Love Muscles

By moc.emani@jzck

Published on Apr 1, 2001


Author's Disclaimer: This story is intended only for willing readers of legal age. It depicts actions which the author does NOT condone, and is merely meant as a fantasy. Play safely, folks.

I. Raping Richard

I knew it the minute I saw Richard walk into the gym alone that day, knew it as I watched the skin tight gym shorts clinging and riding up his beefy thighs towards that taut round ass, that skimpy tank top flashing the big thick nipples decorating his hot smooth pecs, the light glinting on the thick silver ring in the left one. I was determined at that moment that before the night was over I was gonna take him. Fuck the shit out of his bodybuilder studhole. Plow that succulent tail until his ears popped.

I spend a lot of time at my local gym: I took up weightlifting when I was in college and now, at 35, it keeps the pounds on my frame shifted to muscle instead of fat and is the healthiest way I know of to relieve the stress that dealing with the shit that the world hands out can cause. After 15 years of serious powerlifting, I'm as strong as anybody you're likely to come across, and probably as strong as anybody in my gym. At 6'1" and 250 lbs., I'm not a bodybuilder, but I hang out with them. We compare notes and tips on lifting, etc., and of course, being gay, the eye candy sure doesn't hurt my motivation to get my ass down to work out on a regular basis!

The most voluptuous stud of them all was this guy in his early twenties named Richard. Took his bodybuilding extremely seriously, and it showed with every movement of his rock-hard frame. Drum-tight skin over thick rippling muscles, symmetrical, great shape...and satiny-smooth, hairless torso and legs. I didn't know if he shaved as some bodybuilders do, and really didn't care, either. My mouth watered every time he came into view, and when I was near him, it was all I could do to keep from sprouting a boner that would have given my thoughts away in a flash. Silky dark brown hair, shiny and in a longish caesar-cut framing his eager- beaver face with big friendly eyes of exactly the same color. But the corker, the thing that made my nostrils flare every time I saw it, was the 1" ring inserted into the thick aureole of his big left nipple. He was obviously into sensuality, and that pierced nipple told me that if I could get his motor running in the right direction, I'd have that smokin' hot hole wrapped around my hard 8" before it was over...

Thing was, Richard was straight. Ostensibly, anyway. He usually worked out with his small but very butch-looking girlfriend, and they horsed around like many male training partners do. Hell, she had more muscle on her than a lot of GUYS at the gym do. It was obvious that Richard was into hard bodies, and not much into traditional femininity. Well, now...

Richard and I were friendly acquaintances: he admired my strength and asked me for lifting tips, and we compared notes. Of course, I took every opportunity to be close to him, ogling that bod that became more incredible by the day. One day, I saw him windmilling his arm at the shoulder and wincing. Of course, I knew immediately what the trouble was...

"Pull your shoulder, Richard?" I asked innocently, watching his cannonball delt flex and ripple as he tried to work it out.

"Aw, man, I upped my military press and now I've got a catch. Sore as shit!" He groaned a little as he raised his arm up and down, the pec flattening out and then bunching to delicious fullness again and the nipple erecting ever so slightly as the ring in it jiggled a bit.

I willed my dick to behave as I stepped closer. "I have a friend who's very good at massage," I told him, which was the truth. Randy's very talented, and I've learned a lot from him about treatment of sports-related injuries. I reached out, grabbing Richard's humpy gun at the base of the bulging bicep and reaching for the shoulder with the other. "He's taught me some things...let me see what I can do for you."

Richard stood in docile submission as I probed the hollow of his rubber-hard shoulder, searching for the origin of his middle deltoid where I knew the problem was likely to be. As I found the knot of spasming muscle and began to work on the strain, using my strong fingers to break up and massage the insult to his magnificent beefy frame. I assaulted the kink in the broad round muscle expertly, feeling it begin to yield and relax to my probing pressure. The feel of his hunky studmeat in my hands was beginning to drive me crazy with desire, and as I shifted massage position, I subtly positioned my forearm to brush against the tip of his sensitive nipple, catching the ring and tugging on it slightly as it moved past.

Richard immediately inhaled sharply as his big thick nipple erected at the stimulus, the waffles of his rippling abs coming into sharp relief, and then sighed heavily.

