.

Greg closed his eyes and shut his mind down, letting his heart lead his actions and speech. "Six months ago, I met the most unique and beautiful red-haired angel. Since that day, this ethereal being somehow became more exquisite and breathtaking." Greg paused and let his tears fall. "This angelic lifeform is outwardly gorgeous, but his inner beauty is so awe-inspiring that it's impossible to describe." Greg had to breathe and calm himself as he pulled the square box from his pocket.

Levie sat, breathless, his tears trailing down his cheeks as he listened to Greg's words and felt his innermost feelings.

Greg got on one knee and held the box out toward his mate. "Levie Michael Stillman. Would you please, give me the honor and pleasure of being my husband and soulmate?"

Levie gasped at the ring in the green plush velvet box. His eyes widened as he picked up the tri-colored band of white, pink, and light yellow gold woven together in a Celtic knot. The redhead knew the ring looked familiar. However, Levie couldn't place where he'd seen it. Finally, he looked into Greg's quivering tear-filled eyes. "Greg, I couldn't imagine a better match for my husband than you."

Greg whooped and hollered as he jumped up and down like an excited little boy. "I promise, sweet boy, I'll make you the happiest man alive."

Levie giggled and jumped into Greg's arms. "You've already done that."

The pair shared a passionate kiss and loving embrace, then Greg giggled as he slipped the ring on Levie's finger.

"What's so funny, babe?" Levie asked as he started giggling just because of Greg's giggles.

"I can see the wheels turning in your head. You're going crazy trying to figure out where you've seen this ring." Greg broke down in hysterical laughter.

"I'm literally going out of my mind. It's so familiar, and I know I'm gonna kick myself for it when I find out where I'd seen it." Levie flopped down on the couch.

"Do you want me to tell you, or do you want to figure it out, loverboy?" Greg asked as he wrapped his arms around Levie, lightly tickling the redhead's sides.

Levie jumped and squealed as his giggles filled the living area. He finally nodded his head yes, just before he buried his face in Greg's muscular chest.

"It was your Mom's. I asked the Bropops to help me find a way to recreate your parent's wedding rings. I knew that was gonna be the most meaningful and sentimental to you." Greg smiled and kissed Levie's head.

Levie sat up and gasped. "You had them recreated? How'd you get the weathered look?"

Greg giggled. "Umm, they're not recreations, baby boy. I've got Mark's ring, and you've got Stacy's. Jaycepop and Troypop had them in the safe since your parent's death." He paused and wiped his tears. "They knew you'd get married, and the Bropops wanted you to have the originals. Jayce and Troy had replicas made for your parents when they were buried.

Levie was speechless. He couldn't fathom how much forethought that required. The redhead got up, kissed his fiancee, and picked up his phone.

"Well, hey, Brokid." Jaycen giggled.

"Jaycepop, you and Troypop are the most amazing brothers and parents I could ever have." Levie started breaking up as his emotions got the better of him.

"Refresh me, kid. What's this about?" Troy asked.

Greg walked over and placed the phone on speaker. So he could speak for his emotional future husband. "I proposed, and he accepted." Greg paused as he heard Jaycen and Troy yelling their congratulations. "I also told him where the rings came from cause it was driving him crazy. Now, I've got one speechless and happily sobbing fiancee to take care of." The brunet giggled.

"I... I can't believe you two thought that far in advance." Levie managed to say. "Dads, I don't have the..."

"You don't have to say anything, baby boy. We love you, always have, and always will." Troy said.

"Mom and Dad would've wanted you to have them, Lev," Jaycen added.

The four men talked a few minutes more, then ended the call. Greg and Levie took a few minutes to compose themselves and began making calls to the family. Four hours later, the couple was talked out. The guys got themselves together. They were about to go to dinner when the doorbell rang.

"Who is it?" Greg asked.

"My name is Thelonias Godfrey. I'm looking for a Gregory A. Wilmont."

Greg looked to Levie and shrugged his shoulders as he opened the door. The young men stood side by side, assessing the grey-haired suit-wearing gentleman. Greg stood aside and motioned for the visitor to come inside. "I'm Greg Wilmont. This is my fiancee, Levie Stillman."

"Please, sit down, Mr. Godfrey. May we get you something to drink?" Levie said as he gathered the papers resting on the chair cushion.

"Thank you, but I'm fine. If previous visits are any indication, I don't imagine I'll be here long."

Levie and Greg sat on the sofa, holding hands, and waited for their guest to continue.

Thelonias opened his briefcase and retrieved some papers. "Gregory, I was told you have not had contact with your birth family since age fourteen. Is that correct?"

"That's correct, sir. Please, call me Greg."

"Very well, Greg." Thelonias shuffled some of the papers. "Greg, this is a sensitive matter. I don't wish to disclose anything you might not want your fiancee to be privy to..."

"Thank you for your concern, but Lev's my soulmate and has a stake in anything there is to discuss." Greg kissed his mate.

"Fine, I'll get down to business." Thelonias paused and gazed into the young men's eyes. "Greg, your birth parents have passed away. Also, your Grandparents have passed away. You are the only relative who's not slammed the door in my face after learning you were the only beneficiary in your Grandparent's Wills."

Greg's and Levie's mouths fell open.

"The estate is worth about two hundred and fifty thousand dollars." Thelonias paused and let that sink into the young men's heads.

"Umm, okay. Please continue." Greg said with Levie nodded his agreement.

