Love Me When Im Gone

By Mandy Moorey

Published on Jan 29, 2003


Here we go, folks. Stirin' it up a little for ya. :) Thanks a lot to everyone who's written so far. :D If I haven't replied, I will! Once again, if you shouldn't be reading relations between two women, you probably shouldn't be here. Enjoy. :)

Jen woke up before her alarm went off the next morning. It made sense, she went to bed early. Sitting up, she yawned a little, and flipped the alarm switch off, regardless. It would just be annoying if it went off when she was already up. Getting out of bed, she quickly made it, then went to the washroom to shower. She turned the water on, and waited for it to get to the temperature she liked.. not too hot, not too cold. Working out of her pajama's, she paused infront of the mirror, and eyed her neck. Good lord, she thought maybe it wouldn't be that bad today, but the mark was still quite prominent. Oh well, she'd just wear another turtle neck today. Her shower was brief, she couldn't be long, knowing her parents would most likely be up soon, if they weren't already. Since there was only one washroom in their house, taking her time would only irritate them. She wrapped a towel around her torso, and after making quite sure it wasn't going to fall down, she grabbed another for her hair, then opened the door to head to her room. Bam! She walked right into her father, and let out a startled yelp. Her father blinked, "Oops, sorry, sweetie. I didn't realize you were in there." She smiled weakly up at her dad, "It's okay, da'.. Wasn't paying attention." Her dad eyed her closely, though before he could open his mouth, she moved by quickly and went to her room. Her father furrowed his brows gently, appearing to think as he moved into the washroom. Was that a hickey..? Jen closed her door, and exhaled slowly. She really, really hoped he hadn't seen her neck, the questions would be never ending, and it wasn't like she could say, "Oh, that's from Nicole." She was fairly certain her mother would have a heart attack, or disown her. Or both. Sighing, she dried her hair with the towel as she moved across to her closet. Pulling out her clothing for the day, she tossed both towels aside, and got herself dressed. Plain, white cotton under garments were put on first, of course. She never had anything fancy where her bras and panties were concerned. She shopped with her mother, most often, who would have a fit if Jen so much as voiced an interest in sexy underwear. Frowning a bit, she pulled on a light grey turtle neck, and a pair of black pants.. That would do. She sat down infront of her mirror, slowly brushing her hair. She studied herself in the mirror, silently pondering over the past few days. Things were going really good, she was happy, truely happy, or atleast could be if things kept up how they were. Grinning a little at herself, she set her brush down and rose from her seat, turning to go downstairs to get some breakfast. Both her parents were in the kitchen. Her father was seated at the table with the morning paper and a coffee. Nothing unusual about that, and her mother was seated across from him. Both of them looked up when she walked into the room. Odd.. Her dad studied her closely again, which didn't sit well with Jen.. Usually they just let her go about her business in the morning.. "Feeling better this morning?" Her father broke the silence in the kitchen. "Yeah, a little bit. Must just be a bit of a cold or something.." She shrugged a little, moving to the fridge to get herself an orange. She suddenly wasn't that hungry anymore.. She had a bad feeling. "Oh, that's good. We were worried." Jen turned around, starting to peel the orange, and offered a small smile towards her parents. "No need to worry about me.. I'm alright." She glanced down, suddenly quite interested in her orange. She continued to slowly peel it. Her father put his paper down, folding it up slowly. "Honey, is there something you want to tell us?" She was very, very glad that she wasn't drinking at the moment, or else she'd of choked on it. She looked up at her dad, trying to act normal. "Like what, dad?" He cleared his throat softly. "Where'd that mark on your neck come from?" He questioned quietly, as if he didn't really want to know, but had to know. If some boy was putting the moves on his daughter, he certainly had a right to know. Jen looked down to her orange again, swallowing. He saw it. What was she going to tell them? She couldn't tell them it was Nic.. But she couldn't lie to her parents, either.. Frowning softly, she moved away from the fridge, and in turn, her parents. The orange sat in her hand, all but forgotten, and only half peeled. "It's nothing, dad, really.." "Now wait just a minute, young lady." Her steps stopped, but she didn't turn around. "Seriously, dad.. Just let it go." "We have a right to know if you're fooling around with some boy. Why haven't we met him yet?" Jen sighed quietly, and turned to face her parents. "I'm not a kid anymore, it's none of your business." The remark came out a little harsher than she intended, and she could tell right away by the frown on her fathers face. But she didn't want to deal with this right now. She left the kitchen quickly, and went back up to her room. She threw the orange out as soon as she got into her room. Damnit, she didn't need this. Why couldn't her parents just let her be? She sat down on the edge of her bed, and with a sigh got all her books together and put back into her bag. Just when she thought they'd maybe taken her advice, and were going to leave her alone, there was a soft knock on her door. Cringing gently, she got up and went to the door. It was her mother. Jen just looked at her quietly. Her mother frowned. "What's gotten into you, Jen? You've never spoken to us like that before.. We're just concerned about you. And even though you're almost nineteen, we still want to be a part of your life." Jen sighed softly, "You guys wouldn't understand, anyway.. Honestly," She moved to get her bag, picking it up and putting it over her shoulder. "you guys don't need to worry about me.. I'm not romping around with some guy.." She probably should of kept it to herself. Her mother looked confused. Before further questioning, Jen eased past her, and went downstairs. She got herself ready to go, and waited just inside the door. Her mother followed her down, and quietly watched her. What had gotten into her daughter? She used to be able to tell her everything. They had a good relationship.. And now this? And not a boy? She didn't understand. So, quietly, she just watched her little girl.. Jen