Love Letter

By Mike O

Published on Nov 30, 2000


Disclaimer: This is fiction. Nothing more than the product of my warped, twisted mind. :-) The characters in this story are not gay, that I know of. I don't know N Sync, nor do I expect to ever know them. Though I would trade my grandma's famous pumpkin pie recipe for JC. :-P

Acknowledgements: Jeffy: For his friendship and always being there to listen to me bitch.

Dru: For above listed reasons. Thank you for being my friend. :-)

DLS: For being the kick-ass writer that you are and inspiring me. As per your request, I will no longer refer to you as God of Nifty, simply as Overlord. :-)

ScottyT: For also being a kick-ass writer, a sarcastic jerk, and overall just being adorable. :-)

The people of the chat room, I thank you for your friendship and advice.

Recommendations: Brian and Me, by DLS

Search and Rescue, by Matt Hunter

Mirrors, by ScottyT. (Hot damn! A JC story!)

Lance in Shining Armor, also by ScottyT

Beneath It All, again, by ScottyT

A Love Like This, by Stacia

Any Path, by Dara Lynn

No Painless Way, also by Dara Lynn

The Interludes series, again, by Dara Lynn

And many others, too numerous to count or name. Rest

assured, there are plenty of great ones out there. :-)

"I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat." --Will Rogers

The Love Letter Part One

From: To: Subject: Love You :-) Time: 01:12 EST 29 Oct 00

Babe, do you ever notice, that every time we're apart, we turn into mindless computer geeks? And our cellular bills always seem to escalate when the two of us are miles apart? I figured you might be sleeping right now, or trying to, but I just wanted to get one last 'I love you' in for the night. I miss you terribly, even if I can hear your voice at least twice a day. It's lonely in bed without your warmth and your arms wrapped around me, and that's what I miss most of all. Oh, I miss the sex too. :-p Right now, I hope you don't mind that I'm being unfaithful to you with Rosie Palm and her five sisters.

Can you believe it's been almost a year? It's gone by so fast, and yet every minute I spend with you is a blissful eternity. I could never have imagined we'd be together. When you told me you loved me and had feelings for me the first time, I was too stupefied to know if it was real or just a figment of my overactive imagination. After I got over that, I was just so happy, happy that the love of my life returned my feelings. I still am, sweetie, and thankful every day of my life that I have you. You've always been my angel, my light in the dark, so to speak, and I pray every day that you always will be. When I'm with you, the whole world ceases to exist in my head. All the bad stuff in the world just disappears from my mind when I'm close to you. I miss you so bad, love. Normally, I'd be happy to be in New York. I love the bright lights of the big city, and even still have time to put on a baseball cap and shades and be a regular tourist. I've never been here without you though.

Well, it's only going to be one more day, Just, so don't fret too much. I'll fret enough for the both of us. :-) I know I'll have a huge hug and more kisses for you when I come home. Chris says hello too, he misses you too, though not to the extent I do, of course. :-)

Hugs and kisses, and lots and lots of love for my baby, Yours always, Love, Josh

P.S.: I love you this <-----------------------------------------------------------> much!!!

P.P.S.: Forever.

JC woke up the next morning in his empty hotel bed. He did his morning business and thought to himself, "Might as well check the e-mail." His face lit up like a Christmas tree when he saw the newest message in his mailbox.

From: To: Subject: Re: Love You :-) Time: 07:05 EST 29 Oct 00

Sweetie, I was tossing and turning all last night thinking about you. I know you miss me, baby, and I miss you tons. I wish I could've come up there with you, but, hey, management sucks, don't it? I think if we try extra hard, next time, we can convince them to let us go together and be with each other instead of being so far apart.

You know Josh, I think that when two souls are destined to be together, as we are, they have to go through things like this to be together. I mean, it's not a picnic, but we could be Somalian refugees starving to death, and saying that what we're going through is in any way comparable is crazy, but it's an obstacle, just the same. Once things settle down, as even I know they will, eventually, maybe we can go public and declare our love for each other. I hate having to hide my feelings for you because they're so strong, and our bond is unbreakable, and I know you hate having to hide it too. I wish the whole world could see how happy we are together, but it's just not possible right now. Hell, there are people back home in Tennessee who would string me up from the nearest tree because I happen to love a man.

I just wish they could realize that you're not just any man. I wish that they could realize that love is not a sin. I wish that they could realize that our love is not a sin. The love I feel for you is purer and stronger than any I've ever known. You are a beautiful man, Joshua, inside and out, you are the most beautiful man I have ever known. And loving you is not wrong. If it is, I don't really care to be right.

As for your infidelity to your one true love with your hand, I'll let it slide. I'll stand by my man. Just call me the boy band Hillary Rodham Clinton. :-) By the way, how do you feel about me running for the Senate from New York?

