Love Muscles

By moc.emani@jzck

Published on Jul 2, 2001


Author's notes and disclaimer: The author wishes to thank Nifty readers for their kind words and the uniformly positive feedback received. Any e-mails and critiques/suggestions are welcomed. This series is meant not as a work of art (I should be so presumptuous) but purely as an avenue of enjoyment for myself and the readers. Any suggestions for plot lines or situations you might like to see the characters get involved in are welcome and will be taken under consideration (no promises). The present chapter is for Scott, who suggested the general idea of the plot line, with thanks. Also, thanks to my bud Edna, who helped it take its present form. You go, girl!

The following is a fantasy, meant only for the eyes of those who are of legal age. Any similarity to actual persons or events is purely coincidental. It depicts actions which the author does NOT condone, PARTICULARLY in this day of renewed increase in HIV infection rates. Play safely, folks, for yourselves AND your loved ones.

VII. Sixpack Sex

I was smacked awake by a rude facefull of orange put out by a sun that seemed to be as pissed as I was to be up at such an early hour. My head was pillowed on one of Richard's meaty thighs, the head of his juicy cock brushing against my cheek as he shifted slightly. He sighed in his sleep, his delectable abs rising and falling with a motion that would turn Jerry Falwell queer. I turned my head towards his crotch, sticking out my tongue and playfully, gently, licking his glans. He sighed even more deeply and shifted over to his side, making his basket more accessible but simultaneously pushing my head off his thigh. The motion, combined with my burrowing tongue in his navel brought him to consciousness...

Richard smiled sleepily..."Hey, fucker. Now where were we? Oh were about to suck my balls." I snickered and fondled his smooth eggs, watching raptly as his dick slowly lengthened and thickened mere centimeters from my face, feeling the heat it gave off as he hardened. I licked the underside of it prankishly, pulling down the remnant of his cut foreskin and running the point of my tongue around and around the flare of his glans until his breathing became ragged. I grabbed both hands full of his taut ass and deepthroated him in a single sudden motion which caused him to exhale sharply with a WHOOSH! Sucking as hard as I could, I pulled slowly off him until just the head was in my mouth and locked my teeth just behind the collar of the head, not biting but holding him captive. I then proceeded to use my tongue on his glans with every trick I could devise...teasing the tip over his piss slit, making figure eights over the helmet, rapidly vibrating my tongue on the underside. He realized he couldn't thrash around with his boner caught in the cage of my mouth, and instead concentrated on the sensations I was causing, which was my intent. It wasn't long until he was tossing his head and moaning, and as I slowly, seductively slid my tongue up the side of his head from the bottom to the top he suddenly erupted, pouring my mouth full of warm sticky jizz. Delectable. I sucked him in, and popped a finger up his asshole, He groaned appreciatively and his next jet was biggest of all. I nursed his thumper as his orgasm subsided.

"My turn, I guess," he sighed, trying to sound nonchalant. I swatted his hot bubble ass playfully, my nostrils flaring at the rubberhard texture...

"Naw, baby," I responded, "you KNOW how I want it." I ogled him lasciviously. "Let's get in the shower."

"Now why is it that all you big pushy muscletops want to do it in the shower?" he questioned, a perplexed look on his face.

I was even more confused. "Huh? What's that supposed to mean?" Suddenly my bafflement was replaced by a dawning comprehension. I pulled up to lie side to side facing him, and began frotting my growing boner against the furrows of his rippling belly aggressively. "What did you do with them jarheads last week, BUTT STUFF?" I growled in mock anger. He giggled, and realizing he was busted, began to relate his story...

"Well, it's like this," he told me, snuggling his head into my armpit and looking up into my face as I slid against him. "The way they have things set up on the base for Reservist training is that there are a handful of regular Marine guys in each barracks which are assistants to the Sgt., and the rest of the guys are Reserve. S'posed to work better with a little 'big brother' guidance, I guess."

"Anyways, no sooner did I get there than the scuttlebutt began floating around my barracks that we had the bad luck of drawing the 'six- pack' for our regular Marine barracks mates. Some guys were really upset about it...seems this group had a rep for being real badasses, who were out to make the whole experience as hard on the 'greenhorns' as possible."