stood, facing the door. She knew her mom was watching her, but she didn't want to deal with her, or her father. She lifted her head at the sound of a car horn, and moved outside. It was Nicole, coming to pick her up. She quietly got into the car, and off they were. Her mom narrowed her eyes a little, watching them drive off.. No, couldn't be. Not her daughter. She went back to the kitchen, and sat down across from her husband. Nicole glanced across to Jen, brows arching a bit. She was quiet, moreso than usual this morning. The smaller of the two just stared out her window quietly. Nicole looked forward again, "Jen..? You alright?" Soundlessly, she nodded. "No you aren't. Why so quiet?" She sounded a bit worried, which made Jen feel somewhat bad. "It's nothing, really.. Just my parents.. pestering me and stuff.. I'm going to go home and be questioned something fierce.." Nic blinked a little, "About what?" Jen looked back out the window, simply gesturing to her neck. She knew Nicole understood right away by the small 'oh'. Silently, Nicole glanced back out the window, lips pursing gently. She didn't see the big deal, her own mother knew, and didn't seem to care, really. Though not everyone's parents could be like her mom. "Will they care...?" Jen snorted softly, and nodded, "Uh...Yeah. A whole lot... Dad saw the mark, and asked me what boy I was fooling around with. If they find out it was you, they're going to freak out.." Nicole frowned, "So don't tell them?" She eased the car around a corner, and continued. Jen shook her head. "They won't let it go until I tell them. And I can't lie to them.." "Oh.. well.. So tell them. They're your parents, I'm sure they'll be alright with it and stuff. My mom didn't really care." "You don't know my parents." By then, they'd pulled up to the school. Jen sighed, and got out of the car before Nic had even turned it off, and was heading for the school. Nicole frowned. Turning the car off, she got out, and hurried after Jen. "Hey, wait up!" Jen slowed her steps only a little bit. Nicole caught up, tucking her keys into her pocket. "C'mon, it can't be that bad, Jen.. What's the worst they can do?" Jen shrugged a bit, "I don't know.. My parents aren't usually that strict and stuff.. I just don't think this'll sit well with them.." Nicole wanted to put an arm around the smaller girl, and try and comfort her, but she new that wouldn't be appriciated, not where they were at the moment, so she just stuck her hands in her pockets and walked along with her quietly. Jen stayed silent, lost in her own thoughts. What would her parents do? She couldn't remember a time they'd ever yelled at her, or anything like that.. But she just didn't think they'd process this well. Sighing softly, she looked to Nicole, "I'll see you after school.." Nicole nodded a bit.. "Yeah, want a ride home?" Jen just nodded..gave her a small smile, then moved off to goto her first class. Nicole watched her go, then went off to her own class. Things would be alright. Nicole tried to find Jen at lunch, but she wasn't at her usual table, and by the time Nic got in there, lunch was almost over, anyway. Maybe she had simply missed her. Oh well, she'd see her after school. She was Jen's ride home, anyway. Jen went to all her classes, and did the work that was required of her as she normally would. But she didn't want the day to end, she dreaded going home. Of course, it was inevitable, it wasn't like she could just stop going home. Well, she could, but that would make things much worse. As it did every day, the last bell rang. It was time to leave. She got her books from her locker, stuffed them in her bag, and went outside to wait for Nicole, who soon pulled up. Nicole watched her approach, and frowned a bit. She looked like she was about to be led off for her execution. "It's going to be fine, Jen. Want me to come in with you? Maybe they'll spare you, atleast 'till I'm gone.." Jen thought about this...then nodded a bit. Not like her parents knew who gave her the hickey, anyway. Or so she thought. They pulled up infront of Jen's house. Nicole put the car in park, and got out, as did Jen. Jen lead the way up to the house, and went inside. Sadly, her parents were waiting in the living room. Nic silently stood behind Jen, and smiled politely towards the parentals. They scowled back at her.. Uh oh, Nic thought, this is going to go badly.. Her father rose from the couch, "Was it her, Jen?" He jabbed a finger towards Nicole. Jen blinked, frowning. The way he spat the question out was almost offending. "Dad, calm down.. So what if it was? It's no big deal." "No big deal? It's a very big deal! It wouldn't be so bad if it was a boy, but a girl! What the hell were you thinking!" Jen recoiled slightly, as if he'd slapped her, instead of yelled. Then her cheeks flushed slightly, she was getting angry, really. "DAD! Stop it!" But her father had already turned his gaze to Nicole. "Get out, now. I don't want to see you around my daughter again, do you understand?" Jen just gaped at him, "-Dad-!" But he ignored her, and continued to glare at the larger girl. Jen's mother just sat quietly on the couch. Jen couldn't believe it. Nicole shifted uncomfortably.. and she really thought about arguing with the man, but she didn't want to cause more hell for Jen, so she nodded. "Fine.." And with that, she turned and walked out, got into her car, and drove away. Jen watched her leave, then looked back to her dad, tears welling up in her eyes. She said nothing further, just pushed past him and went upstairs to her room, slamming the door. Her mother cringed slightly at the slam, and her father slowly calmed down. Then he sighed, shoulders slumping slowly. Her mother sighed softly, "You could of handled that better, dear.. much better." Then she moved past, and into the kitchen. He frowned a little bit, glancing between the kitchen and the stairs. Finally he just sat back down on the couch. Great, the two women in his life, less than pleased with him. Jen's mother just stayed in the kitchen, doing this and that. Mostly to keep herself busy. Jen stayed in her room. She knew her parents weren't going to react well, but she didn't expect her father to totally flip out. Sighing, she flopped back onto her bed, and stared at the ceiling. Now what? She had no idea. She wasn't going downstairs tonight, though. She wasn't leaving her room until she absolutely had to. She was sort of glad she had a phone in her room, though. She was going to have to call Nicole later and apologize. With another soft sigh, she turned onto her side, and curled up into a ball. Might as well try to sleep....

