Love Me

By moc.loa@092naelCrM

Published on Apr 6, 2000


Disclaimer: Dont know them or who they wanna be wit.

For those who have seen Johnny No Name, OMG, it was fucking amazing. AJ is a god, he's not above Lance, no one is above Lance, but he's up there!

New chappie yay, i actually got inspired to write, yay for me. sorry it took so long, life has been hectic with school and concerts! but read this and enjoy!


female writing male/male sex scenes if they seem off or wrong i am warning u now!

Last time on Love me:

Justin ran down to the lobby to ask about Britney. He was just about to reach the front desk when he saw Britney talking to Joey in a far off corner. He ran as fast as he could to them, and practically went ballistic as he approached Joey.

" What the fuck is this?"

" We're talking."

" He raped you!"

" Justin. Keep your voice down. We don't need the world to know our business."

" What!?! Are you shitting me? You should rot in hell for what you did to her."

" Please, Justin, Curly, please listen to me." Joey tried to take Justin's hand and motion for him to sit.

" Don't touch me, whatcha gonna do? Rape me as well."

" No, I was going to apologize. I can see that this hurt you a lot, and I understand why. But please know I would never hurt either of you intentionally. Britty, I am so sorry."

Justin looked to the door and saw Lance there, looking at him. Justin nodded to his friend and Lance wheeled himself in. " Will you be walking soon?" Justin asked through the tears. " In a few days." " Good." " Maybe we can help each other out." " What?" " Well you want Eric, and I want JC." " Yes." " So, we act like we are together, they get jealous and come back to us." " That's the worst idea I've ever heard." " Okay." " But it might just work." " Really?" " Yeah, but I don't it to be all Drive Me Crazy-ish." " What do you mean?" " Come here." " Okay." Lance wheeled himself over to Justin so that they were face to face. Justin placed his hands on either side of Lance's face and brought his lips to Lance's. When Justin kissed Lance, Lance kissed back with a hidden passion that he didn't even know was there. When they parted, they looked at each other. Something had just changed between them. Suddenly it was not about making other people jealous, it was about making themselves happy. ~~ " Joe, man this better be good, Rubes is still sleeping so you have some time." " Sit down." " Okay. Come on, you're scaring me." " I am quitting NSYNC. Find a replacement if you want, I leave tonight." Joey said it as fast as he could then looked up at his friend. " What?" " Please, I have to leave, its wrong for me to stay, I made a huge mistake, and this is what has to happen to make it better." " What kind of mistake is so huge that you have to leave the group? " I can't tell you," " Why?" " Please don't push this. Tell the others for me?" " No, not until you tell me why you are leaving." " I hurt someone." " Who, one of the guys? Apologize." " No, and I cant." " Please Joey, don't do this!" " Please Chris, I have to." " I don't understand this, you are my best friend, I can't watch as you walk out of your dreams and out of my life. I love you man." " I love you too bro. But you wouldn't if you knew what I did." " Tell me, God damn it! Tell me! Please, I'm begging you." Chris began to cry. " Oh, don't cry, please." " Then tell me why you insist on leaving." " It's about Britney." " What?" " I raped her." " What?" Chris backed away and whispered. " What?" Said a third voice JC walked into the room at that moment, he looked at Chris then back to Joey. Joey grabbed his bags and ran out of the room. He was almost at the elevator when he broke down in tears. He couldn't leave, he wanted to, but he couldn't. He didn't know what to do. He looked back and saw JC and Chris staring back at him. He turned back to the elevator and pressed the down button. The doors opened and before he could walk in, Britney walked out. He looked at her, fear was in his eyes. The tears kept flowing and he ran into the small booth. He turned at looked back at her, " Forgive me please, I am forever sorry." The doors shut on Joey Fatone. He rode the elevator down to the lobby and caught a cab for the airport. Britney, JC, and Chris tried to catch him, but were unsuccessful. He left, and there was nothing anyone could do to stop him. Justin has woken up from all the noise. He lifted his head off of Lance's chest and went to the hall. He saw the remnants of Joey's tirade. He ducked back into the room. He pulled on his shoes and ran down the back steps. He had to catch Joey, before it was too late.


Chapter 8

Justin searched as much of the city as he could, when the sun began to set, he stopped by a nearby park and sat down on a bench. He looked around. It was early even; not many people were around. It was so peaceful. He got up and walked around. After another hour, he found himself back at the hotel. He saw his friends sitting in the lobby. Britney was outside, waiting for him. He slowly walked up to her and hugged her. She hugged him back then pulled away. She looked at him with tears in her eyes.

