Love Lust and Everything Between

By Nick K

Published on Nov 6, 2014


Love Lust and Everything Between Chapter 2

The following story depicts sexual relationships between two college-aged men. If this offends you, leave now and forever hold your flames. If it is illegal for a person in your area to read such material or you are under the age of 18, please leave also... Or don't. I really can't control you. Events that take place in this story are not true. While a few events may be based on my experiences, they are wholly false. Any events that are even slightly based on real events have had the peoples' names changed for their privacy and so on. Does anyone read these anyway? Also please please PLEASE donate to nifty. They are a wonderful site and need the support

So the first chapter was kinda slow, but it was supposed to be more of an introduction thing... oh I don't know. This chapter will hopefully be better because one, I'm going to make it longer and more in depth than the last one. Two, I'm going to try my hand at an actual sex scene this time. Please be kind, I'm an avid reader, not so much a writer so yeah... Enjoy!

I can never get over how much I love how this school looks. It's very small and basically in the middle of nowhere. It has quite a few trees but is surrounded by corn fields, like most places in Upstate New York. Most people complain about how bitter cold it is upstate, but right now, all I want is an ice bath because I'm so hot! After being guided into the parking lot by one of the Orientation Advisors, me and my dad get out of the car and walk towards one of the residence halls.

Orientation Advisors are just that: students who basically watch over the incoming Freshmen so that they can have a taste of college for a couple of days, just to go back home to wait anxiously for the school year to start. I see a few of them, and I think they're incredibly cute. The one who was helping people carry in their luggage was by far the cutest one there.

He was about 6'4", thin and toned, probably a swimmer, nice dirty blond hair and a smile that would make even a straight guy weak in the knees. His voice could only be described as perfect. As if every time he opened his mouth, angels would sing. Lucky for me I'm out to my parents, otherwise I'd have a lot of explaining to do as to why I was basically drooling while looking at this guy.

My dad shot me a look and sighed. He's pretty cool with me being gay and all, but he has a bit of trouble with some of the more intimate details. I'm also convinced that he likes my boyfriend more than I do sometimes. They like to bond over car things, which is strange considering Noah is one of the scrawniest guys I know.

The OA comes over to us and introduces himself

"Hi, I'm James!" He's so enthusiastic and bubbly that it burns. He extends his hand which I shake

"Nick" I say coolly. My dad also shakes his hand, introducing himself. "Let's take you to get your room assignment, shall we?" He flashes me a smile, I try my hardest not to melt. My dad picks up on this and hold back a laugh. It's times like these when I remember that he is more okay with it than I usually think.

We go inside the residence hall and it could be described in one word: dingy. You could feel the oldness in the building, confirmed by the asbestos warnings on the wall. Even with this building and most of the furniture in the building being older than my dad, I was incredibly excited and nervous and happy and every emotion I've ever felt. We got to the main lounge area where there was basically a small horde of Freshmen all trying to get their room keys so they could just relax for five minutes.

Even though it's hot as hell in here, I'm enjoying the view. It's as if this school decided to only accept incredibly attractive guys. Sure there are women too, but they could never hold a candle to the incredible attractiveness of the men here. We're all confined in a tight space, everyone's sweating and their shirts are clinging to their bodies. I just really want some of them to just take them off and show off the muscles that they so clearly worked hard for. Alas, that is merely a fantasy that would not come true.

I finally get my room assignment and apparently I'm going to be with someone named Matt. Wonderful. Rooming with someone with the same name as my ex. 3 days and two nights I'll have to put up with that. I mean, it wasn't an awful time with him, but it's not exactly something I care to remember. So don't even bother trying to get it out of me. Ever. I mean it.

Okay fine, I'll tell. We started going out when we were both 16. We were young, stupid and horny as all hell. We started dating first week of February and by Valentines day we had both lost our virginity. People say it's awful the first time, but they're wrong. It was hilarious. We couldn't figure anything out, but it was amazing by the end. Past that, we were fucking every chance we got.

