Love Me When Im Gone

By Mandy Moorey

Published on Jan 26, 2003


As before, this isn't real. 'tis from me head. If you shouldn't be reading a story about two women and their growing relationship, then you shouldn't be reading this lil disclaimer ma-thingo. If you can, enjoy, hopefully. Comments welcomed, good or bad, I'll no doubt respond. :) Take it easy, an' all that. ;) -Mandy

The night came and went. Jen slept peacefully, for the most part. She woke occasionally, and had no idea why. Perhaps it was nerves. She'd thought it before..but there was something about the girl she was going to help the next day.. Jen hit the snooze on her alarm, and pondered rolling over, going back to sleep. She sighed, she had to be ready, though. So she got up, and showered. After getting herself dressed - a white blouse and black pants, she grabbed an orange and headed off for school. Her day went as it usually did. Her morning classes were boring, her lunch was uneventful, and science class passed without any troubles. Now it was time. She got her things from her locker, loaded her bag up and went to wait out front for Nicole. Odd, she hadn't seen the girl today.. She waited for about ten minutes, and still, no Nicole. Frowning, she glanced around. With a soft sigh, she shifted her back pack up higher on her shoulder. Should she just goto Nicole's house? Maybe she thought Jen was just going to show up. She knew where she lived, it wasn't far from the school. 'Fine, I'll just go there. If she isn't there, I'll leave.' With a nod, she turned and headed towards Nicole's place. The walk passed quickly enough, with idles thoughts of why she hadn't seen Nic today. Arriving infront of her place, she paused for a moment. Taking a deep breath, and with a shrug, she walked up the path, and gave a few soft knocks on the door. Stepping back, she waited again. The door opened, and before her stood not Nicole, but possibly her mother. The woman did look older than them, so it was a safe assumption. Jen offered a shy smile to the woman, who returned it, though looked curious. "Can I help you, young lady?" "I, um.. I'm... is Nicole here?" She finally managed to spit out. The woman chuckled, and nodded slightly, stepping aside. "Of course, dear, come in." Blushing, she shuffled past her, and went inside..She stayed near the door, though, just incase she'd need to bolt. The woman closed the door, and smiled again. "She's just upstairs, you can go on up if you'd like. By the way, I'm Darlene, Nicole's mother." Jen nodded a bit, and with another shy smile, "I'm', nice to meet you, ma'am." The woman crinkled her nose a bit at the 'ma'am', but nodded, all the same. "Second door on the left." Jen nudged her boots off, quickly thanked the woman, and moved up the stairs. Jen paused in the hall for a moment, to regain a bit of her composure.. Inhaling slowly, she then continued down the hall, and paused at the second door on the left. It was closed. She reached a hand up, and gave two soft knocks. "It's open.", came from inside. Jen turned the handle, and moved inside slowly. Nicole looked up, expecting her mother. She gave a slight blink when she noticed it wasn't her mother, but smiled, nontheless. Jen stayed just inside the door, and now gave Nicole a shy smile. "Er, wow. I didn't expect to see you." Jen tilted her head, looking the other over slowly.. She noticed a shadow of a bruise on Nicole's jaw, and furrowed her brows a bit. "We were supposed to study...?" Nicole blinked again, then looked horribly sheepish, "Oh, yeah. I forgot.. I'm sorry, Jen." "It's alright.. No worries.. Are you alright?" She pointed a bit towards the bruise shadowing her jaw. "Oh...yeah, I'm fine. Just got into a little spat this morning, with Rachel. Heh. That's probably why you didn't see me. I got sent home. Suspended." She shrugged a bit, and set her book aside. Jen frowned a little bit, wondering why they'd fought...She closed the door behind her, and moved further into the room, setting her bag down near Nicole's bed. She sat on the edge. "Why'd you guys fight..?" Nicole shifted a little bit, and cleared her throat, mumbling something. Jen blinked, "What?" Nicole frowned, "'cause she was sayin' shit about you." " you hit her?" "Uh..well. ..mostly, yes." The smaller of the two furrowed her brows slightly, "I see... Why..?" Nicole glanced down to her bedsheets.. "Well. cause, I. you. Y'know, more than a friend. Kinda thing. And it was shitty to hear her talkin down on you." Jen blinked...and just kind of stared at her for a minute, silently. Then, finally, "More than a friend..? What do you mean..?", she quietly asked.. Nicole glanced up, and could of chuckled, were she in a different situation. Maybe if she was someone watching this going on, and not herself, she could of laughed. "I" She sighed a little bit. "Come here a second?" She crooked her finger towards the smaller girl, woman, really..they were both near 19.. Jen furrowed her brows a bit..then inched closer. Her eyes widened as Nicole reached out to cup her chin gently, drawing her closer still. Nicole had obviously come to a 'meh, why not' stand point, and leaned in to kiss Jen softly. For the most part, Jen wasn't sure if she should pull back, or kiss her back.. And after a moment of stillness, she decided for the latter, and kissed her back. It was a soft, gentle kiss. One of those 'first kisses', where neither is sure if they should proceed further, but rather than break the moment, keep their lips together. Nicole took the lead, and snaked her tongue out, running it across Jen's lips slowly.. She responded by parting her lips slowly, which Nic took advantage of. Tongue sliding into her mouth to begin a slow exploration. There was no demand in the kiss, no rush. Almost a perfect first kiss, one could say. Jen leaned into the taller girl, giving a soft sigh mingled with a very light moan. Just as Nicole was about to slid her arms around Jen, there was a knock at her door. Jen made a strangled sound and all but leapt off the bed, ending up somewhere near her backpack which she quickly busied herself with. She was blushing something fierce. Nicole cleared her throat softly, "Yeah?" Her cheeks were slightly flushed as she got off of the bed, and moved to the door, opening it. Her mother was standing there. "I just wanted to see if you and your friend were hungry. It's near supper time." Jen blinked a bit. That late already? She stood up straight, though kept her face hidden, she was still beet red. Nicole shook her head a bit. "Nah, but thanks, ma'. We're fine." Darlene nodded, and moved back down the hallway. Nicole closed the door and leaned back against it, her head hitting it with a soft thud. Eyes closing, she breathed out slowly, then pushed away from the door. Jen swallowed, and zipped her bag back up. "I, should.. I should be going, now.. It's getting late.. I told mom I'd be home for supper." Nic frowned a little bit, but nodded, regardless. "Alright. I guess I'll see you tomorrow, then.." Jen nodded a little bit. Nic grinned just a tad. "I still need help with my math, you see.." Jen allowed a soft chuckle as she picked up her bag and coat. "Alright.. I'll see you after school." Nicole nodded, and opened the door. Jen hurried out, and went downstairs. Slipping back into her boots, she said a brief goodbye to Nic's mom, then shuffled out of the house. What happened! That was the center of her thoughts on the walk home. She couldn't believe Nicole kissed her! It was such a shock. Though...she couldn't say she minded.. Infact, she was kind of upset that Nicole's mom had interupted.. It was a wonderful feeling, kissing her.. oh well..Tomorrow is another day, she told herself. Ducking her head against the wind, she soon reached her home, and went to eat and do her homework.

