Love Muscles

By moc.emani@jzck

Published on May 15, 2001


Author's disclaimer: The following is a fantasy, meant only for the eyes of those who are of legal age. Any similarity to actual persons or events is purely coincidental. It depicts actions which the author does NOT condone. Play safely, folks.

IV. Jizzing Jacob

Richard and I discovered each other that night. It became a point of honor once the bond had been made not to break it by allowing my cock to slide out of his ass until the sun came up. And what a night it was!

I woke up groggily after awhile to find him astride and atop, riding comfortably, naturally. It was like Lawrence of Arabia on a camel, except the camel was stony hard and up his ass.

I put my arms above my head and chortled. "Awright, you tailhole. How did you manage this?"

He laughed wickedly and began a circuit from his butt to his abdomen, squeezing the root of my dick up, up to the crown, an undulation that had me grabbing the sheets and gasping in less than ten seconds.


I spunked his rectum, never having a coherent thought and never in control for a nanosecond. He was the consummate bottom, as in command of me as I was of him. I growled in appreciation as his milking hole frotted my cock to sweet satisfaction.

"You're learning" I bluffed. He saw the look in my eyes and laughed.

"Yeah, well..." he purred, "I've learned how to scratch the itch in my ass any time I want."

I smiled. "We'll see, buttstuff. We'll see."

Richard was in the National Guard, and it just so happened that the next week was his duty week. He called to inform me of it sadly.

"Don't worry, buttstuff: Don't ask, mo' tail" I joked.

"You don't mind if I get it on while I'm on duty?" He was tentative. I smiled.

"You spread 'em for me, how can I complain?" I reassured him. "You just bring it back. That's all."

"You KNOW I will" he breathed, testosterone practically coming in over the phone lines.

I hung up, stretching in anticipation of that magnificent hole being draped around my cock again. So what to do in the meantime?

I already had the answer, although I didn't realize it yet. I had noticed a new bagboy at my neighborhood supermarket, a good sturdy boy...although it was apparent that he had recently shown up because he had just turned 16, he was well-grown. At 6'2", he sported at least 200 pounds of meaty bod that although it wasn't as hard and cut as Richard's or Tirrell's or even mine was obviously no stranger to a weight room. A handful, and spectacularly set off by the handfuls that were his ass.

His nametag said he was Jacob. My eyes said he had the most beautiful ass I had ever seen.

I remember when I first saw him. He was bent over a checkstand bagging a purchase. His incredible buttmounds were available for scrutiny, his legs slightly spread, his khaki duckheads caressing those cheeks, outlining every mouthwatering millimeter of their perfect roundness. Watching them bunch and flex as he moved from side to side, reaching, bending, standing upright was a religious experience...

If that wasn't almost enough to make me lose it, right then and there, Jacob was one of the cutest pieces of innocent-looking virginal veal I ever clapped my horndog eyes on. A mop of silken dark honey blonde hair in what was nearly a pageboy included thick heavy bangs billowing so low on his brow that they almost were in danger of falling into his big soft green eyes. Classically Aryan in facial features, his strong jaw and firm chin belied the sweet, expressive, slightly pouty curve of his pink lips and the button of his slightly upturned nose. High cheekbones accentuated the longish angularity of his face, and that face was one of the most animated and expressive I've ever seen.

Most times when I saw Jacob the emotion displayed on his face seemed to be comprised mainly of pensiveness. 'Poor kid, high school is a difficult time,' I'd think, looking at him daydream. And then I'd go back to looking at that fabulous ass...

The first week of June came, and Richard was off firing his gun with the rest of the troops. I was ready to fire mine, too, if I could just find a range. It was late Tuesday night, the gym closed at midnight, and I got down there about ten. The place was dead, except Tirrell was behind the counter, wearing a pair of nylon tricot running shorts, the kind with the elastic waistband and the liner, and a t-shirt with the sleeves ripped out so the sides hung down exposing his obliques, how the curves of his outer pecs melded into the lower margins of his deltoids, and giving a flash of a tempting nipple as he moved. There were two other guys in the gym, workout partners, and they passed me going out the door as I was coming in. My eyes squinted with the possibilities and I swaggered up to the desk...

