Love Me

By moc.loa@092naelCrM

Published on Jul 23, 2000


Disclaimer: i still dont know any one in this story, well none of the real ones anyway, tho i will be seein my lance on Aug 1st!!!

Its been a while, and im sorry for the long ass wait. to all of the amazing authors to whose stories i have yet to read and send feeback, im gonna try to get all caught up b4 i leave for school!

Hey to AJ! hey babe! :) ok on to the story!

Chapter 17

"What am I supposed to do with all these blues

Haunting Me

Everywhere no matter what I do

Watching the candle flicker out in the evening glow

I can't let go

When will this night be over?"

"I quit, I quit, 'Cos loving you's a job I don't just need. Ain't gonna go to work no more. I quit, I quit. The situations vacant for me. Ain't gonna go to work no more. Ain't gonna go to work no more, ain't gonna go to work."

Joey walked around the halls of the hotel in a drunken mess. His lame attempt at singing Hepburn's ' I Quit,' was quite a sight to see. It was a surprise no one had woken up from his yelling. Joey just didn't care anymore. He had flown back to talk to the guys but when he got off the plane, ' Oops' was playing on the airport radio station. Instead of letting the much wanted tears fall, he took a cab to the nearest liquor store and bought as much booze as he had money for.

With his beer and vodka in hand he rode back to the hotel and walked the 15 flights to their private floor. He arranged all of the bottles in a line. He would drink one, put it back in the line, then smash it trying to make the sound as loud as he could make it.

By the time he finished the line of beer, he couldn't walk or talk straight, never mind sing straight. Joey tried to remember more lyrics to sing, but his mind drew a blank. He opened his mouth to sing and the first song to pop out of his mouth, was, to his surprise the song that sent him into this state of drunken madness in the first place.

"Oops!...I did it again, I, um I played with your heart, got lost in the fucking game. Oh baby, baby, Oops!...You think I'm in love, why the fuck would you think that asshole? That I'm sent from above, that you're not, I'm not that innocent, no no no you're not Miss Britney fucking Spears! Oh baby baby!"

Joey pounded his fists on the first door he came in contact with and continued to sing, well it wasn't really singing, it was more of a drunken scream.

"I think I did it again. I made you believe we're more than just friends. Oh baby. It might seem like a crush. But it doesn't mean that I'm serious 'Cause to lose all my senses. That is just so typically me. Oh baby, baby."

As soon as he pounded on the door along with ' Oh baby baby,' the door swung open and Joey fell, flat on his face, into the room.

" What the fuck man? Haven't you ever heard of respect."

" I was singin', that's my job."

" Yeah, whatever, at least you could have sung it right. Get up you lazy ass."

" Never knew you cared so much."

" I don't, but I need my sleep, because unlike you, I would never think of abandoning my friends when they need me the most."

" Like anybody even notices you at shows. You're just a stupid little gay boy who prances around on stage."

" And you're an asshole who raped the girl he claimed to love!"

Joey's head shot up in shock.

" What? You didn't think I couldn't defend myself? Give me that before I get a headache."

Joey crawled into the room fully and the door closed. He looked around the room, trying to find his bottle, only to see that it was being drunk out of.

" Hey! That was mine!"

Joey reached up, hit nothing and his arm fell down again.

" You should know something Joey, I have an extremely low tolerance for alcohol, you'd think a man in his 20's could hold more than a couple shots of this stuff, but if you did you'd be wrong."

" Whatever."

" I tend to do crazy things when I'm drunk."

" Yeah, well if they involves letting me sleep, I'm all for it."

" Oh, you'll be sleeping alright, but not after we have some fun."

" Fun? Huh?"

" Oh yeah, and you'll enjoy ever second of it."

"I didn't mean to fall

In love with you

And baby there's a name

For what you put me through

It isn't love

Its robbery

I'm sleeping with the ghost of you and me."

Britney wandered the lobby of the boys' hotel. She had flown in from Sweden, physically, she was all better. Mentally though, she was a wreck. All she could think of was Joey. He had sent her a few postcards over the past weeks that she had been away. She knew that he had gone home, and was trying to rebuild himself. He had told her that he would be back with the tour the first week of august, so she too planned to go back. She wanted her return to be a surprise though, from everyone. She didn't even tell Justin.