Jen was on her back, staring up at Nicole, her cheeks flushed.. Her breathing was uneven, she was nervous, and a bit scared, but she wanted this. It would do her a lot of good, and she'd surely be less tense, and more relaxed after..

Nicole grinned a little down at the girl she was straddling. She could tell Jen wasn't quite sure what to make of this, but it was time, really.

She leaned in, tapping a spot on Jen's neck gently. "Pressure point.. Nine times outta ten the other person'll have issues breathing if you hit it right." With a wink, she rose to her feet.

Jen nodded a bit, and clambered up to her own feet, rubbing her back carefully.

"Sheesh..did you have to flip me so hard? Not that I don't appriciate the whole showing me how to defend myself thing.. But ow..." She pouted.

Snickering, Nicole mock pouted back at her. "Aww, hurt your back? It wasn't so hard, anyway. Atleast you'll know what to do if someone comes at you. So stop complaining."

Jen snorted, and stuck her tongue out towards the other girl, who just narrowed her eyes towards her. Considering the fact that the larger girl had just next to effortlessly flipped her over her shoulder, she cleared her throat, and slowly drew her tongue back into her mouth.

Nicole tilted her head slightly..did she just lick her lips? She watched Jen carefully for a moment, then brushed it off. Nah, she couldn't have. Mousey little Jen?

They were at Jen's house, today, and obviously Nicole was teaching Jen how to defend herself, if only a little bit. They'd pushed all the furniture back against the walls in the living room, and had the entire floor clear for the lesson. Without Jen's parents there to stop them, they'd been 'wrestling' about for near an hour.

Jen, now borderline exhausted, flopped down on the couched, and picked up her bottle of water, taking large gulps from it. Nicole chuckled, and sat down on the chair across the room.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your back.."

Jen shrugged, grinning, "Eh.. I was mostly kidding around.. Atleast now if Rachel decides to pick on me, I might be able to handle myself.."