" Brit? What is it?"

" It's Joey."

" Is he back? Is everything okay?"

" No, he's not okay."

" Is he back?"

" Yes."

" But?"

" He's upstairs. He was in the hospital."

" WHAT?"

" He was hit by a car."

" Is he okay?"

" I don't know. We took him home, but he hasn't talked to anyone. No one will let me in to see him, but I want to."

" I'll get you up to him."

" Thank you."

Justin and Britney walked to the back entrance and walked into the hall. They rode the elevator to the fifth floor and walked to Joey's room. Britney walked in alone, Justin told her she had this time to be with him alone. She walked in and sat down on a near by chair. Joey was looking off in the other direction.

" Joey?"

" Hello."

" How are you?"

" Peachy."

" Yeah."

" Sorry."

" No, don't be. I have some things to say to you, but I need to say them to your face."

Joey slowly turned his body. Britney took his hand in hers and looked into his eyes.

" Joe, we were both drunk. I know you, and as much as a flirt you are, you would NEVER hurt someone you loved. And I know you love me. I've seen the way you look at me when I'm not looking. Justin tells me you ask about me. Joseph, you need to understand, I love you too. I tear out your pictures in Bop. When you held me last night, I felt safe. But when I woke up, I realized that I gave away something that was precious to me, and I gave it away in a drunken act. But I'm not sorry that I gave it to you. One day, I hope we can make love to each other, and make it real. Joey, we may not realize it now, but we are meant to be together. Please hear my words and know my heart. Don't leave the tour, don't leave me. We can work through whatever this is. I love you."

Britney watched Joey's face. Her own face was soaked in tears. His was quivering. He was trying not to let emotion show, but as Britney took his hand, raised it to her lips, and kissed it, he let go. He began to cry like a baby. Britney crawled onto the bed with him and wrapped her arms around him. She out her head on his chest and Joey slowly out his arm around her waist.

" I love you too Britty."

Justin walked into the room to check on his two friends. When he saw them laying together, he knew in his heart that everything was okay. He placed a blanket over them and walked down to the lobby to talk to his friends.

" Justin! Have you seen Britney?"

" Yes, she is with Joey."

" WHAT?" JC looked at Justin like he was crazy.

" How could you let her go to him."

" They love each other."

" Do they really?"

" They are together now. I would recommend we let them be right now."

" Whatever." JC walked off.

Eric looked from JC back to Justin, he decided to go after JC, not looking back. Chris and Ruby walked back to his room. Justin fell to the couch and into Lance's arms. As he lay in his friend's arms, they became his lover's arms.

" I think I'm falling in love with you Lance."

" And I you."

The next day proved to be the most tedious of days. The members of the tour woke early and boarded their newly refinished busses. When they made sure they were all settled, they headed off on the route of the tour. While on the busses, it was not all play.

JC took advantage of the free time and slept. Eric, who loved sleep, did not want to sleep every minute of the day. He left his bunk and looked around the bus. He found Justin and Chris in a fierce game of Play Station. Joey and Britney were laughing in the kitchen, and Lance was sitting in one of the seats in the front of the bus. Eric walked to him. There was something on his mind, and only Lance could answer it.

" Hey Lance."

" Oh. Hello Eric."

" How are you?"

" Fine."

" Okay."

" Do you need something?"

" Just wanted to talk to you about something."

" What?"

" Um, well, are you and Justin in love?"

" What business is that of yours?"

" I, nothing, it was just a question."

" Why are you asking questions about my boyfriend, don't you have your own lover to deal with?"

" Yes, but, I just, I care about Justin, that's all, and I wanna make sure he's in a loving relationship."

" Well then, yes he is."

"Oh. That's good."

" Are we through?"

" I suppose so."

Eric got up and walked to the back of the bus. On his way to the bunks, he passed Justin. He was in the doorway form the den to the front seats. He looked at Eric with confusion in his eyes.

" Justin, I was just-."

" I don't get you."

" Huh?"

" You kiss me, and it felt fucking amazing! Then you go to Josh, do you know how that made me feel?"

" You have Lance now."

" Yes I do, but that doesn't change the fact that I want you,"

Justin looked at Eric as he whispered the last line and walked to his unsuspecting lover. Eric watched as Justin climbed on to Lance's lap and kissed him.

" Hey lover."

" Hey yourself."

" What did Eric want?"