Oh, baby, I miss you so much. Is there any way you can come home tonight instead of tomorrow morning? Or is it more work after Rosie and Letterman? Call me and let me know. The cell's always on. :-) By the way, I love the Top 10 list you're doing with Chris for Letterman. If you need any suggestions for it, I can help. I've got plenty of Rejected Boy Band Names floating around in my head. :-)

I'll let you get ready to go. Say hi to Rosie (O'Donnell, not Palm :-p) for me. Call me before you go on, if you can.

I love you.

Always your baby, Love, Justin

P.S.: I love you < ------------------------------------------------- > this much too!

P.P.S.: Hugs and kisses and lots and lots of love to you too. :-)

JC smiled at the love he felt inside him at that moment. He reached for the phone and dialed Justin's number. "Hello?" JC heard the most beautiful, musical voice in the world say.

"Morning, sweetie," he smiled.

"Josh! Aren't you supposed to be getting ready for Rosie?"

"Yeah, but I wanted to talk to my beautiful, devastatingly gorgeous boyfriend."

"Aww, you're so sweet, Josh."

"I know," JC chuckled. "So where is Lance then?"

"Oh, shut up," Justin laughed. "How'd you sleep, babe?"

"Not well. After I wrote that e-mail to you I went to bed, but no luck falling asleep. I managed to get a couple hours, at least."

"Better than nothing, I suppose. Hey, did you talk to your parents about them coming down to Florida for Thanksgiving?"

"Yeah. They're receptive to the idea, but not sure if they can rope Heather and Tyler into coming. Apparently there's some 'party of the century' that Tyler wants to go to instead. Heather's not sure if she can get out of work that weekend, but she's trying."

"Good. At least we got your folks. Maybe you can use your influence on Tyler and get him to come."

"I'll certainly try. But I wouldn't mind it if it were just us. Less hassle, less turkey. Or more turkey for us."

Justin smiled. "Turkey's not the only meat I'm having for Thanksgiving, baby," he giggled.

"Ooh, I love it when you get nasty with poultry terms," JC laughed. "It really turns me on," he said, mock-seductively.

"There's plenty of time for that later, babe. Hose yourself down," Justin replied with a smile. "Did you check and see if you could get home tonight?"

"Well, Letterman tapes at 5, and it seems Chris and I don't have anything else to do after that, so I think I might be able to catch a flight home. Don't quote me on that, though."

"I hope so. I can't wait to see you again, Josh. I miss you so much."

"I miss you too, Just. And if I can't get home tonight, definitely tomorrow. I promise. Until then, we can have phone sex."

Justin giggled. "How do you have sex with a phone?"

"Um, never mind," JC stuttered back with a grin.

"Ooh Kay. I'll let you go, sweetie. Have fun."

"I will."

"Knock 'em dead, stud," he laughed.

"Count on it," JC smiled back.

"I love you."

"I love you too."



JC no sooner had hung up the phone than a knock at his door roused him from his love-struck reverie. "Hey JC, it's Chris, you up?" he heard his oldest bandmate shout.

"Door's open!"

"Hey JC," Chris greeted him as he walked in. "Did you call Justin yet?"

"Yeah, I just got off the phone with him. Why's that?"

"Well, you might want to tell him that we're coming back tonight instead of tomorrow. I got an OK for us to go back tonight, if we wanted to."

"That's great! God, I can't wait to see him again."

"I know, man. That's kinda why I pushed for us to go tonight. Figured you and J needed some bonding time. My God, it's been three whole days. You must be disintegrating as we speak," Chris laughed.

"Oh, shut up. You're just jealous cause you're not in love like me and Justin are!"

"I have a general idea. Something relating to the moans of 'Oh, Justin!' 'Oh, Josh!' that we all had to go through on the last tour."

JC's cheeks turned a distinctive red color as he stammered and giggled and told Chris to shut up.

"I guess that's enough teasing for now, Tomato-Boy. The limo's waiting to take us to Rosie."

"OK, just a second." JC pulled out his wallet and kissed the picture he kept of Justin in there, and followed Chris down the hall.

Well, this concept is something I've been tinkering with for a while. Seeing the multitude of JC/Justin stories out there, I figured I'd try my hand at it. I certainly hope you all liked it. Feedback and constructive criticism is always welcomed at Flames are cheerfully ignored. Thanks for reading everybody!

"Nothing takes the taste out of peanut butter quite like unrequited love."

--Charlie Brown

"It is the passion that is in a kiss that gives to it its sweetness; it is the affection in a kiss that sanctifies it."

--Christian Nestell Bovee

Next: Chapter 2

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