Might. Probably not, Jen thought to herself.

In truth, she didn't really think any of this was going to help her at all. She simply agreed to it to be able to spend time with Nicole. She glanced across the room as Nicole rose, and moved for the kitchen, her empty bottle of water in hand.. With a slow grin, Jen inched off of the couch, then darted across the room to pounce Nic. THUD. Down they went, Nicole squealing in surprise, Jen snickering softly.

Once they'd stopped rolling, and Nicole had regained her composure, Jen grinned down at her, straddling her waist.

"Hah. I win."

Nic slowly arched a brow, fighting back her own grin at the look on Jen's face. She looked so triumphant. So Nicole played it up, struggled briefly, then stopped, and gave a helpless shrug.

"Yeah, you win."

Jen giggled, then leaned down to tickle Nicole's sides. Eyes widening, she burst out giggling, trying to catch Jen's hands with her own, while squirming.

"Hey, hey!! stop that!"

Jen laughed, and kept it up, until Nic almost bucked her off.. then she leapt up, and dashed up the stairs, giggling the entire way.

Nicole caught her breath, and slowly stood up, peering after the smaller girl. Who'd of thought she'd be so...playful. She was always so quiet and sullen looking at school. Oh well, she wasn't going to complain. What she was going to do, was get her back. Oh yes.. Stalking up the stairs, she looked around carefully, straining to hear anything. The giggling, breathing, footsteps, anything. She didn't, though. So moving down the hall slowly, she paused at each door, opening them.

The first was the bathroom, and she wasn't in there.. Closing the door quietly, she moved to the next and opened it. Someone's bedroom. Maybe her parents. Moving on to the next door, she peaked inside. Arching her brows, she looked around slowly.. Hmm, this one must be Jen's. A large bed off to the side, with various stuffed animals on it, random posters on the wall, though the room still seemed a wee bit bare.. The bookself in the corner gave it away. Oh yes, this was Jen's room.

She inched further into the room, eyeing the closed closet on the other side of the room. She didn't want to snoop, though, or embarass the smaller woman by stumbling into a closet of panties or something. Standing in the center of the room, she glanced around slowly..hmm... where was she?

Meanwhile, Jen was slinking down the hallway, being as quiet as she could manage. She thought she heard Nicole come up the stairs, but where did she go. She checked the washroom, her parents room, following the steps Nic had taken minutes before. Pausing at her room, noting the door open, she glanced inside. Ah-hah...there she was. With another grin spreading across her face, she crept into the room.

Nic put her hands on her hips, and made a face. That must be one of the good parts of being small. You could be super quiet, and hide in tiny spaces. That must be what Jen was doing.. Then she heard it..just a slight nose, soft breathing. Smirking softly, she readied herself... She wasn't going to be tackled this time.

So when Jen leapt at her, she crouched down, spun around, and caught the girl. Jen let out a startled 'eep', and tried to put on an innocent smile.

"Uh huh, nice try.." Nicole grinned down at the smaller woman, tilting her head.

Jen sputtered a bit, "Nice try? N-no.. I was just..uh... ..coming to ..bah. I almost had you."

With a laugh, Nicole set her down, "Almost had me..thpt, no you didn't."

Wrinkling her nose cutely, Jen moved to sit down on the bed,

"Did too.."

"Haha, okay. You were close."

Nodding, Nic just humored her. Why not? Then she narrowed her eyes slightly.. She'd been tickled, and must return the favor. This time it was her turn to dive at the other and pin them down, stradding her. Jen blinked, quite unable to move. Nicole was heavier than her, no question about it. So she tried to look really cute again, pouting up at Nicole.

"Nuh uh, you tickled me, you're so getting it."

Eyes widened slowly, "no, nononono!"

Ah, too late. Nicole was already starting to tickle her. Giggling, Jen tried to squirm away, but there was no way that was happening. She was stuck, and being tickled to death. Surely that's what would happen, she'd have a heart attack or something. She was horribly ticklish. Nicole snickered, and kept it up for another moment, then stopped when Jen was laughing so hard she was having a hard time breathing. With a smug grin, Nic rolled off, and stretched out beside her.

"Hah. Who's the winner now, eh?"

Jen just mock-glared at her, trying to catch her breath.

Nicole smiles sweetly, rolling to her side, propping her head up with her hand. "Aww, what's the matter?" She shifted and straddled the smaller woman again.

"Don't like losing?" She grinned, carefully watching her.

