Love Me

By moc.loa@092naelCrM

Published on Mar 20, 2000


Disclaimer and such: Yall should know the legalities of reading this. and i dont know the members of NSYNC. wish i did tho, they are so cool!

Okay, so I saw the last 45 mins of NSYNC live, and was inpsired to write this chap, dont ask, but it ws cool wasnt it? Justin's hair? Power to the fro! Feel Better Lance, i love you! lol. JC and Stubble, cant decide whether or not i like it. Chirs was DA BOMB!!! as was Joey!

Anyway, sorry about the wait, i haev started so many other stories, ok only one, but also with school, and all the pressure to actually graduate its hard to write, but here it is, the newest chap to Love Me. Read, Enjoy and remember to send feedback.


Eric watched from the spy hole in the door as Justin and Joey fought, and he saw Justin run down the hall. He desperately wanted to run out and help Justin in whatever was bothering him. Eric knew that Justin was not meant for him, JC was. As much as Eric lead his life with his mind, ultimately his heart won out, it always did. Would it this time?

Justin snapped out of his trance and slowly lifted Britney's light body out of the tub. He wrapped her in a towel and tucked her into bed. He climbed into bed next to her. " I won't leave you Britney Jean. Oh g-d. I love you. I can't help my feelings, but I do. I'm not supposed to fall in love with my best friend, especially not since you are a girl. But I, maybe I'm not in love with you. Maybe we just have a connection that is stronger than anything in the world. Yeah that's it. I'm in love with someone else. Why doesn't he love me Brit? You saw him. He felt that kiss too. But he went with JC. I can't agree with that, I wont. I won't lose the one man who I know can make me happy. And I really won't lose him to my best friend, a friend who belongs with someone else. That someone else, who aches for him. I want to help him, and you, but not lose myself in the process."

Lance reached for a glass of water and swallowed his daily regimen of pills. He spilled them back into the bottle and put it back in the drawer. So many time he dreamed of just talking them all and sleeping for the rest of his life. Then he thought about going a day with out seeing Josh. As much as Lance died seeing him with someone else, he would die if he couldn't see him at all.

Lance walked out to the balcony. It overlooked a lake. He reached into his pocket and took out a penny. He kissed it and let it fall. He watched as it hit the water and make a tiny splash. He looked past the lake and past the horizon, he looked for something that could tell him he was making the right decision.

" For you Josh. For you I will get strong. For you I will get better."

