Love Me

By moc.loa@092naelCrM

Published on Feb 24, 2000


Disclaimer: I don't know the boys of NSYNC or anyone who pops up in this story. as a general, that whole younger than 18 thing, yeah yeah yeah. dont read, read, yada yada yada. To my readers, this one is not as fucked up and definitely not as confusing as my story Destiny. Don't worry more of that is coming, but I am stuck as where to go with it so I thought I'd start this one. I do hope you enjoy it and remember to send feedback. It is a wonderful thing! Thanks much, Elisheva --->

Love Me

Chapter 1

" You will never believe who I got a job working for this summer?"

" Who?"


" Good for you."

" Darling, I love you, but you have to be enthusiastic."

" Why?"

" How do I out this in terms you will understand. Five hot and sexy men, me and you on tour with them for five months."

" What?"

" Come on, you need to get out of the house."

" Why?"

" Eric, sweetie, you haven't gone out and done anything fun since Jason left."

" Maybe I'm not in the mood."

" I don't care. I need company on this trip. And I know you will end of thanking me."

" And why is that?"

" Can we say Justin Timberlake?"

" Justin Timberlake."

" Very funny."

" Look, I appreciate the offer, but I don't need to hang out with a bunch of guys in a gay boy band."

" You're gay!"

" Oh, yeah."

" Please, consider it. Jason would want you to be happy."

" Don't go there."

" Why not? Fine, I want you to be happy and this will make you happy."

" It will?"

" Yes it will."

" I'll think about it ok?"

" Fine, we leave in a week."

Eric walked home after his discussion with Ruby, his best friend. He loved her, but he wasn't sure if she was right when she said he was ready. He looked up at the sky. Him and Jason used to spend hours just laying in the park staring at the sky. He tried to find an answer, to his prayers, that told him that Jase was looking out after him and that it was okay to love again. He did not find an answer. He didn't want to.

Ruby sat in her office filing papers. She had gotten a call from a close friend of hers, Kathy Millin. Kathy was the personal assistant to the group NSYNC. Their upcoming tour was almost canceled due to Kathy's announcement that she had to leave. Kathy had called Ruby to fill in for her, Ruby, and intense fan of Chris Kirkpatrick, said yes immediately. As Ruby sat at her desk filing the remainders of the contracts, she thought about Eric. The love of his life, Jason, had died six months earlier. They were together for about seven years. She felt for him, she did, but she knew that Jason was his guardian angel now, and that he would want him to try to go on with his life.

" Ruby, it's me, I'll go. Maybe you were right when you said that this was what Jase would have wanted. Maybe not. But even so, I need to try to get on with my life."

As soon as Ruby heard the message, she shrieked with joy. Yes she was a 26-year-old but she knew that this summer was going to be a summer to remember. She called Eric to confirm.

"Eric! I knew it!"

" Sorry, but I can't go."

" You better be kidding or I will have to go to your house and drag your 23 year old ass to the airplane."

" Well in that case."

" Fuck you, but seriously, you're coming."

" I know, I am."

" Don't fucking do that to me! Be packed and ready to go and at my house next Tuesday at 8am."

" Eight? Fuck no!"

" Fuck yes, I have work to do but get ready! I will see you next week."

" Bye honey."

" 'Night darling."

" I can't believe I agreed to this. How could I let her drag me here? I'm never gonna let her forget this. Shit! Where the fuck am I? I give up, I'm going home."

Eric grumbled as he walked from the parking lot to the gate. Ruby had to be at the airport earlier than she said so Eric had to find his own way there. Now he was lost, tired, and about to just sit on

the floor and cry. He sat down on a near by bench and out his head in his hands and wept.

Ruby spotted Eric from the gate. She watched as he sat and cried.

" Excuse me boys, I'll be right back."

She ran over to Eric only to find someone else was about to approach him. She slowed her pace and watched as the man sat down next to her friend.

" Excuse me? I don't mean to be nosy, but you seem to be upset. Can I help with anything?"

" Upset? Really? Was it that obvious?"

" Look you don't need to be rude, I was just trying to help."

" Don't!"

Ruby watched as Eric yelled at the man. The man walked back to his gate, stopping in front of Ruby on his way.

" I'm so sorry, Justin, he isn't usually like this."

" Fuck it Rube, I don't care." Justin stormed back to his friends and Ruby ran to Eric.

" What the fuck was that? He was trying to be nice!"

" I don't need nice."

" And was is it that you need?"

" Jase."

" What happened to getting on with my life."

" He is my life, I can't go on with out him."

" Well fine, then, go and waste tour life away moping. I am giving your this opportunity to meet people, and to be happy again. I didn't say you had to fall in love I just said you had to move on."

" I don't want to."

" Stop being a child. You need to realize that he's gone, as in not coming back! I know

you loved him. I loved him too. You don't think he meant the world to me too?"

" I never meant to imply you didn't care."

" Yes you did. Jason was my fucking brother, when he died so did I. But look at me, I've learnt to be happy and to laugh and smile. I know he's watching over me! Fuck now I'm crying. I cry about him every night before I sleep. I pray to god that he is safe and happy. Don't fucking give me this bullshit anymore Eric! I don't need to have constant reminder that my brother is dead!"

Ruby stormed back to the boys leaving a crying but shocked Eric to ponder what she just said. He wiped his eyes and looked over at Ruby and the boys. They were getting their tickets ready to board the plane. He watched as they made their way into the plane and as they began to shut the doors.

" Wait! Please, I'm supposed to be on that plane!"

" Ticket? Alright, go."

Eric walked onto the plane, finding a private jet. He walked in and heard laughter coming from the back. He sat down in a seat and got out his laptop. He began typing when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up and into the face of the woman he loved so much.

" I am so sorry."

" I know. I'm glad you decided to get off your ass and come."

" I am too."

Ruby went to her seat and took out her laptop. She glanced up a few times and saw that Eric had fallen asleep. She also saw that someone was watching him. She smiled at him and went back to her work.

Next: Chapter 2

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