Love of Family

By A B

Published on Feb 7, 2022


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Greg & Brandon

Greg Wilmont stepped out of the bathtub, pulled the bath sheet from the rack, dried off, and hung it over the shower curtain to dry. He slipped into a pair of grey boxer/briefs, and faced the mirror. Greg picked up the hair gel, squeezed some in his palm, rubbed his hands together, and distributed it through his curly, neck length, jet black hair. Using his fingers, the brunet, gently tossed his damp locks around, to achieve the controlled, messy hairstyle, he wanted. Next, he retrieved the electric razor, from its place in the drawer, and shaved his slight morning stubble. Greg reached over, opened the space saver's cabinet door, and retrieved a bag of cotton balls. pulled one out, and used it to apply some witch hazel, to his youthful face. Satisfied with his appearance, Greg smiled, and turned the light out.

The young man walked into his bedroom, grabbed his favorite pair of faded blue jeans, off the bed, and slipped into them. The fabric hugged his lower body, like a second skin. Greg loved the way his jeans, accentuated his round, plump ass. Sitting on the bed, he massaged some lotion, into his size twelve bare feet, and put on a pair of ankle length, white athletic socks. Next, he went to the closet. He chose a dark red polo shirt, that looked great with his jeans, and light tan, skin tone. Finally, he stepped into his black sneakers, and took one more look in the full length mirror attached to the door. He turned out the light, and closed the bedroom door. Greg made sure his wallet was in his back pocket, picked up his keys, threw a tan windbreaker, over his arm, and locked the door. He stood on his front porch, took a deep breath, and smiled. The mid September morning, was a bit on the cool side, but with the sunshine, it felt warmer. However, it wasn't the weather, that made Greg happy. The brunet, was glad it was Friday, and the start of his week long vacation.

"I wonder what living with Levie will be like." the brunet thought, as he walked to his truck. He'd met his boyfriend at Lyle Moore's forty-seventh birthday party. Lyle's the investment councilor, at the bank where Greg works. He's also, one of the most loved, and respected people there. About a week after his promotion, Lyle started taking an interest in him, and his future plans. That's how he got invited to the lavish party. Early in the evening, Lyle introduced Greg to his grandson. A gorgeous, bright eyed, red head named Levie Stillman. Greg's eyes almost popped out of their sockets, as he gazed at the exquisite, angelic being. Before leaving, to go mingle with other guests, Lyle told the boys, he thought they looked good together. Once they got past the awkward introduction, the two of them relaxed, and after some small talk, discovered some common interests. That same evening, Greg met Lyle's wife, Ev'lynn Moore, their son, Troy Stillman, and son-in-law, Jaycen Stillman. While talking with Levie, he learned Jaycen, and Troy were his brothers, or as Levie called them, his Bropops. Greg, and Levie exchanged numbers before sharing a very warm embrace, and saying good night to one another. A week later, they started dating. The raven haired young man smiled, as he remembered the feeling, he got from that first hug. It was filled with love, and a genuine kindness. Greg softly chuckled to himself, as he recalled the adorable nickname. Then, he made a mental note to ask Levie about where bropop came from.

Greg climbed into his 2012 Toyota Tacoma Prerunner. The twenty year old, was proud of his pickup truck. Three years ago, Greg, sat down with his foster dad, Tom Wilmont, foster mom, Linda, and his foster brother, Brandon. Together they researched the best rated, longest lasting pickup trucks, with the best gas mileage. The family agreed on the Tacoma, and found one, in almost new condition. The truck had fifty thousand miles, and was listed for twenty five thousand dollars. The family repeated the process, except, instead of a pickup, Brandon wanted a sedan. They found a silver, 2018 Hyundai Sonata Sport Limited, with a moon roof, and like the Tacoma, its condition was almost new. The vehicle had forty thousand miles, and cost twenty one thousand dollars.