"Turns out they were right. These guys came swaggering in, their leader Corporal Boxer bringing up the rear. Sure enough there were six of them, six of the surliest S.O.B.s you ever saw. They all had buzz cuts, except Boxer's head was completely shaved, and they were big and mean- lookin' as hell. They lined up on either side of the door, arms folded over tight grey GI tees, ugly expressions on their faces as Boxer came swaggering in...'Tennn-HUT!' one of them barked as the sullen Corporal walked into the center of the room. Even though we were all used to the abruptness of commands, there was something in the voice of the man who called us to attention, something in the appearance and bearing of the whole group and Boxer in particular, that spurred the whole barracks to instantaneous compliance...

'Awright, you pansies, listen up!' the huge ill-tempered bully snapped. 'This ain't one the circle-jerks you faggots have been used to when you come out here for your widdle playtime. By the time I and MY unit are finished with ya for a week, you'll be at least half-worthy of claiming some association with the Corps. You might as well get used to being pushed to the limit...I don't want to hear how TIRED your pussy asses are, or how much it HURTS, or any of your fucking OPINIONS...I just don't GIVE a shit. That CLEAR??'

'SIR, YES SIR!' the room replied in unison, at the top of our voices, too freaked to do anything else..."

"Sounds like quite a guy," I chuckled, reaching down and pulling on Richard's nipple ring playfully, pulling my hips away so I could spear his navel with the point of my drooling cock.

Richard huffed, a grimace coming over his face. "Yeah. Quite a guy, if you like bastards from Hell." I snickered tracing my fingers over the furrows of his obliques as he continued. "The next thing the fucker did was to order us to strip down to our skivvies...' Physical inspection. Let's see what we've got to work with, here,' he says. So I strip down, folding my pants and shirt as quickly as I could and then coming back to attention at the end of my bunk. Unfortunately for me, I was the last one finished...guess I was a little nervous or too meticulous or somethin'. Anyway, he was in my face, on me like white on rice...

'You're too bloody pokey, bitch!' he roared, spittle hitting my face as he reddened and I tried not to blink. God, he was huge! 6'4", probably close to 300 lbs., but solid as a rock. I tried to keep my composure as best I could, but something about him reminded me of you, and I could feel my cock begin to swell." I slapped Richard on the ass, HARD. He winked at me, grabbing my cock as he went on...

"Fortunately for me, I was too freaked out to get excited enough to be noticeable or embarrassing, which given the fact that I was wearing those damned ol' GI boxers which bind ya in the crotch, it wouldn't have taken much. But the Corporal took my mind off my dick in a hurry...

'You puttin' on a strip-tease for us, Shirley??' he spat, his nose a fraction of an inch from mine. 'Sir! NO SIR!!' I answered, trying to keep my voice steady as I stood as still as I could. 'Well, you cold have fooled me, boy! I'm gonna be watchin' you, so you better straighten up, or you'll wish you never saw me.' I stiffened, trying to be as jarhead as possible... 'Sir, Yes Sir!' He snorted at me and stepped back a pace, his eyes raking over my body and narrowing as he saw my nipple ring...

'What the hell is THIS?' he demanded, flicking the ring with his middle finger. Some kinda fag jewelry? You know better than to wear this kinda SHIT on a Marine base! And look at the rest of you...all beach muscles and shaved. What does this guy look like to you, Raper?'

'Looks like one of those fuckin' bodybuilder pansies, like Bob Paris, SIR!' the biggest and burliest of Boxer's men replied, an ugly sneer on his face. Looks like he grows tits like that wishin' he had a pussy, Sir.'

'Ya know, I was just thinkin' the same thing,' Boxer observed. He turned to me...'You get that fuckin' ring outta yer titty, and if I catch you doin' anything queer, and I DO mean ANYTHING, fagboy, your ass is grass, and I'm the lawn mower. You got that, FAG BOY??'

I started to protest, but thought I should just as well play along. Maybe humiliating me would be enough for him. 'SIR! YES SIR!' "

Richard flicked his thumb over my cock, smearing the slick sticky precum over the head as he felt my arousal from listening to his tale. "The sonofabitch was true to his word, too...he birddogged our asses all week, pushing us like I've never been pushed before. I'm in good shape...I don't know how some of the other guys made it. The first three days, all I could do was to come back from training, eat, take a shower, and fall into bed, so exhausted that I was asleep before my head hit the pillow. The next day, though, he was gone to a meeting pat of the day, and the load wasn't so hard...guess the rest of the 'six-pack' wasn't as talented in sadistic practices as he is. I actually felt like stopping by the commissary and sending you that postcard, and since I hadn't cum in four days, you were on my mind. Some of the other guys in the barracks had caught my attention, too, but I was too intimidated to try anything. I did wake up about 1 AM, though, with a woody that wasn't gonna let me go back to sleep...

