Love like this....

By Taylor Tree

Published on Jun 5, 2006



Okay, so any feedback would be greatly appreciated Send all to Thanx y'all

Disclaimer: This story is based on a true experience of mine that happened in college . Names have been changed to protect the people. Rights reserved by the author. All members in the story are age 18 and older. If this stuff is not allowed in wherever you live, then GO AWAY. Otherwise... enjoy. It may not start as a stroke story but it will get to some good stuff.

So anyway, i'll get on with the story. All characters names are fictional, so any relations to people, dead or alive, are completely coincidental BTW, it's my first story, so be nice.....please

Ugh, why do I even bother?Maths is just not my subject. Why do we even learn all this crap in the first place? It's not like i'm gonna whip out some stupid algebraic equation to solve how many cows there are on a stupid farm. Why not just count them? I'm never going to use half the stuff i learn in real life. But maths does have it's up side. There's Jared after all. Jared is um.... how do i say this. TOTALLY HAWT!!!! He's 5-11, very muscular. He has brown messy hair. And he's very flirtatious. I don't know if he realises it ,but he flirts alot. I mean ALOT. He's exclusivly straight, but a boy can hope, can't he?

Okay so wait, i better back up and tell you all about me and my life. My name's James. I'm 19 and i'm still in secondary school. I know, shouldn't i be in uni now? Well i was in a car accident a while back which made me miss a bit of school, so here i am, making it up. I'm a 5-7 kinda geeky, unco-ordinated teen with semi-short blond hair.Don't wear glasses, thank god! I have contacts. I go to an all boys boarding school, which has lead to a very early education for me about sex since i'v gone here since i was 7. I lost my virginity when i was 12, to a 15 year old guy who was just horny. It wasn't rape or anything, but it was veiwed that way when i told the school counseller. Don't ask me why I was so stupid as to tell the counseller, but i dunno, i was young and trusting, so i told her, and she told evryone . So the whole school knows about my sexual orientation. And now i have a reputation for being a slut, even though i'm not... honestly.

But yeah, so where was I? Oh thats right. Jared. mmmmnnnnnnn Jared. Wow, no wonder i'm no good at maths with that distraction in my class.


ugh whoops, that's the bell. yeah, our bell is like some groaning buzz. I grab my bag and start to pack up.

"um, James?"

I look up. Now i must of been dreaming cause Jared was standing there. In front of me. TALKING TO ME!!!

"James, Hello."

"Oh um yeah hey, what's up?"

OMG, was this going to be my widest fantasy come true?

" Look, i know you're kinda good at maths, so i was wondering if you could help me?"

....Should of known. And WHAT? i'm no good at maths. I'd be honest, i was better then him, but far from good. But i wasn't about to pass the chance to talk to him

" Oh yeah sure, What do you need help with?"

" Um, how about everything"

"Specifically.... There has to be something in particular?"

" Well, mainly Trig and Calculus. I can deal with statistics."

" Um sure, I'd be happy to help"

"Cool, can we meet up after school, in the library?"

" Dude, the library's closed after school"

" Fuck, thats right. Okay, so meet me in my dorm, okay?"

"Wait, don't you share a dorm with Lucas?"

"Yeah, why?"

Lucas Jason was the biggest pompus dickhead i have ever met. He made my life hell through high school, so i wanted nothing to do with him.

" Um you know what, why don't we meet in my dorm. Dorm 27A?"

"Alright, whatever suites you, so i'll see you after school?"

" I wouldn't miss it for the world."

So with that, he left. Then it all dawned on me. Jared would be in my dorm. My dorm. Jared would be in it. With me. Alone. I almost creamed myself at the thought. But no, he had asked for tutoring. Oh, and speaking of tutoring, the new tutors assembly is in like five minutes. You see, my school gets these like twenty year old guys from different countries to come overseas for a year to help the staff sort us out. Oh yeah, interesting little tid-bit of info i forgot. I live in New Zealand.So we get people from England, Ireland, Australia, and lots of other interesting places.

So i finished packing my bag and headed for the hall. The assembly was so boring, and i couldn't help thinking of Jared. His strong muscular arms, nice, defined 6 pack and the little tuff of hair on his chest. Jared was smooth except for that tuff, and a small black line leading to his pubic hair.

" Yo, denny, whats the matter with you?"

My attention turned to my mate, Mark.

"I'm sorry but what?"

" You completely zoned out there"

"Oh yeah, sorry"

" You wanna explain?"

" Jared asked me for some help in maths, so he's coming over to my dorm after school."

"Oh, that explains it."

"What the hell does that mean, aye?"

" Jared's hot, and it explains that bulge in your pants dude,"

"Shut up,"

Yeah, so Mark's gay as well. Most of my friends are, except for Matthew, Maxi and Sam.Wait actually, scratch what i just said, Marks bi. He has a girl friend, but she knows that he likes guys so, thats all fine.

Anyway, back to the assembly. The principal was introducing all the tutors and where they came from.

" So here we have Chris Osbourne. Chris is from England. Please stand up Chris."

A cute blrunette guy stood up. He was very sports orientated, you could tell from his demeanor.He was quite stocky, but definately not fat or anything.

"Next we have Josh Phillips. Josh also joins us from England.Josh, please stand."

A kinda short, kinda blondish guy stood up. He had this kinda ugly cute thing going on. He looked hot!

" And later this week we will be joined by George Volport. He's is from Germany. I'm sure you all will treat these fine upstanding gentlemen with the utter most respect."

And with that the school day was over. And afterschool was here. Time to go and meet Jared.

So yeah, thats the end of chapter one. Please tell me any suggestions you guys have like if you guys have a specific character you guys want me to get more indept on.

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