Linda, and Tom offered to buy both vehicles for their sons, but the brothers adamantly protested. The teens said they didn't want their parents spending that much on them. Greg, and Brandon insisted on paying their parents back, with interest. After some long, lengthy negotiations, the couple came to a proposed compromise with their two kids. Each teen would pay half of what was paid for their chosen vehicle, without interest. Greg, and Brandon got up, and went into Greg's room. They hashed out their ideas on the proposal, then returned to the family room, and agreed. Linda, and Tom attached a last minute, nonnegotiable addendum. They would pay for a custom paint job, if the boys wanted a different color, than the original. The boys looked at each other, shook their heads, and chuckled, at how sneaky their parents were. Finally, the family sealed the agreement, with handshakes, hugs, and a kiss on the cheek, for each parent. Brandon was happy with the color of his car. Greg chose a dark blue, with purple hues for his truck.

Before starting his vehicle, Greg took a minute to meditate. He closed his eyes, fingered his tree of life pentacle necklace, and thanked the Goddess for blessing him. He was at a very good place in his life. It was just over two years ago, when Greg got his job at the bank. After a year of working as a teller, Greg was promoted to the checking/loan department. He has his own desk in the back, and is responsible for monitoring customer's accounts. Greg makes sure they aren't compromised, or close to being overdrawn. He is also responsible for preliminary loan approvals. Once Greg approves, or denies the loan, it's sent to his manager, for the final decision.

Greg started the Tacoma, and shifted into reverse. Even though it wasn't a big pickup, he used the side mirrors, and carefully backed out of the designated space. He shifted to drive, and exited the parking lot. Greg pulled up to the stop sign, he turned right, onto Barksdale Avenue, and headed across town to meet his brother for lunch.

Brandon pulled into the diner's parking lot. Before exiting his Sonata, the twenty year old ran his fingers through his sandy blonde hair. He was about to open the car door, when he noticed his brother pulling in, a couple spaces down from him. Brandon sat for a minute, and reminisced about the day he met Greg. The boys were eight years old, and immediately hit it off. After talking for a little bit, the pair discovered their birthdays were a few days apart. It didn't take long, before they became inseparable. Brandon's parents fell in love with the raven haired youth. He was energetic, playful, inquisitive, and very affectionate. After the first week, the boys told Linda, and Tom they were best friends, and brothers. Because their birthdays were so close together, Brandon's parents, held a joint birthday party for the boys. It saddened them. that Greg's parents didn't do anything to acknowledge the youngster's birthday. Hell, the boy's parents didn't know, or even give a damn, about where he was.

Next, Brandon's mind fast forwarded to the night, when a very distraught, bruised, and bloodied fourteen year old Greg, showed up on the Wilmont's doorstep. His mom, and dad, had beaten the hell out of the boy, and threw him out of the house. All because, they discovered Greg, was gay. Tears, dripped down Brandon cheeks. Even after five years, the blonde was still haunted, by the defeated, and broken look, in his brother's eyes. The young teen had never seen his Greg, looking so small, vulnerable, and scared. However, what truly broke Brandon's heart, was when he opened the door, and Greg's exhausted body, fell limp against him. The raven haired teen's face, was bleeding, from almost everywhere. "Please, help me Bran. It hurts." Greg managed to whisper, just before passing out.

Finally, he shifted to the present. Brandon, Linda, and Tom, were packing to move to Tennessee. The couple, found a relatively, successful, local grocery store franchise, they could buy into. They got with Lyle, who handled their investments, and started making plans to open their own store, in the neighboring state. They asked Brandon, to be the assistant store manager. Linda, Tom, and Brandon, tried to get Greg to move with them, but he refused. He told the family, he wanted to work his way up, in the bank. The young man also told them, about how Lyle had taken an interest in him, and was making sure he got noticed, by upper management. The trio couldn't argue with the sound decision. The couple expressed their sadness, over not having their entire family together, in this new, and exciting venture. Linda, and Tom, reassured Greg, that he was family, he would always be loved, and would have a place in their store, should he ever need it.

Now, that it was so close to actually happening, Brandon was starting to have doubts about moving with his parents. On one hand, it would be exciting to live somewhere else. However, in his heart of hearts, he didn't want to be so far away from Greg. Unable to take any more, Brandon shook his head, and tried to clear the sad thoughts from his mind. He splashed some water on his face, from the bottle, he kept in the car for emergencies.