I was in only my skivvies...feelin' horny from the sexual deprivation of the week...I quietly began jerkin' my meat...God, it felt good...I had the waistband pulled down below my balls. Sure wish you had been there to see lying in the bed all nice and tan on the white sheets...playing with myself and thinking of you..."

"Me too, jockmeat," I growled, grabbing his flaring lat affectionately. "You know how you turn me on. But get ON with it, baby. You're gonna give me the blue balls with this tease." Richard smiled in reply and licked his upper lip seductively...

"So I had sneaked a banana out of the mess hall, and I quietly pulled it out from beneath my pillow, peeling it in there and tonguing it.....imagining it's your big dick...and then I was rubbing the head of my cock on my abs and suddenly cumming all over my chest and abs and smearing it around while I listened to the ocean through the open windows..."

"Damn, man... what a picture," I breathed, my throat dry with lust. "You shoulda gone out and found somebody to fuck you good and proper, like you deserve..."

"I'm getting to that." he grinned. "While I'm scooping up my cum and eating it, I hear a noise. In a flash, I pull my boxers back up and feign sleep. If I had been smart, I'd have flipped over on my stomach. As it was, I had to freeze as one of Boxer's jarheads came buzzin' thru the barracks. Fuck. 1:30 in the morning, and these guys are STILL on the prowl... I watched him pass by thru slitted eyes...he passed by my bunk, and suddenly stopped, sniffing the air. His eyes narrowed, but it was too dark to see the jizz on my torso. 'Oh God,' I thought, 'he SMELLS my cum! I'm busted!' But he passed on by, and soon it was still as death again. I carefully cleaned all the sperm off my bod, and fell into a fitful slumber...

Nothing happened for the next couple of days, and even Boxer seemed to begin to relent a little. Then Friday night rolled around, and we were given the evening as free time...the first free time we had had all week. Almost all the guys went to the commissary or the rec hall, but I decided to stay in the barracks. I was afraid to mingle with the other guys and get into trouble. I decided to take a nice leisurely shower." I grinned at him knowingly. His eyes twinkled as he chuckled back. "Yeah, yeah. So here I was, minding my own business, and the soap just HAPPENS to feel real good on my cock, and I just HAPPENED to be thinking about a buttful of your dick again, and suddenly, before I even realized it, I was boned and jackin', in my own little world.

Suddenly a booming voice comes echoing off the tiles, shattering my reverie...'Nice cock you got there, grunt. Pity it's yer hunky ass that interests me.'

I jumped back, hands over my crotch, blushing ever color of the rainbow as the six-pack filed into the shower, blocking the entrance and leering at me. Raper growled ominously...'He is a pretty one, sir.'

'Saw you playin' with your dick, so no reason to hide. Don't you think that's a waste, Stryker?' Boxer said, turning to the jarhead who had been on the prowl the night I had jacked off in my bunk.

'Sir! Yes Sir!' Stryker replied. 'I thought so the other night, too. His sperm smells like a man, at least.' He HAD smelled me. Oh, shit.

The problem was, I hadn't lost a millimeter of my stiffy, which made my protests sound pathetic at best. I tried...'Sir! I apologize, SIR! Request permission to join the rest of the squadron in the rec hall SIR!'

'Request denied, cuntboy,' Boxer said quietly and levelly, but with the same air of absolute authority with which he issued any pronouncement. 'I kinda figured you were a pussy from the minute I laid eyes on you. We're not supposed to allow that kind of thing here. But fact is, I love tight muscleboy ass and I'm gonna fuck ya.' "

"Shit! You're kidding!" I roared.

"Nope," Richard explained. "Apparently that bastard had been scoping me the whole week, waiting for his chance, and I had been too tired and preoccupied to pick up on it. He began to strip as I sputtered in protest. At his cue, so did the other five. I could see why they were called 'six-pack' in more ways than one: as big as they all were, they all had ripped midsections. I began to babble with both fear and lust. The Corporal cut short my objections with a wave of his hand as he shucked his pants and boxers off with the other...