Nicole stared into her bowl of cereal - frosted flakes. They'd long since become soggy, she wasn't going to eat it anyway. It was just there, her mother decided she should try and eat. She wasn't hungry. Sighing softly, she leaned back against her chair, slouching a little. She didn't know what to do, she figured showing up at Jen's house, trying to make things better, would fly over like a ball of lead, so that was out. And if she called, Jen's parents would no doubt recognize her voice, and thus just hang up, or reaffirm the fact that she was no longer welcomed around their daughter. So what could she do?

"Nothing, sweetie." Her mother's voice snapped her away from her thoughts. Blinking, she glanced up at her, head tilting curiously.


"I know what you're thinking, and there's nothing you can do right now. You need to let them sort through it."

Nicole frowned again. She hated when her mother was right. It was the next morning, a saturday, and the night before, after she'd gotten home, she'd told her mother what had happened. Standing, she picked her bowl up, dumped out the soggy cereal, and put the dish into the sink.

Darlene watched her daughter silently. In truth, she wished there was something more the girl could do, or even that she could do. But neither of them could do a thing. It was entirely up to Jen, and Jen's parents to work through this. All she and her little girl could do was wait, and hope for the best. And she really did. She hoped Jen's parents got over it, and let them be. Nicole had been so happy, and now.. She looked like someone just kicked her puppy, and stole her new bike. She hated seeing her baby like that.