Tirrell flashed me his trademark killer smile, his generous lips parting to show perfect white teeth between his lickable dimples. "Hey, amigo! Que paso?"

"Aburrimiento", I shrugged, scooting around the counter and up to him. I smirked. "Y tu? What's up on you, stud?" I stood beside and next to him, draping my fingertips casually along the elastic at the small of his back.

"Geeze, man! Is your fuckin' off switch broken?" he demurred as I slipped my hand down the back of his shorts, , my middle finger slipping unerringly into the crack of his ass, deeper and lower, until it made contact with his taut rear port. I slipped the very tip in, and cupping my palm, pulled us belly up to the deep high counter, midriff height on me, solar plexus on him. It was high and deep enough so that nobody could see me slide my finger to the hilt in Tirrell's tight studhole, pinning him there. I leaned over and murmured in his ear...

"Hey amigo. Encerra la puerta. Let's have some fun."

"Nooo, pendejo!" he whined as I slid my finger out and back in, squirming as I found his prostate and uncomfortable in the awareness that his impressive cock was stiffening rapidly. "You're gonna get my ass FIRED. Mi jefe comes aqui sometimes de fines de noche, and if he finds me slackin', my ass is carne deshebrada."

"Aww", I cooed, reaching over to tease his navel with the forefinger of my other hand. "You never complain when I do that to your ass."

It was at this moment that Jacob walked in.

Tirrell froze. I grinned and nonchalantly removed my hand from his abdomen while keeping my finger buried up his butt.

"Jacob! Fancy meeting you here!" I effused warmly as Tirrell shot me a 'get your finger out of my ass NOW' look. I returned his go-to-hell stare with a wink. Jacob was nonplussed. He could tell something was going on, but he was clueless as to what it was.

He was startled that I knew his name until his face lit up in sudden recognition. "Oh, yes! I remember you sir! From the store!"

'You damn well should, kiddo,' I thought. 'I've only gone through yer fuckin' line every time you've been around, even when it's obviously not the shortest one.'

Did I mention that this kid had an ass on him?

The rest of him wasn't hard to look at, either. He was wearing football practice garb: one of those capsleeve t-shirts that's solid to the bottom of the pecs and mesh below, and real by-god lace up knee-length team football pants. His thick calves shone from beneath them, the satiny smooth skin of his legs and arms particularly accentuated by the vascularity of his forearms. He unconsciously flipped his bangs out of the way, a silky wave. Silk on satin. My throat went dry.

"So what brings you here, dude?" I smiled warmly at Jacob, seeing his body language turn from apprehension to comfort. Tirrell tried to hunker down to slide himself off my finger. I followed him, making sure that he remained pinned, and he finally saw that resistance was futile. I allowed him to straighten up again, and he managed a weak pleasant expression, directed at Jacob. I was curious, and horny. Jacob was all teenboy enthusiasm.

"Well, sir, I was backup tight end for my school football team last year, and coach says I have the potential to start this coming season, if I work hard."

"Sounds like a plan," I responded approvingly. "But if this is so important to ya, why haven't I seen your ass in here before?"

"Oh, that's because during the school year I was workin' out in the training room there," he explained. "That's closed for the summer (budget cuts, I think) and so I had to find someplace else. Except..." he looked around nervously, "there was always somebody around to spot a guy at the school..."

I chuckled. "Aw, now, don't you worry about that. I just got here this evening myself, and any help you need, just let me know." I pulled my finger out of Tirrell's ass, twisting it at the end so the tip left parallel to his sphincter which caused an audible POP. Jacob's brow furrowed as Tirrell jerked at the sound. I smiled at Jacob as Tirrell left to do whatever, racing away so that Jacob couldn't see his massive boner.

"So what ya workin' on, dude?" I looked Jacob over. Nice package in those breeches. Haven't seen the ass yet in them.