" Nothing, he was just being an ass."

" I know how that is, well don't worry, I'm here to take away all your worries."

" Oh really?"

" Uh huh."

Justin slipped into the seat next to Lance and quickly replaced his body with his hand, which he slipped the crotch of Lance's pants. He looked up at Lance, who had his head laying on the seat, his eyes closed. He slipped one hand into the Lance's jeans, which were tightening up with each second. As soon as he heard Lance moan, he jumped up and straddled him. Lance's eyes flew open. He smiled and wrapped his arms around his young lover. Justin looked over to the bunking areas and saw that no one was around. He quickly started to unbuckle Lance's. He looked to Lance for approval. When he looked into the pair of deep green eyes he knew that what he was doing was more than okay.

He hopped off Lance's lap to pull Lance's pants down and slowly began to stroke him from outside of his boxers. Slowly, his hand crept up the side of one of Lance's thighs and began to gently run his fingers along his cock.

" Please Justy, please, I need you." Lance managed to breathe out heavily.

Justin ran his hand down to the tip and slowly massaged the slit with his thumb. With his other hand, he pulled down Lance's boxers. Lance picked himself up and off the chair to allow Justin to remove the material, which was in the way of the grand prize. Justin looked at Lance in all his glory and his mouth and eyes began to water. Lance took Justin's hands in his own and stopped him.

" What is it?"

" I've never don't this before."

" Oh baby, I'm so sorry."

" No, I know how, I just, it very overwhelming that's all."

" If you don't want to do this now...'

" I wanna, just relax and then I will be able to too."

" Okay baby."

Justin went back to work. He slowly lowered his mouth to Lance's head. As his tongue hit the base he was hooked, the smell, the taste he wanted it he needed it. He closed his mouth over it and began to take in more and more, he couldn't take all of Lance in, but he played with what he could. He slid him in and out of his mouth. He gently and slowly grated his teeth along his lovers length, stopping at the head each time to lick the slit. He felt a few drops fall onto his tongue. He increased to speed and suddenly he felt Lance shoot out and into his mouth. He tried to swallow, but it made him gag. He spit it out and onto the pile of clothes that was beneath him.

" God, Justin that was amazing."

" Really?"

" Yes really."

Justin looked up at his lover. He was so happy that he was able to share on of first sexual experience with someone he loved so much, but somehow it wasn't how he imagined it, or whom he imagined it with.

Eric looked on as the newest couple sat together after their first sexual encounter.

Eric was shaken from his thoughts as he heard Chris and Joey begin to bicker. He looked up and locked eyes with Justin who at the same moment looked up from Lance. Justin looked at him quizzically. Eric felt a wetness on his face and went to check. A few single tears had fallen. He couldn't help as more fell with each moment that Justin looked at him. Eric hung his head. He had lost someone who he was meant to be with. He lifted his head to see Justin's eyes still on him. He choked back a sob as the tears continued to fall.

Lance had decided to lay down on the seats and rest. Justin got off him and walked to Eric. He stood in front of him just looked at him. He raised his hands, placed them on Eric's face, and wiped off his tears.

" Don't cry."

" I can't help it."

" Please, or else I'll start to cry too."

" I'm sorry, I just, you and him, and not me, I don't know what to think."

" I know."

Justin removed his hands from Eric's face and picked up Eric's hands. He suddenly felt the need to hug him, to feel him close. Therefore, he did. He wrapped his arms around Eric's neck and pulled him close. Eric responded by wrapping his arms around Justin's torso and pulling him even closer.

" Do you feel what you do to me? In my body, in my heart?" Justin asked Eric this, his hot breath tickling Eric's ear.

" Yes, because I feel it too."

Britney got up from Joey's lap and walked to get her Discman, which was in her bag up front. As she got closer and closer to the doorway, she saw two figures in the light. She spotted Justin's hair before anything else. Then she noticed it was not Lance with him. She made out a tall lean man with brown hair. When she was just a few feet from them, she smiled.

' Finally, they found each other.' Britney thought to herself.

Then she looked over at the front where Lance was busy sleeping. She looked to the bunks and saw JC's arm hanging from his bunk. She was happy that her best friend was happy, but sooner rather than later, someone else was gonna find them, it wouldn't be her, and it wouldn't be pretty.

Another chappie done, and im so glad!! i was having such a hard time writing it, but hopefully yall will like this one and send me LOTS of feedback! thanks! ~Elisheva

Next: Chapter 8

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