The blonde smiled, as he got a fun, and mischievous idea. Early in their friendship, Brandon, and Greg discovered they shared an interest in tickling. Not only were they both very ticklish, but they loved having playful tickle fights with each other. However, that was just one element of their unbreakable, bond. The young men also shared the same values, and had similar personalities. They were kind, friendly, trustworthy, loving, protective, loyal, playful, hard working, and had no problem with showing affection, publicly, or privately. Brandon got out of the car, and locked the door. He was fighting hard to hold in his laughter, as he silently approached his brother. When he was close enough, the smiling blonde reached out with both hands, and tickled Greg's sides, just above his hips.

Instantly, the six foot tall man yelped. He tried to block the ticklish assault with his arms, while excited laughter flowed from his lips. Greg's slightly muscular, but toned body fell, in a squirming heap on the sidewalk. His brother smiled angelically, and held out his arm. With a devilish grin, Greg took hold of the offered hand, and yanked his brother's five-foot-nine, lanky body down on top of him. He quickly trapped the squirming man, and launched his own tickle attack, by kneading his fingers between his prey's ribs. "Hey Bran. You do realize I saw you the entire time, right?" Greg chuckled, as shrieks, and boisterous laughter, spewed from the blonde captive's parted lips. Once the two of them were standing, Greg pulled his brother into a warm, bear hug. He lifted the shorter man off the ground, and kissed his cheek.

"I didn't keep you waiting, did I?"

Eagerly, the sandy blonde returned the hug, and kiss. "Nope, I just got here. I saw you pull in, decided to have some fun, and surprise you. By the way, how'd you see me?" He got his answer, when his brother laughed, and pointed at the diner's mirror windows. A second later, his own laughter blended with Greg's.

"Bro, I'm really anxious about Levie moving in. I hope we can live together." Greg's breathing got faster, and tears started filling his blue grey eyes. "Bran, he's so special, and loving. I don't want screw this up, and lose him. We've only been going out for three months, but I feel the bond with him growing stronger. I can't explain how I know this, but..." Greg paused. He stood, with his hands on his brother's shoulders, and his head pressed against Brandon's. "Bro, Lev's the most beautiful guy I've met. Not just physically, but he's got an incredibly, giving heart. He's the one. The one, I want, as my future husband. I feel it in my heart.

Brandon's eyes widened, and his brows arched. He placed his hands on both sides of Greg's face, and stared directly, into his brother's eyes. The blonde noticed Greg's eyes didn't quiver, or look away from him. The only things he saw were sincerity, and tears. When they were around thirteen, the boys discovered this technique, and used it, to determine if either one had unrecognized doubts, for any situation they faced. Brandon nodded in satisfaction, and lovingly, wrapped his emotional brother in his arms."Hey, calm down bro, it'll be alright. Ya know, if he's the one, you need to introduce him, and his family to us. We've been dying, to meet this guy. Especially me, I need to make sure he's good enough for you." Brandon said as he gently rubbed the back of Greg's neck, and laid his head on his brother's shoulder.

"I promise Brandon, as soon as I can, we'll get together. Believe me, they've been anxious to meet you guys too. We just haven't had the time. I've got my job, and Lev works the ranch he owns with his brothers, gives riding lessons, and is a firearms, and archery instructor. He also has his Realtor's license, and shows houses, when his Uncle Damian needs him. Hopefully, by moving in together, we can have more time to strengthen our relationship. At least, living in the same place, neither of us has to drive, twenty or thirty minutes, one way, for a date."

"It sounds like you guys have thought this through. This is a big step in advancing your relationship. You've got my support, and blessing bro. Although, don't forget, I get the final say. You're my brother, I love ya, and gotta protect you." Brandon giggled, and squealed, when he was thrown over Greg's shoulder, and spun around. "Hey, Tarzan, put me down, I ain't Jane."