"Gonna do some squats. Coach says building power in my legs and glutes will help me explode off the line."

"That it will." I assured him. "You go warm up and just let me know when you need me." 'And hopefully you'll be needing me for more than just a spot,' I added to myself...

"Thanks sir! That'll be great!" His eyes lit up happily and he walked past the counter and toward the squat rack. I watched him walk away, those beautiful cheeks rolling and bunching with every step, and adjusted my hardening cock in my jock. My dick knew what was about to happen. Now to get the idea across to Jacob...

I worked some dumbbell curls and tricep extensions, watching Jacob do warmup squats. My dick was hard as a rock watching him stick his bubble butt out with every downstroke. The cheeks parted so that I could see the outline of his crack and the seam separating them. I was sitting down, my jock tight and my shorts baggy. I wasn't being too obvious. But I also knew that ass wasn't getting home with its cherry intact...

Jacob shook me from my reverie. "Sir? I'm ready now, if you don't mind."

"Sure," I stood, the tent in my shorts drawing a stare from Jacob and then a nervous look away. I saw that he had the bar loaded with a very respectable 335. "How do you want it?"

"Nuts-to-butts, if you don't mind," he said, positioning himself under the bar. Coach says that's the safest way to spot a squat."

"Your coach is absolutely right," I assured him, grinning at the prospect of having my hands full of this succulent chicken and being plastered against that tail to boot.

For those of you who don't lift, a 'nuts-to-butts' spot involves saddling up behind the squatter, wrapping one arm around his chest and the other around his waist and gripping him in a bear hug. You move up and down with him in this position, offering no help unless needed, so if he fails there are two sets of legs to push the bar back up. Without a doubt, the best way to spot the lift, but not for the squeamish hetero.

I grabbed hold of Jacob, the fingers of one hand draped over his nipple while I slipped the other hand under the tail of his shirt to grasp bare midriff, my cock twitching at the satiny feel of his flawless skin. His eyes widened as he felt the underside of my throbbing erection bore into his asscrack. "Seems I'm a bit aroused," I commented. He nodded jerkily, nervous but trying to deal with the situation as best he could. "Yes sir," he replied. "That happens sometimes when guys do this spot. Especially when they spot me."

I chuckled, tightening my grip. 'Wonder why the hell THAT is?' I cleared my throat. "So you ought to be used to it by now, eh? Just don't pay it any attention." 'Yet,' I thought, grinning at the prospect. I hardened my voice, becoming businesslike. "Awright, dude. Concentrate! How many we goin' for, here?"

"I'd like to have five," he said, blowing out and preparing himself.

"You'll get six," I challenged, and roared, "COME ON!"

He did get six, solid, without help, me yelling encouragement into his ear all the way. He racked the bar, absolutely delighted with himself and me. I stepped away, studying the furrow that my hard dong had made between his buttglobes and licking my lips. I critiqued his lifting form, giving him a couple of suggestions. He drank it all in with puppy enthusiasm, grateful for the attention.

I took the tens off either side and replaced them with twenty-fives. Three sixty-five. He gulped.

"Are you sure about this?" he protested nervously, looking at the bar and then me.

"Oh hell yeah," I told him. "You're going for power, right? You got at least three of those in ya. C'mon, man. Show me what a stud you are."

"Okay," he replied uncertainly, "It's just that I've never gone that heavy before." He got back under the bar as I clutched him again.

"Don't worry, dude," I said in his ear, soothingly. "I'm right behind ya, and I ain't gonna let anything bad happen. Now show me what you're made of. C'MON!!"

He seated the bar on his shoulders and went down, his thighs and butt quivering under the strain. But he made it back up to locked upright completely under his own power.

"THERE YA GO!" I yelled. "It's an inanimate object. You beat it. It can't beat you. DO IT!!"

He took a deep breath and went down again, the tremble more pronounced this time. His jiggling glutes caressed my boner like magic fingers and I was leaking precum like a faucet. He pushed back up creakily, but managed to lock it. "I can't do another one!" he wailed.