"Six months ago, your mother died after giving birth to a healthy boy. As I've stated, no one wants the child. If you're unable or unwilling to take custody of and raise the boy, he'll be placed in foster care."

Levie and Greg gasped and looked at one another. "Sir, we need three days to a week to discuss this child's future." Levie calmly stated.

Thelonias smiled, verified Greg's identification, and then handed him the papers containing the information about his inheritance and set an appointment for later in the week to finalize everything. The trio shook hands, and Thelonias left them with their thoughts.

Greg stared at Levie. "I... can't even." Tears rolled down his cheeks. "Thinking about that poor baby, my defenseless brother." He paused and, with his eyes, silently asked Levie for his input.

"I think you know I've already made my decision. It does involve adoption. However, this requires a family meeting."

"I'll call everyone." Greg smiled and embraced his soulmate. "I think I know what your decision is. I'm all for it. I just hope everyone else is too."

It took close to an hour for everyone to gather at Greg's apartment, except for Linda and Tom, who were in Tennessee, tuning in via video chat. After everyone calmed down, Levie and Greg addressed the gathered family.

"Guys, Levie and I have just been given some life-changing decisions we have to make." He paused and took hold of Levie's hand. "We want you to know that your input is welcome and appreciated. However, this meeting is just a formality because Lev and I have decided what we're gonna do."

"The only thing we don't know is if you'll all be on board." Levie giggled when he saw his Bropop's and Brandon's impatient expressions.

"For God's sake, kid. We're not getting any younger here. Get on with it before I take my wooden spoon to both of your asses." Ev'lynn's thread caused everyone's boisterous laughter.

"You don't have a wooden spoon here, Mam-Maw." Levie giggled and hid behind Greg.

"Oh hell, the fuck no, baby boy. I'm not getting between you and Mam-Maw. She's scary as fuck." Greg grinned and pulled his mate in front of him.

"Greg, language," Linda said from the monitor, causing more laughter.

"Fine, here goes." Greg paused. "First of all, we were visited by a local lawyer, Thelonias Godfrey..."

"Godfrey? Was here? I manage his investments." Lyle stated.

"Yes, Pap-Paw, Thelonias was here. He said that the people who gave birth to me are dead. My Grandparents have also died." Greg held his hand up to pause the sympathy. "There's much more. The woman who gave birth to me died giving birth to a healthy baby boy, and I'm the only beneficiary of my Grandparent's Wills."

The silence was deafening.

Levie stepped up and embraced his mate. "If we don't adopt this defenseless innocent child, he'll be put into foster care."

Jaycen and Troy looked at each other and then at Levie and Greg. "What's the name you've come up with, and how can we help?" Jaycen asked as Troy proudly smiled.

"Jayce, Troy, are you two really just jumping in without playing devil's advocate?" Linda asked.

"Linda, no offense to you or Tom, but I know my kid. He's already got a name picked out and what horse the boy's gonna learn to ride on." Everyone burst out laughing at Jaycen's statement, even Linda and Tom.

"Lev and Greg are gonna be freakin' kickass parents. It's in their blood and raising." Troy added.

Tom looked at his wife. "They're right, babe. I don't know of any other family like this one, and given their history, there's no other choice to make." He smiled and kissed his wife. "Besides, the boys are more financially stable than most other people their age when they become parents." He chuckled. "There's another upside to this."

"What's that, love?" Linda asked as she smiled.

"We're amazingly young Grandparents and can actually enjoy watching our first Grandchild grow up in a loving environment."

"Holy fuckin' shit. Troy, we're Pap-Paw's to a human child." Jaycen stated as he fell back on the sofa, causing everyone's outburst of laughter.

Brandon and Rhett rushed to their brothers encasing the pair in a double bear hug. "We're gonna be the best Uncles in the whole galaxy," Brandon said as he kissed Levie and Greg.

"So what's my new Great Grandchild's name, Lev." Lyle chuckled as he got his chance to embrace the couple.

Greg giggled and looked at his mate. "Yeah, I haven't even heard this."

Levie smiled and looked at everyone. "I've got a crazy idea. I came up with this when Greg proposed. I didn't want to keep Stillman, and I didn't want a hyphenate either."

Greg gasped and looked at Levie. "What are ya talking about, babe?"

Levie gazed into everyone's eyes, saving Greg's for last. "I created a new hybrid for our last name."

"What's the name, Lev?" Jaycen asked.

"Stillmont. We're gonna be Levie, Greg, and Tracey Thomas Moore Stillmont."

The four parents and grandparents gasped.

"It's the combination of Stillman and Wilmont. Then Tracey for Troy and Jayce, Thomas for Papa Tom, and Moore for Pap-Paw and Mam-Maw." Levie held his breath.

"I love it, bro." Brandon was the first to embrace Levie and Greg. He then turned to his parents on the monitor.

Linda and Tom looked at each other. "You're thinking of changing your last name?" Linda asked.

"Is that okay?" Brandon sheepishly asked.

"We think that's an awesome idea, Son." Tom held his wife's hand and smiled. "I'm honored, Levie. That you'd include my name in our Grandson's name."

"I can't believe he managed to get all the family names in." Troy was still in awe of his kid's genius at creating a name filled with family pride.

Greg picked Levie up off the ground, spinning him in a circle. Then he embraced his giggly mate. "I love the name, angel boy. It's perfect for our first son. I also love the hybrid last name. It fits this blended family.

Next: Chapter 14

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