"God, that feels great," he breathed, as his shoulder continued to respond to my ministrations. The way he said it, I wasn't sure whether he just meant the massage, or if the nipple action was part of it...but the idea of finding out made my cock jump. I decided I had made as much progress as was possible for one session... both with his shoulder, and with him. "Good," I smiled, reluctantly taking my hands off his hot body. "I'll work on it some more next time I see you, if you want".

"Thanks!" His sparkling brown eyes shone with exhilaration as he moved his shoulder back and forth, obviously much better. "I'll take you up on that".

"My pleasure," I grinned, thinking how he had no idea just how much pleasure I had gotten from feeling him up. I watched him walk away, the bubble-rounded hills of his beautiful ass bunching and flexing with every step and felt a sudden throb of sex-hunger in my loins...hurrying to the bathroom, I took care of the erection that I could no longer control, squeezing my feverish cock as it shot wad after wad into the nest of toilet paper and imagining what it would be like to have that shaft ringed by his red hot asshole...

It was the Saturday a couple of days later, as I watched him enter the gym in those tight shorts and that loose tank top that I knew I HAD to have him. I was on the incline bench as I watched him doing hack squats, those satiny smooth quads bulging as he straightened his mighty thighs under the load, the diamond-etched teardrops above his knees contracting in sharp definition. Suddenly it occurred to me...whats-her-name was nowhere to be seen. A plan begin to hatch in my evil horny imagination...maybe I'd get a crack at this magnificent stud sooner than I had originally thought...

"How's that shoulder, Rich?" I asked, swaggering up to him with an air of easy familiarity, watching his deep chest heave as he rested between heavy leg sets.

"Better, thanks," he grinned, flexing the joint to test it and obviously pleased by the results. "That massage you gave me helped a lot."

I reached up nonchalantly to press against the offending strain, relishing the feel of his delicious satiny skin over the defined firmness of his athletic musculature. "Yeah, it feels better. Here, I'll work on it some more for ya."

"Thanks, man," he breathed, his eyes half-closing with pleasure as I continued my ministrations. "That sure feels good."

I kneaded the delicious hard deltoid bulges vigorously, mentally admonishing my cock not to give me away as I began to hatch my plan. "How tall are you, Richard?" I asked, pressing into the knot and lifting his elbow.

"Five nine-and-a-half" he replied, moving in unison with the massage.

"And weigh what...about one-ninety?" I guessed, assessing the curves of his glorious body with greedy eyes.

"Two-oh-three, just now," he corrected proudly, flexing his thick torso so that the muscles stood out in even more defined relief. Looking up and down the meaty v-taper of his stunning form, I realized he was telling the truth. He was bigger, more vascular than I had ever seen him. He took a deep breath, puffing his big pecs to their full roundness before my admiring eyes. "It's deceiving until I flex," he told me, separations and striations popping out all over his shapely build. I bit the inside of my mouth, trying to take my mind off the growing heat in my crotch...

"So when are ya gonna start competing?" I asked, releasing his shoulder and punching him playfully on a hard arm.

"Aw, man, I dunno," he scowled, suddenly somber. "That's my dream, but I don't really know anything about how to go about it. All that posing shit and stuff. I do it sometimes for my girlfriend, just foolin' around, ya know, but I really don't know what I'm doing."

I could just imagine the show he could put on, but first I had to lay the groundwork. "Yeah, where IS your girlfriend?" I queried, looking around as if I hadn't long ago scoped the fact that she was nowhere in evidence. The fact that I had seen her around for months and he had not only never bothered to introduce her but I had never even heard her name gave me an indication that their relationship was not exactly the kind that was likely to turn into a church-and-rice scene. at least not anytime soon...

He grimaced. "Outta town. Some kinda family shit. Left me here all weekend with nothin' to do," he growled, kicking the hack squat machine in frustration.

"So go out and enjoy yerself" I nudged him and winked. You should be able to find something fun to do."

"Naw, man, are you kidding?" He looked at me a bit askance. "She's jealous as shit...if anybody saw me out on the town and it got back to her, she'd give me hell. Besides, I don't like to drink anyway, and that's what'd happen if I went to one of those places and got bored."