Usually we would go to his house because both of his parents worked during the day and my mom is a stay at home mom. Before we would even get in the door we'd be making out, pressing our lips harshly against each other. He would always get fully hard first. I loved feeling his rock hard five inches pressing against my leg. That would always make me extend to my full what was then 7 inches. Then I would start grinding against him

He would gaze at me with his stunning green eyes and give me a look of pure lust. One that screamed for me to just take him then and there. No words were exchanged, only grunts and moans that could be considered nothing short of primal. We would only break a kiss long enough to start removing our clothes. First came our shirts so we could feel the heat of each other's torso pressing together. Feel our smooth, hairless bodies nimbly gliding together. Then we removed our pants and we all know where this is going now.

Blowjobs first. Always blowjobs first. They were my favorite part. Just the control I had over him. Having my rock hard cock being forced down his throat. The way he would gag on it whenever he tried to move even the slightest below the head. It always made me feel so powerful. In the moment, I had all of the power in the world and he had nothing. Depending on my mood, I might have returned the favor, but most of the time, we just went on to the main event.

We would finally make our way to his bedroom and I would throw him down on his bed. He would get the lube from his top drawer and start coating my now throbbing cock with one hand while he lubed himself with the other. After I felt like he had lubed me up enough, I would plow right into him. Sure the first few times I started off slow, but soon I learned that we both liked it more if I started off rough.

Screams and moans could be heard throughout the entire house. I kept ramming into him as hard as I could and I would love it when he would cry out like the bitch he was. When I was inside of him, that's all he was and he knew it. Usually as I fucked him, he would jerk himself off, unless I was feeling particularly mean. Either way, he usually came at least once, but he usually came twice. He was a pretty small guy, but when he came, it was usually buckets, with the second time being even larger than the first. A normal orgasm for him would usually result in 7 shots, each lasting about a second each and would usually shoot up to his face if I were fucking him. That was by far the sexiest thing about him. I loved watching him shoot those loads all the time.

I usually finished right after one of his orgasms. With his screaming intensifying, begging me to keep going harder and harder, begging me to shoot my load deep inside him to breed him and his tight hole becoming even tighter as it squeezes my cock, which is monstrous compared to his hole. The warm, smooth tightness around my cock was always so fantastic. He would gasp as I expanded inside him and I unleashed a torrent inside of him. Then I would pull out of him, my cock covered in my own cum and his juices and make him clean it off. I'd lay down and he would just start sucking away at it.

Either way, I go inside and my roommate still wasn't there. Perfect, Maybe I'll be able to slip out before he gets here. I need to do some stuff apparently before the orientation programs start. I headed to the library to get my ID card and take my math and foreign language placement exams. It's all in all, incredibly dray and boring. My dad has since left to go off with the parents to go through the parent orientation. I walk around a bit and see a group of 2 guys huddled around playing with 3DSs. I immediately go over and start geeking out over Pokemon for a while.

First there is Stephen. He is a bit shorter than I am, maybe 5'10" and thin. He has reddish blond hair and incredible light brown eyes. He is the very definition of cute in my opinion and I melted a bit when I first laid eyes on him. Cute guys are such a weakness of mine. The other guy, Jordan, wasn't as cute, but he was insanely attractive. He was a person who had muscles on his muscles. Every cut was visible on his perfect torso thgough his tight t-shirt. . He had a rough face that seemed to scream "fuck with me and die." However, he turned out to be kind of a teddy bear after getting to know him a bit. They were apparently roommates for orientation and knew each other in high school and considering rooming together once the semester started.