'I said I was gonna fuck your ass, and that's what's gonna happen,' Boxer snarled. 'Now you can do this easy, or rough...and I LOVE it rough, so any way you slice it, asshole, I'm gonna love it from you.' I looked around, and suddenly six impressive cocks were pointing at me from six pairs of heavy thighs. The most impressive was Boxer himself: a bloated veiny monster with an angry purple head that looked like the fist at the end of a baby's forearm, it jerked and drooled precum as he leered at me. With a jerk of his head, those jarhead bastards descended on me as one, four of them grabbin an arm or a leg each and yanking me off my feet...and of course, resistance was futile. I struggled as best I could, but they held me spreadeagled in midair as Boxer, his face a mask of mingled cruelty and lust, lay on his back on the floor, his behemoth cock held up and at the ready. The guys holding me brought me over to him, lowering me slowly...and suddenly I realized what they had in mind...

With each of the guys on my legs holding me behind the knee, they yanked my thighs apart as wide as they would go, and began lowering me onto his marauding pole! I felt the head brush my asscheeks and slide between them, and then it hit my sphincter. God, it was so BIG! And of course the fucker hadn't lubed it or anything. It punched insistently at my hole as they relentlessly pushed me down onto it, my thrashings useless as the pressure increased. Suddenly, with a rush, the giant head popped past my sphincter...You know I love getting fucked, but the pain was almost unbearable! They didn't give me any time to get used to it, either...just uncompromisingly pushed me farther and farther onto that truncheon. I could feel the walls of my rectum stretching and spasming as the thick dongshaft slid deeper. I was howling and screaming at the top of my lungs, gasping for air as the ram up my ass and my yelling was leaving me breathless...

'Shut his pansy ass up, Raper,' Boxer growled as be bottomed out in my hole.

'Sir! My pleasure, SIR!' the sadistic jarhead answered, grabbing the hair on the back of my head with one hand as he guided his own imposing boner towards my panting mouth with the other...'Open up, pussyboy, and watch them teeth!'

By that time, I wasn't completely conscious, so as Raper's cockshaft pushed past my lips, I offered no resistance."

"Suuure," I smirked, slapping Richard on the ass..."Poor baby. You didn't know what was up when that nasty old man made you suck his dick, didya? How DARE he take advantage of you that way." Richard stuck his tongue out at me, which I responded to by licking it with my own tongue. He laughed, a sheepish look on his face, as he went on...

"Well, at any rate, he skewered my gullet with one long steady stroke, And suddenly there I was, spread like a chicken, a boner pubes deep up my ass and another set of pubes mashing against my nose as a second one was deep down my throat. And then the bastards holding me began lifting and lowering me, fucking me on Boxer's cock! All he had to do was hold it at the base, and they moved me up and down on it, that meat piston sliding in and out of my hole. Not missing a beat, Raper simultaneously forcibly held my head motionless in place as he began forcing his big dong in and out of my throat. It was obvious that this wasn't the first time these jerks had done this... I thought I felt raped the first time YOU did me, but these guys just porked the shit out of me, no mercy, no concern for anything but using me to get their rocks off."

I was huffing with lust as Richard told his tale...imagining these guys using his humpy studbod for their playtoy was damned hot. He grunted as I popped a finger into his asshole, his own dick hardening and his voice quavering a bit as he relived the ordeal...

"They just raped me hard until they came, filling me up from both ends, and then roughly pulling out of me. By this time, I had no fight left as the next two put me on my hands and knees, one ramming his bone up my sperm-leaking tail while the other forced his wood where Raper's had just been. These guys weren't so big, or rough, and I slowly began realizing I was enjoying this round, not that THEY gave a shit. In fact I came as the second guy dumped his load in my ass.

They took their pleasure in turns...musta been in there a coupla hours. Finally, sated, they left. Boxer sneered at me as they toweled off and dressed...'Don't think about reporting this, pussy. It your word against ours, and who do you think they're gonna believe?' I just stared at him, realizing he was right. The next day, they treated me as if nothing had ever happened...but I made damn sure I didn't shower alone the next evening. And finally Sunday they released us."

"So when did this happen?" I asked, slipping a second finger up him. He groaned a little, wriggling his ass and lifting his thigh to accommodate the plundering digits, his nipple rings glinting in the light as his broad beautiful chest heaved in that way I loved so much.

"Friday...why?" He said, his brow furrowing a bit, quizzically.

"No...I mean what time?" I questioned, beginning to grin at the coincidence I suspected.

"Oh, sometime a little after nine...why?"

I jumped to my feet, forcing him onto his with my fingers that were still up his rectum and laughing hysterically "Well, I don't have four guys to lift and lower you, but I'll fuck you in the shower, just like I did Fred a little after nine on Friday night. And I'll tell you about it, too. But one thing you got absolutely right, buttstuff...we big pushy muscletops DO like it in the shower."

Next: Chapter 8

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