"Well, then," I said smiling, "I've got an idea. Since you don't have anything to do anyway, why don't you come over to my place and I'll give you a few tips on posing. I've got lots of friends who are bodybuilders, and they've taught me what to watch for. What's your waist size?"

"Twenty-eight," he said, "why?"

"Perfect!" I cried enthusiastically, clapping my hands together. "A friend of mine even left a couple of pairs of posing trunks over at my place at one point, and one of them is just your size. Come try them on, and we'll see what you've got." Boy will we ever, I thought.

He considered it a minute, and then his broad shoulders and thick traps bunched upwards briefly in the universal sign of resignation. "Sure, why not?" he declared. "Beats the hell outta sitting bored in front of the tube all evening, and maybe I'll get something useful out of it."

In front of the tube is not where you're gonna get bored if I have anything to say about it, I thought, and I beamed from ear to ear. "So, look. It's four now. Shall we say about eight? Come down to the desk and I'll draw you a map to my place," I suggested. "This'll be fun," I said, clapping my hand on his bulging trap in a friendly gesture, each finger sliding into a defined indentation in the muscle. He followed me to the front of the place, and we went over the directions to my house. Then I took a quick shower and high-tailed it out of there. I had lots of things to do to get ready before he showed up, if my plan to get it up his ass was going to be successful...

I had just finished the purchases and prep work necessary to put my plan into action and had settled for only a couple of minutes on the sofa when I heard a distinct rap on the front door. I looked at the clock...good boy. Right on time. I opened the door to find Richard waiting, wearing a pair of threadbare old jeans and a new-looking white t-shirt, both of which he looked like he'd been melted and poured into. I stood there for a brief moment, intoxicated by the nearness of his hot muscular bod and the way the t-shirt clung to every curve of his torso and contrasted sexily with the tanning-bed copper of his skin.

"Um...can I come in?" he asked, grinning sheepishly.

I cleared my lust-ragged throat..."Of course!" I cried, not too anxiously I hoped, and flung the door open wide. Without waiting for me to get out of his way, he brushed past me and into the living room...the body contact was electric, and I began to sweat, trying to keep my rapidly hardening cock from view. I shut the door behind him, surreptitiously flipping the small lever on the handle which released the spring loaded deadbolt, securing the door against intruders.

I got him a diet soda, and asked him if he wanted anything to eat. He asked for fruit, and I got him a banana. We sat making small talk, and he slowly ate the banana, the phallic looking fruit shortening by degrees as he wrapped his soft full lips around it. I was beginning to squirm, wondering how much more I was going to be able to take, but fortunately he got things moving in the right direction on his own initiative.

"So, where are those posing trunks?" He asked, rising from his chair and stretching that glorious body, biceps and lats flaring becomingly as he reached his full extension.

"On the bed in my room," I directed, "all laid out for you." And all laid out was what he was going to be, shortly.

I waited impatiently as he fumbled around in my bedroom, taking what seemed like an eternity. "Jeezus, man! Are you sure these are size twenty-eight?" he said thru a crack in the doorway after a few minutes. I convinced him they were...after all, I should know, I had bought them that afternoon. "They're'll take a while to get used to putting them on and getting them adjusted," I reassured him. "Keep trying, you'll get it."

"Okay," he replied uncertainly, and more muffled sounds escaped from the room for the next several minutes. Just when I was toying with the idea of offering to help, he emerged blushing and sweaty into the living room. His hot ass was encased in the tiny and incredibly tight pair of black briefs. His healthy meatiness packed the pouch in the front of the skimpy suit to the bursting point and he was still tugging the front up in a vain attempt to cover the topmost hairs of his fluffy pubic bush. It was a mouth- watering sight, and I was aware of my rapidly stiffening dick...

"Aw, don't worry about that," I laughed, seeing his discomfiture. "All competetive bodybuilders do a bikini shave before they go onstage."

He relaxed, and then grinned a bit, demurely. "Told you I didn't know much about how to do this," he reminded me.

"Have no fear," I told him, with a conspiratorial wink. "before the night is over, you'll learn lots of things, I promise you."

Five minutes later, I had him posing like a natural. He took to it like a duck to water, his natural narcissism guiding him as much as my limited knowlege ever could. I'm sure I missed telling him things, and mistold him others, but who cared? He didn't know the difference, and was getting into it, and that was all that was important.