Drawn from her own thoughts by Nicole's deep sigh, she looked back over at her, and couldn't help but frown. Rising from her seat, she moved across, and silently wrapped her daughter up in a tight hug. At first the girl stiffened, and resisted, then just leaned into her mother, frowning again.

"I just want everything to go back to how it was, mom.. Why can't they be okay with it?"

Darlene soundlessly stroked Nicole's hair, brows furrowing in thought. Maybe she'd just have to have a small talk with Jen's parents. She had to do something, instead of just watching Nicole mope around the house. And it'd only been yesterday that all this happened. She couldn't imagine how Nicole would be after a week, or more.

Finally Nicole pulled away, and quietly went upstairs to her room. Darlene chewed on her bottom lip, trying to decide if she should call them. 'I'll give them a day', she thought. That way, they'd had time to atleast try and calm down, and speak to Jen. After that, she was going over there herself.

Nicole flopped onto her bed, laying on her stomach. She crossed her arms, and rested her chin on them, silently watching her phone. She furrowed her brows, shifting a little, fighting back the urge to pick up the phone and call Jen. Maybe her parents wouldn't know it was her. No, she couldn't call. But she could lay there, and will Jen to call. So that's what she did. She just layed there, staring at the phone.

Jen was doing much the same, laying on her bed, only she was on her back staring up at the ceiling. She didn't feel like doing anything, she just wanted to lay there. She hadn't gotten out of bed yet, despite her mother and father coming to her door a couple times. Finally, she rolled out of bed, and wandered down to the bathroom to shower. Might as well smell good if she was going to mope around all day.

She closed the door, and locked it, then moved to the shower and turned the water on. After adjusting it to the temperature she liked, she slowly stripped out of her clothing, and slipped under the steady stream of water. Sighing softly, she relaxed as the warm water hit her back. The first time since yesterday she'd been remotely relaxed..

She didn't stay in there long..Long enough to wash her hair and get clean. With one towel wrapped around her hair, and the other around her body, she edged out of the washroom and back to her room, the door again closed, and locked once inside. She unwrapped her hair, and dropped the towel over the back of her desk chair, then tugged the other towel away from her body. She stood before her mirror, head tilted a bit, wet stringlets of hair dropping into her eyes. She brushed them back and eyed her neck. The mark was fading. She frowned softly. Fading, just like any chance of being with, or even near, Nicole was.

She set her jaw, and turned, getting herself dressed. Glancing to her door once, she paced around her room briefly, then stopped beside her phone. For a good few minutes, she just stared at it. Wondering if she should call over there. It's not like her parents would know, she had her own phone line. Licking her lips briefly, eyes darting to the door, then back to the phone, she leaned down and picked it up. Quickly, she dialed.

Nicole woke with a start, and glanced around quickly, blinking. She eyed the time, and almost lost it. She thought she was late for school. Then it slowly dawned on her that it was saturday, and the ringing wasn't her alarm, but was the phone. She leapt to her feet and snatched the phone up.

"Hello?" She frowned at herself, she sounded horribly anxious.

Immediately her expression brightened, though, when she heard the voice on the other line. Though it was hushed, she knew right away that it was Jen. She'd called! They spoke quickly, and briefly, but enough for both of them to be happy. Though the thought that Jen's parents still didn't approve lingered in the back of both their minds. For now, they could shove that aside.

Hanging the phone up, she grabbed up her car keys, snatched a sweater up off her dressed, and bolted out her door, and downstairs. Wrestling herself into the sweater, she looked around for her mom.

"Ma! I'm going out for a little bit! Won't be long, promise!"

And, that said, she was out the door and in her car, starting it, before her mother could even begin to form a reply, or inquire about where she was going. Darlene just shook her head as she heard her daughters car start, and squeal out of the drive-way. Must have been Jen that called. With a chuckle, she shook her head, and moved back into the kitchen to make some hot chocolate. Enough for three, she was certain the pair would be returning here.

Nicole stopped the car about a block from Jen's house, and shifted it into park. She left it on, and simply sat there, waiting, the car idling.

Jen slipped out of her room, hair brushed, a warmer sweater over her white blouse. She also had her backpack over one shoulder. Moving to find her parents, she quietly explained that she needed to study, and to properly do so, she had to go to the library. They quietly watched her for a moment, then just nodded and resumed what they had been doing. What's the point in keeping her in the house, when she just stays in her room? Atleast she'll get some fresh air this way.