"That's what I'm here for," I reassured him. "The point of maxing out is to go to failure. Go. I'll help when you can't make it."

He nodded curtly and dropped again. I held him tightly, feeling his heart thud in his chest as my dick thudded against his voluptuous boyass from the beat of my own. He strained to push back up, his lower body shaking violently. Just as he was about to fail, I gave him just enough help to make it back to locked. He racked the bar like it was red hot, grateful to be free of it. But he wasn't free of me. I began stroking his nipple thru his shirt, sliding the arm around his waist under his shirt and up his bare torso to play with the other one. I could feel the size of his nips even though I couldn't see them...they were BIG, and very sensitive. I tweaked one thru the shirt while running my fingernail around the big aureole of the other and then flicking it back and forth across the pap, feeling it go hard as he gasped.

"Ahh, that feels good. It feels real good when you play with my tits, sir."

"Good," I muttered in his ear. "I want you to feel good. You did well, Jacob. Now back off to deuce-and-a-quarter, and do a warmdown set. You'll be sore tomorrow. I'm gonna shower."

"Yes sir!" he replied. "And thanks!"

"My pleasure, dude." Little did he know how much pleasure I had gotten out of it. Or what I hoped lay in store for him...

I got into the shower, soaping up and rinsing off, my dick rampantly hard. I resisted the urge to bring myself off, hoping I'd find other relief soon. Tirrell stuck his head in the door of the locker room, telling me that it was closing time and he was locking up. I told him okay, turning off the water. A few seconds later, I heard the locker room door open again. I gave it about a minute, and then came out into the locker area, my stiff cock preceding me. I was greeted by a mouth-watering sight.

Jacob was standing next to his locker, wearing nothing but his jock. His chest and shoulders looked even better out of his shirt than I had imagined, his big pointy nipples the same color of soft coral pink as his lips. 'And probably his pucker, too,' I mused.

It was time to find out.

His jaw muscles flexed nervously and his eyes opened wide in apprehension as I walked toward him, grabbing the base of my woody. "This is my cock, man," I breathed. "His name is Cram."

He stood frozen, mesmerized as I slid one arm around him, and fisting my shaft, slipped the head of it into his jock pouch so that it was caught next to his own dick and balls. "Cram's been asking to meet ya," I breathed, flexing my hips and sliding the hot meat into his jock to the hilt. His ass looked fantastic framed by the straps of his jock. I licked my lips, grabbing a ripe buttmound in each hand. "He thinks you have the hottest ass I've ever seen and he's ever been up against. Feel him next to yours? What's your dick's name?"


He went from almost completely soft to bone hard faster than anybody I've ever seen. Guess that's what it's like when you're that age. His chest heaved with excitement as I ground my dick against his own hot, meaty pole, playing with his sumptuous tail, squeezing it, stroking it, relishing the satiny smooth skin and firm voluptuous roundness beneath my palms.

Did I mention that this kid had an ass on him?

"Uuuuuuh," he responded, pushing back against me, unsure of whether he wanted to get it on or break free. I swung my hips from side to side, causing our stiff cocks to spar and skid deliciously against each other. He moaned as I grabbed his asscheeks harder. I leaned closer. "What's the matter? Doesn't your dick have a name? Maybe you just don't know it. Cram likes him. Cram likes him a lot. He feels really good on Cram. Really really good. Cram thinks you're a nice guy, and hella hot." I smiled at him, splitting his bubble cheeks a bit, my fingers delving deeper into the canyon of his crack. "Cram wants to play. How about it, hotstuff...ever play with another dick before?"

You could tell this was new to him...but he was lit like a bonfire. "W..well, no s..sir. Not really. I mean my friend Bobby and me jacked each other off once, but..." his sentenced was cut short by the gasp of surprise forced from him by the sensation of the tip of my middle finger making contact with his virgin sphincter...

I smiled evilly at him. "You mean like THIS?" I asked, pulling his jock down and taking his cock in my hand with a strong corkscrewing grasp that made him gasp again and his knees almost buckle. His dick was like the rest of him: sturdy, well formed, bigger than average, and all smooth and coral pink, the flaring circumcised head a bit darker but still rosy. I looked into his eyes, bugging almost out of their sockets, as I began a stroke that caused him to shiver with horny delight.