I smiled with pleasure as he flexed his incredible form for me and I helped him thru pose after pose, crossing my legs as I sat on the couch so that he couldn't see the fact that I had lost control of my throbbing erection completely.

"Man, you're a natural!" I said, flatteringly but truthfully, admiring his fine body openly as he posed for me. Let's see what else you're a natural for, I thought. "Now give me a back double-biceps shot."

He turned to face away from me, hitting the pose, his lats like barn doors and the peaks of his biceps standing up high and proud as he tensed them, a trickle of sweat running enticingly down the deep crease in the middle of his meaty back. "That's it," I advised him. Move one foot back so that your glutes will flex. Good. Now turn back around."

His eyes cringed as they caught the flash of light on the chrome of my 9 mm pistol, then widened in fear...

"Time for another pose, man," I hissed, breathless with anticipation as he froze in terror. "Sit down on the floor and grab your feet with your hands," I instructed.

He did as he was told, the look of bewilderment on his face funny and a little surprising. But it began to fade as I grabbed the pairs of handcuffs from between the cushions beside me and stood up to approach him, my rampant hardon becoming evident.

"Mannnn...what the fuck??" he cried in confusion, fear beginning to take over his mind...

"Just sit still, and you'll be fine," I growled, coming up behind him and pushing the gun against the back of his head. And still he sat, except for the shaking that his terror caused, as I used the two pairs of handcuffs to cuff each wrist to an opposing ankle. In a matter of seconds, he was hogtied, and helpless...

"Don't hurt me," he moaned, sweat beginning to run down rounded surfaces and collect in beefy furrows as he swayed a bit, fearful of what nameless plans I had for him...

"Hurt you? Why hot stuff, I wouldn't DREAM of such a thing," I smirked, surveying his hunky body and licking my lips in savage delight. I crossed to the closet and pulled out a vinyl-covered foam mat, like wrestlers use. "See?" I told him, placing it on the floor and plopping his hot ass onto it, "we've even got a mat to play on, so that beautiful skin of yours doesn't get all covered with rug burns and booboos," I said, tauntingly.

He was still wide-eyed with fear, and writhed against his bonds, his eyes traveling back and forth to the gun in my hand with great trepidation. I followed his gaze. "Aww. Is this nasty old thing bothering you?? Look. Here, I'll put it out of the way," I said, placing it in the drawer in the end table next to the sofa. "There. Is that better?" I smiled, tousling his soft hair and grabbing a handful of it playfully.

"Well, if you're not gonna hurt me, why are you doing this? What do you want? If you want to rob me, you picked the wrong guy. I ain't got nothing worth taking," he declared.

"Oh, on the contrary" I said softly, shucking my way out of the gym shorts I was wearing, my cock throbbing with every lust-pounding beat of my heart. "You have exactly what I want to take," I growled, ripping the t- shirt off my powerful torso and ogling his nearly nude studbody appreciatively. "You have just the kind of humpy jock body I want to take, again and again. How about it, sexy...ever made it with a guy before?"

"NO!" he yelled, his eyes widening again as the realization of what I had planned for him dawned. "Fuck, man! I never did any of that queer shit!"

"But you've thought about it, haven't you, Richard?" I stroked my rampant dong tauntingly, chuckling as he lowered his head in mute but unmistakable assent. "You think about big hard dick all the time, don't you, stud? DON'T YOU??"

He didn't answer, but sat motionless as I kicked his legs apart and grabbed a handful of his soft hair on the back of his head, lifting his chin and holding his head in place with one hand while the other fisted my raging boner. I ran the pulpy drooling head along the bottom edge of his lower lip, leaving a shiny trail of precum. I laughed as he sucked the stuff off into his mouth without thinking, and then watched the complex expressions flash across his face, one after the other, as he struggled emotionally with what was happening to him...

I tightened my grip on his hair, pointing my boner directly at his juicy mouth..."You bite me, boy, and you die. Just that simple." I pushed my cockhead between his thick lips, relishing the feel of contact with the inside of his wet warm mouthhole..."'Cmon, baby. Suck that thing. Get it nice and wet for your tight little virgin asshole."