Greg chuckled, and did his best impression of the famous jungle man. He set his brother down, and wiped his eyes. "I love ya B. Thanks for always being there, and loving me." Greg grinned, and playfully ruffled Brandon's hair.

"Shit! watch the hair, ya big lug. I just fixed it in the car." The blonde smiled, and playfully shoved his brother. "Greg, the two of you, have to make time for a family get together. Mom, and Dad aren't gonna wait forever. Ya know, Mom's not afraid to show up at five o'clock in the morning, let herself in, and wake you both up in your underwear, or even less." Brandon's statement, caused a boisterous outbreak of laughter. "I love ya more, ya big goofball, always have, always will. Now c'mon I'm starved." The young men shared another hug, and went inside.

The diner wasn't too busy, and they were seated fairly quickly. Shortly after receiving their drinks, their waitress, a very pleasant, middle aged woman came to take their orders. Greg ordered a foot long Philly cheese steak sub. He added bacon, olives, extra pickles, extra cheese, extra steak, extra mayo, and a large curly fries. Brandon ordered the same thing. The pair sat back, and relaxed. They discussed the impending future changes, and Greg's being there without his family in close proximity. Both Greg, and Brandon, had tears in their eyes, as they continued talking over lunch. Greg reassured his brother he was gonna be fine. In turn, Brandon assured Greg, he'd never truly be alone, and that his family was just a call away.

Levie, Troy, & Jaycen

Levie was face down on his bed, looking out the window at the mountains. Waves of varying emotions, ebbed, and flowed, through him. The twenty year old was excited about moving into the city, and living with his boyfriend, Greg. However, Levie was having some anxiety, about the same things he was excited about. He was also completely nervous about not living with his Bropops.

When he was eight, Levie began splitting his time, between living with his parents, and living with his brothers. His parents, Mark, and Stacy, were in their mid forties, and were surprised, when Levie was conceived. Neither one felt they had the energy, to properly raise the young boy. They were tired of ranch life, and wanted to travel. The couple were in the process, of looking for a small house, in the city. They asked Jaycen, and Troy, whom they called their second son, if they'd be willing to love, and raise Levie. Mark, and Stacy, also asked them, if the couple would take ownership of the ranch. The husbands instantly, and eagerly, agreed to both requests. Troy's parents, Lyle, and Ev'lynn Moore, were also asked to assist, in Levie's raising. Without question, the Moore's agreed, the couple already considered the young boy their grandson. Lyle, and Ev'lynn, were a big part of their three boy's lives. Two years later, Mark, and Stacy, died in a car accident. The couple took their last breath, at the same time, while holding hands. Six months before their deaths, Mark, and Stacy, went to court, and gave custody, of their youngest son, to Jaycen, and Troy.

Levie, created the nickname, Bropops, for his brothers, when he was eleven. In his eyes, they were a combination of older brothers, and parents. They taught him to ride horses, bikes, and work on a ranch. The couple also taught him how to respectfully, and effectively handle firearms, and bows, and arrows. Because of their teachings, and the help of some of the ranch hands, specifically, Bill, the ranch's foreman, Levie excelled in marksmanship, for firearms, and archery. All three brothers, were listed in the state's top five gun safety instructors. Levie was the as the youngest, and most outspoken advocate, for teaching youths about gun safety, and respect. However, the most important thing, Levie learned from the two men, was how to love, and accept himself, including, being gay. Thanks to their love and guidance, Levie was extremely comfortable in his skin.

Levie was also anxious about leaving his Blue Valentine, Triton. A beautiful Quarter horse stallion, with a silvery, grey/blue coat. He shared a special bond, with his horse. When Levie was sixteen, one of their pregnant mare's got out, and wandered into the mountains, that edged the Stillman's ranch. The teen found her, dead, she was attacked by a mountain lion, just after giving birth. Levie, aimed his rifle, and shot the big cat, just before it attacked the foal. He quickly called his brothers, over the walkie talkie, then checked the newborn, for any obvious signs of injuries, or defects. After determining he was, at least visibly healthy, Levie claimed ownership of the horse.