"Ohhhhh..." he breathed, his eyes narrowing to slits as his sweet face was bathed in rapture. "That feels SO good." I was dragging my fingertip back and forth against his pucker, no pressure, just massaging the opening, running my finger around it. I felt it spasm in response, his beautiful ass bucking just slightly. I leered at him, knowing he was gonna take it without much of a fuss...

I pushed his jock down to his feet and he stepped out of it without argument. I began fisting his dong again, spitting on the head to augment the dribble of precum that was picking up in volume. His back arched as I finally turned my finger inwards to slither past his ring, just to the first knuckle. God, he was tight! How did a turd ever make it past that muscle?

I was jiggling my finger, very slowly sliding it deeper into his hot tail, working the index finger of my other hand around and around the head of his dick when Tirrell walked in.

"Jesus, man! What the HELL are you doing!" Tirrell hollered as Jacob jumped and flinched in surprise, backing farther onto my marauding digit. "This kid's fuckin' jailbait! You're gonna get BOTH our asses in a sling, estupido!

"Naah," I chortled, never missing a beat. "Jacob here isn't gonna tell anybody about our fun, are ya, baby?" asked, looking into Jacob's eyes as I bottomed out my finger and found his prostate....

"Yeeoww!" Jacob yelled in surprise as I stroked his gland, his cock jumping and getting shiny hard in my fist. "What the hell are you doing to me??"

Tirrell watched transfixed as I explained. "That's your prostate, bud. Your little joy buzzer. Just hang with me, dude. You're gonna feel better than you've ever felt in your life." I took Jacob's hand and put it on my steelhard buttrammer while I massaged his prostate, every stroke past it causing his cock to jerk. I leaned forward and licked his earlobe, causing him to shiver and moan in rising lust. "Just wait till you feel Cram rumble past it. You're gonna blow the biggest wad EVER," I whispered in his ear, reaching up to tweak his nipple. He moaned again. I grinned and licked his neck.

"C'mon, Tirrell," I directed, pulling my finger out of Jacob's hot hole and grabbing Tirrell by the shirt, pulling him over..."Get down there and show our bud what a great cocksucker you are."

"You'll suck my dick?" Jacob turned to Tirrell in surprise. "God, that'd be GREAT!"

Tirrell sat down on the bench next to Jacob. Jacob turned to face him, and Tirell smirked and winked at both of us, opening his sizzling lips and swallowing Jacob in one gulp!

"Nnnghhh!!" Jacob cried in delight. I hurried to my locker, retrieving a tube of KY while admonishing Tirrell over my shoulder..."Don't make him cum yet, man! We want to give him the royal treatment!" In my case, that meant a royal buttfucking....

I returned with the lube hurriedly, seeing Jacob thrusting with his hips to match Tirrell's strokes on his bonehard ram. "Suck his nuts, too, man! Do him up right!" I told Tirrell as I pantomimed behind Jacob's back to him what my plans were. Tirrell shook his head and smiled broadly. I winked back at him with a smirk of my own. Tirrell sucked Jacob's lovely eggs in, one in each cheek, and worked them with his tongue as I lubed my rod, panting with anticipation. I gobbed the head with a thick coating of the stuff and then pulled apart the dizzying deep cleft of Jacob's ass, seeing the sweet pink pucker for the first time. It winked and spasmed in excitement of what Tirrell was doing to him, his legs quivering and his buns flexing in my hands like two plushy volleyballs. I felt the hardness in my cock , bouncing with every lust-pounding beat of my heart. Cram was awesomely hard, a diamond drill. I could have pierced titanium. Instead, I was going to split a tender young cherry.