I hissed with delight as my dick slid inside, past his tongue, and his cheeks hollowed as he sucked. I slid it deeper and deeper, until he began to gag and resist, and then I pulled partly back out. Wrapping my other hand around his head I began face-fucking him, relishing the velvety cavity around my hungry prong, thrilling to the suction which he seemed to apply instictively, and feeling his tongue lap the underside of the invading pecker.

"Yeah, baby!" I gasped with pleasure, "That's it! Get that big honker all nice and slippery with your spit! You'll just make it easier on yourself when I ram it up your sweet butt..."

I pulled out of his thrilling mouthpussy, my saliva-slickened rod spanking up against my hard, hairy belly with a wet SLAP! and sank to my knees between his defined thighs. Reaching back between the cushions of the sofa, I hauled out the other tool I had stashed with the handcuffs...a big, wicked-looking switchblade shiv. I flicked the button and watched Richard freeze in fear as the 6" razor-sharp blade snapped into place.

Richard cried out, sweat beading on his forehead as he saw the weapon in my hand. "'C'mon, buddy," he wheedled nervously, his voice cracking as my hand lowered, "I thought you said you weren't gonna hurt me."

I cupped his trembling chin, raising it to look deep into his soft liquid brown eyes, filled with tears. "Of course I'm not gonna hurt you, baby. Santa's just left me a big sexy fucktoy to play with, that's all, and I gotta unwrap him."

Slipping the shiv between one thin strap side of the skimpy posing thong which was his only clothing and his hip, I slashed the fabric apart with a flick of my wrist. His thigh and part of his crotch came into view as the stretched material sprang apart, the fluff of his pubic bush and one side of the base of his cock flashing enticingly around the edges of the split fabric. I hurriedly split the other side of the suit, my breathing uneven as the last barriers to seeing this delicious jock in the altogether fell away. "Now," I said, my voice ragged with lust, "let's see what's in this package."

Sticking the knife into the mat beside me, I grasped the now split sides of the suit between my thumbs and forefingers, lowering it. His meaty genitals tumbled free, full and heavy, the nice smooth cut cock not completely soft. I smiled, stroking my steelhard buttrammer as I hefted his full low balls in my hand, feeling the heat of his pretty cock on my forearm as it flopped over them. Grabbing the front of the suit, I yanked it from under his bubble asscheeks. A surprised yelp burst from his throat as it went sailing across the room and his studly body was finally completely naked and subject to my lust.

I hurried into the kitchen, returning with a liter bottle of olive oil. Reading the label made me smirk..."extra virgin". How'd they know? Returning to my succulent prey, I sat down behind him, straightening my legs outside of his and hooking a powerful arm arouns his waist to pull him tightly against me, my hardon sliding into the crease of his beautiful back. Tipping the bottle of oil against his collarbone, I began dumping it liberally all over his muscular torso, catching the excess at his waist as it ran down and slathering his satiny hard muscles with it. He watched as my hand greased him up, afraid to move. I poured more oil across his wide shoulders and traps, feeling it run down his broad back and wet my horny cock, and I frigged his back almost involuntarily, growling deep in my throat with desire. I set the bottle down and began caressing and exploring the curves and hollows of his torso, fingers digging into the ladder-like muscles of his rippling belly and then sliding upwards to cup the round hard pecs, toying with his nipple ring and feeling the sensitive nubbins go rock hard from the slick contact.

"I love the way your body feels when it's oiled. Slippery and warm, and so smooth," I whispered in his ear, relishing the feel as I played with his glorious musculature. "You're so hard," I breathed, nipping his earlobe. "So fucking hard and smooth."

I reached down to grasp his dick in a strong enticing grip as I toyed with the ring in his nipple. He sighed heavily in submission, his head dropping back to rest on my shoulder as my oily hand corkscrewed its way beguilingly up and down his fine lengthening tool. Grasping his cock at the base, I slid my fingers upward, milking a pearly drop of precum from the end of his piss slit. Smiling to myself, I knew the battle was won. I smeared the sticky around his burgeoning cockhead, feeling him shudder with mounting desire as I licked his ear and slid my other hand down his rippling belly to squeeze his meaty balls gently. His dick throbbed, full mast, and a low moan escaped his lips. It was time to take him.