The twenty year old was so lost in his thoughts, Troy was able to sneak up behind him. The mischievous thirty year old, quickly trapped Levie's ankles in the crook of his arm, and strummed his fingernails back and forth, across the size nine bare soles. Instantly, the ticklish, pair of feet came alive. They squirmed, and wriggled in the strong grip. A flood of boyish giggles, and squeals, sprang from Levie's lips, as he rolled side to side. The red head attempted to pull on Troy's arm, so his feet could escape the choke hold. Despite the outward appearance, Levie loved the attention.

"You were totally zoned out baby boy." Troy giggled, and released his ticklish brother's feet. The brunette lovingly hugged Levie, and kissed his forehead.

Jaycen, leaned on the door frame, shook his head, and chuckled, as he watched the pair of overgrown kids. The emotional thirty year old, was doing his best not to break down in tears. And, because of their bond, he knew Troy was fighting the same battle.

The young man looked at his visitors. "Dads, I'm nervous, and scared." Levie started crying, as he wrapped his brother/dad in a vice like bear hug. He had always been extremely affectionate, and wasn't afraid, or too macho to show it in public. "I love you, so much, you two have given me everything I could ever want, or need." Levie squeezed harder, and clung to Troy, his tears, soaking his Bropop's shoulder.

"Hey! I do need to breathe little man." Troy gasped. Not just from the strength of Levie's embrace, but also the emotion behind it. He looked up at Jaycen, and mouthed "Dads." The two nodded, proudly smiled, and continued to comfort their boy.

Jaycen sat down, beside his husband, and kid. "Are you beginning to have doubts? You know, we'll always love, and support you, no matter what." Jaycen chuckled, when the energetic red head switched bodies, and sat in his lap, cuddling against him. The red head's six-foot-two, solid, muscular body, dwarfed, Levie's five-foot-eight lean, but toned, muscular frame.

"I don't doubt that I want to be with him, Jaycepop. I love him, and I'm pretty sure, we're gonna be future husbands. I'm nervous, about not living here, with you, and Troypop. I'm already missing Tri, as well."

"You love him that much, huh?" Jaycen asked, as he and Troy nuzzled their boy's neck on both sides. They chuckled, when their actions caused Levie's squirms, and giggles.

"I do. Jaycepop, Troypop, Greg's amazing. He's warm, intelligent, sincere, caring, and loving." Levie paused, and wiped his tears."

"What you're feeling is completely natural. Everyone has doubts, and gets scared when they're faced with a new adventure." Troy said.

Jaycen looked at the two most important men in his life. "I've got a suggestion. Why don't you guys do a trial run?"

"I'm not following, babe."

"Me either Jaycepop."

"Hear me out. Lev, why not move to Greg's townhouse, for say, one week. Then, the two of you, can live here for a week, and see what works best. If you guys decide you like it here better, maybe you boys can move into Oakridge. The current tenants, are moving next week." Jaycen's suggestion, was met with an exuberant hug, and kiss, from both husband, and son.

"Dad, that's awesome."

Jaycen, and Troy looked at each other, and tears started rolling down their cheeks.

"Dad's, what's wrong?' Levie worked his way between the older men. He looked at them, with great concern.

"Nothing's wrong, Son. That's the first time, you've called us dads." Troy said

" just called me son." Levie was shedding his own tears. His heart overflowed, with love for the two men, he was sandwiched between.

"Lev, I know we haven't verbally expressed how we see you." Jaycen paused. He tried to continue, but his emotions overtook him, and tears flowed down his cheeks.

Troy continued for Jaycen. "Baby boy, in our eyes, you're our son. We've loved you before you were born. Levie Michael, you're our sweet baby boy.

Levie was speechless. His tears fell, and all he could do was leap into the older men's arms. "Thank you, for everything." Levie hugged his brothers/dads with everything in him, and kissed their cheeks. "I love you both"

Jaycen, and Troy smiled, as they kissed their boy's forehead, and smoothed his hair. "We love you too, baby boy."

Next: Chapter 2

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