I rubbed the head of my dick back and forth over the puckered pink flower of his gorgeous asshole, teasing his sphincter by running the flare of my glans back and forth across it and simultaneously lubing him up. I wrapped a hand around his heaving chest to play with his nipple while Tirrell did his trick on the underside of Jacob's cock. I backed off, relubing the head of my dick as Tirrell swallowed Jacob, swwwowwing his lips down the luscious pink stem. I moved into position, plugging the drooling head of Cram against Jacob's orifice.

Suddenly, Jacob's head flew back and his sphincter clamped down as he roared his orgasm, flooding Tirrell's throat with shot after shot of delightful gooey boy spunk. At the end of the second shot, when I felt him relax before the next shot, Cram got crammed.

"Yeeeoww!" Jacob wailed as he felt the flare pop past his rosebud. I wrapped my arms around his chest, pushing an inch of the shaft in every time he relaxed between spurts of his orgasm. He was thrashing, suspended between Heaven and Hell as he came and was deflowered simultaneously. His orgasm ebbing, his attention to the pain in his ass came to the fore, especially since I continued to Cram him...

"Nooo!!" he bellowed. "I gotta shit! I'll shit! Pull it out! OOUUTTT!" He struggled as I boned him to the pubes and held him there, stroking his nipples as I relished the feel of his humpy ass against my crotch, his voluptuous rectum spasming on my shaft...

"Naw, baby stud," I cooed in his ear. "Just relax. You ain't taking this beautiful ass anywhere." I winked at Tirrell, who winked back and started sucking Jacob's tasty young dick again. Pinned between us, he couldn't get away and finally stopped struggling as his hole became accustomed to my steely buttfucker. He went limp as he struggled to assimilate the sensations coursing thru his body.

"That's it bud," I encouraged, moving out just a little and then back in, causing him to shiver as his cock hardened in Tirrell's talented mouth. "That's good! That's SO good. You're making Cram so happy. He LOVES being up your ass. You've got the most beautiful ass in the world. A tight young chicken ass. Cram loves your sweet hole, darlin'. You're special." I slowly increased the amplitude of my strokes as I teased his satiny boytits. I was near to explosion, myself. The sight of my dick sinking between those perfect cheeks was enough to make anybody blow...

Did I mention this kid had an ass on him?

And I was fucking it. Could it get any better?

It did. I finally got to the point where he was moving back and forth between Tirrell's ministrations and my strokes and my cockhead hit his prostate, HARD. He gasped, his brain awhirl with thrilling shock, and groaned as he began to shoot a huge load down Tirrell's throat. I froze in place, the convulsion of his orgasm thrilling both of us as he popped my rod across his prostate and concurrently squeezed me to a fantastic orgasm of my own. I roared with delight as I jizzed his fabulous tail, jerking with delight as my jets filled his beautiful hole.

"Damn," I said, when I could speak. "That was incredible."

"Yeah," Jacob puffed. "I never dreamed it could be like this."

"What about ME?" Tirrell pouted "Kid damn near drowns me twice in cum, and I still haven't got off yet."

"That's your cock's name, Jacob! Jizzer!" I looked at him and winked. He grinned back. I nodded towards Tirrell, and his grin became broader. A quick study, that kid.

Reluctantly, I pulled my softening rod out of Jacob's ass just before he tackled Tirrell, pulling his shorts down and off before the surprised stud even had a chance to react. Not that he would have...

"Watch this," I told them both. I grabbed Tirrell's monster cock and began licking the piss slit. I corkscrewed my tongue around and around the glans, dipping the point of my tongue under the foreskin and swirling it back out...

"Dios mio!" yelled Tirrell. "Chupame!"

I claimed Tirrell's hot pole in my mouth as I pointed to his balls. Jacob, mesmerized by the moment, obediently sucked them in. Needless to say, it didn't take us long to satisfy the hot stud, and I got a second mouthfull of his tasty sperm.

We were coming down from the high of getting it on when...

"Shit!" Jacob cried, looking at his watch. "I gotta go. My parents will have a fit if I'm not home soon."

"That's kewl, babe," I smiled, squeezing his butt and giving him a look that made him blush becomingly. "You just come back when you need another spot."

Next: Chapter 5

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