Chapter 7 Britney moved out of Justin's room the next day. She didn't want to be near anyone. She packed her things during a rehearsal of theirs and switched floors. She didn't believe that Joey meant to hurt her, but he did, and not they had to deal with it. Justin walked back into his room after practice expecting Britney to still be in. Seeing that she was not in bed or the room, he began to panic. He ran outside and ran into someone. " Justin, I would like to talk to you." " Not now." " Please, I'm so sorry, but-." " I said not now!" Justin yelled. " Please, I know you're angry with me, I never meant to-." " Shut up! I can't deal with you right now; maybe I can't ever deal with you! Now get out of my way, I need to leave!" Justin stormed down the hall leaving a confused and hurt Eric alone in the doorway. Justin reached Joey's door and pounded on it. When no one answered, he went to Chris's, then Lance's then because he had to, JC's. JC answered with a sleepy look on his face. " Look, I didn't want to come to you, but have you seen Brit?" " Didn't want to come to me? What?" " Have you? " No, what the deal?" JC said rubbing his eyes. " Oh never mind, Eric is down the hall if you feel like a midmorning fuck, I'm outta here." " What the fuck is your problem?" " Nothing, bye." Justin ran down to the lobby to ask about Britney. He was just about to reach the front desk when he saw Britney talking to Joey in a far off corner. He ran as fast as he could to them, and practically went ballistic as he approached Joey. " What the fuck is this?" " We're talking." " He raped you!" " Justin. Keep your voice down. We don't need the world to know our business." " What!?! Are you shitting me? You should rot in hell for what you did to her." " Please, Justin, Curly, please listen to me." Joey tried to take Justin's hand and motion for him to sit. " Don't touch me, whatcha gonna do? Rape me as well." " No, I was going to apologize. I can see that this hurt you a lot, and I understand why. But please know I would never hurt either of you intentionally. Britty, I am so sorry." Joey stood and placed a tiny kiss on Britney's cheek and before Justin had a chance to hit him, he walked away. Justin stared down at Britney with such anger. " Explain!" " I don't have to explain anything to you." " What?" " This is my life. Get over it Justin. It's over and done with." " No, its not, and I'll make sure he knows it." " Justin, do anything stupid and I leave the tour." " Whatever." Justin ran back to his room and slammed the door shut, the force was too strong and door bounced back open, but Justin did not notice. He fell onto his bed and let the tears flow. The more he cried, the more he realized that he wasn't crying for Britney, or Joey, or that situation, he was crying for himself. Justin began to pound the bed with his fists. " Why me? Why can he love me?" " Curly?" Justin looked to the door and saw Lance there, looking at him. Justin nodded to his friend and Lance wheeled himself in. " Will you be walking soon?" Justin asked through the tears. " In a few days." " Good." " Maybe we can help each other out." " What?" " Well you want Eric, and I want JC." " Yes." " So, we act like we are together, they get jealous and come back to us." " That's the worst idea I've ever heard." " Okay." " But it might just work." " Really?" " Yeah, but I don't it to be all Drive Me Crazy-ish." " What do you mean?" " Come here." " Okay." Lance wheeled himself over to Justin so that they were face to face. Justin placed his hands on either side of Lance's face and brought his lips to Lance's. When Justin kissed Lance, Lance kissed back with a hidden passion that he didn't even know was there. When they parted, they looked at each other. Something had just changed between them. Suddenly it was not about making other people jealous, it was about making themselves happy. Justin brought his lips back to Lance's and kissed him again. He swirled his tongue inside of Lance's mouth, sending shivers down both their backs. Lance responded by bringing his hands to Justin's waist. He slipped his hands inside of Justin's shirt and began to gently run his fingers up and down his chest. Justin pulled away and breathed deeply. Lance's breath was also ragged. He looked up and into Justin's eyes and smiled. Justin smiled back and kissed him again. Lance moved his hands to Justin's neck and played with the few curls that were around Justin's neck. Justin moved his arms to Lance's waist and gently lifted him off of the wheel chair and onto the bed. Lance laid down half next to half on top of Justin. He pulled way and looked down at his younger friend. " What now?" " Um, I'm kinda tired, will you hold me as I fall asleep?" " Of course." Lance repositioned himself and Justin so they were stretched out on the bed. He lay on his back, Justin resting his head on Lance's chest. Justin fell asleep, his head slowly moving up and down with Lance's breathing. Soon, Lance fell asleep too. Britney walked around the gift shop, she didn't want to buy anything, but she could bear to go back to her room. She had forgiven Joey. Why? She loved him. He made a mistake, she didn't want to lose their friendship. Eric jogged down to the girt shop to get some magazines for him to read. He went to the magazine section and heard the faint sounds of a girl crying. He looked sound and found Britney on the floor, her face hidden with a copy of People. " Britney?' Britney looked up and wiped her eyes. " Hey Eric, how are you?" " Better question, how are you?" " Me? Why do you ask?" " You were crying." " So I was. This article, in People, so sad. It was nice talking to you, I should get going, bye." Eric watched as she walked off. She body was still trembling. He paid for a newspaper and ran to catch up with her. " Britney, if you need to talk." " Really, Eric, I'm fine, thanks for your concern though." " Yeah, anything." Eric walked slowly back to his and JC's room and sat on the couch with the paper. He looked at his boyfriend sleeping on the bed, and thought of the man who slept next door. He put the paper down and left the room. He walked next door and saw that the door was open. He looked in and saw Justin sleeping, with someone. He took a closer look and gasped. There sleeping with the man he loved, was Lance Bass, a man in love with his boyfriend. He looked again to make sure he had the right person. He stepped back. " What the fuck is going on?" Eric wondered aloud as he walked back to his room. Joey walked back to his room and called Chris. " Speak." " Chris, man I need to talk to you. Can you come over." Chris looked over at the woman sleeping next to him. He kissed her softly and stood up. " I'll be over in a minute." Joey paced back and forth. He had made a decision, it was going to effect everyone, but he had to, it the right thing to do. He was in mid pace when Chris walked in. Joey had left the door open, so he would not have to open it himself. " Joe, man this better be good, Rubes is still sleeping so you have some time." " Sit down." " Okay. Come on, you're scaring me." " I am quitting NSYNC. Find a replacement if you want, I leave tonight." Joey said it as fast as he could then looked up at his friend. " What?" " Please, I have to leave, its wrong for me to stay, I made a huge mistake, and this is what has to happen to make it better." " What kind of mistake is so huge that you have to leave the group? " I can't tell you," " Why?" " Please don't push this. Tell the others for me?" " No, not until you tell me why you are leaving." " I hurt someone." " Who, one of the guys? Apologize." " No, and I cant." " Please Joey, don't do this!" " Please Chris, I have to." " I don't understand this, you are my best friend, I can't watch as you walk out of your dreams and out of my life. I love you man." " I love you too bro. But you wouldn't if you knew what I did." " Tell me, God damn it! Tell me! Please, I'm begging you." Chris began to cry. " Oh, don't cry, please." " Then tell me why you insist on leaving." " It's about Britney." " What?" " I raped her." " What?" Chris backed away and whispered. " What?" Said a third voice JC walked into the room at that moment, he looked at Chris then back to Joey. Joey grabbed his bags and ran out of the room. He was almost at the elevator when he broke down in tears. He couldn't leave, he wanted to, but he couldn't. He didn't know what to do. He looked back and saw JC and Chris staring back at him. He turned back to the elevator and pressed the down button. The doors opened and before he could walk in, Britney walked out. He looked at her, fear was in his eyes. The tears kept flowing and he ran into the small booth. He turned at looked back at her, " Forgive me please, I am forever sorry." The doors shut on Joey Fatone. He rode the elevator down to the lobby and caught a cab for the airport. Britney, JC, and Chris tried to catch him, but were unsuccessful. He left, and there was nothing anyone could do to stop him. Justin has woken up from all the noise. He lifted his head off of Lance's chest and went to the hall. He saw the remnants of Joey's tirade. He ducked back into the room. He pulled on his shoes and ran down the back steps. He had to catch Joey, before it was too late. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Hey yall, please tell me what you think! thanks!

Next: Chapter 7

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