Grabbing the cuffs on either side, I lifted his ankles and spun him around on his now oily ass to face me. He struggled as I slid my arms between his arms and legs, pinning him. He yelled and thrashed, trying to push me off, but I was just as strong and outweighed him by fifty pounds. He begged for me to stop as I slid atop him to grind my hairy muscular body against his smooth one, and my cockhead bumped insistently at the groove at the base of his spine where it deepened into his luscious hot asscrack. I could feel the awesome hardness in my pecker as it slipped deeper until the gristle of steely manmeat was lodged against the quavering ring of his sphincter. Snarling with desire, I pumped my pelvis forward, feeling the tightly clenched muscle ring give way before the awesome pressure, snapping behind the flare of my cockhead, and then there was no keeping me out.

He screamed as he felt the wedge of flesh enter his rectum, taking his cherry ass. His athletic frame felt incredible against me as he struggled, fueling my carnal gratification. I felt his incredibly tight colon spasm, contract, trying to eject, but all it could do was slide helplessly down the slowly invading fuckrod. I had it stuffed in almost all the way as I felt my cockhead hit his prostate and he froze, howling with surprise at the sudden stimulation. I grinned savagely, gyrating my hips and sliding my rampant dong over the sensitive area in a continuous circular motion. I knew I had him, but I was unprepared for his response.

Abruptly, his head flew back and a bellow of raw animal lust tore from his throat that reverberated through his entire body. His massive quads trembled and his thick etched calves involuntarily clamped down around my back, forcing me balls deep in his succulent jockpussy...

"YEOOWW!! AWWWNH! NNNGH!!" he screamed, his face going beet red with the sensation of hot cock up his tight virgin asshole. "JEEZUS, FUCK MEEEE!!" he wailed, his stretched colon convulsing around my bonehard dong.

"My pleasure, treasure," I hissed, sliding my ass-starved rammer out to the collar and then SLAMMING it back into his marvelous studcunt, accompanied by his deep sensual grunt as he felt the shaft slide into his rectum again. I began long-dicking him with a fury, my cock a jackhammer nailing his voluptuous ripe ass to the floor, picking up tempo until sweat flew from our bodies and my pelvis was a blur. I felt him relax as he got used to dick in his tight warm tailhole...

"Ghod, what a fabulous ass!" I gasped, near to climax already with the delicious sensations which pulsed through my pounding pecker. "Yeah, boy! TAKE that cock!

I grabbed the back of his head, claiming his mouth with mine as I screwed his bubble-butt fast and hard. My tongue entered his mouth authoritatively and his met to spar deliciously with it as I squirmed sensuously against him, stimulating his rock-hard cock by sliding back and forth against our slippery abs. I felt him begin to meet my thrusts, working my marauding dickshaft with his athletic butt muscles as it penetrated deep inside him again and again...he was a naturally talented bottom, getting better by the minute. The sensation was incredible...

I ripped my mouth from his, panting with lust. "Oh, YEAH! FUCK that dick with your hot cherry ass! I LOVE a stud who fucks me back!"

He was totally into it now, squealing and keening as I plunge-fucked his mantwat, his heels beating a tattoo on my back as I suddenly felt his cock belch and shoot wad after wad of thick white spunk, plastering our torsos together. He screamed, his head whipping from side to side and his body rigid as he spewed cum, clear up between his pecs...

The smell of cum and the convulsion of his colon as he shot sent me over the nuts powered the first jet of my orgasm and I felt my cock consumed by the sensation as it spasmed and exploded in his tight shit chute...

"AWW, YEAH!" I hollered. "TAKE that cum in your hot tail! YEAH!!"

I shot and shot, filling his deflowered butthole with jizz until it leaked out and ran down his asscrack. Finally, my cock tingling with the sensation of him still, I shot for the ninth and last time, and incredible fountain of cum to inaugurate his juicy assmeat to the brotherhood of bottoms. I smiled at him, and he glowered back up at me, his tanned bodybuilder's frame covered with oil and sweat, looking incredible. As I bent down to lick the liquids off his nipple, teasing the ring in it and hearing him moan involuntarily once more, I knew that this was the beginning of the hottest friendship I had ever had...

Next: Chapter 2

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