There is an announcement in the library for all orientees to head to the auditorium. We all get to the auditorium which is filled fairly well, but that's what happens when you have about half of an entire Freshman class together in one space. The school has several auditoriums, but this was was chosen because it would fit everyone and it was the most central on campus. I ended up sitting with Stephen and Jordan while we listened to a lecture on general school policy and what will be expected of us in the Fall. Pretty boring things. We all got orientation schedules and were told to head back to our rooms and our OAs will be there soon to start doing the normal orientation things.

The three of us head back to the dorm, but we are split up because I am a floor below them. I finally get to meet my roommate though. Matt was a bit shorter than I was at around 5'9" and had wavy light brown, almost dirty blond hair. After seeing him, I become even more convinced that this school only accepted incredibly cute guys because I have yet to see an unattractive guy on this campus. Granted, I couldn't tell you shit about the women on campus, but who really cares about them anyway?

Matt just stood there unpacking some things. Granted, we didn't have much, but he seemed like a fairly neat person and I was... well, lets lay far from that. I was admiring how he was very neatly arranging his bedsheets until they were perfect. I was lucky that I remembered bedsheets, let alone bothered to make sure they were perfectly spread out on my bed. This was going to be fine for me, but probably not so much for him.

"Hello?! Is anyone there?" Matt asked, breaking me from my daydream.

"Shit, yeah. Sorry. I'm Nick" I said shaking his hand.

"Well duh! I figured that one. Our names are only kind of on the door." He was a sarcastic little shit, apparently. I liked that though. I usually like a tad of sarcasm so it would work well. I decided to unpack my stuff as well because I just rushed out of the door before.

I could feel his eyes digging into me as I started to very carefully remove my stuff from my bags and dump it all over the floor. I haphazardly threw my bedding together and I thought he was going to murder me right then and there. It was kind of amazing.

"Aren't you going to fix that?" He asked, I could hear the franticness in his voice.

"what's the problem with it? I can't see one." I said, shooting him a smirk. He just glared back at me and continued doing his thing. Next thing I know, there's a knock at our door. "It's James! Your OA! Meet in the lounge at the end of the hall in 5 minutes!"

"Ready to go?" I asked Matt.

"No." was all he said and went back to doing him.

"See you in a bit, then" Which he ignored. I hope I didn't make him too mad. I get that he probably has OCD, but still. I don't feel too bad. I enjoy fucking with people so we're probably not going to be too friendly after orientation if he can't take that.

I walk down the hallway and enter the lounge. I see a whole bunch of faces that I've never seen before and they all seem to be best friends already. I just do what I normally do in a situation like this: completely breakdown and not talk to anyone and give myself in to my social anxiety. It really was a miracle before that I managed to go up to Stephen and Jordan. I wish they were in my orientation group.

The group was a mix of men and women with two people wearing the Orientation Advisor polo in the front of the lounge. They had us all sign in on a sheet to make sure that everyone was there, but there were still some people that we were waiting for. The last person to walk in was Matt, who seemed upset. I would have to make a note to talk to him later and apologize, something that I rarely do.

We go about doing orientation things, introduction games, getting to know each other activities and such. We were basically going until dinner time, and then we had a bit more freedom. I finally got to meet up with Stephen and Jordan again. They were still mostly keeping to themselves which I was fine with. Less I had to share with other people. I couldn't help but feel like a bit of an outsider when interacting with them, however. They were incredibly close friends, apparently best friends since elementary school.

We just spoke about random things at dinner. Asking majors and such. Stephen is a Biology major (like so many people) and Jordan was a Psychology major. I, on the other hand, am still undecided. I know I want to go into something with science, either Biology or Chemistry, but I'm not entirely sure either way. Luckily for me there's a lot of overlap in those fields so yay for me, I guess. We finished ingesting the barely edible "food" that the school has and then continued on for another hour or so separated doing more boring orientation things. We finished up with that, and were told to get to sleep fairly early tonight because we would be woken up at 7:00 the next morning to create our schedules for the fall semester, but then we would have the rest of the day to ourselves to get acquainted with the other Freshmen.