She got her things on slowly, her coat, hat, mitts and boots. She didn't want to rush and make her parents suspicious. Who is ever rushed to get to the library, after all. So, once she was all dressed, and her bag over her shoulder again, she quietly slipped outside, and started to walk. She didn't have to walk long, and soon she spotted Nicole's car, and in turn, Nicole. Her heart skipped a beat, and she quickened her steps. Once she got to the car, she slipped into the passenger side.

Nicole immediately leaned over to wrap the smaller girl into a tight hug. You'd really think she hadn't seen her in years, rather then simply one day. Jen uuf'd softly, but hugged her back, regardless. After a moment, she eased back from the hug, and glanced down at her lap.

"I'm..really, really sorry about how my father acted.. he was horribly rude.." Jen frowned softly, cheeks flushing a light red. She just continued to stare at her lap.

"It's alright, Jen, it's not like it was your fault.. I'm just glad I get to see you. I was worried.. ..have they calmed down any about it?"

"No.. I haven't even talked to either of them yet.. I just stayed in my room.."

Nicole nodded slightly, and put the car back into drive. Without another word, she pulled away from the curb, and turned the car back towards her house. Atleast they'd be fine there, her mother wouldn't say anything past comforting words.

They made the drive in silence. Both had so much to say to the other, but didn't know how to go about it. Quite the pair they made. Jen was too shy to speak her feelings, while Nicole just had trouble doing so.

Pulling into the driveway, she parked the car, and turned it off. Removing the keys, she got out, and waited for Jen to do the same. She did, but a bit hesitantly, as if now she was second-guessing her decision to do this.

"Don't worry..My mom's cool with it all.. Promise." Nic offered a gentle smile towards the smaller girl, moving to the door.

Jen just nodded, and followed after her quietly. Moving inside, Jen took off her coat, mitts and hat, and put them on the little bench that was nearby, and shifted, dropping her bag there as an after-thought. Nicole just needed to slip out of her shoes, and with that done, she gently urged Jen forward, towards the kitchen.

Upon reaching the kitchen, Darlene was still there, and now on the counter three mugs of steaming hot chocolate waited. When she heard the girls come in, she turned, and offered a soft smile towards them. Nicole moved to sit down at the table after picking up two of the mugs, and Jen followed suit, just because standing in the door way would of looked odd.

"How're you, dear?"

Jen glanced up when Darlene spoke, relaxing slightly at how friendly she sounded and looked. She was so used to her parents and the looks they gave her the past day and a half, it was mildly refreshing, to say the least.

"I'm...fine..thank you.. and, for the hot chocolate, thanks.."

She spoke softly, but Darlene continued to smile, nonetheless.

"You're welcome, dear. Make yourself at home, here."

That said, she picked up her own mug, and ambled out of the kitchen.

Nicole eased back in her chair, her mood considerably better than it was when she sat in this same spot earlier in the day. She side-glanced Jen, who still looked troubled.. Leaning over, Nicole placed a soft kiss on the smaller girls cheek, who smiled a little in response.

"I just wish my father hadn't reacted that way.. I don't know what I'm going to do if they don't learn to deal with it.."

Nicole nodded gently, and eased an arm around Jen as she leaned back against her. Both of them sat silently, each lost in their own thoughts as they drank their hot chocolate. Finally, a good twenty minutes later of sitting in silence, comfortably leaned against one another, Nicole got up, setting her empty mug down. She squeezed Jen's shoulder gently, then turned and moved out.

"I'll be back, I need to talk to my mom for a second.." She said quietly over her shoulder, then was out of the kitchen.

Jen sighed softly, and sat up, setting her mug down on the table. Brows furrowing softly, she glanced around the kitchen. It was a nice place. She didn't think she should be here yet, though. If her parents found out, she wouldn't see the light of day for years. Still, it was a chance she was willing to take, they needed to get over it. She was a grown woman, and could make her own decisions.

Rising from her seat, she moved to the window above the sink, and watched the world outside, curling her arms around her upper body, in essence, hugging herself. She got so wrapped up in her thoughts, she didn't even hear Nicole come back, who now slipped up behind her, and slowly put her arms around Jen's middle. Jen stiffened for only a moment, then eased back against the larger girl. She was such a comforting person, just being there. Jen could let go of all her worries, if only briefly, and just relax.