Mostly, she wanted to find a way to rebuild their relationship. She was ready to forgive and put it to memories. All Britney ever wanted was a man to love, and to love her back. To her, Joey was that man. Now, all she had to do was find him, and find herself within his heart.

" Seen a lot of broken hearts go sailing by

Phantom ships

Lost at sea and one of them is mine

Raising my glass, I sing a toast to the midnight sky

I wonder why the stars don't seem to guide me

I didn't mean to fall

In love with you

And baby there's a name

For what you put me through

It isn't love

Its robbery

I'm sleeping with the ghost of you and me."

Joey crawled onto the bed, unaware of his actions. Andre was, after just a couple shots, completely plastered. Joey looked at the other man, and the face didn't register. All that he saw was the face of the woman he loved. Not saying a word, he grabbed the head and pulled it down to his lips. The lips opened and returned the kiss. That all Joey remembered doing.

" The ghost of you and me

When will it set me free?

I hear the voices call following footsteps down the hall

Trying to save me what left of my heart and soul

Watching the candle flicker out in the evening glow

I can't let go

When will this night be over?"

Britney took the elevator to their floor. She was able to get a few numbers from the front desk. Andre was in room 1020, Brandon and Alex were in room 1034, and TJ was in room 1092. She knew that Andre was sometimes up late. She searched the floor until she came to his door. She raised her hand to knock when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist and lift her up off the ground and spin her around.

" I didn't mean to fall

In love with you

And baby there's a name

For what you put me through

It isn't love

I'm sleeping with the ghost of you and me."

Justin woke from his sleep. He heard Eric tossing and turning in his sleep. He looked over at his fiancée. He was silently crying in his sleep. When Justin went to touch Eric's tear drenched cheek, Eric recoiled and curled up in a ball. Justin retracted his hand and slid down to face Eric.

" Baby, what's wrong, please wake up and tell me."

" I didn't mean to. It's my fault you're gone."

" Eric, what are talking about?"

Justin shook his lover, hoping to wake him.

" We were supposed to be newlyweds, our happiest times."

" Eric? Please, you're scaring me."

" I don't love him, I will always love you, Jase, don't leave me."

Justin knew it was only a dream. However, somewhere inside of him went crazy. He got out of bed and ran out of the room. he saw a woman about to knock on someone's door and checked his watch. It was around 3 o'clock in the morning. The woman turned her head slightly, and her hair fell out of the clip that was holding her layered chin length hair up. Justin walked closer to see if he knew her. When Justin realized who it was he ran to her and hugged her tightly.

" I didn't mean to fall

In love with you

And baby there's a name

For what you put me through

It isn't love

Its robbery

I'm sleeping with the ghost of you and me."

" Put me down, what the fuck?"

" Britney, baby, its me."

" Jesus Justin, don't do that!"

" Sorry babe. What are doing back?"

" I'm back, for good."

" But Joey is here-."

" I know. I'm here, I'm back. hopefully, we can be back together before the next show."

" I admire your ability to forget the past."

" I have to. He's my heart. Al I've ever wanted was someone to love me like Joey does, I need him. kinda like you and Eric need each other."

" Yeah, me and Eric."

" What?"

" He had a dream. He said he could never love me, only Jason."

" He still grieves for him. Justin, but I know he wants you."

Britney looked own to look for her clip when something caught her eye. She raised her head and took Justin's hand in hers.

" I think this proves he wants you."

" But, his dreams."

" Justin. He wants you. But you have to understand something. In one year, he has been engaged, seen his fiancée die, gotten a son and fallen in love with another man who he wants to marry. These dreams could just be worry that something will happen to you too."

" I never thought about it like that."

" Yeah, well that's why I'm here. To set you straight, so to speak!"

" Shush you, come on, you can stay in our room. if you don't mind sleeping in the same room as the baby."

" No, that's alright, I can talk to Andre in the morning. Thanks Juju."

" Anytime Brit."

"I didn't mean to fall

In love with you

And baby there's a name

For what you put me through

It isn't love

Its robbery

I'm sleeping with the ghost of you and me."