That's exactly what I did. I went to my room and decided to wait and see if Matt would come back any time soon. I decided to text Noah in the meantime, let him know how things are going. It was just then that I realized that I had forgotten to text him all day.

N: Hey! :)


N:Where are you?

N: Are you okay? Each of them were spread about an hour apart. Shit. I finally text him

Me: Sorry! I've been really busy today :/

N: Yeah, sure, you go away to college and you think youre better than me :P

Me: Oh, you know me. Start getting myself educated and I don;t have time for you "commoners"

N: I'm gonna slap you when you come home -.-

Me: Love you :D

N: No.

Me: Please?

N: Ugh. Fine <3 Love you too

Me. I need to get to sleep though. I'll talk to you tomorrow!

N: You better!

Me: Yes, mom :P

N: shut up and sleep you jerk.

Me: Tehe :) Gnight!

N: Night!

Sometime in the middle of all of this, Matt walked in and saw me smiling like an idiot.

"Girlfriend? I know that smile on anyone. It's definitely a girl."

"Umm... no. It's not. It's my boyfriend, actually." I see him recoil slightly at that.

"Oh" He says slightly confused. "Good for you then, I guess."

"You have a problem with that?"

"No. It's just that I, um, I didn't expect you t-to have a.... I mean I didn't." He was struggling to get through this, but I was patient. "You're gay?! You look so straight though!"

"Well. I can inform you that I'm not straight in any way. Are you-"

"No!" He cut me off right away. He then stared at his feet.

"Look, I obviously don't care if you are." I try to comfort him.

"I'm not a fucking fag now leave me alone." He said strongly. I just raised my hands and said sorry for trying to help. I could see him shaking. There's no way he's not.

"You want a drink?" I asked him, pulling out a small glass bottle filled with vodka. I had brought it on the slim chance that I would get invited to a party so I wouldn't seem like a loser.

"What? You want to get me drunk so you can rape me?! No thanks." He snapped at me.

"Alright. Guess I'm drinking alone." I pull out a shot glass and pour one for myself.

"Ugh. Fine. I'll have one I guess. You shouldn't be this pathetic." He takes the shot and we both down it together. My first taste of alcohol beyond a small amount of champagne at a wedding or two. It hit me like a ton of bricks, but I would never let him know that. He seemed to take it and enjoy it a lot.

"Oh how I've missed this. Vodka is my favorite, but I haven't been able to drink all summer." He tells me, asking for another shot. I pour each of us another, and we both down it. We start talking about other things. School, home life and everything else you could think of. It's about an hour later, around 12:30AM. We've both had three by now and I'm really starting to feel it. He seems to be much better off. We had gotten on the topic of video games and he had one on his laptop he wanted to show me. He got off his bed, grabbed his laptop and sat right next to me.

Our thighs touched as he started playing. He kept his laptop lower towards his knees, giving me a perfect view of his crotch. He was only wearing boxers and a tee shirt like I was because of the heat. Both of our boxers had buttons so there wasn't likely going to be anything peeking out which was upsetting. I may be in a relationship, but I get what I can. He wanted another one, so we both had another shot. That's when I started to black out. I don't know what I said. I think he realized how out of it I was and he started asking weirder and more personal questions. He asked me how big I was. If I had sex before. How often. Then I remember seeing his dick slip out and feeling his hands on mine. I lost another few minutes and he had his head between my legs. I lost more time and then I remember him fucking me. I remember feeling like I was being ripped in two. I remember seeing it, but I can't remember any details about it. All I remember is waking up, my lower back and ass sticky with cum.

Well, that's it for this chapter. Those were my first attempts at writing a sex scene so please let me know what you thought! I don't know how regular I'm going to be uploading, but I can guarantee that feedback will probably increase the likelihood of me updating because I always get in the mood to write whenever someone mentions my writing so please send feedback, even if it's a short little thing. Please send comments to Stay happy and spread love, my friend :)

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