Nicole smiled softly, and placed a light kiss on the top of Jen's head. They hadn't known eachother for very long, but already, she didn't want to be away from the tiny woman in her arms. She'd be perfectly content to just hold her. But that was not to be, and soon Nicole gently eased herself away, reaching to take one of Jen's hands.

She gently tugged her towards the door, "Come on, let's go upstairs.."

Jen didn't argue, she just allowed herself to be pulled along, following Nic upstairs, and to her room. Once inside, Jen continued past, and flopped down onto Nic's bed, while she closed the door. Jen stretched out, then crossed her arms over her eyes, and sighed softly. Nicole quietly watched her for a moment, then moved forward, and crawled up onto the bed. Instead of stretching out beside her, she straddled her stomach carefully, keeping most of her weight off of the girl beneath her.

Jen removed her arms from her face, and looked up at Nicole. She smiled a little, looking over her features slowly. She really was a beautiful person, even if she hid it under a baseball cap or a hoodie. Nicole grinned at her, then leaned down to place a soft kiss against her lips. Jen's arms instinctively rose to wrap around Nic, returning the kiss.

As all their kisses have decidedly done, it started off innocent enough, a tender gesture, really. But then it deepened, and passion was put behind it. Both girls were now exploring the other's mouth, their tongues engaging in a silent duel that neither really wanted to win. They both would of been content to continue kissing eachother for as long as possible.

Nicole's hands drifted down to rest on Jen's hips, then slid upwards, working under her sweater, though staying on top of her blouse. Jen lifted up slightly, enough to allow the sweater to be raised up as far as possible without breaking the kiss, which Nicole slowly did, nibbling lightly on Jen's bottom lip as she drew back. Jen raised her arms, and the sweater was lifted, and tossed aside. Laying back down, Jen smiled lightly up at Nicole. She wasn't nervous this time. Nicole lowered her hands back towards Jen's hips, and once there she traced her fingers along the hem of her blouse, fingers gently brushing over her skin.

She watched Jen carefully, looking for any sign that she should stop. None was given yet, so she started to slowly unbutton the shirt. Jen tensed slightly, but still didn't make any move to stop her, biting her lower lip softly. Nicole couldn't help but smile when the soft blush graced Jen's cheeks, then her gaze drifted downwards as more of the buttons were undone, and more of Jen's smooth, soft skin became visible. She undid the last button, and eased the shirt open.

Jen shifted just slightly, but remained otherwise still, watching Nicole's face closely. Nicole didn't even seem to notice the look.. After a moment, she looked up to Jen, and smiled softly, leaning down close, lips almost brushing against hers as she spoke.

"You're beautiful.."

Jen blushed deeper, and leaned up to close the slight remaining distance, kissing her again, before leaning back, settling against the bed. Nicole grinned lightly, then leaned down, kissing her shoulder softly. Once, twice.. She kissed a soft trail along the edge of her bra strap, slowly working down, pausing just before the swell of her breast. Jen gave a light shiver, goosebumps rising on her skin.

Nicole shifted, and delivered the same treatment to the other side, following the strap down, and pausing before she actually reached her breasts. Jen squirmed a little, her nipples hard and straining against the material of her bra. With a light grin, she dipped her head down to place another kiss, only this one against one of her nipples. A soft gasp came from Jen, only to trail off into a very soft moan as Nicole slowly swirled her tongue around the nipple.

Nicole continued to pay particular attention to that nipple for a while, until Jen was squirming, and the material of her bra was quite damp from Nic's tongue. She placed another soft kiss on it, then shifted across to give her other nipple the same treatment, slowly swirling her tongue around it, alternating between kisses and gentle nibbles. Jen arched her back up slightly, a soft moan drifting from her lips.

Finally, Nicole lifted her head from the squirming girls breasts, reaching up one hand to slowly tug the cups of her bra down, stopping once her nipples were visible. She leaned her head back down, closing her lips around one of the hard, now bare nipples. Jen gasped softly again. Nicole slowly dragged her tongue along it, bringing a soft whimper from the smaller girl, who arched just a little again. Nic raised her head, and smiled down at her, her hand slowly tracing down Jen's stomach, fingers barely touching her skin. She halted her hand at her pants, running her fingers along the waist line of them.