Jen made a face, still mock-glaring. "I don't mind losing. I don't like being tickled until I can't breath. Thpt." She stuck her tongue out again. This time Nicole leaned down quickly and nipped the tip of it. Jen 'eep'd again, and put it back where it belong. Nicole didn't back away though, and stayed as she was, an inch, if that, from Jen's face. Nic grinned again.

"Ah, well. I won't let it happened again."

"You better not. Or else."

A brow perked, "Or else what?"

Jen seemed to draw a blank there.

Snickering, Nicole leaned in further, "That's what I thought.." Then she closed the remaining distance, and pressed her lips against hers.

The kiss started off as a slow one.. But somehow, Jen's arms ended up around Nicole, and the kiss got deeper. Passionate. Each one exploring the others mouth slowly, lips locked together. Nicole wasn't really sure how far to take this.. She was almost positive Jen had never been with another woman. She was also sure that, if she wanted, she'd stop it.. So her hands moved from their resting place on her sides, slowly sliding up her body, over the subtle curves. She paused her hands on Jen's ribs, just below her breasts, and waited, still kissing her.

When Jen arched her back just a little, her hands continued upwards, to gently cup small breasts. This brought a soft, almost too soft to hear, moan from the smaller woman, her nipples already hard little nubs that pressed against the palms of Nic's hands. Finally, Nic drew back from the kiss slowly, giving a gentle nibble to the others bottom lip. Jen's cheeks were flushed, and her breathing was slightly uneven, but she wasn't about to stop Nicole. Not yet.

So Nicole leaned in, kissing her neck softly, slowly drawing her fingers around the hard nipples that had just been pressed against her palms. Jen arched her back just a little more, sensitive little thing, she was. The soft, happy sigh that came from her made Nicole smile a little bit, another soft kiss going to her neck, before lips parted, and she sucked lightly on the flesh presented to her, teeth gently raking over it.

Jen tilted her head off to the side a little bit, leaving plently of room for Nicole with her neck. She'd never experienced anything like this before, with anyone. Not with a boy, and certainly not with a girl. But it felt so nice, she didn't want it to stop. She was sort of nervous, though. She wouldn't know what to do, how to make Nicole feel the same way. She was, obviously, very inexperienced. That train of thought was cut off when Nicole bit down on her neck softly again, and she inhaled sharply when Nic squeezed her nipples. Oh god.

Nicole let her hands fall away from Jen's breasts, sliding down her smooth stomach slowly. Noting the soft, discontent sigh from Jen when she did that, she chuckled a little. She paused her hands at the waist band of Jen's pants, then slid them upwards again, this time under the girls shirt. Her skin was so smooth, so soft.. Her mouth now came away from Jen's neck, and she shifted her weight, moving downwards. Her hands stopped at Jen's ribs yet again, holding her shirt up.

All thoughts that still lingered in Jen's head disappeared when she felt Nicole's lips come down and make contact with her stomach. She tensed up slightly, unsure now of where this was going. Nicole kissed her belly button softly, letting her tongue snake out to flick across her skin. Jen started just a bit, but another soft sigh came from her.. She now reached down, to gently cup Nic's face..

"Wait, Nicole... I.." She bit her lip gently, brows furrowing a little.

Nicole sat up a bit, carefully pulling her hands away.. A small, sheepish grin given.

"Sorry.. I got a bit carried away.."

Jen swallowed, and nodded a little. "It's not that.. just.. well, I don't know when my parents are going to be home, and.. you know.."

She smiled nervously, shifting a little.

Nicole nodded, and stood up. "That's fine.. C'mon, we'll go fix up the living room, then.."

Jen rose to her feet, straightening her top a little. Catching Nicole by the wrist, she leaned in and kissed her cheek softly, "Thanks.."

Smiling, Nic nodded, and moved for the door. " might want to ...wear a turtle neck for a bit.. Heh.." Sheepishly, she slipped out and went downstairs to start fixing the living room. Jen blinked, and rubbed her neck a bit. Oh dear.. She quickly changed her shirt, and indeed put on a turtle neck. Going downstairs, she mocked-glared at Nicole again, who only grinned at her, then the two of them fixed up the room.

Not so long after, Jen's parents came home. All four of them idly chatted for a bit, then Nicole had to be on her way. So with her goodbyes said, she got herself ready, winked at Jen, then slipped outside, and into her car. Off she went.

Jen's parents briefly inquired about the turtle-neck.

"Ah.. I'm just cold, is all.. I may be getting sick."

Her parents, worried then, sent her off to bed to get some rest. Oy, what a day... But it was worth it.

Next: Chapter 3

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