Lance paced his room. He couldn't sleep. Did anyone expect him to? He had just dumped the man who had made him feel complete again. He wanted to take it all back. To tell TJ that he wanted to make love, to hold he and kiss him and love him. That just shattered dreams now. Lance sat on the edge of his bed and stared at the patterns on the floor. Small paisleys floated through the flowers on the tacky colored carpet.

He got himself a cup of water and left his room. He walked past Justin and Eric's room and heard light laughter coming from with in. He smiled and went along his way. He walked to JC's door. He heard the faint sounds of BBMak's 'Sooner of later' coming from the room. JC always did that. He always forgot to turn off the stereo.

They used to fall asleep to music, usually something calming like piano music or jazz. Lance shook his head. he wouldn't get anywhere remembering the past. His head was full of ghosts. Ghosts of TJ, and of JC and of his life with both of them. He stopped and looked at JC's door, as if it was going to tell him all the answers he needed to know.

He put a hand on the door then recoiled as soon he touched it. He heard the sounds of love making coming from with in. He backed away from the door as the sounds became recognizable.

" G-d, Josh that feels so fucking good!"

" Ugh, Trey, you're so tight, I'm gonna..."

Lance wanted to run so far from what he was hearing. But his feet were plastered to the floor. He stumbled backwards and fell, hitting his head on the wall as he crashed down to the floor.

" Shit, mother fucker!"

Lance screamed out in pain. He wanted to get away from the door before it opened. He picked himself up and ran back to his room, not noticing the blood on his hand, or the silent gasps of two men as a door opened.

Morning came, and Britney stretched her arms only to discover she was in the arms of her best friend that they were laying on the carpet. She detached herself from his arms and covered Justin in a blanket and walked down the halls of the large suite. She saw Eric sitting up in bed watched TV. She walked in and plopped down beside him.

" Hey."

" Hey Miss Brit, what's up?"

" Not much. sorry I stole your fiancée for the night."

" That's alright. I can't imagine him wanting to sleep with me after last night."

" Huh?"

" I woke up after he left and followed him outside. I watched and listened to the two of you talk."

" Oh."

" It was a dream."

" I know that. So does he. He just needs time that's all."

" Good."

" Well, I am gonna go see about food, you wanna come?"

" Nah, I'll stay here and wait for Justin."

" Okay babes, talk to you later."

Britney opened the door and looked around the hall. she saw the door for room 1020 open. She looked down and saw the paper. She remembered that that was Andre's room, and that she needed to talk to him. when she looked back up, she saw Andre and a man looking at each other. Talking in whisper.

" I don't remember what happened."

" I know, but I don't think we-."

" Oh, g-d, did we?"

" I dont't know. Joe, we got drunk as hell."

" I know."

" It was fun though."

" It was fun? I can't believe you would think that! Though don't disagree."

" You're so bad."

" Maybe."

" So, um, tonight?"

" Of course."

" Though this time, I think I'll bring water!"

Joey leaned in towards the man when he heard a gasp and a sob. He whipped his head around and saw Britney. Britney Jean Spears, the woman his heart yearned for, leaning against the door, sobbing.

" I came back for you, I believed that we still, that we, that we had a future. I guess I was wrong."

Britney wiped her eyes and ran down the hall to the lobby. She knew she'd find a familiar face there. She ran until her legs gave out on her and she collapsed onto a chair. Still in her PJ's and slippers, she let her tears take over and her body shook.

Britney remembered being lifted up and taken to a bed. She remembered the feeling of strong arms around her body and a cologne she knew all too well around her nose.

" I loved you Joe, why did you have to hurt me again?"

" I love you Britney, just sleep now."

"I didn't mean to fall

In love with you

And baby there's a name

For what you put me through

It isn't love

Its robbery

I'm sleeping with the ghost of you and me."

(Ghost of you and me, BBMak)

Whew, ive been tryin to write that one for a while! but its done. and im trying to write more often. Tho, from Agu 13-Aug 28 i may not be on a computer, so it may make it hard to get another chapter out before school starts, but i'll try! Please send me feedback! thanks, Elisheva,

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