Leaning down, she kissed Jen again, deeply. Jen eagerly responded, leaning up into the kiss, her arms raising to wrap around Nic's neck. Nicole shifted to the side, enough to be kneeling on the bed beside her, fingers moving to undo the button of Jen's pants, then slowly slide the zipper down. Fingers drifting back up, over the cotton of her panties, she deepened the kiss further. Jen raised her hips slightly, enough that Nicole could push down her jeans. Once she slid them over her hips, Jen wiggled the rest of the way out of them, kicking them to the floor.

Nicole slowly ran her hands back up Jen's body, and eased them around to unclasp her bra. It couldn't be very comfortable, how her bra was sitting now. Once undone, she tugged it away from Jen's body, and tossed it aside, leaving the smaller girl in just her panties and the blush steadily spreading down her cheeks and neck. Nic smiled softly, and kissed her again.

"We can stop.." But I hope we don't have to. She didn't say that out loud, of course. Jen just shook her head, biting her bottom lip softly. That worked for Nicole..She dipped down to kiss Jen's neck softly. A soft sigh escaped Jen as she curled her arms around Nic again, tilting her head off to the side. She soon dropped her arms back to the bed as Nic inched her way down again, leaving a warm trail of kisses. From her neck, to her shoulder, down to either breast, where she paused to deliver a couple soft kisses, then slowly down her stomach. She paused at her belly button, gently blowing into it, causing Jen to stiffen and squeal softly..

Chuckling, Nic leaned in to kiss the smooth skin to the side of her belly button, her fingerscurling around the elastic of Jen's panties, slowly pulling them down. Jen lifted her hips from the bed, and soon that small garment joined the rest on Nicole's floor. Nicole sat up for a moment, her eyes scanning Jen's now completely naked body. She purred softly, and stretched out beside Jen, kissing the blushing girls cheek softly, resting a hand on her stomach, fingers splayed out over her skin.

Jen turned her head to press her lips against Nicole's, engaging in another deep kiss. This kiss was slow, more thorough. The hand resting on Jen's stomach slowly slid down, over the small patch of pubic hair, and down further to cup her nether regions. Jen tensed slightly, and moaned into the kiss when a finger was slowly run along her lower lips. Spreading them with her fingers, Nicole slowly pressed her middle finger into the smaller woman, who whimpered gently in response. Not breaking the kiss, she merely intensified it, and slid her finger in the rest of the way, gently and slowly grinding her palm against Jen's clit.

Jen whimpered into the kiss, and arched her hips up into her hand. Nicole eased back from Jen's mouth, kissing her chin softly, then her neck, then dipped her head down to capture a nipple between her lips, swirling her tongue around it slowly. Jen arched her back a little, slowly working her hips in a circle, the friction caused sending a shudder through her.

A second finger joined the first, and she eased her palm away from Jen's clit. The girl whimpered slightly, then gasped and moaned loudly when the palm was replaced with Nicole's thumb, applying brief, but firm pressure against the little bundle of nerves. She kept her thumb against it, alternating between firm and feather light touches. Jen had begun to take up the rythum of Nic's fingers, rolling her hips slowly, head tilted back.

Finally, the smaller of the two stiffened, and cried out softly when Nicole's teeth grazed her nipple. That pushed her over the edge, and she arched up off of the bed, shuddering hard with her orgasm. Tiny bolts of pleasure lanced through her, and after atleast a minute, she shuddered again, and slowly lowered to settle on the bed, a soft, satisfied whimper coming from her.

Lips curling into a small smile, Nicole lifted her head away from Jen's breast, and slowly drew her hand back. Jen stayed still, her eyes closed, her breathing slowly returning to normal. Reaching near the end of the bed, Nicole carefully pulled the blanket up, and over herself and Jen. Jen gave a soft murr, and snuggled herself in against Nicole, obviously exhausted.

With an amused grin on her face, she dropped her head down onto the pillow, and quietly watched Jen, who'd already dozed off. Heaving a content sigh, she drew the smaller girl closer, and closed her eyes, drifting off into a dreamless sleep. And they remained that way for most of the afternoon, nestled close, sleeping.

Next: Chapter 4

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